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(L,F&E 83) Can You HANDLE the Truth?


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“Any change?” The soft, scared voice came from nearby but the black armored form did not move from where he stood. Will Kalenath barred the door as he had since he had arrived aboard the Sitolon homeship. Sharra Kalenath strode from the side corridor and paused as he blocked the door with his not insignificant armored mass. “Will…”


“Sharra, no. You go in there and she will kill you.” Will slumped a bit. “I don’t know whether it’s Istara, Sharlina or both of them. But she swung at me, Sharra. If I had been a millisecond slower, she would have cut me.”


“Will… They need her. She is the only thing holding the Bladeborn together. If she falls apart…” Sharra gulped softly and the small bundle that she held whimpered a bit. She gave the infant in her arms a pat and he subsided. “Wait a sec…”


“Sharra….” Will’s voice held warning, but Sharra did not move, just stood there.


“Anyone who is a threat to her will be targeted. I am, you are, even Sara and Sarai are.” Her face came up and she smiled sadly. “I know someone who isn’t.”


“Sharra…” Will shook his head slowly. “Anyone who goes in there is not going to come out.” He paused as his wife grinned sourly. He froze. “Sharra…”


“Trust me, Will. It’s a girl thing.” Sharra stared towards the com console. “Are the Sitolon awake yet?”


“They were paralyzed, not asleep.” Will winced and put hand to his head. “They have been talking to me this whole time and as mad as you and I are… They are furious.”


“I need to talk to Majistrona.” Sharra started off. “Can you…? Stay here?” She asked softly.


“I am not going anywhere.” Will said and his eyes were glistening. “She wouldn’t want me to.” He bowed his head. “Go… But Sharra… Be careful…”


“I am not taking any chances with James again.” Sharra said in an icy tone that had the babe in her arms start to cry. “Sorry, darling. Momma’s not mad at you. Easy… Easy…” She cooed as she walked away.


Sharra walked into a large room and was immediately assaulted by noise. Huge insects were moving and talking all at once. It was a cacophony. The babe in her arms cried out in discomfort and the noise in the room stopped as if cut with a knife. Sharra walked into the middle of the room and nodded to the huge insect that sat in the middle of the nesting chamber. “Majistrona… I am sorry…I grieve with you…”


“It was not your fault.” The ancient queen of the Sitolon said quietly. A bronze form was laid at the queen’s feet. “But to have her die in such an ignoble way… I expected my daughter to die in battle, from disease, perhaps from the Dark Cousins. Not like this…Not from a poison.” She stroked the still form at her feet. “Among our people… Drones have a finite span, queens do not. I… I am old, Sharra Kalenath. But no parent should outlive her daughter.”


“I know.” Sharra bowed her head. “Holianahyatoujikaimnana was a great being. One of the greatest I have ever met. I knew the moment I met her that she was special. ‘I am sorry’ simply cannot convey the sorrow and pain that I feel. I know that the sorrow and pain that I feel are miniscule compared to what you feel. But…” She broke off, unsure as to what to say or how. The ancient queen of the Sitolon made a very human sounding sigh.


“Istara is… not well at the moment.” Majistrona said and then made a soft and sad chuckle. “That is putting it mildly. Your husband is correct. She has no ‘friend or foe’ recognition at the moment. Anyone who enters that room…”


“Anyone who is threat will be attacked.” Sharra agreed quietly. “So we need someone who is not a threat.”


“Who might that be?” Majistrona asked cautiously. “I will not endanger an innocent. When Istara regains her senses…” Sharra noted that the queen said ‘when’, not ‘if’. “…she would not forgive that.”


“Not an innocent.” Sharra slumped a little. “But someone who is not a threat to her. Someone who she would recognize even in her rage.”


“You cannot mean…” All of the furtive movement in the room seemed to stop as Majistrona hissed in disbelief.


“She told me.” Sharra had tears in her eye snow. “We talked a bit, after James was born… I want to help my friend and I can’t. I think Kirina and Oli can. Kirina has been studying medicine and history, yes? She was sequestered in the safe areas when the ship was attacked, right? They never breached those, did they?”


“Raven got her there, yes. The Imperials were distracted. The Special Forces team was trying to get James to safety. But the Imperials moved too fast and we were…useless.” Majistrona hung her head low. “We assumed we were invincible on our ship because no one had ever found us. We will not make that mistake again.” There was steel in the queen’s tone now.


“Kirina is not a threat to Istara. Istara and Sharlina both know her. Both of them know Oli as well.” Sharra held her child close as he started to squirm, but her voice was soft and persuasive. “No one else I know of, who is close enough, would have any chance at all.”


“Sharra…” Majistrona’s voice was sad now. “We cannot endanger the young ones.”


“I would do it myself. I would take James in myself. But I am a threat, a danger. Is Kirina?” Sharra persisted.


“No I am not.” Came a soft voice from behind her. Sharra turned to find a young blonde haired human woman come into the room. She led a small girl who was obviously not comfortable walking just yet. But the eyes, face and red hair all proclaimed who the girl was. “Hello Sharra. I am glad James is okay.” The woman wore a loose scarf around her neck, but it did not cover the abnormal growth that covered where her voice box would have been. The Sitolon doctors had given her a new one, but it was obviously not human in nature.


“Kirina…” Majistrona sighed sadly. “This is stupid… Istara is dangerous in this mood. She will not hear us. She will not listen.”


“Then we need to make her listen.” Kiriana’s voice was soft as she scooped the girl up into her arms.


“Kirina… You go in there alone and she will kill you…” Majistrona tried again.


“She won’t be alone.” Sharra said quietly. “We are going in as well.”


“You cannot be serious!” The queen bug of the hive recoiled for the two mothers with children. “You would take you daughter and son into… No! I cannot allow it!”


“Majistrona… Think.” Kirina said quietly as she nuzzled the girl in her arms making Oli squeal with laughter. “Who would be safer in that room? You, me, or Oli?” She smiled tenderly at the red haired child in her arms.


“I…” Majistrona shook her huge head. “Sharra please… think about this…”


“I have Majistrona. We need Istara.” Sharra said as she rocked her son gently. “If that means I have to kick her in the head to get her attention, so be it.”


“Kicking the head of a wild animal is not a good idea, Sharra.” Majistrona protested.


“She is not a wild animal. She is a woman in pain.” Sharra said quietly. “But most importantly of all, she is my friend and I am not going to leave her like this.”

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“Mama?” Oli asked softly as her mom carried her through the still hallways of the Sitolon homeship towards the room where Istara was confined. “Bug mama angry?” Her tone was worried.


“No, Oli.” Kirina said with a small smile at Sharra’s reaction to Oli’s soft question. “Bug mama scared. We all are.” She hugged the girl who was her daughter in every point except conception and Oli snuggled close.


‘Bug mama’? Sharra mouthed with an incredulous smile.


“Well…” Kirina shrugged. “Many people have difficulty pronouncing her full name. We are not going to make a kid memorize the whole thing, now are we? So she said Oli can call her ‘Bug Mama’.” She snickered at Sharra’s expression. “But only Oli can get away with it.”


“Figures.” Sharra said with a grin. “Ah well…” She held her own son close. James had been fed and was now drowsing. “No time like the present.” She grimaced as she came into sight of the black armored form of her husband standing by the door. “Now the hard part…” She murmured. “Will…”


“Courage, Sharra.” Kirina said quietly as the two women stepped towards the blocked door. “Hi Will.”


“You are both crazy.” The soldier at the door shook his head. “I can’t let you do this.” He crossed his arms and blocked the way. “It’s insane. I can’t let you do this; she would be the first to thump me for letting you do this.”


“It is the only way, Will.” Kirina said quietly. “We need her. If we leave her in there alone, she will go nuts. She needs help, help we can give. We are her family, we are.” Her head movement included Will, Sharra and the children in that statement. “Sharra has the right idea. We are not going to try and trank her, or attack her in any way. She would pick that up through Ashla immediately. We are just going to talk.”


“Sharra…” Heartache sounded in the name that Will spoke. “I… I can’t lose you and him… Not now…”


“You won’t, Will.” Kirina smiled as she set her daughter on the floor. “Oli? Do you want to see Tah?”


“Tah?” Oli brightened, her face lighting up. She loved Istara, the Bladeborn was always nice to her. She had literally no way of knowing why. Of course she could not pronounce ‘Istara’ properly yet. But she did the best she could. “Where Tah?”


“Tah is behind Uncle Will.” Sharra said quietly. “You want to see Tah? Tah is sad. You will make her happy.”


Tah!” Oli made a beeline for the door and Will stood for a moment before moving aside with a grimace.


“You two fight dirty…” The soldier complained as he stepped away from the door so as not to be visible from it when it opened. Oli could not quite reach the door controls even on her tiptoes and was obviously getting frustrated. “Here, Oli.” Will had to smile as he hit the door control and she bolted in the door. He whispered to Kirina as she passed. “Be careful…”


Kirina had to pause as she entered the room. She had been prepared, intellectually, for what they had told her. But seeing it… Istara Sharlina Andal, feared warrior of the Bladeborn, lay on her side in the middle of the floor. Everything around her was in ruins. None of the furniture was intact. It looked as if the table had slammed into the wall hard enough to dent the durasteel at least four or five times from the dents. Her red hair was a matted mess, her face a mass of bruises. From the looks of it, she had slammed her head repeatedly into the floor. As Kirina watched, she did it again, hard enough for Kirina to hear bone crack.


Tah!” Oli’s voice was triumphant as she darted towards the woman only to freeze as Istara’s eyes came up. Kirina felt terror stab through her. There was no intelligence in those eyes. They were brown, so she was not lost to the dark side, but… A growl sounded from Istara’s throat, one that never should have graced a human tongue. “Tah?” Oli asked, suddenly afraid. “Mama?” The girl asked in a scared voice.


“Oli, I am right behind you.” Kirina came close to her daughter and knelt down, consciously placing her head lower than Istara’s. “Don’t move.” Kirina met Istara’s eyes and spoke softly. “Istara… I know you are hurting and I know why. We are not enemies. We are…” She broke off as Istara lunged. The feral Bladeborn cleared Oli in a bound and slammed into Kirina. Kirina did not fight, she went limp as Istara drove her to the deck, her head slamming painfully into the flooring. She choked words out past the hand that clenched around her throat. If she hadn’t possessed an artificial windpipe, she likely would have died right then and there. Istara either couldn’t crush the chitin or… She wasn’t trying to! “Istara…! No…I am not… your enemy. You are not an animal, you are Bladeborn.”


Tah! No!” Oli cried as she tried to pull Istara’s other hand from its death grip on Kirina’s arm. “No hurt Mama!”


Istara froze in place as the girl’s cries pierced the haze of her rage and pain. She stared from Oli to Kirina and back and then, without warning, she rolled off of Kirina and huddled on the floor, her head bowed. Soft sobs came from under her dirty hair. Her whole body shuddered as she cried. Kirina took a moment to hug her daughter before rolling slowly to a sitting position.


“Istara?” She asked softly, her focus torn between her sobbing daughter and the sobbing Bladeborn. She hugged Oli tight.


“I don’t want to hurt anymore…” Istara’s voice was barely audible. “Sick of hurting people. Sick of hurting. Sick of stupid prophecies. Sick of lies, of responsibility. Just want to be me… Sick of it all…”


“Why you cry, Tah?” Oli asked softly, unsure about any of this. “Why you hurt Mama?” She sounded so lost that Kirina sighed and hugged her tighter.


“She didn’t Oli. If she had wanted me dead, I would be.” Kirina swung her daughter up into her arms and winced as Oli hugged her neck tight enough to choke for a moment. Istara had not been trying to kill. “Istara… You are not alone. You will never be alone again. Not now, not ever.” Kirina shook her head. “Istara… look at me… please…?”


“Maybe the Sith are right. Maybe love is the most terrible thing in the universe.” Istara would not meet Kirina’s eyes and her voice was fierce now. “Maybe we should just take what we want and to heck with everything else…”


“You don’t mean that. That is your pain talking, Istara. Look Oli in the eyes and tell me you would not want to love. Tell me.” Kirina persisted as she turned her daughter around so that Oli looked at the sobbing Bladeborn.


“I… I can’t…” Istara collapsed onto the floor again, her head slamming into it. “Just leave me alone…”


“Mama?” Olia asked in a scared tone.


“Oli…” Kirina set her daughter down on her feet. “Walk to Tah. You can do it.”


Istara’s eyes came up, incredulous as the girl took a step, then another. The girl’s face was beaming as she took another step and tottered a bit. She tried another too quickly and the waif lost her balance. Oli fell with a cry of fear. But before she could hit the floor, Istara had her in gentle hands that held her close and soft.


“Oli… You… You walked…” Istara’s voice was incredulous. Amazement mixed with sadness and pain in her voice. “What a big girl you are.” Her eyes were bright with astonishment and happiness. But then they clouded again.


“Tah…?” Oli asked in a subdued voice. “Why you sad?” She asked as she hugged Istara tight.


“Oh Oli…” Istara sighed and brushed the girl’s hair gently. “Uncle Idjit is missing.”


“Hide and seek?” Oli asked, content to be held for the moment. She burined her face in Istara’s shirt and sighed contentedly.


“No, Oli. He is gone. I don’t know if he is coming back.” Istara’s face was a mask of dried and new tears. Tears that Oli tried to wipe away. “Or if he can.” Istara brushed the girl’s hair again and then tweaked her nose, eliciting a delighted squeal from Oli.


“It all right Tah.” Oli said quietly as she hugged her aunt. “It all right.” Her voice held the confidence of the child, when parents could make it all better.


“Maybe.” Istara gave Oli another hug. “But you are right Kirina. I have things to do, and moping in here isn’t helping things.”


“Glad to hear it.” Kirina said, rubbing the back of her head where it had hit the deck.


“Sorry.” Istara said as she rose, picking up Oli in a swinging move that had the little girl giggling.


“You were not trying to kill me. Just make me go away.” Kirina said quietly as she started for the door. It opened before she got there and Sharra stood there with her son in hand. “We are good.” Kirina said to Sharra and the other woman sighed.


“Good, James needs changing.” Sharra pulled her pack from her back and started towards another room, hopefully one with an intact table.


“Tah…?” Oli said in a soft and worried voice. Istara held her out to Kirina, but the younger woman shook her head with a smile.


“You had an oopsie too?” Istara asked with a smile that did not touch her eyes as she saw Will put his blaster away. They shared a grim nod. They understood each other just fine. Oli never noticed, her face was downcast.


“Made a mess.” Oli said in a discouraged tone.


“Its okay, Oli. This I can fix.” Istara smiled as she carried the girl that would have been her daughter to the room where Sharra was laying out the changing gear. She sighed as she laid Oli down to start changing the girl’s diaper. “I wish everything was so easy to fix.”

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The kids had been put to bed, and Kirina had been sent with them. Istara had apologized profusely, but her slamming the girl into the floor had given Kirina a mild concussion. The docs had fixed it quickly, but she was going to be out of action for at least a few hours. Kirina had smiled and kissed Istara on the cheek before allowing Sharra to lead her away. Sharra of course, would not let James out of her sight and anyone trying to separate them, for any reason, would likely get shot. So it was in everyone’s best interest to allow the two women to stay close to their children. Not that anyone really wanted to do otherwise. But that left Istara here.


“I can feed myself.” Istara said with a grimace as her minder held out a filled spoon.


“I know you can, Istara.” Sara Kalenath said with a smile. “But turnabout is fair play. You scared us.” The girl’s face and tone didn’t change but her sense in Ashla was one of deep hurt. Istara sighed and ate what was offered. Sara dipped the spoon into the bowl again and held it out again. “Besides, Hpilon doesn’t want you moving around a lot until the skull fractures have set.”


“I have been hurt a lot worse than this.” Istara protested, but did not try to move. The odd covering that was over her skull prohibited a lot of movements. She hadn’t just broken her skull, she had smashed it against the floor of the room she had been in hard enough to completely crush it in three places. Sitolon medical tech was impressive to say the least, but it still took time. Neither the Sitolon medic, the Sitolon queen, or any of her friends had been pleased. Sara had come with a team of Istara’s Bladeborn, and all were determined to help.


“Yes you have, Istara.” Sara agreed. “Mom…” She broke off for a moment and then continued. “Mom told me a little about what you did… How you came back to your ship on several occasions a bloody mess.” Sara shook her head slowly. “The way she describes it, the only thing keeping you going was your anger.”


“It…” Istara paused and then slumped a little, as far as the light neck restraint she wore would let her. “Yeah, that’s about right.” She sighed in memory. “I wasn’t… I wasn’t a good woman, Sara. Still am not one, but I am what was needed. Stupid prophecies… I just…I…” She felt the pain that she had sequestered start to rise. Then she blinked as a kiss landed on her cheek. “Sara…?” She stared at the girl who was sitting back.


“There is a difference now.” Sara said with a small, sad smile as she filled the spoon again. “You are not alone, Istara. We are not going to leave you alone. We need you, and you need us.” She held out the spoon and Istara shook her head a little and cleaned it again. “Good baby.” Sara crooned.


“You know I am going to thrash you when I get out of this bed, right?” Istara asked quietly as she focused on the girl.


“I will let you.” Sara replied in a quiet tone that had Istara reeling. What the hell? Sara never joked about such things and her sense in Ashla was anything but joking.


“Sara…? What?” Istara tried to sit up and was stymied by the apparatus she was ensconced in. “Sara…?” Istara’s voice was concerned now.


“I…I don't know. This isn't an urge.” Sara looked away, and Istara froze as she felt deep pain and fear from the girl now. “When Mama Lizard told me… I wanted to break something. She expected me to. She took me to a training room so I could work off my aggression… But… I couldn’t. No matter what I did, it didn’t come out. It didn’t… I can’t get rid of this… This crap…”


“Sara…” Istara stared at the girl and then rolled her eyes. Oh Sara... Why now of all times? “Look at me, Sara… Please?” The girl did and Istara was aware of the unshed tears that were limning Sara’s eyes. She held up the hand that was not festooned with medical gear and held to out to Sara. “I know what is happening to you.”


“You… You do?” Sara asked in a lost and bewildered tone. She was always so strong. She had been forced to be. She took Istara’s hand in both of hers and gave it a squeeze. “Help me, please.” That was a first. She never begged for help.


“I can’t.” Istara could not have missed the stab of fear that shot through Sara even if she had been Force blind. “Sara… Sara!” She gave the hands that held hers a squeeze. “I can’t help you. But I can help you help yourself. It is our way. You know this.” She gave the hands she held now a shake. “Calm yourself Sara. What you are feeling is natural.”


“It doesn’t feel natural. This is... I feel...” Sara said with a grimace. Then she stiffened. “What the…?”


“Welcome to a larger world Sara.” Istara smiled a small, sad smile as she pulled Sara close and gave the girl a gentle hug. “You just felt my worry turn to relief, didn’t you?”


“This is… This is part of the mind melded thing… Isn’t it?” Sara was shivering a little in reaction, and who could blame her?


“No it isn’t.” Istara sighed as she hugged Sara again. “Is Mama here?”


“No.” Sara let Istara hug her, utterly bewildered. “What is going on… I can… You are worried still… But how can I feel that? I am not a Force user…”


“Yes, you are.” Istara said into Sara’s ear quietly. Sara jerked back and Istara let her go. But then Sara jerked to her feet and backpedaled to the wall of the small room they were in. She stood there shaking her head in frantic denial. “Sara… Sara… Please listen to me. It’s not bad. It’s not the end of your world or your life. Please… Sara…” But Sara was beyond hearing. Istara shook her head and hit the call button on her bedside. Literally three seconds later, the door to the room opened and a familiar black furred form entered.


“Shar? What…?” Ona broke off as she saw Sara cringing against the wall. “Sara? What the hell?”


“Ona.” Istara sighed from her bed. “I need you to help Sara. I would if I could, but I can’t get up.”


“What happened?” Ona asked slowly as she carefully approached the frightened girl. She laid a gentle hand on Sara’s arm and stroked it gently. Her form was perfect, if Sara struck out, Ona would either block or retreat. This was hardly the first time she had dealt with a highly trained young being in distress after all.


“She has been having issues with control.” Ona nodded at Istara’s tone. It had been bothering the gentle healer quite a bit. “Her anger won’t come out so she can deal with it or let it run free. I know why now.”


“You do?” Ona asked quizzically as she continued to stroke the frightened girl’s arm. “Why?”


“Scan her with the Force, Ona.” Istara said instead of answering the question. “Deep.”


“Ooookaaay…” Ona looked at the injured Grandmaster with a quizzical expression, and then did as instructed. When she did, her breath exploded from her body in a solid whoosh. “Oh my god.”


“Can you help her?” Istara asked quietly.


“I don’t know…” Ona admitted. “My god… All this time, we thought she wasn’t… And she was…” Tears were falling down the black furred face as Ona hugged Sara tight. The girl stiffened and then clung to the Bothan.


“It’s coming out Ona. Can you bring her here?” Istara cursed the restraints that held her in the bed, but she knew she shouldn’t move. Ona gently led Sara back towards the bed. “I need to do this. Now. Can you help her regain her lucidity for a moment? I won’t do it without her will. If she chooses otherwise, who am I to gainsay her?”


“I… can try…” Ona said with a frown of concentration. “Sara…? Sara…? It’s okay girl. It will be okay.” Her hand came up to Sara’s head and stroked the tear streaked face gently. A pulse of power erupted from her fingers and Sara stiffened. Sara stared from the Bothan to the bedridden Grandmaster.


“Ona… Istara… Wha…? I…” The girl clung to Ona and the Bothan let her.


“Sara. It’s okay.” Istara said quietly. “You have taken your first step, all unknowingly, into a much larger world. I am sorry, but there is no going back. The Force is with you, Sara Kalenath.” Her words were oddly formal.


“This isn’t possible. I never had it…” Sara’s words were those of someone trying to disbelieve. “I…”


“Sara.” Istara smiled gently. “There are Jedi here, and I know where there are Sith. You need training.”


“Are… Are you sending me away?” Sara asked fearfully. She likely would have recoiled, except Ona held her in a gentle grip.


“Hardly.” Istara smiled at the girl and the tension in the room eased. “I am giving you options. You need to learn how to use the Force. You have been suppressing it, likely all your life. That is why your anger won't come out now. You subconsciously know it would be...bad. But this is your choice, Sara. You need to learn about the Force. Otherwise… bad things happen.” Istara slumped, her face desolate for a moment. “He knew. I know he knew.”


The raw pain in Istara’s voice shook both Ona and Sara. Both females looked at one another and without a word stepped closer to Istara’s bed. Sara looked at Ona and spoke softly.


“What do I say?” The girl asked in a soft, but unyielding voice.


“Sara… Be absolutely certain you wish this.” Istara cautioned. “We do not know as much about the Force as the Jedi and SIth do. If you do this, there is no turning back. It is for life. You have seen our basic training, what we do to our initiates to make them strong and capable. You have not seen the rest of it. I won’t be able to be partial to you, at all." Istara gulped a little. She loved Sara. "I have to love all of our kin equally.”


“What do I say?” Sara repeated in the same unyielding tone. Istara smiled sadly and held out her hand. Sara took it and something flashed between the two of them. Something silver.


“You don’t have to say a word, Initiate Sara. You just passed your initiate’s trial.” Sara stared at Istara and then at her arm, where a tattoo of a sword had just appeared. Istara grinned. “Be glad we don’t use the branding irons anymore. Welcome, sister, daughter.” The Grandmaster of the order smiled gently at her newest recruit and then turned to Ona with steel in her eyes. “Ona, you know what to do. I will not move.”


“You better not.” Ona had a wide smile on her face as she took Sara’s shoulders and guided the dumbstruck girl towards the door. “Jon will be in shortly.”


“Slavedriver…” Istara said to the door as it closed behind the healer and the newest member of the Bladeborn. "Will is just going to love this..."

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Far from angry, Will was actually relieved.


“I wasn’t sure what it was. I thought it might be the Force, but wasn’t sure how to ask…” He admitted to Istara as she sat quietly trying not to pick at her scalp, which itched. She had been released from medical and was relaxing after taking a nice long hot shower. The docs had finally released her from their care, with a stern injunction to keep from hurting herself again. He grinned at her astonished expression. “…and there are worse things in the universe than being Bladeborn. Even for my sister.”


“Will…” Istara shook her head. “She isn’t your sister anymore. She can’t be. You know that. She has to cut all ties. It will hurt her, badly. But she will come out stronger for it. We know about these kinds of things.” Istara’s voice was sad, but adamant.


“All… ties…?” The other person in the room asked quietly. Sarai sounded so lost and alone. As well she should, Sara was the reason she existed after all. The girl had been captured and genetically altered to be a twin of Sara. The two girls had worked recently on looking and acting different, but still remained close.


“Yes, Sarai.” Istara said quietly and held out her arms. Sarai came close slowly, like beaten canine. Istara let her come, not moving unto the girl was snuggled in Istara’s lap, quivering with barely repressed fear and pain. “But we are not going to forget about you. We may not be able to remake you the way you were, but you will always have a place among us.” These words came out steely, an oath. Her hands were gentle as she stroked the girl’s hair and Sarai relaxed slowly, so slowly.


“Do… Do I have the Force?” Saria finally asked softly.


“I am sorry, Sarai. You don’t have enough to train.” Istara let the girl move as she wished on her lap. “You have the same amount most people do. Which I think bodes better for you in the long term, for the possibility of having a normal life anyway.”


“Normal?” Will asked incredulously.


“You shut up.” Istara glared at Will, but it wasn’t serious. She returned her focus to the girl in her lap. “Sarai… Listen to me. The Force is a burden, a curse if you will. It allows wonders and horrors to be done. Sara is going to need a lot of time, and a lot of help to be able to focus her power.” Istara sighed sadly. “She is not going to be…well… presentable… for some time.”


“What do you mean?” Saria asked, worried about Sara. “What is going to happen?” Istara looked at Will and he shrugged before nodding.


“I know you can keep secrets, Sarai or I never would consider saying this to you. Sara is a mess. She has been for most of her life. She is more of a mess than any of us realized. But this is what we do. Trugoy always took students from the ones that Sith didn’t want. The weak, the broken, the cast off. Ones like me…” Istara’s voice was soft and sad for a moment, lost in memory. Sarai, daring greatly, put her arms around the grandmaster’s neck and hugged her. Istara smiled and returned the hug gently. “I don’t know how powerful Sara will be, but…” She sighed. “She is not weak.”


“Any…general ideas as to how powerful?” Will asked carefully.


“She felt like Nia, Will.” Istara said quietly and the soldier recoiled slightly. “I fought Nia once, and then we worked together for a little while. Right before that Zelkin mess.” She shook her head, finding her sister had been a godsend, and then she had lost her.


“They are family… Aren’t they?” Saria asked curiously. “Wouldn’t that make sense for both to be powerful?”


“It would… If Will was as well. And he isn’t.” Istara shrugged at the soldier. “Sorry…”


“I’m not.” Will said with a laugh. “Bad as things have been and are… I wouldn’t have wanted to be a Jedi or Sith. And can you imagine me in your order?” Istara made a comically scared face and Sarai actually giggled a bit. “Right… ick…” He shook his head again. “Istara… I know you don’t want to do this… But you need to talk to them. To the seers.”


“I know.” Istara grimaced as she brushed Sarai’s silky hair. The girl had been working to get the black that was Sara’s to turn other colors. At least they had convinced her not to keep bleaching it. “But first, we have a wedding to go to.”


“Has Cole decided on a honeymoon spot?” Will asked quietly. “Juli wanted to send him to a resort on Naboo we know of.”


“Isn’t that the one Jikirt shot up?” Sarai asked with a smile and Istara stared from one to the other.


“Do I want to know?” Istara asked with a grimace. Just the stories of that berserk bunny were bad enough. She hadn’t actually met him yet. Sooner or later, she would. She just hoped to survive the encounter.


“He was trying to protect a fellow crewmember." Will said sadly." A weapon’s designer. Val was a bit naïve, but smart… So smart. She needed some downtime after the mess with Zelkin., She wasn’t ready to handle seeing what her weapons did. Didn’t help with what the scumsucker on the Freedom Lance did. I never would have thought I would say this, but I am glad that the bastard running that thing died the way he did.” Istara had to flinch at the rage Will projected before he dampened his emotions again.


“Missed that.” Istara said quietly. “Heard about it though. Friendly fire, my fanny.” An entire Mandalorian fleet wiped out because they were in the way? Oh yeah, that was sheer coincidence.


“Yeah.” Will shook himself and calmed. “Anyway…Jikirt took Val to this resort on Naboo and they were attacked. Sith, of course. He… um… Well…” Will made a face. “Nobody died except for one of the Sith agents, but Jikirt made one heck of a mess.”


“I take it he didn’t save the girl.” Istara’s voice was compassionate. Will shook his head.


“They wanted her alive. They won’t kill her, and we will find her eventually. And when we do…” Will’s voice trailed off, but no one had to be clairvoyant to know what the Stormhawk would do when they did find their missing crewmember. They had a certain reputation for such things, and it was well deserved.


“Let me know.” Istara said quietly. “I think a few…dozen… Bladeborn might help in such a case, don’t you?” Will grinned at Istara’s droll tone, and then Istara nodded to the chrono on the wall. “Time.”


“I am not going to ask where you got the dress uniform…” Will said with a grimace as he rose. “And in my size at that. But sheesh… Do I have to wear all the medals?” His uniform was a Republic navy one, but his medals… Luckily the Republic had instituted sashes for medals in class A uniform, otherwise he would have been absolutely covered by them. Istara wasn’t sure what all the medals were, or what they were for, but she knew they were all legitimate.


“Yes.” Istara’s tone brooked no discussion as she rose slowly, allowing Saria to rise carefully so as not to damage her dress. The girl looked radiant in the green dress that Mama and a couple of other Bladeborn had made for her. “Juli insisted. This is Cole and Miriam’s day. We are just window dressing.” Will looked at her oddly and she snarled. “Don’t say it!” Will shook his head but remained silent.


Istara was resplendent in her formal silver armor even without the helmet. The docs were not about to let her wear that just yet. It was funny that such unadorned and simple armor could look so pretty and at the same time, be completely functional. She held out hand to Sarai and the girl took it with only a little quaver.


“Did they ever decide who gets to officiate?” Will asked as he moved to the door. It wasn’t really needed for him to open the door for Istara, but it was traditional. Ordinarily, she would thump him for such a chauvinistic thing. But not today. “I thought if there would be blood on the floor at some of the discussions.”


“Juli ran an end run around Boss. Then Majistrona put all of her feet down. It’s her ship, she is officiating.” Istara grinned at Will’s expression. “But Boss is giving Miriam away since her family can’t be here. Juli ,of course, is ring bearer. I have no idea why Miriam chose me as maid of honor, but I know better than to buck Juli. She has this whole thing organized, almost minute by minute. We are good. For now anyway.” Sarai had to laugh at Istara’s sour tone.


“If anyone had told me a year ago that I would be walking through the halls of a huge insect hive in space, going to a wedding between a smuggler turned covert agent and a former nerf herder…” Sarai shook her eahd in wonder “…I would have laughed in their face or backed away slowly from the madman. I have wondered… what is Miriam? She was a nanny… But all the kids are gone. What is she now?” Sarai asked carefully as she tried not to muss the really nice hairstyle that two of the female Baldeborn had spent an hour doing for her.


“Kin.” Both Will and Istara replied in unison. Both looked at each other and laughed.

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“Istara!” The scared young voice pulled Istara out of her musing as she walked into the room.”Thank the maker!” The master of the Bladeborn order smiled as she looked at the bride to be. Miriam Chines was eighteen, with long brown hair and hazel eyes that were normally alive with intelligence, compassion and curiosity. But now, she was scared. “Have… Um… Have you seen Cole?” She was sitting carefully in a chair, obviously trying not get the beautiful white dress that she wore dirty.


“No, I haven’t.” Istara said as she walked towards the girl. She squatted down beside Miriam and took the girl’s hands in her own. “Traditionally, the first time the bride sees the groom on the wedding day is in the ceremony. Even I know that. Buck up, girl. If anything had gone wrong, you know Juli would have come running in.” Miriam had to smile at that. It was the truth. The Bladeborn gave Miriam’s hands a squeeze and smiled gently. “You are nervous. You have reason. Do you want a mild sedative?”


“Ona… um…” Miriam blushed brightly and Istara grinned.


“She already gave you one, huh?” Istara’s voice was quiet and Miriam nodded. “She has always been good at anticipating needs. It will be all right. I don’t know the Averumian customs for weddings. I do know that fourteen year olds usually don’t run them.” Now her voice was humorous and Miriam smiled wanly. Istara laid Miriam’s hands back in the girl’s lap and gave them a pat.


“Istara… I am scared…” Miriam said as she tried not to fidget. “I don’t want to be a wuss… but…”


“You are not a wuss.” Istara sighed and leaned close to kiss Miriam’s cheek. “Your life is about to change. You both want this. You both have earned this. Matter of fact…” Istara’s eyes went wide as she looked at Miriam. Her voice became openly admiring. “Oh Miriam, you minx! Does Cole know?”


“Ah…” the girl blushed even brighter. “Not yet. Ona and Jon confirmed it just this morning. I…” She broke off as Istara embraced her. “I wanted to ask if you would stand as a godparent for our child.”


“I would be honored, but… I am not a good woman, Miriam…” Istara said as she leaned back, a little distressed. “I can’t even guarantee I will be around.” That was an understatement, she wasn’t sure she would be alive.


“Don’t want a good woman.” Miriam said fiercely. “Want you. You could’ve shoved me aside, forgotten about me. You could’ve ignored me; I is a distraction to dat agent of yours after all. You didn’t. You was there when I was crying, when I was alone on this ship. You found me, you took me in, fed me and gave me stability.” As always when she got emotional, Miriam’s old accent came out. She never heard it, and denied it vehemently when pressed about it. Ona and the other healers simply shrugged. The brain was an odd thing. The speech patterns must have been buried deep in her memories, deeper than the damage she had taken. No one really minded, it was just kind of odd.


“You were hurting.” Istara said simply. “I know about hurting. From a coldly pragmatic point of view, you were disrupting the hive with your weeping and carrying on.” This last was in a mocking tone. Miriam had been so quiet that no one had possessed a clue where she had gotten to until Istara had found her, sobbing quietly in an unused stateroom. Istara hadn’t known who she was at that point, just a scared girl who was hurting. Someone who reminded Istara great deal of another young, scared hurting girl. “Had to shut you up somehow.”


“Aw, g’wan you…” Miriam said, giving Istara’s shoulder playful shove. “You didn’t got to be kind. You didn’t got to be nice. You could have tossed me over your shoulder, carried me back to where I was supposed to be, dropped me on my tookus, and left.” She smiled in memory. “You didn’t. And then you brought Cole back to me…And now…” Miriam sighed deeply. “I am leaning on you again.”


“Miriam…You are my friend.” Istara said quietly but forcefully. “I don’t have a lot of friends. I have allies, acquaintances, subordinates, people who want something from me, people who need something from me… You are my friend. Really the only one I have…” She looked at the chrono and smiled widely. “And… My friend… It is time.” Miriam took a shuddering breath and stood up slowly. “Come here.” Istara reached out carefully and gave the brown haired girl a hug. “Courage Miriam. Soon you will be an honest woman again.”


“Istara…” Miriam was giggling now. “You are bad.” She tried to curtail her giggles and couldn’t. “Aw come on! Don’t make me be giggling through my wedding…”


“Brides are allowed nerves, Miriam. This I know. I have to take my position. Where is…? Ah, here we are…” Istara smiled as the door opened and an armored form entered. The armor of Stomhawk Boss was battered and torn, but it was obviously functional. Istara spoke formally. “I give this most precious of our possessions into your care, Stormhawk Boss. Be gentle and be careful, or she will steal your heart as she stole ours.”


“Too late Istara.” The voice from the helmet was sour, but kind. “I accept this charge and will convey Miss Chines to her destiny.” The words were formal.


“Will you two stop?” Miriam asked sourly, trying to keep from laughing. “Sheesh…” Both the Bladeborn and the commander of the renegade cruiser Stormhawk looked at her. “You would think I was in a bad holo-romance… Oh no... She didn’t…”


“That is what you get when you have a librarian scripting a wedding, Miriam. Relax. It will be over soon.” Istara gave Miriam a quick hug and was out the door before Miriam could think of a suitable rejoinder. She was right on time. She got into the main room just as Juli started looking for her.

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“You are, there.” Juli Shanas said in her odd tone. Istara had to fight to keep her face controlled. Juli Shanas was a survivor. She had survived things that almost anyone else would have just curled up and died, including many Bladeborn. The brain damage she had taken had been extreme, but the rest of the damage had been repaired. The docs were optimistic that they could fix the speech center, in time. Until then, everyone just dealt with it as Juli did. “About to send for you, I was.”


“I know better than to be late for this, Juli.” Istara shuddered in an exaggerated way. “Where do you want me?”


“Up at rail, bridesmaids are. On far left, you stand.” Juli smiled widely at the Bladeborn. Her grin was wide, but a bit melancholy.


“Are you okay, Juli?” Istara asked as she took her place. She was the first one there. The others would be coming in shortly.


“Sure… Not…” Juli admitted. “But… Happy, father is. Worth that, a little bit uncomfortable is.”


“If you ever want to talk. You have but to ask.” Istara reached down and patted the girl on her flesh and blood shoulder. The other had been torn off by a land mine along with both her arms. “You know this.”


“Dress! Don’t muss!” Juli cried as she smoothed the dress on her shoulder. The dress was a nice off white that went with her skin tone nicely. It was frilly in places and smooth in places and just perfect for such an occasion. It showed a lot more skin than Istara was totally comfortable with, but it was not lewd or revealing.


“Worry wart.” Istara said in a teasing tone as Juli stared at her shoulder, her eyes going cross eyed. “I wouldn’t muss your dress Juli.” Her tone was slightly hurt now.


“I…” Juli slumped in place. “Worry I do. Happy my father, I want. But… Scared, am I.”


“It’s all right, Juli.” Both of them looked up as the officiator for the ceremony came striding in through the huge door of the chamber. Majstrona’s voice was calm and gentle when she spoke. “Nerves are to be expected. This is… a new thing for many people. Myself included. I have not performed a marriage in along, long time.” There was large cleared space beside Istara and Majistrona moved there, laying a gentle claw on Istara’s shoulder. “You look a lot better, Istara.”


“I am not over it.” Istara admitted, nodding to Juli’s worried look. “But I can put it aside long enough to get Cole and Miriam hitched.” She blinked as Juli smothered a laugh. “What?” She asked with a smile.


“Sound like working on farm, you do. Hitching.” Juli was almost doubled over, controlling her laughter. “Not a nerf, my father is.” Both Istara and Majistrona laughed at that.


“We are ready, Juli.” Majistrona had a smile in her voice that would never be able to touch her insectoid features. The girl controlled her mirth and started for the door. Majistrona looked at Istara. “Can you hold it, or do you need help?”


“I can hold it.” Istara said quietly. “For now.”


“Allow me, daughter.” Istara did not move or flinch as Majistrona clenched the claw that was on her shoulder, just a little. Istara sighed and relaxed. “Once this is done, we will talk. Here they come…”


Istara did not move as Majistrona’s claw left her shoulder. She felt oddly detached which was far better than the gut wrenching pain and betrayal she had felt. She did not have to force a smile as the rest of the bridesmaids came in and took up station beside her. Raven Markar, the former Sith who had joined the Bladeborn, stood to her immediate left clad in Bladeborn formal armor. Sharra Kalenath stood in Republic dress uniform just beyond with Kirina standing just beside her in a nice white dress. And then a surprise. Michelle, the former Islanian starship slave now turned fighter pilot for the Stormhawk, came in last and smiled at Istara as she took up her place.


“I was on duty, but Juli insisted.” Michelle said as the others looked at her with admiration, the former starship intelligence was wearing an absolutely stunning red dress. “I was whisked out of the cockpit, run through a shower and had to change on the shuttle over. Sheesh, I never want to get on that girl’s bad side.”


“We could have told you that.” All the others chorused. But then the door opened again. And Cole came in, followed by his groomsmen. The groom looked decidedly uncomfortable in his formal attire, but he took his place before Majistrona with a smile that barely hid his anxiety.


Istara wasn’t sure why Cole had picked Will Kalenath as his best man. Will had disagreed, vehemently. But then Cole had trotted out the big guns. No one sane got in Juliana Shanas Kalenath’s way. Even her step dad. Will wore an unaccustomed open smile as he took his place on the other side of Majistrona. After him came two of the Bladeborn in formal armor and two Stormhawk crew who looked distinctly uncomfortable in Republic dress uniforms. They all came to attention as the doors opened and the guests started filing in. Basically, anyone who knew Miriam or Cole had either come or was getting a video packet of the whole proceeding. So the hall was quickly packed but there was no disorder. Istara had to smile a little at that. Juli might be young, but she had the soul of a commander in chief. Then the music started and there was another surprise.


Two voices started singing from the back, near where the music synthesizer was. Istara’s eyes went wide as she saw Zinoa Trask Kalenath, clad in a stunning off white robe that set off her green scales nicely, singing a beautiful duet with Brianna Makarian Kalenath who wore a dress uniform. The human woman’s face as always was the impassive mask of Dragon Squadron, but her voice was anything but impassive. The two of them together… Istara felt her eyes burn.


“I never knew that tune had words…” Came soft words from Sharra as she stood nearby, minutely shifting from foot to foot.


“You okay?” Istara asked out of the side of her mouth as she watched the door, waiting.


“They must have used my old sizes…” Sharra said quietly. “I’ve changed a little since then, gained some weight despite my best efforts. I’ll survive as long as we don’t have to stand up here for five hours.” She shook her head minutely. “The music is beautiful…”


Then her eyes were drawn with everyone else’s to the door as a vision in white was escorted up by a figure in battered Republic combat armor. Istara felt her face stretch into a smile as Miriam started up the aisle. Istara looked over and Will and almost did a double take. Was he crying? Yes. Yes, the hard bitten old soldier was crying! Tears were falling silently down the man’s face as he watched Miriam come up the aisle. The odd pair were followed by Juli and Sarai whose faces were serene as they carried small pillows with the all important rings nestled on them. Istara made herself relax. This would be fun.


Miriam came up to the front of the chamber and stooped beside Cole who looked at her with admiring eyes.


“I didn’t think you could look any better, Miriam. I was wrong.” Cole Shanas’ voice was little husky, but he nodded to Boss as the armored form stepped to the appointed place.

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“Friends.” Majistrona’s rich voice soared throughout the room. “I call upon all of you gathered here to be fellow witnesses with me in the marriage of Miriam Chines and Cole Shanas. You were each invited to join us today so that you may share in the joy that Miriam and Cole are feeling as they pledge their love and commitment to each other.” The queen bug’s voice softened as she looked from Miram to Cole. “The decision to marry is based in love and founded upon sincerity and understanding, which leads to a relationship that is rich in confidence and trust.”


Istara was hardly the only one in the room who felt their eyes start to burn as the bug spoke. Majistrona may not have been ordained by any planetary priesthood, but if there was one thing she did understand, it was family.


“We have passed beyond some traditions, but others have remained. Some are needed even in today’s high tech societies. Who presents this woman to be married to this man?” Majistrona asked, not that she really had to but everyone was following the script. Juli was watching everything like hawk from her place behind the bride and groom.


“As her parents are unable to attend, I have taken the responsibility.” Stormhawk Boss’ voice was soft but carried easily. “I present Miriam Chines to be married.”


“Do you wish to be married to this man?” Majistrona asked quietly. “For no one sane will attempt to force you into anything. Not in this company.” Juli scowled at the insect and Majistrona stood and waited for Miriam’s response but a soft laugh circled the room. No, no one would dare.


“With all my heart.” Miriam replied, a smile on her face as Majistrona deviated slightly from Juli’s carefully laid plans. There would be hell to pay, later. But Miram relaxed a little, which was the bug’s intent. “Indeed, I love this man and would join with him in marriage. To have and to hold, until my dying day.”


“And you, Cole Shanas…” Majistrona turned to eye the former smuggler. “Do you also wish this?”


“With all my heart.” Cole replied quietly, his eyes not leaving Miriam’s face. “I will care for her, guard her, teach her, and love her until my dying day.”


“Then know this, the both of you…” Majistrona charged them with a stern voice now. “The hand you freely give to each other is both the strongest and most tender part of your body. In the years ahead you will need both strength and tenderness. Be firm in your commitment to each other. Don't let your grip become weak. And yet, be flexible as you go through change. Don't let your hold become intolerable. Strength and tenderness, firm commitment and flexibility, of such is a marriage made, hand in hand.” Both Miriam and Cole bowed their head slightly to acknowledge the charge that the queen bug had laid on them. “Step forward.”


Miram and Cole stepped forward until they were literally in the shadow of the towering bug. Majistrona’s small claws came down, one to Cole and one to Miriam. She nodded to both and addressed Miriam.


“Miriam, will you have Cole to be your husband, to live together as friend and mate? Will you love him as a person, respect him as an equal, sharing joy as well as sorrow, and triumph as well as defeat. Wil you keep him beside you as long as you both shall live?” Istara could tell that Majistrona was a little put out by the flowery language, but it did not show in the bug’s tone.


“I will.” Miriam said in a quiet tone that reached every corner of the room. Majsitrona nodded to her and turned to Cole.


“Cole, will you have Miriam to be your wife, to live together as friend and mate? Will you love her as a person, respect her as an equal, sharing joy as well as sorrow, and triumph as well as defeat. Will you keep her beside you as long as you both shall live?” Majistrona was still a bit annoyed by Juli’s scripting of such a thing, but she played along.


“I will.” The former smuggler said in a quiet tone that matched Miriam’s.


Majistrona nodded and her sense in Ashla was happy now. “Face each other, please.” The two did and Majistrona crossed all four of her arms so that each claw that had been on one was now on the other and the arms connected them in an intricate, living web. Majistrona nodded to Miriam and she smiled.


“I love you Cole Shanas as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my husband through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever.” Miriam was crying softly but anyone noticed no one was going to comment.


Without prompting, Cole answered her. “And I love you Miriam Chines as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my wife through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever.”


“The rings?” Majistrona opened her arms slightly and Saria came forward with Juli. Both girls extended the pillows that held the rings towards the recipients. Majistrona spoke again. “From time immemorial, rings have symbolized unions. No beginning and no ending. Ordinarily, these kinds of rings are made of gold alloy, to symbolize eternity. But for two very special people, we made a very special exception. Istara.”


“I am ready, Majistrona.” Istara took a step forward and nodded as Juli winked at her. “Crazy girl…” The Bladeborn said in a tone that would go no further than Juli’s ears. She extended her hands to where the couple held the osmium alloy rings, covering each with a palm. A powerful pulse of energy was felt throughout the room even by people who didn’t have the Force, and all the Force users in the room stiffened as power sang from Istara’s hands. But then it vanished as if it had never been. As Istara retracted her hands, all eyes in the room were drawn to the rings which were… glowing blue? “There we go.”


“Istara…Ah…” Miriam stared at the glowing ring of light in her hand.


“It won’t hurt you, Miriam. Go ahead.” Istara said with a smile as she returned to her place.


“Ooookay…” Miriam shook her head, obvious wanting to touch the ring to see if it burned her, then she grinned. It hadn’t burned her palm. “With this ring, I wed thee.” She took the glowing ring and slipped it over Cole’s finger.


Cole stared at the glowing ring for a moment before nodding and following suit. “I give you this ring to symbolize my commitment to you. Now and forever.” Miriam’s ring slid on as if greased and the two held hands, the light from their rings mingling. The light glowed brightly for a moment, and then went out, but there remained just the hint of bluish light at each hand.


“Miriam, Cole, I pronounce you man and wife.” Majsistrona spoke in the silence that followed. “What we have put together, let no one tear asunder. You may kiss your bride.” Majistrona retracted her arms and the entire chamber erupted in applause as Cole, needing no further urging, did his public duty to his new wife.

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Istara woke up suddenly aware of something dreadfully wrong. She had been dancing with Cole. She remembered that. Miriam had insisted, even though Istara had begged and pleaded that she didn’t dance well. Which was technically a lie, but she hadn’t felt very good. It had started after she had imbued Cole and Miriam’s rings with power. Just a simple glow and it wouldn’t last forever, but flashy enough to show how much she cared for both her friends. She had gone towards the punch bowl that Will had been guarding to keep any miscreants from spiking it with alcohol. The last thing anyone needed was short tempers on such a day. With so many dangerous people in one place at one time with differing allegiances, tempers were frayed enough. Then… It got fuzzy. Had she fallen? Was she sick? Was she still hurt? She didn’t feel any pain... but… She had been suppressing her pain for so long it… Wait a second! What the hell? She couldn’t feel her fingers and toes! She struggled, fighting the leaden feeling that suffused her and then a startled voice came to her ears.


“Istara… Easy… Easy…” A gentle hand swabbed her forehead with something soft, wiping away the sweat she barely felt. She knew the voice. “Shhh… Istara… We just got Ona to bed…We don’t want her to wake up.”


“Ashla Ti?” Istara could barely make herself heard. “What the heck?” The last thing she remembered, the Togruta Jedi Seer had been against one wall at the reception, with a group of Jedi. Jina Darkstorm, Ashla Ti, Diseree Mak, Michael Jonal, and Markus Sigmundson had all been in attendance at the wedding. “Where am I?” Istara asked, trying not to quaver as she tried to open her eyes and they wouldn’t. “I can’t feel my fingers or toes…”


“At the moment, you are floating in a shallow pool of nutrients. You are hooked up to monitors and IV lines as well as oxygen. The lack of feeling in your extremities is due to the…” The Jedi seer sighed. “Well… Ona explained it to me. But I didn’t understand half of what she said. Basically you seriously overdid it.” Now the Jedi’s tone was disapproving. “You could have killed yourself making those rings glow, Istara. There are easier ways.”


“She is my friend.” Istara said as she turned her head slightly. She paused as something moved with it. An oxygen mask? Probably. She cast out with her senses and found Ashla Ti sitting beside her. And on the other side, a sad form sat. “Diseree…?” A small hand came and traced her jaw gently, softly.


“You are not the only one in pain, Istara. You are not the only one scared of this. Of what is coming. Not just with the machines, but this plague and everything…” Diseree Mak’s sense in Ashla was a small, sad thing. Of course the human girl who sat beside her was not the being who inhabited the body. Diseree Mak had started as a Kel Dor, and through an odd series of events, had wound up with her spirit transferred into a human body. “You are not the only one who misses him. No, I am not his lover. But he was my friend.”


Is, Diseree.” Istara’s voice was cold. “Idjit isn’t dead.”


“I know.” The girl said quietly. “But you don’t know what he did or why. You need to understand. You won’t believe me. But I know someone you will believe. Someone who can talk to you while your body recuperates. Jainine, we are ready… ” Istara struggled, trying to open her eyes, trying to move, but gentle hands held her down and her strength was fading rapidly. Another voice spoke from nearby, but there was no physical presence for the kind female voice. Istara knew that voice!


“Istara… No… You need to recover… You need… to sleep…” Lethargy was pulling at her, and despite her best efforts, she was pulled into the waiting blackness.


Istara came back to herself standing on a wide open plain. But it was not the gray, featureless rolling place that the seers could go to. No… This place was verdant, grass carpeted the ground and living things all around. She shook her head, bemused. Her sister self, Sharlina, appeared beside her.


“Is this my… our… mind…?” She asked softly.


“No, it isn’t.” The voice she remembered from before answered her and a female form clad in familiar armor appeared nearby. Both Istara and Sharlina tensed and had hands on weapons, but the newcomer did not move or act hostile in any way. “Hello Istara. Hello, Sharlina. Come sit…” She sat down where she had been standing and smiled at the two. But her smile was melancholy. “This is… a mess…”


“Jainine…?” Istara said softly. Jainine Korr had been a seer of the Bladeborn. She had been one of the Elders of a hidden colony that the Bladeborn had run on the world called Kuria. It had been attacked and wiped out by another sect of Bladeborn. Jainine had been taken and enslaved, her spirit trapped inside a crystal. She had been rescued… sort of anyway. “What is going on?”


“Please…sit…” Jainine Korr asked quietly. “You are in no danger. Your physical body is in no danger. You just exhausted yourself. Given time and care you will wake with no ill effects. Luckily, as soon as Majistrona realized just how tired you were, we managed to get some of your Bladeborn to get you to Medical before you collapsed. No one else knows. Will, Mira, Michelle, and Jina have guessed, but they are not saying anything. Your loyalty to each other among the Seven is remarkable…” Istara shook her head and sat as directed. Sharlina snarled and remained standing. Jainine snickered. “Now, now, young lady… watch the language…” A strangled laugh came from Sharlina and then she sat as well, but kneeling so as to be ready to move at a moment’s notice. Jainine shook her head slowly, her long brown hair falling in waves. “I remember you, Sharlina. So young, so angry…So good…I am sorry I couldn’t help you.”


“Wasn’t your fault.” Sharlina said quietly. “I was doomed to self destruct anyway.”


“No, you were not.” Jainine corrected her gently. “What that scum Amrig did to you was unforgivable. Why he did it was worse. And the fact is, it was totally unnecessary.” Istara felt her eyes go wide, and she saw Sharlina’s eyes go wide as well. Jainine sighed deeply. “You need to understand everything Istara and Sharlina, both of you. What has happened and why.” Istara and Sharlina shared a glance, and then both moved to sit more naturally in front of the elder Bladeborn spirit. “Better…” Jainine let out a great sigh. “What do you know about the Seven?”


“Basically, only that there are seven of us.” Istara said with a grimace. “We are supposed to either save the galaxy or destroy it.”


“That is pretty much it.” Jainine agreed. “I have talked with Majistrona and various other Sitolon since I was… well, rescued isn’t the right word… Recovered is, I think. Since I am still stuck in the crystal.”


“Why are you?” Sharlina asked softly. “Your body is here, the crystal is here. Why have you not returned to it? I know the Sitolon can do it.”


“You may not understand this, Sharlina, but I bet Istara will.” Jainine said with sad look on her face. “How long have I been out of that body?” Istara’s indrawn breath was the answer that Jainine was waiting for. “Indeed. They grew a new personality inside my old body, an innocent personality. She has no idea what is going on or why. Do I kill her to take back what was mine? Is it mine now? I died, Istara, Sharlina. Is it my right to steal another life even though I willingly and knowingly threw my spirit into the Force to escape?” Jainine shook her head. “No… My time as a mortal is done. I can advise. But I did die. What is done is done. Now we have to worry about the future, not the past”


“Nia is going to freak.” Istara said in the silence that ensued after Jainine’s quiet speech.


“Nia… Nia is going to have problems, Istara. Darmuk is doing everything he can to twist her.” Jainine’s face was stricken now. “I can’t help her; all I can do is watch.”


“Do you know where she is?” Istara asked quickly but Jainine shook her head. “Jainine… I…”


“Istara… Listen. Events have been put into motion. Things have started to roll. That is why Idjit left you. He knew it would hurt you. He knew exactly how badly this would hurt you. But he had no choice.” Jainine leaned forward to look Istara in the eyes and the Bladeborn felt her eyes brimming. “He did what he did to save us all, Istara. But you need to focus on what needs to be done now. If this Force plague is not stopped, it won’t matter if the machines come or not. None of us will be around to see them devour everything. One thing at a time, Istara.”


“You know…” Sharlina scoffed. “For a descendant of the Jedi Exile, I would have thought you would be more thinking about family.”


“I am not descended from the Jedi Exile.” Jainine said quietly.


What?” Istara felt the blood leave her face as she stared at the spirit. “The Jedi believe you are.”


“I am not responsible for what the Jedi believe. Close minded idiots that they are.” Jainine said with a smirk. “I may have um… encouraged that fallacy…on occasion. But all we were was guardians of the Book. My ancestry is a bit more convoluted. The seers knew the truth all along and played along.”


“Can you explain?” Istara asked carefully. This was flying in the face of all that she had thought she knew about Jainine. She had thought that Jainine was a descendant of the Jedi Exile, the Jedi who had bested Darth Traya, Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus before vanishing to search for the lost Jedi Master Revan.


“It was… a mask of sorts.” Jainine said quietly. “The colony on Kuria was set up by the Bladeborn, by Trugoy over five hundred years ago. Backward world, off the beaten path, good place to hide, right?”


“Yeah…” This from Sharlina.


“A Jedi Master crashed on Kuria over three hundred years ago. She was badly hurt, and pursued by sinister forces.” Jainine sighed and then smiled. “Actually, she can explain it better than I can.”


A new form appeared standing behind Jainine. A red haired female human wearing Jedi robes over light armor. Her brown eyes twinkled as she smiled at Istara. “Dang, woman! You do look like me, don’t you?”


“Who are you…?” Istara asked, taking in the woman’s double bladed lightsaber, blaster pistol and the odd device strapped to her forearm.


“Istara Andal, Sharlina, meet Mira…” Istara felt her eyes go incredibly wide at that and Sharlina strangled an oath. Mira had started as a bounty Hunter on Nar Shaddaa until she had been recruited by the Jedi Exile and then trained as a Jedi. Jainine smiled at them. “My ancestor.”


“Yeah, well… everyone has an off day…” Mira grinned at the Bladeborn’s expressions. “Hey, how was I supposed to know you were evil scum? You certainly didn’t act it…Took me a while to recuperate, and how was I supposed to know that Mical had left me with a kid? We slept together once. Once.” Istara felt her mouth fall open at that and Mira snickered. “What? You were expecting some great and noble destiny trash? I am with Jolee Bindo on that. Swirling Force is just swirling Force sometimes.”


“And sometimes… It is something else interfering.” Jainine sighed softly. “You just happened to sleep with him, once. You just happened to crash on Kuria and not kill yourself or your unborn child. You just happened to birth my ancestor and leave him with the people there to be raised. You just happened to be related to one of Will’s ancestors who was a Mandalorian.” Jainine shook her head. “Pure coincidence. All of that.”


“Well… When you put it like that…” Mira’s Force ghost sighed. “No… Not coincidence. We were set up, from WAY back.”


“By who?” Istara asked softly.


“Who do you think, Istara.” Jainine asked sourly.


“Oh… crap…” This from Sharlina.


“Yep. The Sitolon have been monkeying with us for a long time.” Jainine sighed. “Maybe they will tell you why. They keep stonewalling me.”


“I think I will have a talk with Majistrona as soon as I wake up.” Istara smiled grimly, but then shook herself. “Until then… can we… talk?”


“Sure.” Jainine nodded, but Mira sighed and vanished. “She can’t stay long. Duties and all. You understand. What do you want to know?”


“I don’t know how to ask this…” Istara started but broke off as Jainine shook her head.


“I can’t interfere with what is going to happen with your sister.” Jainine stopped as Istara shook her head.


“I wanted to know if my mom was all right. If I hurt her the last time she appeared to me. I…” Istara felt her eyes burn and suddenly she felt arms surround her. Sharlina was holding her as she wept. “I was such a dunce, when I was younger…”


“Your mother loves you, Istara. Very much.” Jainine’s voice was soft as she came close and a waft of air passed across Istara’s hair, brushing it as if hand had. “Be at peace, Istara. I think you will see her again. But she does love you.” Istara buried her face in her sister self’s shoulder and cried.

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“So… This was all a setup?” Sharlina asked as she held Istara’s sobbing form.


“Define setup.” Jainine said quietly from where she sat. “The Sitolon are trying to fix their mistake, and preserve their future and the future of the galaxy. At least they are gentle about it.”


“What did you mean when you said that what Amrig did to us ’wasn’t necessary’?” The nasty part of Istara Sharlina Andal’s mind asked quietly.


“Maybe you are ready to hear this. Maybe not.” Jainine shook her head and then nodded to the pair of women who were two souls in one body. “The Sith took you from your mother, like they do all Force sensitive children. Amirg was supposed to prepare you, the group of you, to attend the academy when you came of age at 14. He didn’t.”


“You don’t have to tell me that.” Sharlina said with a snarl. “I was there.”


“Were you?” Jainine asked softly. “What is your first memory, Sharlina?”


“Huh?” Sharlina stared at the Force ghost. “What has that got to do with…?” She paused as Jainine sighed. “Whatever. Um…” She shivered a little. “The students were pitted against each other in an obstacle course. Each of us had a training saber. Amirg’s apprentice, Con, was a nasty piece of work. He abused the other students. But he left me alone… Until that day…”


“What do you remember?” Jainine pressed. “Not what Istara remembers, although it seems you can access her memories. Which figures, since you are the same person, if split. What do you remember, Sharlina?”


“I…I was nine. The training was hard, but I was doing well. The students, all eight of us who had survived Amrig’s initiations, were put into an arena with training sabers and told to get out of it. We were not told he had filled it with hungry animals.” Sharlina shook her head. “I was down… I hadn’t tripped. I know that. Then Con… He was looming over me… He was… I couldn’t move! I was…” To her horror, she started to sob.


“Sharlina?” Istara’s voice was worried. “What? I don’t remember this…I went to that course and…” She blinked. “You took over, didn’t you?”


“You were in pain, Istara.” Sharlina shook her head savagely. “You were so scared. He was coming, and he was fumbling with his pants. You couldn’t move. He had hit you with something, I think it was the Force. I had to do… something…”


“I don’t…” Istara froze in place, her face going slack. “Oh my god… What did I do?”


“Istara… calm…” Jainine’s voice was soothing, gentle. “Sharlina… calm. It is the past. You cannot change that. Memories can hurt. But they cannot kill you unless you let them.”


“I… No! Please…” Sharlina’s voice was childlike now. “Please don’t make me see. Don’t make me remember!” Istara stared at her mental twin and then, with a wordless cry embraced the other her.


“You need to see this.” Jainine’s voice was irresistible. “You need to face what happened.” The plain around them changed. Suddenly, it was all stark, grim stone and walls. Blood and more horrible things coated many of the surfaces. Screams and cries of terror came from all around.


Sharlina curled up on herself, and Istara held her as she looked around wildly. “This is…” She broke off as a young girl came around the corner, a training saber in hand. It was HER! A growl sounded from nearby and the young Istara spun, saber at the ready. A young Tuk’ata dashed at her, but the young Istara’s form was perfect. It snarled and charged, only to meet the point of the girl’s training saber in its throat and fall dead. The girl shook herself and started off, only to freeze in place. A dark shrouded form appeared from the shadows.


“You are such a persistent thorn, Istara Andal.” The young human in Sith robes was sneering as he approached. “So strong and at the same time, so stupid. Did you really think you could get away with shaming me in front of my master? I think it is about time you learned you place!” Con made a gesture and his lightsaber ignited with the distinctive snap hiss of red energy. “The Force stasis will hold you until I am done.” A gesture for the Force and her robe fell open in back, exposing her flesh. “Let’s see… Hmmm… I think… Here…” The apprentice swept the very tip of his saber across the helpless girl’s lower back and the skin started to smoke and burn from the intense heat. Istara cried out and her hand went to her back, where an old lightsaber scar still resided. The image froze and Jainine’s kind voice was heard.


“Shh… Istara, it’s just a memory. But you need to see.” Jainine’s voice faded and Istara could only watch in horror as the scene unfolded.


“Now you bear my mark… You are mine. As a matter of fact…” His lightsaber deactivated and he smiled evilly at her. “I think you and I will get better acquainted. Oh, are you scared, girl? You should be.” Cone lowered the frozen girl to the dirt and started undoing the rest of her robes. “Humiliating me in front of my master. So what if I tumbled that unwilling wench? She had it coming. As you do. You holier than thou witch!” Con laughed delightedly. “What is this? Tears? Oh the ice queen melteth indeed. I will warm you up! Get ready…”


But suddenly, Con’s superior attitude seemed to fail as the girl he was manhandling looked at him and he froze in place. A strong hand on a man’s genitals will do that to anyone even remotely sane.


“You are never going to do that to another girl, ever again.” The voice of the girl he had been about to molest was icy cold. Blue white electricity arced from her fingers and a squeal sounded from Con. But it all stopped as a loud voice sounded from nearby.


“What is this?” A dark cloaked figure strode from the shadows and took in the scene at a glance. “Finally met your match, Con? Now, now, girl. None of that.” Sith Lord Amirg stepped forward and carefully removed the girl’s frozen hand from his apprentice’s nether regions. “Con. Begone. We shall speak… anon.” The apprentice rose and, without a word or backward glance, fixed his robes and left. The Sith Lord looked at the girl and shook his head. “You…are an enigma. You mother is a pain in the butt. But you… There is something odd about you. Who are you girl? Speak.”


“My name is Istara Andal.” The girl slurred the words out as if drugged. Or drunk.


“I know that.” The Sith said with a quick flip of an impatient hand. “But… Hmmm…” He nodded slowly and laid a gentle seeming hand on Istara’s head. The Istara watching made a strangled sound that was matched by the Istara in the vision. “What is this…? Two minds? One soft and weak, the other hard and strong? And what …” Suddenly the Sith Lord’s demeanor changed. “No…” He breathed. “It can’t be…”


The girl under his hand started to tremble and then to drool, but his hand didn’t move. Finally, it retracted and the girl collapsed in a heap. The Sith looked at her dispassionately and then nodded.


“Training is done for today. All surviving students are to report to the barracks.” His gaze fell on Istara who shivered. “You… will report to me for ‘advanced’ training when your classes are done. You should be honored, child. You are going to save us all. Whether you want to or not.” With that, he swept away, leaving the girl to shiver in the dirt of the arena.


Istara was shuddering, Sharlina was crying. Both were barely coherent as they reappeared in the grassy clearing. Jainine sat nearby, her face sad.


“Easy, girls, easy. It’s over and done with. You saved Istara, Sharlina. The only way you could. And you took the ‘treatments’ that Amrig gave you without flinching. He discounted Istara, but tried to program her anyway. Idiot. He never tried to program you, Sharlina.” Jainine’s voice held pride and sorrow. “You didn’t remember them, after he was killed, did you?”


“No.” Sharlina’s voice was muffled by Istara’s shoulder where her head was pillowed. “All I felt…was anger… I just… I couldn’t…Why did he do that? Program me to kill my mother?”


“Ah, Sharlina…” Jainine’s voice was sour now. “I gave up trying to figure out why other people do things a long, long time before I died. But if I had to hazard a guess... It was because of your sister. There is… a great divide in her future paths. One way, she becomes a great light, a beacon of hope a bringer of peace and healing. The other… Death walking. You know what she can do, what Darmuk and others wanted her for.”


“Yes…” Istara and Sharlina said in unison and then they looked at each other and smiled. “We will help her.”


“You will do your best, of that I have no doubt.” Jainine said quietly. “But the future is always in motion. And speaking of the future… You must be strong, Istara, Sharlina. You have been tested, but your tests are only beginning. The Seven are rising, and the galaxy will quake at their footsteps.” She paused as Istara snickered. “What?”


“The galaxy already trembles at Will’s footsteps.” Sharlina looked at her sister self and both shared a sour laugh with the Force spirit. But then Jainine sighed.


“Will is not going to survive what is coming. You saw… part of it.” The seer’s voice was sad, but then again, she had loved the man and borne him a daughter.


“I know he is dying. That he is in almost constant pain.” Istara shook her head slowly. “He is an ally, and a powerful ally he is. But… I had a vision of him charging a fleet, with the Stormhawk all but destroyed around him. It… It wasn’t clear. I woke up right after he opened fire the last time. He said… Oh no…” Istara breathed a horrified breath.


“Yes.” Jainine nodded. “Now you understand the true burden of a seer. You are not one, but you share some gifts, and curses with us. Do we tell his wife that she is going to die? Or do we not? We don’t know how she is going to die or when, just that she is, and that will push Will completely over the edge.” Istara shook her head, horrified, but remained silent.


“That is a definition of mortal.” Sharlina was shaking her head. “Knowing you are going to die, but not when, where or how.”


“Indeed.” Jainine sighed deeply and then nodded slowly. “Istara, Sharlina… I need your word. I am going to show you everything. Everything we have seen, everything we suspect. But you cannot tell anyone. You will understand why when you see.”


“Then why tell us?” Istara put it into words for both of her selves.


“Because you need to know. As grandmaster of your order, you must know what is coming, and why. Why Idjit did what he did, to save us all.” Jainine shook her head as forms started appearing behind her. Ashla Ti, Diseree, other forms in brown robes and black.


“I don’t want to know, do I?” Istara said quietly.


“No. You don’t.” This from Diseree who walked forward to stand right in front of Istara before kneeling. “But you must… Your word, Istara, Sharlina.”


“And if I cannot give it?” Istara asked in a tone of quiet dread. Diseree shook her head.


“Then you will wake up, with no memory of this. Slightly saddened, but with no idea why.” The young looking human female was almost in tears. “And then we are doomed. All of us.”


Istara looked around at all the forms in black and brown that surrounded her now and swallowed loudly. She looked at Sharlina who sighed and held out her hands. Istara took them and the pair spoke in unison.


“By blood and by steel, I will keep this confidence close. May my own blade end me if I transgress.” The pair froze as another voice spoke up.


“Good girl.” A black robed form strode forward and lowered his hood.


You!” Both Istara and Sharlina jumped to their feet, blades in hand. “This was all a trick!” The former Bladeborn known as Morey shook his head sadly. They of course had known him first as Ravishaw.


“No it’s not, Istara, Sharlina. I don’t have lot of time before I get yanked back to the master’s not so kindly embrace.” The man formerly known as Ravishaw was speaking without insane laughter, with deep sadness in his voice. He was…Was he crying? Yes he was! “You must know… and you mustn’t tell anyone, even the rest of the Seven.”


“You think I am going to keep this from them? Traitor!” Sharlina lunged, but her blade suddenly stopped, blocked by a yellow lightsaber in the hands of Diseree.


“We don’t have time for this.” Diseree’s voice was cold. “We don’t have time to be gentle.” Black and brown robed forms grabbed both Sharlina and Istara. Both women struggled but hands held them in gentle, but firm grips. “You won’t remember most of this until you need to. But ‘See’…” Her lightsaber vanished and she reached out and touched both women on the head. Both women screamed and collapsed. Diseree went to her knees beside them, her face stricken as many of the black and brown robed forms started vanishing. “I am sorry…” The girl said as she wept beside the still forms of Istara and Sharlina, “I am so sorry… We didn’t have a choice, not now…”


“Come Diseree. We have to get back before Istara wakes.” Her master took her arm gently and led her from the slumped pair. They took two steps and vanished. The back robed form of the man formerly known as Ravishaw sighed sadly.


“I am also sorry Jainine. I wanted otherwise. I tried to die, tried to fight… I couldn’t…Of all the people in the galaxy, I never wanted to hurt you, or him, or her…” His face was stricken as he raised his hood again, covering it.


“I know, Morey. You need to get back. Things will be slow until the plague is dealt with, if it is.” Jainine said as she knelt down beside the two sleeping woman and their hair ruffled a little. “Then… things will happen fast.”


“Should have just let me kill that shutta Darmuk…” The man groused as he vanished.

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“If we had… matters would be even worse, wouldn’t they Kaosis?” Jainine asked the empty air and then an older form of Istara appeared, her face stricken. Istara’s mother was in tears as she knelt by the still forms that were her daughter’s minds. Jainine sighed. “We had to do it, Kaosis… For what it is worth, I am sorry…”


Kaosis Andal’s voice was angry. “You hurt my baby. How am I supposed to feel?”


“The same as I do to when I see what that scum Darmuk is doing to my own daughter.” Jainine said in a tone of iron. “We can’t interfere. Such is the life and afterlife of seers.” She bowed her head. “We want to, but we cannot interfere. That is the curse of seers. But we had to do something.”


“Yeah, right…” Kaosis Andal was not mollified. “You did not have to do anything. You chose to tell her what you did. Instead of having faith, you meddle with no idea of the consequence. A lesson I learned in painful ways. You hurt my little one for no reason other than to try and assure yourself she would do the right thing. Surely you know the lesson that fighting visions sometimes brings them to life."


"We didn't have a choice, Kaosis..." Jainine was slumped, drained. "You of all people know we didn't have a choice...IF she makes the wrong choice, through lack of knowledge... You know what we saw... If we didn't do this, every single possibility was bad and worse... She will hate us, no question. And we deserve it. But she will be alive."


"So your answer is to make her freak out and fear it? You pull on strings like a puppet master. There are some fates far worse than death, and just because you see does not mean you know better than anyone else. It is her choice and you should leave it to her, have faith in her or the Force if you must." The scorn in Kaosis Andal’s voice could have cut steel.


"You have a right to be angry with us. But we are not the puppet masters here." Jainine sighed softly. "We gave her information, no more than that."


"Funny, Idjit got information and look what it did.” Kaosis’ voice was so cold as to freeze a star in its tracks. “Unhinged her far worse than anything. You people stress your lives so much, ready to simply die for another. Mindless of what that might do to others and the ripples it makes. All of you have so much worth dying for. Do a single one of you have anything worth living for?"


"I wish I knew..." Jainine said quietly and sadly. "Maybe we were wrong. But she needed the information. She needed to know why Idjit did what he did. She was coming apart at the seams, Kaosis. We couldn't just stand there and watch! her fail." Now the other Force ghost was crying. "She is such a great girl and she was going off the deep end. We had to do something."


"So let her." Kaosis stated with a maternal sigh of a mother watching her children go into the world and knowing the horrors that would shape them. "It is only in falling do you learn if you can fly."


"She did!" Jainine screamed aloud. "You didn't see her! She did fall!" The former Bladeborn seer was babbling now. "She was such a great kid, so hurt, so twisted, so... So..." She bowed her head and ghostly tears fell to vanish before they hit Istara's slack face.


"She fell so hard... She was falling again. Neither she nor Sharlina remembers, thank the Maker." Jainine shook her head slowly. "Maybe I was wrong to love her. Maybe I was stupid to love her. I don't care. She would have self destructed, and taken the Bladeborn with her. The Seven would have fallen...Idjit's sacrifice would have been meaningless." Jainine's voice was soft now, sick. "I watched her die not once, but three times, Kaosis Andal. Not in dreams, not in visions, for real. Twice by her own hand! We brought her back each time, and it hurt so much. Don’t tell me about falling and flying! Don't you dare!"


“And did it not occur to a single one of you...that her fall happened because of Idjit's sacrifice? Stupid boy..." Kaosis sighed deeply and shook her head slowly. “And as I said...there are worse fates than death."


"No...He wasn’t stupid." Jainine said softly. "He knew. We knew. He knew if he didn't go, right then, and do what he did, right then... She would have killed all the Imperials on the Sitolon ship. They killed the Sitolon she knew as Nana, Kaosis. Someone she loved. How would she have reacted? And then the Imperials would have fought her, the entire Empire, Kaosis. She could not have won, and she would not have cared." She grimaced. "Not to mention what Will would have done if the Imperials had hurt or killed his son. I love that man... But he scares the flarg out of me sometimes..."


"You expect her to change now? She is a creature of death and war, which is what the Empire and the Bladeborn created of her. It did nothing but delay the inevitable. How much can even the hardest of soldiers take before they snap? All you are doing is delaying and heaping the body count higher for when she crumbles." The non-Bladeborn seer could have been carved from ice for all the emotion she was showing. But it was clear she was no less incensed than Jainine.


"No." Jainine smiled sadly. "What I am doing is delaying the change that she will undergo until she is ready for it. Until it will not destroy her. You see... I do love her. I have since I first met her. She is not just a creature of war and death. She is so much more now. You know this. She loves, she feels, she cares, she..." Jainine shook her head. "She is exactly what the Bladeborn need, and she is what the galaxy as a whole needs."


Kaosis sighed. Why did these fools have to make things so complicated? "That is my point. The Force sees to the galaxy's needs. If you remove Istara from the equation it's plan will still go on. Istara is a person as well as a soldier, no one cannot be what they are. Both of my children though suffer from their lives being meddled in. Instead of preparing them, people sought to control them. It had crippled them in ways people do not see but is as terrible as losing a limb. Istara will change yes, but will lose how much of herself in the process is the question and no one but her can answer that."


"I know. But other people have denied Istara information that she truly needed." Jainine sighed deeply and stepped away from the still forms at her feet. "I wish there had been another way. There wasn't. For the first time in my life, all of the possibilities I saw said the exact same thing. We couldn't let her do it. We couldn't let her throw her life away for nothing... She was going to go to Drummond Kaas after Idjit. You know what would have happened." Jainine froze. "She is waking... I shouldn't be here..." She vanished as if she had never been.


"Mom..." A soft and scared voice sounded from the ground. "Have I made a mess again?"


Kaosis gave a small smile for her eldest. "No dear...Just everyone else making them now."

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This time when Istara woke, she felt good. Everything was in its proper place, she lying on something soft, but a rustle underneath her told her she was on a bed, not in a pool. But something… She sighed deeply.


“Good morning, Istara.” Diseree Mak’s quiet voice came from nearby.


“What did you do to me?” Istara asked without opening her eyes. “You touched me… And… I can’t remember…What did you do, Jedi?” Now her tone was angry.


“What do you remember?” Diseree asked softly.


“I was talking with Jainine. She said I had overextended myself.” Istara thought back. “She showed me a vision from my past, a fairly nasty one.” She felt the presence that was the young Jedi come close and she spoke softly, but with menace. “If you touch me again, child or no, Jedi, I will kill you.” The presence withdrew slowly. One thing was clear to Istara. She could not trust any Jedi now.


“We didn’t have a choice, Istara.” Diseree sighed but her presence withdrew further from Istara’s bed.


“Bull.” Istara kept her eyes shut, focusing on what she felt. “You did what you did, the same as Amirg did. Without bothering to ask, because it was ‘for my own good’, wasn’t it?”


“It wasn’t the same, Istara…” Diseree protested. “We did what we did because you needed information. It is still your choice what to do with the information.”


“So you just threw all that information into my head.” The Bladeborn snarled softly. “No, I won’t tell anyone what you showed me before that, you lying Jedi filth. Some of us keep our words.”


“Istara…” Diseree’s voice held sadness now, and resignation. “If we hadn’t what would you have done?”


“I don’t know. But it would have been my choice. Now it is yours. I am just another puppet on a string, aren’t I, Jedi?” Her words were cold and biting. She felt Diseree’s pain and regret through Ashla as clear as day.


“That is not true, Istara. We gave you what we knew about the plague and the machines. The visions that we had, we gave you. Nothing more.” Diseree was moving towards what had to be the door. “It is your choice what to do with the information. If you choose to do anything. For what it is worth, I am sorry.” Then the young Jedi seer was gone.


“Sorry…” Istara’s voice was sour and she lay there for a moment. Then she sighed as she opened her eyes and was not surprised to find herself on the bed in her quarters aboard the Sitolon homeship. “Of course you are. Fracking Jedi. Step all over someone and always sorry…” She shook her head and smiled sadly. “Thanks for the pep talk, mom…”


Istara had never really been one for chats with her mom before she had left Kaosis for dead at age 16. Now, she found she treasured them. Even if her mother was truly dead, she loved talking to her Kaosis now. The dead seer was a font of wisdom as well as usually good advice and was an extremely capable listener as well. Kaosis, while acerbic, judgmental and an all around witch with a capital ‘B’ on occasion, was also good company for someone who was having issues with self control and self reliance. While Kaosis could be a very…um… spirited person, no pun, she was also Istara’s mom. She didn’t take any guff from anyone. Istara knew that her mom had faced the Sith Emperor once, just like Istara had, and if so, her estimation of her mom’s ability went even higher. Istara had no idea how long she had sat with her mom, with Sharlina dozing behind them, talking about various things, some germane to her current situation, most not. But it had been very pleasant, just to sit and talk with someone who was not asking her for something, looking to her for guidance, or needing her to do something. But she had known it couldn’t last. Istara knew that she was needed in the real world. She had poked Sharlina awake and both of them had kissed their mother goodbye before returning to wake in the real world. She knew she likely wouldn’t see Kaosis again anytime soon, but it felt good, to know her mom was actually watching even if she couldn’t see the spirit. But now, she had to face the day. And the idiots who thought to use her for their own ends.


Istara cleaned herself quickly and put on her armor. Not that she was likely to need it here, but she felt oddly undressed when she was not wearing it. Her sword of course went to her back, with the hilt poking up behind her head. Everything moved as it should and she smiled a bit as she stretched fully, extending one leg above her head, testing her flexibility. She could feel the Sitolon hivemind looking at her, curious but she continued her stretches. She wanted to be clearheaded for this. Then her sword was in hand and she flew through katas that she had known since her teenage years as well as more advanced techniques that she had only learned recently. Finally, she finished her warm ups, with her breathing as calm and collected as it had been when she started. With a decisive flourish, her sword went back into its sheath and she nodded slowly.


“I guess it’s time.” Istara’s voice was sad, but unyielding as she started for the door. She was not surprised to find the remainder of the Seven waiting in the common room just outside. All of them looked worried, but their faces eased as they saw her come out of her room. “Good morning.” Istara said to them.


Will Kalenath looked at Istara, his face unreadable. Mira (or Natasha Anastasia Regina depending in who you talked to) and Michelle still looked worried. Jina Darkstorm though, just looked sad. Figured, she had been a Jedi, and had gone through her own encounters with less than intelligent choices by the Jedi Order. A large breakfast sat ready for Istara at the table and she smiled as she moved to sit at the place provided.


“What did they do to you, Istara?” The former Jedi asked softly. “Can I help?”


“No.” Istara patted Jina’s shoulder. “Thank you for the thought, Jina. But it is my burden, not yours. I have been shirking my responsibilities. Time I stopped doing that. Let me eat and then we can ask some hard questions of our hosts.” She sat and paused as Mira leaned over and hugged her. “What was that for?”


“For being yourself, Istara Sharlina Andal.” Mira said quietly. “For being who and what you are. Anyone who tries to manipulate you is going to answer to all of us now.”


“I…” Istara blinked, suddenly tears were threatening. No one had ever talked to her like that before. Not since she had been on the Rancor’s Bite, trying to save Will’s family from Special Branch, and the former slaves that she kept finding had called her a hero. She wasn’t one, not even close. She started as the whole group suddenly was close to her, embracing her. “Guys…I…”


“We may need you, Istara.” Will’s voice was calm and he held the group hug. “But you need us too. We are not just allies. We are all in this together. And anyone who tries to manipulate you the way those fracking Jedi did… Will pay.” The soldier’s final words were cold and hard. Istara relaxed into the embrace and sighed.


“I can’t tell you what I saw. They closed off parts of my memory. And I gave my word before they did whatever they did to me so I can’t even try to figure out what they did. Lying Jedi scum…” Istara grimaced as she looked at Jina. “No offense.”


“None taken.” Jina Darkstorm said quietly. “I am sorry, I couldn’t get to you. I tried, they kept me away.” Her face was stricken, but it eased as Istara hugged her lightly.


“It is okay, Jina. It is not your fault.” Istara took a deep breath and continued. “It may be for the best, I don’t know. With Idjit… gone… We lack his sight. They showed me a number of things pertaining to this plague that is affecting Force users. We have been in quarantine but we have been lax. That ends now. We are going to find a place for the bulk of the Order to sequester itself until the rest of us can find a cure.”


“I need to keep looking for Nia. Specifically, I have some leads on several of Darmuk’s agents.” Will’s voice was cold and distant now and Istara nodded. She was not going to ask what was going to happen to those agents. She likely did not want to know. But then he hugged her again. “If you need me, call.”


“I will.” Istara said quietly. “I am not going to pretend I am over this, because I am not. When I see Idjit again, I am going to kick his tail up between his ears.” This sounded more like the old Istara. “But I am not suicidal now and I know I have been shirking responsibilities. That is over.”


“Good to hear.” Michelle smiled as she sat back and then shoved the tray with food towards Istara. “Eat, Istara. We need to talk to Majistrona. All of us. And it looks bad if the team leader face plants due to low blood sugar.”


“Whoa…. whoa… whoa…” Istara said with a grimace. “Who died and made me leader?”


“You are the leader, Istara.” Will said quietly as he sat back. “None of the rest of us have any clue at all what we are doing. Jina might, but she…” He broke off as Jina slapped him lightly. “Ow!” He protested with a smile.


“I am still in physical therapy.” Jina disagreed. “You are the best choice, Istara.” Mira and Michelle both nodded.


“Then… “ Istara shook her head bemused. “I guess I am outvoted. I wasn’t even here for the vote… that sucks…”


“Welcome to life.” Will smirked at her expression. “Eat.” He indicated her tray and she sighed and dug in. “This is going to be rough.”


“You said it.” Istara said around a mouthful of synthetic bacon.


“Don’t talk with your mouth full, Istara.” Mira scolded her. “Didn’t your mom teach you anything?


Istara had to swallow fast to keep from choking as a laugh welled up in her. “Mira… You are trying to get spanked aren’t you?”


“No.” Mira said quietly. “I am trying make sure our glorious leader doesn’t choke to death on her first day as our glorious leader.” Her tone and grin were wicked and Istara had to laugh.


“I will spank you girl.” Istara said in a severe tone that was totally undone by the twinkle in her eyes. “Enough with the 'glorious leader' garbage.”


“By your command, oh 'Fearless Leader'.” Mira quickly darted form the table as Istara reached for her. The girl grinned as Istara looked at her. Istara sighed went back to her breakfast.


“I just can’t get any peace from you all, can I?” Her tone was half rueful, and half admiring.


“No.” The others chorused as Istara worked her way through breakfast.

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They made an interesting and impressive sight. All five of them wore silver armor. Istara’s, Jina’s and Will’s suits were built for heavy combat, with solid plates designed to deflect blows or fire away from vital spots. Mira’s suit was a bit different. First of all, while she was well trained, no one wanted a nine year old to be on the front lines. Second, she didn’t have the sheer bulk of muscle that would come as she grew up. So Mira’s armor was more like a jumpsuit. It had many pockets for her various gadgets, traps and weapons. Of course it also had plates to protect her vitals but they were lighter so she could move while still being protected. Michelle’s armor was a flightsuit with heavy armor plates over her chest and back. A flight helmet rode at her hip and she carried herself like any fighter pilot, confident, but hyperaware of her surroundings.


All of them were armed of course. Will’s scoped rifle rode easily on his back and he had to have at least two and probably many more than two pistols hidden about his person. Not to mention explosives, traps and whatever other nastiness the soldier might be carrying today. Istara had her sword slung across her back as well as two lightsabers hanging from her belt and a blaster holstered on her thigh. She rarely used ranged weapons, but every so often, the situation called for them. Bladeborn were anything but clueless. Some so called ‘martial orders’ decried ranged weapons, calling them unsporting or some other such drek. Bladeborn just scoffed at that. They lived for war, not stupidity and charging a ranged weapon in the open was just plain dumb. Even lightsaber wielders could be overwhelmed with enough fire and Bladeborn preferred steel over lightsabers anyway. Speaking of lightsabers, Jina carried three. Two at her hip and one carried at the small of her back. She generally fought with two, but was ready for anything. Mira had an arsenal of small and easily hidden weapons secreted about her person. Michelle… Well, she just had a sidearm. Her main weapons were on her starfighter. But technically, she was a living weapon, so…


Istara led the way into the large nesting chamber that was the home of the queen Sitolon of this hive. Nuoloinhtihjusghymajistrona was actually the short version of the name of the huge bug that was now rising to meet with the group that had come to see her. Close friends and acquaintances could call her Majistrona, no one else. Istara stopped ten paces from the large insect queen and nodded. The rest of her odd company followed suit. She looked around, amazed, yet again, at how lifelike the cavern seemed. She knew without a doubt that it was a chamber on an artificial spacecraft. But it looked, smelled and tasted like a cave. She could hear water running, she could see drops falling from stalagtites hanging from the ceiling. The wriggling larvae sacks that lay around were real, but the beds that they lay in were artificial, if constructed to look like holes in a cave floor. The drones that cared for them were real as well, if not totally sentient, at least that was what Istara had been told. She focused on the huge insect that was her host. Majistrona was ancient, even by Sitolon standards, at least a thousand years old. But her tone was as young as ever when she spoke.


“Welcome, Istara, Will, Jina, Michelle, Mira.” Majistrona spoke softly and kindly to the five who stood before her. “I know you have many questions. Now is the time for answers. This may take some time. Do you wish to sit?” Istara looked at the others and they all shared a nod.


“We would be honored.” Istara said quietly as she stood. Drones brought small chairs that looked remarkably like rocks to the front of the room and then vanished as silently as they had appeared. Istara sat, marveling once again at how her chair looked like a rock, but how comfortable it actually was. It was easily the most comfortable chair she had ever sat in. It seemed to mold to her body and it was likely alive in some fashion, most Sitolon tech was. She settled herself, making sure her blade was easily accessible. She didn’t think she would be attacked here,. But she was not going to take any chances. Not now. She noted Will was sitting in such a way that his blasters were accessible, and Jina had her sabers exposed. Mira and Michelle looked like they were just sitting, but she could feel the tension in both of them.


“Before we begin…” Majistrona said in a formal tone. “I must offer my apology, and the apologies of us all.” Her voice faltered a little. “It was never our intention to deceive you, any of you. It is not something we are proud of, the legacy of the nanites. But that does not excuse our not explaining the situation to you as soon as all of you arrived. We are, in the end, totally responsible for the evil that is coming. We buried our past and tried to forget about it. But some things refuse to stay buried, especially when evil forces start to close in.” There was deep sadness in her voice now. “We are responsible for the deaths, the destruction, the horror that has occurred and will occur. We are at fault.”


“I do not understand.” Istara said quietly. “Your people created the nanites. For what purpose?” She looked at the others, but none of them spoke.


“They were created as construction machines.” Majistrona said in the silence that followed Istara’s words. “They were intended to make construction, demolition and reconstruction easy and quick. But like any tool, they can be, and have been, perverted to other functions.”


“You mean… Like construction droids?” Mira asked in a tone of bewilderment.


“Yes.” Majistrona sighed deeply before continuing. “They are essentially, tiny self replicating, self programming construction droids.”


“Self programming…” Will had horror in his tone and Majistrona nodded to him.


“Yes.” The bug sounded sick and sad now. “That is why you are unable to affect them with your ability. Why they react so…forcefully, when you try. They are programmed to protect themselves from such attempts, or… if that is not possible, to self destruct. That was their original programming anyway. Things have changed, but many things remain the same.” Majistrona took a deep breath and then blew it out slowly. “They were such a great breakthrough. My people were so proud of them. Pride indeed goeth before a fall.”


“What happened?” The small voice was Mira, who was almost engulfed by her chair, but her face was intent.


“What always happens when beings are given great power, Mira?” Majistrona asked sadly. “In almost every case it is the same, no matter the species. Some use it responsibly, others… don’t…” The huge bug shook her head. “We have purposefully forgotten the name of the being who reprogrammed the machines from tools of creation into weapons of war. She was worthy of oblivion.”


“A queen…” Istara hissed softly.


“Yes. A queen, Istara.” Majistrona’s voice held hate but then she shook herself and gave a remarkably human sounding sigh. “She used the machines to attempt to conquer our homeworld. We do not think she intended what actually happened. In the end, her intentions do not matter. She was the first to fall to them, along with her swarm, when she lost control of them but she was not the last. All life on that world was devoured.” Majistrona’s voice was very sick now. “Our people had colonies elsewhere so our race continued. Through the efforts of a number of brave beings, many of whom gave their lives, the threat was contained. The machines and their core processors were locked away for eternity in a sealed and buried vault on a dead world.”


“And Firdlump found them…” Will shook his head slowly. “And released them under his control…”


“Yes and no, Will Kalenath.” Majistrona said quietly. “He found the location of the vault. According to records we have uncovered, he was a small time criminal, working for a crime lord at the time. He apparently owed a great deal of money to various people, so was willing to take long shots to try and make a big score. My people discovered his intent and attempted to stop him. We failed.” The shame and regret in Majistrona’s words was palpable. “He… opened the vault and powered the processors. But the reanimation process of the machines destroyed him.”


“Wait a sec…” Jina was shaking her head. “If he is alive, and he is… How can he have been destroyed?”


“He is not alive, as you know it, Jina Darkstorm.” Majistrona disagreed quietly. “If a Jedi or Sith were to get close and try to scan him with the Force, they would not sense life within the shell that calls itself Donal Firdlump. But he has had centuries of experience in dealing with people, in hiding what he is. What it is...Somehow, the machines made a copy of the man and inhabited it with evil intelligence. Why? We don’t know.”


“How did your ancestors stop the machines the first time?” Michelle asked softly. “That seems to be our best bet. Fighting them is right out if I understand anything at all about them. Throw energy at them and they absorb it. Throw matter at them and they eat it. Either way they make more of themselves, correct?”


“That is correct. Fighting them does not work. Our ancestors had the original codes for the main processors.” Majistrona shrugged all four of her shoulders. “Those have been lost. We have been looking for ten thousand of your standard years, trying to find them, trying to replicate them. With no success. If they still exist, Firdlump has hidden them.”


“Or destroyed the records if he had any sense at all…” Will said quietly. “After all, he has them. Any other copies would just be dangers to him and his plans. Do we know what his plans are?”


“Not entirely.” Majistrona admitted quietly. “We know that he intends to use the machines. But for what or why, we have no idea. Whatever it is, we cannot believe he intends anything good to come of it. We believe that the nanites are spreading from our dead homeworld at sublight speeds, carried by solar winds as pods or packets. We have kept a careful eye out for them. We estimate that they will approach the closest inhabited system in less than six months. When that happens…” Now the bug sounded sick again.


“What will happen, Majistrona?” Istara asked when the bug stopped talking. “When they hit an inhabited system?”


“The machines will be drawn to power sources, reactors, heaters, any source of power, Istara.” The queen insect slumped in place and her voice was sad. “They will use those power sources to find resources. Organic, inorganic, energy… It is all the same for them. They will consume everything they touch and they will replicate. If the inhabitants of the system fight, they will be consumed. If they do not, they will be consumed faster.” Mira made a gagging noise and Istara leaned over to pat the girl on the shoulder, offering comfort even though Istara felt a little queasy herself. “Any ships that flee into hyperspace…” She broke off as Will groaned in understanding.


“They will carry some of the machines away with them, won’t they?” The soldier actually looked sick now as well. Majistrona nodded to him and he made a sick face. “And the whole thing will start again wherever the ship comes out of hyper. Which could be anywhere in the galaxy. Holy crap… A plague… a mechanical plague…One outbreak… and it’s an apocalypse.”


“Indeed.” Majistrona shook herself and made her human sounding sigh again. “Now you know what we face. What you must stop. The plague analogy is a good one. You must stop this before it infects that inhabited system or we will never be able to stop it. Your vision of a Coruscant that was nothing but gray plains where once skyscrapers stood will become a reality, Jina.” The former Jedi turned pale at that.


“I…” Jina shook herself. “I won’t let that come to pass. I won’t!”


We won’t.” Will agreed as he leaned close to offer support that Jina gladly accepted. Just a kindly squeeze on an arm, but supportive. The rest of the group murmured agreement.


“Okay…” Istara shook her head, awed by the sheer scope of the problem. “Now we know about the machines, the nanites. What can you tell us about the Seven? How the flarg are we supposed to do this?”


“That …” Majsitrona made a soft, sad chuckling sound. “…is a very long story. But it starts like this: A long time ago on a planet far, far away…”

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<A very long time ago>


All of them…?” The soft old female voice was horrified. “No other survivors at all?” Then the vocie made a horrid rasping cough sound.


“Mother…” A scared younger voice answered her. “You must rest. Please, mother.”


“Oh Calypiosal…” The first voice sighed and a sound of something large moving was heard in the darkness. “I am not sleepy, daughter, I am dying. Lights…”


The light came up and the scene was made clearer. Two large Sitolon, one with dark brown skin and another much larger one with a bright silver carapace were seen in the middle of the floor of a large room. The room was barren. Nothing was in it except for the two female Sitolon and a shadow in the corner. The brown skinned one made a sound of fear and pain. She collapsed at the feet of the other.


“No, no mother… I can’t do this alone. I cannot go on alone.” She curled up on herself and sounds remarkably like human sobs came from her. “I came back to apologize for my rashness. To help. Don’t… Don’t leave me…”


“You are not alone, daughter.” The elder Sitolon queen moved slightly and horror was seen as she turned a little. Half of her body was gone. Rough bandages covered much of her right side torso and abdomen. It looked as if she had been…eaten. Both of her right legs and arms were stubs, gone halfway to the first elbows. “It is… not over… my child.”


“Mother… Mother no… Don’t struggle. I have sent for healers.” The younger Sitolon rose, and her manipulator digits were pushing against the older Sitolon, trying to restrain her gently. “Stay still, please.”


“Calypiosal, you are not a larvae anymore. You know they will not come back.” The elder chided her daughter gently. “They are afraid, with reason. Do not grieve for me. I go to join my ancestors. But someone must remember. Someone must prepare. You saw… You saw them…In the vision I shared with you.” It was a question, and at the same time, it was not. “You saw the Seven.”


“I saw…something, mother.” The being called Calypiosal said worriedly. “Seven… Yes… There were seven of them. None of them of our people. It didn’t make any sense. I couldn’t see what they did or why. The threat is gone… Why…?”


“The threat is contained, my daughter. It is not gone.” The old queen sighed and sank onto her stomach. Her daughter reacted immediately. Sitolon lung holes were on their bellies. Ordinarily, that was not a problem, their legs would hold them up enough to breath. But much of the old queen’s leg structure had been eaten by what had hurt her.


“Mother! No! You have to get up.” Calypiosal pulled on her mother, desperate. “You have to get up. The healers have to be coming. They have to be.” She looked around, scared. “Where are they?”


“Calypiosal… It is all right.” The old queen laid both of her non damaged claws on her child’s arms and pushed them gently away. “My time is done. Your time begins. Like you wanted.”


“I don’t want this, Mother! I never wanted this.” Calypiosal was shaking hard as she tried to get her mother to stand again. “As arrogant and obnoxious as I was, I never wanted this! Please stay for your people, Houytrbhavbjkilostewbvoikiyngtryeumihstuolisticaionse”


“What we want is rarely what we get, my daughter.” The old queen had a smile in her voice now. But she did rise a few centimeters and her breathing, which had become labored, eased a little. “I am very proud of you, daughter.”


“Mother…” The younger bug’s voice was stricken. “I ran away to seek adventure… The mountain... All the others died. I… I should have…”


“They told you to run.” The old queen’s voice was kind. “They told you and your companion to get away before they brought the mountain down on the vault.” The figure in the shadows nodded silently.


“I should have stayed. Any of them were better than me. I am… I am…” She paused as her mother’s good hand slapped her carapace and the younger bug recoiled slightly. Her voice was startled. “Mother…?”


“You are queen now.” The old bug said in a soft, weak tone. “They knew this. They knew I would not survive my injuries.”


No!” The bronze skinned bug screamed. “I can’t do this!”


“You can, my daughter.” The old queen said in a tone that brooked no disagreement. “And you must. Go from here, Calypiosal. Now.”


“I… I can’t… Mother… please don’t…” The bronze bug collapsed again beside her mother, her body quaking. The two undamaged arms of the elder queen came down and gently rubbed the younger queen’s carapace. “Don’t leave me…”


“Shhh… Shhhh… My daughter.” The elder queen’s voice was soothing now. “Time waits for no being. But you must survive. You must remember. You must tell the others what happened. What will happen.” Insects can’t cry, but Calypiosal seemed to be. “You must go. Go to the Enclave of our people on Aldereen, they will help you.”


“No…” Calypiosal seemed to wilt. “Mother… we must rebuild… We must…”


“This planet must remain barren. A tomb for our folly, the traitor and the heroes who saved us.” The old queen summoned strength from somewhere and her voice was hard when she continued. “The traitor who caused this… must be forgotten. Strike her name from every record, every line of code, every crystal, and every drone who has heard it. She deserves not to be remembered.” Then the old queen sighed again and sank down to her belly. All movement on her body ceased. Her voice trailed off. “I love you… Calypiosal… My best and brightest star… I am so… proud of you…” The queen slumped and then her head fell, her six eyes darkening as life fled her body.


“Mother…” Calypiosal stared at the corpse at her feet for a long moment. “No…” Her tone was scared, and alone. She lay down beside the still form, nudging her mother with arms and head, looking for signs of life, even though she knew it was useless.


“Milady…” A human form came from the shadows. The human female wore full armor, but her blaster was out and ready, just in case. The sword at her belt was beautiful, but fully functional as well. Her other powers more than made up for its lack of range. “Your majesty, we must go.”


“Master Cara…” Calypiosal did not move from beside her mother. “I can’t do this alone…I can’t go on alone.”


“You are not alone, my student.” The woman laid a gentle hand on Calypiosal’s head, carefully avoiding the delicate antennae. “You will never be alone. But you heard her wishes. We must go.”


Calypiosal turned three of her eyes and one antenna to her human friend and teacher. Then she shook herself and rose. She bowed her head for a long moment, laying both of her antennae on the still form of her mother. Then, without a word, she turned and strode from the cavern into the soft light of a new day dawning.


“Is it set?” Calypiosal asked as they walked across a barren plain towards a small starship that rested nearby. Hard to believe this plain had once been a thriving metropolis with millions of beings calling it home. Now… It was a flat plain, stirred only by the dust. The being at her side nodded and held out a remote. Calypiosal looked at it for a moment before extending one digit and striking the button marked ‘detonate’. Behind them, several explosions went off, sealing the cavern around her mother’s corpse. “Goodbye mother…” Calypiosal’s voice was sad and soft.


“What did you see in the vision she showed you?” The woman asked as her entered the ship. “I will get us airborne. You set course for Aldereen.”


“I saw Seven beings." The Sitolon said slowly as she started to work. "I think they were humans. They were hard to make out. They were facing a horde of enemies. The Seven wore armor that gleamed silver in the light. They carried some weapons that I did not know and some I did. I saw guns, blades and some blades that seemed to be made of light, bright light. Some of them used powers similar to yours, Cara.” The human woman stared at her friend for a moment before going back to getting the ship ready to launch. “They fought agents of the machines…?” Calypiosal paused, her voice confused. “But that makes no sense. The machines are essentially mindless. I thought so anyway…”


“The Seven, Calypiosal,” The master prompted. “What did they do?”


“They were… reprogramming the machines I think… I am not a programmer, so I don’t really know. Then they were attacked, by something I couldn’t see at all. They, the Seven, fought with boundless courage and unmatched skill. A couple of them fell, but I know not if they were slain or simply unconscious. They were not eaten, I could tell that much. Then I heard a voice. A female voice, one I did not know. It said: One to kill, one to mirror, one to focus, one to guard, one to see, one to love and one to remember.” Calypiosal said quietly as she strapped herself into a seat that looked as if it had been built for her, and indeed it had. “There as more… But I cannot bring it to mind. I will meditate on it, try to remember more.”


“That is an odd group of heroes.” The human said quietly as she finished preparations to take off.


“I don’t know if they were…” Calypiosal mused. “Heroes that is. They seemed… awfully dark.” She paused as the engines rumbled and they took off from what had been her home, once upon a time. “My senses may be dull in comparison to yours, Master, but they seemed more dark than light.”


“Heroes are heroes, Calypiosal.” Cara said with a shrug, her black hair falling in waves. “Dark or light, if they do heroic deed, they are called heroes, no matter their personal inclinations.”


“You have a point, master. I guess we will find out the truth of these Seven in time. I know life is not fair, Master Cara but I had hoped to continue my training.” Calypiosal continued computations for a jump to hyperspace. She was well trained in such things, having served with Master Cara for almost four years. “However… I know my duty. My people, the remainder… need me.” She keyed in the final sequence and nodded to the pilot. “There we go.”


“Well done. You were the best student I ever had, Calypiosal. I will miss you.” The human sighed and sat back from her controls as the ship jumped into hyperspace. “But duty comes first. If we taught you nothing, we taught you that. I am proud of you, Padawan. I had no idea that your ‘slight detour’ would involve delving into a cave on a dying planet to help stop a horde of miniature machines. Or your mother… I grieve with you. But I am proud of you.”


“Coming for you, that means a lot, Master Cara.” The Sitolon said quietly. “You will always be welcome in any hive I call home. I just…” She broke off, unsure.


“What, Calypiosal?” The Jedi asked softly, her brown eyes focusing on the large bug. “What do you feel?”


“Unworthy.” Calypiosal said almost inaudibly. “I should not be doing this. I should not have to do this. Life is not fair, any larvae knows that. But…” She sighed and sank back into her chair. “I will do what must be done.”


“You always do, Calypiosal.” Cara smiled at her former student. “That was one reason I chose you from the horde of potential students. You just don’t quit. Stubborn bug.” Now her tone was rueful and admiring.


“Guilty as charged, master.” The youngest queen of the Sitolon agreed with her master. “Would it be… amiss… for me to ask for continued training in Ashla? I know there are conflicts on Tython…”


“If I can teach you more, I will, my friend. But now things will be very different. You are a queen, not my student. You are going to molt, become fertile and bear young.” Cara made a funny face as Calypiosal groaned. Then the human woman sobered. “As to Tython? Things are going to get worse. Much worse.” Cara said, her face darkening. “Some people simply cannot handle such power. I won’t go back.”


“Master, Tython is your home!” Calypiosal protested. “You were born there. I know of a few others of my people there. You could train them.”


“They are with those weird Bladeborn types, Calypiosal. You know… The ones who follow the sword above all?” Master Cara said with a grin. “They wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I cheat.”


“Oh no master, you would never cheat.” The bug affected a stance of mock horror. “At anything but dice…” Laughter followed the ship through hyperspace.

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<The present>


For several minutes after Majistrona finished talking, there was complete silence in the chamber. Finally Will spoke softly.


“Aldereen…” His voice was soft, bemused. “They are your people? They look… similar, but not…”


“Yes, Will Kalenath. Our people settled Aldereen a long, long time before the Republic actually existed. The colonists there however… Well…” Majistrona’s voice was a little baffled. “They wanted to ‘go back to nature’, ‘live in harmony with the environment’, ‘coexist peacefully’, all that stuff.”


“Insect hippies…?” Will’s voice was incredulous as he stared at the bug and she laughed in delight.


“I guess you could call them that. But they were also not stupid. They kept their technology level hidden and they have always been staunch supporters of the Republic. They desired order. They wanted to forget their origins, forget our people’s mistakes, forge a better life and they did.” Majistrona sighed deeply. “Our ancestors who went there as refugees were welcomed, but also forgot a great deal. They have rebuilt much, but remain as attached to their natural world as they can be. With all the influx to their world, their basic genetics have changed a little over the millennia. And then… Well… They ah… They wanted to look different.” Now the queen’s voice was disapproving.


“So this… Queen Calypiosal… She went there? And forgot?” Mira asked softly.


“No. She remembered.” Majistrona made a sad noise. “Most of her people forgot their past, they wanted to forget the horrors, you see. But she remembered and passed her memories on to her successors and their descendants. When my ancestors, starting with Jili who chased Trugoy from Tython near the end of the Force Wars, went to Aldereen, some of Calypiosal’s descendants followed Jili. They built this ship and since then, we have travelled, seeking Trugoy, the Seven, and answers. We tried to stop Firdlump from awakening the machines, but we failed. Then we met you. All of you.” Majistrona indicated the eclectic group that sat around her. “The rest you know.”


“Well…” Will blew out a deep breath as he looked at Istara. “That is a load of info and no mistake. I need to go, I have an appointment with a few of Darmuk’s agents on Coruscant to get information on my daughter. I will be in touch. Call if you need me.”


“Try and keep the collateral damage to a minimum…” Istara asked softly as the soldier rose. “The less attention we draw right now, the better.” Will kissed her on the cheek, a brotherly peck.


“Hey…” Will grinned at Istara’s expression. “It’s me.” He smiled at the others and was gone. All the female looked at each other and in unison, shook their heads.


“That man is going to drive us crazy…” Istara said slowly in the silence that followed Will’s exit.


“That is not a long trip.” Jina said with a smile, wincing as she stroked the attachment point for her mechanical leg.


“You still have pain?” Istara asked quietly, rising and moving to her friend. Odd that she had a Jedi friend, but Jina wasn’t really a Jedi anymore. At least she wasn’t a member of the Jedi Order. But Istara didn’t care. Jina was her friend; that was all that mattered. “I thought that had been fixed.”


“So did I.” Jina said quietly as she rose slowly. She stiffened and only Istara’s quick grab held her upright. Her leg was obviously bothering her. She had lost the leg above the knee due to damage taken both from an Imperial agent’s attempts at interrogation and her sister’s use of a sword to wake her from a dangerous Force trance. Considering that her sister could have killed her, it was not as bad as it could be, but it was a fairly bad injury nonetheless, and Jina was no bouncing back from it. “It just suddenly started hurting. And it hurts worse now…” She blew out a deep breath and calmed, obviously using a Jedi pain control technique.


“Jina…” Majistrona’s voice was soft and worried now. “You said that someone injected some of the machines into you, yes?”


“Yes. When I was captured on Corellia.” Jina replied, her face serene as she focused. She blinked as the huge bug stepped away from her. “Majistrona…?”


“We never checked…” Majistrona’s voice held anger now, but not directed at Jina. “Do you trust me, Jina?” Majistrona asked in a tone that had all of the women sitting and standing nearby stiffening. Fear.


“I…” Jina blinked and nodded slowly. “Yes. What is wrong?”


“I think I may know what is wrong. Why you are not reacting to our healing attempts.” Majsitrona sank lower, but remains on her legs. She bent down to look Jina in the eye. “If so, you are in great danger and so are we.” At that, Jina froze in place. Istara, Mira and Michelle all rose, staring from Jina to the huge bug. “I need you to trust me, Jina. There is a way we can fix this, but it will frighten you. It will hurt you. I do not wish to harm you, to scare you. But it is the only way we know that will work for such a case.”


“What way, Majistrona?” The former Jedi asked softly. She stared as the bug produced… She backed away, her face suddenly going pasty pale as Majistrona produced a pair of crystals. One brown and one red. “No!” Her hands went to her lightsabers, but Istara was there, shaking her head. The queen bug did not move.


“Jina… Think…” The Bladeborn did not move to touch Jina, that would have been extremely unwise. She blocked Jina from moving at the huge queen however and her mien was sorrowful. “They will not hurt you. They need you. We will not let them hurt you. We can only truly trust each other. But have Majistrona or her people ever actually hurt us? They misled us, somewhat. But what else could they do? Would any of us have believed at first? About any of it?”


Jina was shaking, sweating as her fear crushed her Jedi control, and who could blame her? The last time a bug had used a red crystal on her, she had very nearly been mindwiped. Not to mention she had almost become and unwilling host mother for a mad offshoot of the Sitolon race. Small wonder her fear overwhelmed her control.


“Jina… It’s okay. They won’t hurt you. I helped them research this while I was here, basically sitting around.” Mira’s voice was soft and gentle. For one so young, she knew a lot more about pain and suffering than anyone wanted her to. “Majistrona… you are going to need to demonstrate.” She lay down on the floor well within reach of the bug, who recoiled further.


“Mira! No!” Majistrona cried, her hands falling. “I won’t do this to you. You have no idea how much it will hurt.”


“I don’t care.” Mira replied quietly. “Jina needs to see what you will do. Without a maker, which will drive her mad, she will need all the help she can get to keep her mind intact. Mine…” Mira sighed. “Mine will remain intact no matter what. You know this.”


“Mira…” Majistrona shook her head and the crystals vanished. “I can’t do that to you. It is Jina’s only chance. But you are not taken by them. You are free.”


“Am I?” Mira asked softly. “Am I indeed?” She met the bug’s six eyes with her two defiantly. “Jina needs to see what you can do. What the crystals are supposed to do. Who knows…? Maybe it will help me.”


“I can’t do that to you, Mira.” Majstrona shook her head slowly, obvious horror exuding from every pore. “You are an innocent who has suffered enough already.” She paused as Mira seemed to convulse for a moment. Before anyone could go to her assistance, she relaxed and spoke again, in a monotone.


“This unit is a data storage and retrieval module. This unit’s designation is A-5. Data retrieval in process, stand by…” Mira’s face was slack as the holocron buried in her head did what it did. “This unit was taken at age 4 standard years to serve as an experimental subject. This unit was prepared for two standard year and implanted with.,..”


“Mira stop!” Istara cried as she went to her knees beside the girl. “I wish I could kill that bastard Vxeis again…” She took the girl’s slack hands in her own but froze as Mira spoke.


“Istara Sharlina Andal, Fourth of the Seven. ‘One to guard’.” Mira stopped talking and her eyes were far away.


“Holy crap…” Istara laid Mira’s hands down, as if afraid to hurt the girl. “Has that…?”


“That has never happened before.” Majsitrona’s voice was soft, scared almost. “How would this Vxeis know about you? He died before you, before you were knownas one of the Seven…Before you took the trail and your name changed.” Now the bug’s voice was stunned. “By Ashla…The holocron...” Her voice was horrified beyond measure now.


“What Majistrona?” Istara asked, her eyes still on Mira.


“We need to consult. All of us. Jina… Please… We can help you. But we will do nothing against your will.” The bug looked from Jina to Mira who did not move and the bug’s voice was sick now. “And Mira… She is right. But if we do it to her without a maker, she will die. She is not strong enough in body to survive it otherwise. Mentally, she is one of the toughest beings I have ever encountered, but physically… she is simply too weak. She needs a maker.”


No!” Jina had her lightsabers in hand now and both ignited in a snap hiss of silver light. “Don’t you touch her!”


“Jina, please….” Majistrona was shaking her head. “Think… Why are you afraid? What are you feeling, right now?” The bug did not move, and neither Istara or Michelle knew which one to look at. “Search your feelings, you know the truth is you look for it.”


“You… You would put her in… You would impregnate her…” Jina paused, confused. “What…? I… No…” She shook her head savagely.


“Jina…” Majistrona’s voice was gentle now. “Calm, peace… There is no Emotion,…”


“Oh my god…” Jina stared at her hands with the lit lightsabers and deactivated them. “…There is peace.” She took several deep breaths before speaking again. “They did something to me, the machines. When I was injected with them on Corellia” It wasn’t a question. “Istara…”


“I am here, Jina.” Istara kept her voice gentle.


“Do you…?” Jina was obviously struggling with herself. “I can’t…trust my feelings, Istara. Disarm me…”


“Jina… It’s okay…Shhh…” Istara came close and took the Jedi’s lightsabers from her hands and the one from her belt. She hooked them to her own belt and then embraced the other woman. “It’s okay. I won’t let them hurt you, sister.” Jina lowered her head slowly onto Istara’s armored shoulder and Istara stroked her head gently.


“What do I do?” Jina asked softly.


“Sleep Jina.” Majsitrona’s voice was soft and gentle power flared from the bug to touch Jina’s head gently. The Jedi sighed and slumped in Istara’s grip. “Rest in the arms of Ashla.” Majistrona spoke softly but with command as she lifted Mira’s slumped form. “We need to get them both to medical. Now.”

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Istara watched like a hawkbat while the Sitolon healers prepared both Jina and Mira for the procedures. Michelle had wanted to stay, but Istara had sent her back. The pilot was technically on duty after all. Boss wouldn’t mind, but her flight leader definitely would. Istara did not move as a transparent form appeared beside her. Jainine Korr’s voice was sorrowful.


“Istara, I am sorry.” The Bladeborn ignored her and the Force spirit sighed. “I know we hurt you, I know we did not allow you to choose. But you have to understand, we did not see any alternatives.” Istara could have been made of stone for all the attention she gave the spirit. “Istara…. Please…”


“Flarg you.” Istara said coldly as she turned away towards where a healer was beckoning to her.


“Istara…” Jainine’s voice trailed off as the still living Bladeborn ignored her and walked towards the waiting medic. After a moment, she winked out as silently as she had winked in.


“Yes, healer?” Istara asked politely. It never paid to insult healers on their turf.


“We are ready to begin. You wished to be informed.” The large male Sitolon said respectfully. There had been a bit of debate as to having Istara in the operating ward while they did the procedures on Mira and Jina. It had been silenced by the simple expedient of Istara refusing to budge. No one dared push her, with good reason. “We are ready to begin with both. I have never done this before. And, I must stress that this is not a normal procedure. My people have not done thing kind of thing for centuries.”


“You have said that a few times, Hpilon.” A sour voice came from nearby and Istara turned to see a large mechanical mass approach. “I have done it before, if you recall…” In form it was a large Sitolon shaped droid, but where the head would have been was a transparent bulb containing a wizened Sitolon head. The voice came from a vocoder and it was sad. “I amazed you trust me at all, Istara.”


“I do, and I don’t, Agnosa.” Istara replied. She tried not to shiver as she watched Jina’s unclothed form slowly sink into the mass of flesh that was a Sitolon medical device called a ‘maker’. Mira was already in hers. Anything but skin to skin contact was bad for the device. Istara knew from information the hivemind had shared with her, how the devices worked, but it just looked so wrong. Small wonder Jina was terrified of these things. “I just… I don’t know…”


“This is…wrong.” Agnosa replied. “Much of what has been done is just wrong. I don’t know how much of it is due to my input with the scum who had me or not. My memories are untrustworthy in some regards, but they seem to have wanted my medical skill untouched. I will allow no harm to come to your sisters. You will be able to converse with them in a few minutes. I will be monitoring at all times, sister Istara. You have my word, the word of Kioluntutrebedthewsyiunberbvegteyubegertsefrerdeew fevjytersounhradagnosa.” The ancient Sitolon kept alive by evil forces through nasty means met Istara’s eyes and nodded slowly. “I help until the remainder of my body wears out.”


“Agnosa…” Istara shook her head slowly as the male Sitolon held out a surgical gown for her to step into. It fit neatly over her armor. She stepped towards a cleanser and let the energy play over her hands. “If this is the only way to help Jina, it is the only way to help Jina. But Mira… Her I am not sure of.”


“Neither are we.” Agnosa replied soberly as she held out gloves for the Baldeborn to don, Istara did so carefully. It was hard to get into surgical gloves without contaminating them. It took skill and practice. Luckily Istara had the skill, learned early in her career as a Bladeborn. She hadn’t practiced recently, so was slow doing it. A good surgeon could do it in seconds, it took Istara a minute and half of careful maneuvering. “But the good news is that you will be able to talk to them very shortly.”


“Where do you want me?” Istara asked as a nurse came up with a surgical mask and strapped it around Istara’s face. Istara looked at herself and nodded. “Ready.”


“I want you not be here at all…” Agnosa sighed, an odd sound coming from a half Sitolon, half droid thing. “But then again… I would wish that none of this would be needed. Come…” She led Istara to a chair that had been set up between the two large fleshy sacks. Istara gulped a little on seeing the squishy thing that sat where her head would rest and then shook herself and sat. “This is going to feel… strange. Easy there…”


“And any of this is not strange?” Istara asked with a laugh as she sat back carefully. She felt pressure ta the back of her head, a pressure that faded quickly as the odd device molded to her head. “Shall we review one last time?” She asked as Agnosa moved to attach the monitor leads to her.


“Can’t hurt.” The cyborg Sitolon replied. “I am going to use the thro’lit, the brown crystals, on Jina and Mira, that will pull their minds into a limbo of sorts. They are connected to the ‘zins, which your head is resting against. The ‘zins will create an artificial construct for your mind to inhabit. One they will share with you. You must keep them calm. It won’t take long. Once I have them clear, I will wipe the nastiness from their brains with the ‘lij, the red crystal, and put their minds back in.”


“You have done this before… Right?” Istara asked carefully as Agnosa laid a gentle manipulator of her scalp and pushed it gently back. The…thing… behind her head made a slurping noise and she had to fight to keep from jumping up and running away. The feelings were…awful. It felt like something was swallowing her head.


“Actually no.” Agnosa admitted quietly. “I assisted a master healer with a similar operation once. It was… oh, about two thousand years ago. We saved that young one. It is fairly straightforward. ” Istara blinked and sighed. She didn’t have much choice if they were to help Jina. “Istara… this is important. If you have any problems, eject yourself from the simulation immediately. You know that minds have defenses. You may not be able to fight them. We will be as quick as we can.”


“Okay…” Istara took a deep breath. “Let’s do-”


Before she finished the words, she was standing in a wide open room. She stared as she recognized it. It was the ‘Room of a Thousand Fountains’ from the Jedi Temple on Corusant. She had never seen it, but she had heard of it. Just as she was looking around, a piercing scream split the air and Jina appeared next to her, screaming loudly. Istara grabbed the Jedi in careful hands. “Jina… Jina!” She shook the other woman and not gently.


“I…Is… Ist… Istara…?” Jina was hyperventilating as she looked around, obviously not seeing the peaceful surroundings. “How… how did you get here…? I...”


“Jina… Breathe, woman.“ Istara pulled the other woman into an embrace. There was nothing lewd about it; she was offering comfort, nothing more. “Shhh… Jina, it’s okay…” Her hands were gentle as she stroked Jina’s head, trying to calm, to soothe.


“They have got me again! I can feel the crawling all over me… I can’t move! They have me!” Jina whimpered, a far cry from her usual confidence. “I don’t want to be a brood mother! Istara, help me!


“You are not, Jina.” Istara said quietly, holding Jina so the Jedi had to look at her. “Jina… Look at me… at me!” Istara commanded. Jina brought her tear streaked eyes up and Istara locked gazes with her. “Have I ever lied to you, Jina? Ever?”


“No…” Jina admitted. “You haven’t. I am so scared Istara… Please…” Suddenly she sounded so young, so lost and alone.


“I know, Jina. I know. It’s not your fault…” Istara paused as Jina’s hands started wandering. “Jina. Stop. I need you calm, but not like that. We are about to get another guest.” She held the Jedi out at arm’s length and shook her head. “I am not that kind of girl.”


“I…” Jina pulled her hands from Istara’s body and shook herself. “Sorry… I’m… I am losing control, Istara…Just so scared…” Then she stiffened. “What is… “ She stared around and gasped. “This can’t be…It took a direct hit during the Sacking…”


“This is a mental construct, it’s to help you stay calm, Jina.” Istara gave Juna a light hug and let the Jedi go. Jina stared at the fountains, bemused. “The Sitolon are not going to turn you into a brood mother. You know me, Jina. I won’t let them.” Istara’s voice was adamant and Jina relaxed slowly.


“I am scared, Istara…The feelings are the same…” Jina said quietly, but then sighed and obviously forced herself to calm even more. “I remember… Wait… Mira?” She asked worried.


“Yes, Mira is coming. And I have no idea what state she will…” Istara broke off as a young form appeared beside them. But this was not the Mira they knew. This young girl wore the uniform black robes of a Sith and held a lightsaber in a master saber fighter’s grip. And her face was blank of emotion as her eyes locked onto the two females. Istara’s voice was soft and worried now. “…be in. Oh dear…”


“Unauthorized access attempt.” The being beside them said in Mira’s monotone voice. “Lethal force countermeasures initiated.” The lightsaber ignited in a red wave.


”What do we do?” Jina asked as she backpedaled from the girl who was advancing on them now. “Whoa! Mira!” Jina called as the girl swept the red saber through where Jina had been standing, but the Jedi had jumped away and silver blades appeared in her hands, only to vanish. “I don’t want to duel her! What do we do, Istara?”


“We try not to get killed.” Istara replied as she also, jumped away, only to pause as Mira followed, force swift and strong. “I don’t want to hurt her! But I am more worried about her hurting US.” She thought for a moment and then smiled grimly. A staff appeared in her hands, a metallic one. “Jina, stay back. I will keep her attention.” She swung the staff to block Mira’s next attack and was astounded by the sheer power the girl was showing. Admittedly this was all in the mind…


Wait a sec… All in the mind?


“Jina! Try and find Mira, this isn’t Mira. I think it’s a construct from the holocron.” Istara moved into an attack posture and the girl with the blank face came to meet her. “If you can’t… well… I have another idea…” She blocked a very advanced strike and scowled as she retreated a step. “I just hope I can do it without getting killed. Or killing her…”

Edited by kalenath
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Istara focused on defending herself. As a Bladeborn, she was much more used to being offensive, the best defense to a Bladeborn being a strong offense after all. But in this case, she didn’t want to kill her opponent. She didn’t even want to hurt her opponent if she could help it. Mira was a victim, a little girl who had been abused, tortured and used as pawn by a nasty man, even by Sith standards. But she was hard pressed to keep the glowing red blade from herself. Whatever was controlling this construct, or Mira if this really was Mira, was well versed in lightsaber combat. Just in case, she tried to talk to the girl.


“Mira… I don’t know if you can hear me or not.” Istara parried a backhanded swing that would have disemboweled her and jumped away from a counter that would have taken her head off her shoulders. “Mira, if you can hear me! Fight it!” She jumped back as Mira moved, striking with precision, trying to disarm or disable rather than kill. “Jina!” She called, getting a bit worried. She could keep this up, but not forever.


“I found her!” Jina’s voice called. “She is behind some kind of energy barrier… All curled up. I can’t get to her.”


“An energy barrier…?” Istara blinked and then blocked a savage slash that would have cut her in half, this time following through with her strike, connecting to the girl’s upper left arm and hearing it break. The girl did not even grimace, just transferred the lightsaber to her good hand and pressed her attack.


Istara! Stop!” Jina’s voice called out. “When you hit that one, this one’s arm broke! I can see it broken, hanging loose!” Now Jina sounded as if she were crying. “I can’t… Ow! I can’t get to her!”


“Damn…” Istara shook her head. How long was this going to take? Agnosa had said that it wouldn’t take long. But then again, they really hadn’t had a clue what might be involved. After what that SIth had done, putting a holocron in the girl… Wait… A holocron…? A Sith holocron! Istara blinked and nodded slowly. “Sharlina… I need you…”


“I won’t kill her, Istara.” An alternate form of Istara appeared nearby, this one in full armor. Her helmet’s face mask was open and her face was grim. Her eyes were a fiery red as always. “She is just a kid, and a victim.”


“You won’t need to, Sharlina.” Istara backpedaled away from the girl and waited, her staff ready as the faux Mira followed slowly. “That holocron inside her head. It’s a Sith holocron!” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sharlina pause, and then her other self’s eyes went wide. Istara shivered a bit as Sharlina smiled evilly. She really did not like that part of herself. “We both know how to access Sith holocrons! Do it!” Istara called. The woman’s red lightsabers ignited and she attacked.


“Peace is a lie,…” Sharlina called as she attacked with the speed of a blaster bolt, but carefully, aiming for Mira’s blade instead of the girl. Her two red blades hissed a Mira held her off, but barely. With each word, each strike, Sharlina’s blows came faster and faster, her anger pushing her on and on as always. “…There is only Passion! Through Passion, I gain Strength! Through Strength I gain Power, through Power I gain Victory! Through Victory, my chains are broken!” Her blades came in and caught Mira’s blade in a vicious scissors move. Even if the fake Mira had possessed two good arms she likely would not have been able to hold onto her blade. As it was, the blade went flying and Istara called it to her with Ashla, deactivating it in flight. “The Force shall free me…” Sharlina said, her blades poised for kill strikes on the girl who stood frozen. <Show yourself!> Sharlina called in the ancient Sith language and power rang in her words.


“Well fought, Bladeborn.” A sinister voice sounded from nowhere and a middle aged man in black robes stepped out of nowhere. As he appeared, the fake Mira vanished. “You have earned access the only way it can be earned, by demonstrating knowledge and superiority. I will serve, for now.” Neither woman relaxed. Sith holocrons were deadly.


“Vxeis.” Istara glared at the man, construct, whatever it was. This was a representation of the man who had hurt Mira so badly.


“Part of him.” The being agreed softly. He looked form Istara to Sharlina and nodded slowly. “This is an interface. Much is proceeding as was foreseen.”


“Foreseen…” Istara growled, a sound echoed by Sharlina. “Foreseen that this poor girl needed to be tortured? That this piece of crap needed to be placed inside her head?”


“Yes. Natasha Anastasia Regina, Seventh of the Seven, ‘One to remember’.” Istara did not take her eyes off the shade of the dead Sith lord. For his part, he did not look away from her, which was wise. Her hand was on her sword.”This was required.”


“Take it out of her.” Istara’s voice was flat. “Or deactivate it.”


“That is not possible.” The interface said quietly.


“Nothing is impossible.” Sharlina said softly, her ignited lightsabers were perfectly still in her hands as she watched the interface with the stillness of a perfect predator.


Istara tore her gaze away from the interface as Jina came up, her face stricken. Mira lay in her arms, one of the girl’s arms hanging limp. Mira’s face was a mask of tight control, but Istara could feel her pain.


“Oh Mira…” Istara was holding onto her emotions by her fingernails. “I am sorry…”


“Sorry?” The interface questioned. “Mercy is for the weak, Bladeborn. You of all people should know that.”


“Be silent.” Sharlina commanded and the interface nodded to her.


“Istara…” Mira’s voice was soft as she lay quiet in the Jedi’s arms. “It’s okay. You didn’t kill me, so it’s okay.” She grinned a little, but it was undone by the grimace that underlay it. Istara could feel her pain.


“Jina… Can you do anything for her?” Istara asked, laying a gentle hand on Mira’s forehead, trying to ease the girl’s pain. She blinked when it didn’t work. What the hell? She rounded on the interface which hadn’t moved. “What have you done to her?”


“Reintegration protocols are now complete.” The interface answered her. “The information you need is contained within the memory banks of this holocron. Find it if you are worthy.” With that, he winked out.


Mira slumped in Jina’s arms and then she sighed as Istara touched her again, this time, the pain easing power worked. Mira smiled her thanks at Istara and then her eyes went wide as she looked around. Sharlina smiled at her, deactivated her lightsabers, bowed and vanished. Jina held Mira gently as the girl shook her head, bemused by all this. For several minutes there was silence in the room, only broken by the bubbling of water from pool to pool.


“We are going to need the information.” Mira’s voice startled everyone. “Can you get to it?”


“It’s a Sith holocron, Mira.” Istara sighed as she brushed the girl’s hair out of her face gently. “The only way to access it is to prove your devotion to the Sith or your superiority. I am not a Sith. But Sharlina still follows much of the way of the Sith, even as Bladeborn. There is some wisdom in that way for some individuals who follow that bloody path, like Sharlina does, but it is highly dangerous to follow. I won’t do that to her. Or to you.”


“We need the information.” Mira was adamant now. “Can you… remove it?” Istara froze in place, her face freezing as well and Mira nodded. “You can, can’t you? The Sitolon I mean.”


“Mira…” Istara took a deep breath, settling her mind before replying. “Yes, they can. But they won’t. They say there is a seventy eight percent chance it will leave you a vegetable. A twenty three percent chance it will kill you. The data would likely be intact, you would not be. Not going to happen.”


“Istara…” Mira sighed and shook her head. “You are so stubborn. The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the one, Istara. Always have, always will. You need the data. Let them take it out.”


“I don’t care.” Istara said as she gripped Mira’s good hand in a tight grip. “I already had one little girl hurt because of my actions, and she may never recover. I won’t do that to you.”


“Istara…” Mira’s voice was soft with pain and regret. “Juli knew the risks of what she did. It was not your fault. She forgave you and Brianna. It was not your fault what happened. Why can’t you see that?”


“Fault no.” Istara said quietly as she stroked Mira’s hair gently. “Responsibility, yes. I went there. I asked for asylum. I put that poor girl in the position of being tortured. I did all…” She broke off as Mira’s good hand came up in a slap that hit Istara’s cheek. The girl had to be hurting worse than she acted because the slap barely stung. Mira was a lot stronger than that.


“Stop that.” Mira said quietly but strongly. “You are not to blame. Were you involved? Yes. So was most of the crew of the Stormhawk They all blame themselves as well. Will blames himself. Hell, Juli blames herself. Its time you got over that. Let the feelings pass, Istara, they do not help. They just hurt you.”


“You…” Istara put her hand to her cheek and then, unaccountably, she laughed. “You crazy girl…” She took Mira from Jina’s arms and held the girl tight. “I see now why the Bladeborn loved you.”


“I never figured out why.”Mira admitted as she snuggled closer, careful of her broken arm. “It never made any sense to me.”


“You will figure it out someday, Mira.” Istara could only shake her head in disbelief. For such a hurt girl to react in such a perfect way, no matter the cost… That was rare, very rare. “For now, we all need to be calm. Will you meditate with me?” Mira nodded and Istara set her down into a sitting position. Mira laid her broken arm gently across her chest and Istara sat down beside her. Jina did as well and all three began a basic meditation. Funny that the exact same meditation was taught to Jedi ,Sith and Bladeborn. But then again… it worked. Did they need it to be anything else?

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After a time, all three were calm and Istara pulled Mira into her lap. The girl came without question, her pain was evident and Istara’s gentle touch of power helped hold it at bay again.


“Istara…” Mira looked the woman holding her in the eyes. “You need the information. No matter the cost, you need the information. Tell the Sitolon to take it out of my head.”


“No.” Istara’s flat word had both other females flinching. “Interface! Show yourself!”


“What do you desire?” The black garbed man appeared, and Mira tensed, but forced herself to relax.


“How do we set it up so that she can access the information on demand?” Istara demanded, her tone haughty. “Without corrupting her or causing her to lose control of her body?”


“It was intended that way.” The interface did not react at Mira’s exclamation of disbelief. “The records in this holocron do not show the final fate of the creator, but he left a message for the bearer.” Mira was shaking now hard and Jina touched her cheek gently. The Jedi sat beside Istara and the hurt girl, both of them holding Mira gently as the girl tried to keep sobs in.


“Mira?” Istara asked softly.


“Do it.” The girl said flatly.


The interface changed. Suddenly the man who had been dapper, well groomed and immaculately dressed was anything but. His robes were tattered, his face held at least a week’s worth of stubble, and his eyes were haunted. Istara stared at him, what kind of Sith went around looking like this? He would be attacked and killed by the first Sith who saw him for being a fool and a weakling. He spoke.


“I am Vxeis. This message is intended for the Seven. My life if forfeit to the Empire for violating the idiotic treaty that they foisted on the fools from the Republic. As the Emperor commands, so we obey. I have come to a crossroads. What I have seen has shaken my previously firm belief in the Empire’s superiority. I have seen what is coming, and why. I have seen the cause and the agents of chaos that serve that cause.” He sighed and his posture straightened.


“I am Vxeis, Lord of the Sith. I will die as I have lived, a servant of the Empire. I did what was needed, to preserve the future of the Empire. If that demands my life, so be it. The strong take from the weak, but strength alone will not save the Empire from what is coming. The cunning take from the foolish, but cunning alone will not save the Empire. Through years of study and careful work, I have come to the conclusion that the Empire alone cannot survive what is coming. The Seven are rising. I did not believe it when I found the child, but it is true. The visions I have seen do not lie. Only one of the Seven could have survived what I put her through.” Mira made a choking sound and Istara hugged the girl gently. The record continued.


“Perhaps I have been corrupted by kindness or worse… mercy. But I find I like this girl now. No matter what I do to her, she survives and continues to fight. I had intended the brain of this girl to simply be a data repository, one to be stored and then retrieved at a later date. The retrieval however would kill the subject no matter the care taken. No… No it is not kindness or mercy…” The dead Sith mused. “It is pragmatism. She is one of the Seven, of that I have no question now. She is one of the ones who can stop the ultimate horror that is coming. I must take care not to harm her further, to keep her alive and as fit as possible. My apprentice as well, will not understand. Nira always was a bit softhearted. But this girl… She is strong, she will survive long enough for someone, perhaps Nira, perhaps a Bladeborn, to find her. I leave this message for her. ‘I am sorry child, Natasha Anastasia Regina. The end always justifies the means. The end in this case is the survival of the galaxy as a whole, so… one life, even an innocent one, is insignificant. Be strong girl, you hold the key to the Seven’s victory within you.’” Now the Sith shook himself. “Now I just wait for my executioner to arrive. I believe the Emperor will send a Bladeborn and the child will live. If not, my apprentice will search this place eventually, and find the girl. Will she live? I do not know, the futures I have seen are vague in that regard. If not, then this was all for naught, but I will not live to see the galaxy consumed. I am Vxeis, Lord of the Sith. I did what I did because it needed to be done. For the Empire!” The holo winked out. But then it reappeared and it was not Vxeis… No it was Mira! And it spoke in Mira’s normal voice!


“I am data storage and retrieval module A-5. State information required.” Mira stared at the other her and jumped to her feet, trying to run at it. Istara was on her feet as well, holding her back.


“No, Mira!” Istara held the girl gently as she tried to fight her way free, to rend and tear the fake copy of herself. “It’s not you.” Istara spoke to the holo. “Can you take another form? You are distressing the carrier of the holocron.” The interface shimmered for a moment and the holo of an Imperial protocol droid appeared in the place.


“Interrogative: Is this form and voice more suitable?” The holo asked in a droid’s voice. “Statement: Primary commands are to preserve the carrier, mind and body, at all costs.”


“Mira?” Istara asked as the girl stiffened in place. “Mira…?”


“I…” Mira shook herself, her berserker rage gone. She slumped, her energy fading. “How did you know how to handle that?” She asked as Istara helped her sit again. “How to deal with a… Oh duh…!” Mira clunked herself on the head with her good hand. “The Bladeborn have dealt with Sith holocrons before.”


“A time or two…” Istara agreed quietly as she sat beside Mira and held her tight. Mira leaned into the embrace gratefully. “Very well. Interface, we seek knowledge of the Seven, the history of the threat and possible courses of action.”


“Acknowledged. Data retrieved.” The droid replied. “Statement: Estimated time to deliver requested information in concise verbal form, eighteen hours virtual time. Do you wish to continue?”


“Jina, Mira…?” Istara looked at Jina and Mira who both nodded and then the appointed leader of the Seven nodded as well. “While we do, I can see to your arm, Mira. I broke it; let me see if I can fix it.” She took Mira’s broken arm in gentle fingers to start healing energy flowing. She would not be as quick as true healer, but in eighteen hours she should have it working as good as new. Once she was sure the healing had begun, she nodded to the interface. “Begin.”


“Statement: The Seven are a group of humans prophesied by an ancient race called the Sitolon to stop a threat of galaxy spanning proportions.” The droid’s voice did not change or falter as it looked from one listener to another, to another. “Recitative: ‘The Seven shall rise and fall. The galaxy will fall or be saved’. Their path is littered with choices both positive and negative…”


“Wait a moment…” Jina asked softly and the droid stopped speaking. “The Seven will rise and fall?” She asked the droid incredulously.


“Statement: Yes, the Seven will fall, and in doing so will…” The droid broke off. No! The three women were vanishing.


“Istara!” Jina called as she vanished. Istara held Mira tight, trying to will the healing to accelerate but then…-


<Medical ward aboard the sitolon homeship>


“Ack!” Istara coughed as she came back to her senses. “What the…?”


“Easy, Istara…” Agnosa’s worried voice was coming from somewhere close. “You scared us.”


“Jina… Mira…” Istara tried to move, to see, but her body would not move. She had a moment of panic, but let it fall away. “What the…?”


“Hold on, Istara. You are still connected.” A gentle touch to the back of her head and she was able to move. Another touch had her head turning to see the transparent bubble that Agnosa’s head resided in. “I thought to told you to leave if it got bad…” Agnosa complained as she scanned Istara with a portable scanner.


“Couldn’t leave them to face it alone…” Istara said quietly as she stretched. “Jina? Mira?”


“Jina is clean of the programming. We have her in postop and we think we can regen her leg now. It won’t take long, I will make it a priority.” Agnosa’s voice was sad now. “Mira…” She broke off as Istara hissed.


“What happened?” Istara asked as she rose from the chair. She had apparently been sitting for some time, her feet had fallen asleep. She sternly ordered them to obey and they did. “Where is she?” She asked as she looked around. The fleshy sacks that Jina and Mira had been in were empty.


“Istara…” Agnosa’s voice was sad now. “I don’t know what happened. I don’t. It wasn’t supposed to do that…” Now her voice held sadness and something else, something elusive and hard to define.


“What…” Istara asked softly, her hand on her sword hilt now. “…happened?”


“When we pulled her out of the crystal and put her mind back into her body, she went catatonic.” Agnosa said quietly. “She is in ICU now, in a coma. My life is yours, Istara.” The old bug lowered herself to face Istara, the bubble that kept her brain alive, the sole vulnerability on her chassis, facing the stunned Bladeborn.


Istara stared at the aged Sitolon cyborg for a moment before turning on her heel and leaving the medical ward in silence. Agnosa stared after her for a moment before shuddering and speaking to the empty air.


“I warned you, Majistrona… It was too much. She knows…”

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Istara’s first stop was to see Jina. The former Jedi was pale and drawn, but looked good as she smiled up at Istara from her bed. The smile faltered as she saw the guarded look on the Bladeborn’s face. Istara forced a grin onto her face.


“How you doing, ‘fraidy cat?” The words in and of themselves were innocuous. A mild insult, fairly normal for Bladeborn. But not for Istara. Jina’s eyes went wide but then they narrowed. “You had me worried…”


“I was hoping to have a chance to talk to you, Istara. I wanted to apologize… For what I did in that mental projection…” Jina actually blushed. “I am normally in better control of myself. It won’t happen again.”


“No problem, Jina. You were stressed and scared out of your mind. I don’t mind such attention if I am expecting it, but like I said, I am not that kind of girl. It is not my thing. I have no problem with people who do practice that kind of thing. It just took me by surprise.” Istara smiled as she sat beside the Jedi and looked at the regeneration apparatus that covered the Jedi’s leg. “I see they hooked you up already.” She leaned down to look under the sheet that covered Jina’s leg and smiled as she laid it back down. “Won’t be long. Probably less than an hour.”


“I know, but… I had forgotten how much it itches.” Jina complained, but her eyes were drawn to Istara’s hand as it traced the organic device that covered her leg. “Istara…?”


“Get well, Jina…” Istara said as she rose slowly. “We will need you. Soon. When you can, go see Mira… She will probably appreciate that.” With that, she left the room, leaving the Jedi to stare at the three silver objects that Istara had slipped under the fold of the sheet that covered her. Jina’s lightsabers! What the hell? She was suddenly hyperaware of the small device on the ceiling, the one that monitored her condition and sent video to the nurses… and others… Oh… flarg


Mira wasn’t in the normal ICU and Istara was not surprised. She did not speak to the nurse bugs that looked at her, simply looked at the empty beds, turned and left. None of them felt relieved however. There had been something in her expression… A coldness… Like death walking…


<Half an hour later>


Istara was unsurprised to hear a summons through the hivemind as she was packing her gear up. Small wonder that her minor subterfuges had not gone unnoticed. Leaving Jina her lightsabers might have gone unnoticed, but visiting Jina and Mira’s rooms? Packing for them? Istara was not a stealthy person by nature. The Sitolon never would have seen Will or Leeto again. Of course… If this had happened to Will or Leeto, people would have died by now. Probably lots of them. Leeto would have left a trail of very surprised looking dead bodies behind him. Will…well… lots of explosions. She finished packing her meager belongings and picked up the packs that held Jina’s and Mira’s as well. Luckily, none of them were womp rats to carry a bunch of junk. Mira actually had the most objects, and almost all of them were weapons of some kind. Daggers, blasters, even a miniature version of a Sith Lanvarok –something that Istara shuddered to touch- but it was an effective weapon. As she exited the room, she was unsurprised to find two Sitolon waiting for her.


“Sister Istara…” The larger of the two said quietly. “Majistrona requests your presence.” Istara nodded.


“I was on my way there. I heard the summons.” Istara shouldered the packs but her sword, and sword hand, were free. “Lead on.”


“We can help carry that.” The bug extended a heavy manipulator, but paused as Istara shook her head. “Sister…”


“I have it.” Istara said quietly. There was literally no way in hell she was going to let these bugs have Mira and Jina’s stuff. “I need the exercise anyway. I have been too sedentary recently.”


“I am afraid I have to insist.” The bug froze in place as Istara did. “Istara…”


“You do not want to do that.” Istara said quietly as both Sitolon turned to face her. The temperature in the corridor seemed to plummet and Istara was unsurprised to see that it had been cleared. Usually the corridors bustled with Sitolon on their way to and fro. Majistrona was nothing if not thorough. “You truly do not. I have no quarrel with you.” Now her sword hand was on her sword hilt.


“Sister Istara, I do not understand what is going on.” The large bug sounded distinctly upset. “You are not an enemy, why are you acting like we are enemies?”


“Let’s go talk to Majistrona.” Istara said quietly with a smile, but only a fool –or someone who could not see her eyes- would have taken it for friendly. “But I keep the packs.”


<A few minutes later>


“What the…” Majistrona’s voice was startled as Istara entered the room, still carrying three packs full of personal items. “Istara…?”


“Where is it, Majistrona?” Istara asked softly, the packs falling to the floor gently as she cleared her space for action. “You would not dare move it too far from her. Is it still in Medical? Is she?”


“Istara…What are you talking about?” The queen bug’s voice was almost perfectly confused. Almost. “I know you are distressed by what happened to Mira but…” She broke off as Istara’s hand flew up in a ‘Stop’ gesture.


“Majistrona…” Istara began in a calm, clear tone. “So far, you have not lied to me, that I know of. Distracted me, yes. Redirected me, yes.” The two Sitolon who had escorted Istara into the chamber stared from her to the queen and back, obviously distressed. “Confused me, yes. Misled me, yes. Lied to me, no. Yet. Once you take that step, this will only end one way.”


“Istara…” Majistrona’s voice was gentle, soothing. “I know you are very upset. But we can talk about this.”


“I am sure we can.” Istara agreed softly, her eyes flaring from one side of the room to the other, seeking possible enemies, dangers. “Where is Mira?”


“Istara…” Majistrona shook her huge head slowly. “She is in ICU… She had a bad reaction…” She broke off as Istara snarled at her, a sound more akin to a rancor than a woman.


“Lie number one. She isn’t there. I warned you. Do you want me to let Sharlina loose? She wants to come out to play. She wants it so badly I can taste her desire for blood and vengeance.” Istara felt her other half straining at the bonds that held her in place, but she had to remain calm. She had to, for now. “You can keep that lying witch Jainine. She works for you anyway. But I want Mira or I am going to carve through this entire ship to find her. Don’t think I won’t or can’t.”


“Istara…” Majistrona’s voice was soft, scared almost. “Don’t do this…”


“You didn’t think I would figure it out?” Istara asked softly, her hand on her sword now. She felt Ashla pressing in on her, trying to calm her, slow her, but she resisted it. “You didn’t think I knew that you were listening, that you pulled us out of the mental construct as soon as we started to hear the truth? That you did not put Mira’s mind back in her body to keep the information from us? Where is the crystal you trapped her in?”


“She is not trapped.” Majistrona replied with some heat. “She is sleeping, resting. We won’t kill her, or even hurt her. We are not the dark cousins!”


“You don’t get it, do you?” Istara asked with an edge of incredulity to her tone. “You put the Seers up to doing what they did to me. Didn’t you? To try and keep me from figuring it out. Didn’t you?” She repeated softly. “Mom was right, as smart as you are, you all can be incredibly stupid.”


“Istara… Stand down.” Majistrona was shaking her head. “I don’t want to disable you, but I will if I must.”


“Do you have any idea what you have done?” Istara asked sadly and she shook her head. “We trusted you… We believed you.” She froze in place. “Is… Is that why Nana died? Did she disagree with what you were doing?”


“Nana had a bad reaction to the paralytic gas…” Majistrona broke off as Istara screamed at her holding up two fingers on the hand that was not on the sword hilt.


That is lie number two!” Istara shook herself and forced herself to calm. “You forget, Majistrona. My mother was a seer. I have the same powers, although I have rarely used them. The visions your pets showed me were credible. Maybe most of them were even true. But I saw something else. I didn’t believe it until just now. While I was banging my head on the floor, I saw a vision of Nana. She was frozen in place. I saw two drones come up behind her and shove her stomach onto the floor, where the air holes are on your exoskeletons. They held her there until she died. I saw them asphyxiate her! I saw your drones do that!” Majistrona froze in place.


“I loved my daughter, Istara…” The queen said dangerously. “Don’t you dare insinuate I murdered her.”


“I am not insinuating a damned thing.” Istara said quietly, her ire contained for the moment. “I am leaving. Mira and Jina are coming with me. Maybe Jainine was telling the truth, maybe she wasn’t. But I can’t trust her now. I can’t trust any of you. I can’t trust the Jedi either. If I go to the Sith, well, Idjit told them I lead the Bladeborn didn’t he? At whose instigation I wonder? Hmmm? So the Empire is out as well. We, the Seven, are on our own. Fine. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. We will deal with it.”


“I am sorry Istara.” Majistrona said softly. “I can’t allow that.” Something intangible grabbed the woman and held her despite her struggles. “We can’t allow that. Rest in the arms of Ashla, Istara…You will feel better when you wake, daughter. When you wake, this will all be over, one way or another. And if you do not wake… Well… That may be for the best. Stop struggling, Istara… I don’t want to hurt you…”


“I will… Not submit… To you…Or anyone!” Istara snarled as she felt gentle claws take her sword from her. Then a hiss of an injector…“No!” Istara managed to choke out as the waves of lassitude from the drug pulled her under. She could fight the power that flowed over her or the drug, not both.


“I am truly sorry, Istara. Easy child. Rest…” The queen’s sad tone was the last thing she heard before blackness took her.

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It was restful, Istara had to give it that as she came back to consciousness, maybe. She wasn’t sure. She floated on a sea of blackness, just her and her thoughts. Even Sharlina was nowhere to be… Oh dear… Istara would have shaken her head if she had been able. Someone had just made a nasty mistake. But it wasn’t her problem now. It was so calm and peaceful that she just floated, ignoring everything else, even while her mind was trying to get her to do something, anything. Then something hit her, hard. Then it hit her again, impossibly even harder.


“Ow…” Istara complained as she came awake. Her head felt like it was three or four sizes too small for her skull, but everything moved when she tried her appendages. She looked up into Jina’s worried eyes. Jina was withdrawing a brown crystal from Istara’s head. Istara grinned through her grimace. “I see you figured out my message.” The Jedi shook her head slowly and extended a hand to help Istara to her feet. Jina wore normal Jedi robes instead of her silver Seven armor.


“We have a major problem.” Jina said quietly as she held Istara while the Bladeborn managed to keep her feet.


“This is the day for them.” Istara said quietly and then paused. She was a lot closer to the ground than she should have been. “What the flarg?”


“I managed to snag your crystal when Sharlina went berserk.” Jina was nearly in tears. “What the heck is going on? You told me to get Mira, but she was catatonic. Her mind was gone. Did I or we do that?” She was horrified.


“No.” Istara said slowly as she focused on what she could feel, which wasn’t much. She didn’t have the Force in this form. “They didn’t put her mind back in her body. Oh no…” Istara said quietly. “You didn’t…”


“I didn’t have a choice, Istara.”Jina slumped and her face was desolate. “They freaked when your crystal vanished. I couldn’t move Mira very well. If they had found me, they would have taken me, and you. Likely they would have put us both on ice.”


“Yeah, they would have.” Istara agreed. She looked herself over and was unsurprised to find the left arm of the body she was in sore. She was in Mira’s body. At least it wasn’t broken anymore. Agnosa was efficient. “They have to now.”


Why?” Jina demanded. “What the frell is going on?” She repeated, and fear rang through her tone past her tight control. “What did Sharlina do?”


“She didn’t do anything.” Istara said quietly as she took stock of what they had available, which wasn’t much. “Majistrona disabled me, I figured she would. But she moved faster than I thought she could, putting me in one of the crystals. If they can only put one mind in one crystal, well…” She grinned evilly. “Sharlina was awake the whole time, she knows the whole story. She is likely a bit peeved. When they took my body off the slab to move it to cryo freeze, she probably made her move. ”


“That is one way to put it.” Jina said acidly. “She tore through them like they were not even there. Medics, Istara… They were not armed! I am glad someone knows what is going on…” She broke off as Istara turned a bleak face to her. “Istara…?”


“We have been lied to, Jina. All of us.” Istara slumped and shook her head. “From the beginning. They never intended us to face the machines, Jina.” Istara said quietly as she moved to the door of the storage unit they were hiding in. “We are some kind of deception plan. They killed Nana to cover the deception.” The Jedi’s eyes went wide at that. She knew how much Istara had liked the old bronze skinned bug. “I don’t know what is going on, not totally. But we need to find the crystal with Mira in it, get Sharlina under control and get the hell out of here.”


“Oh, is that all?” Jina asked almost in shock.


“Preferably without killing anyone.” Istara said quietly. “You still have the crystal they put me in?” Jina held up the small, unassuming thing with an expression of disgust. “Keep it, we might need it.” Istara blinked and then blanched. “How is the leg?”


“Good as new.” Jina flexed her new knee and smiled as it bent just as her old one had. “Gotta give Agnosa credit, she pulled out all the stops on this.”


“Good, one less thing to worry about.” Istara blinked and then stiffened. “What about the other non bugs? Potential hostages?”


“Why would they take…? Never mind I don’t want to know.” Jina said quietly as she followed. “I think I heard one of the medics say that all the other non-Sitolon were off the ship, that only we were left. Never heard the reason. Doesn’t make sense.”


“Actually, it makes perfect sense.” Istara disagreed. “They really don’t want to hurt anyone. They could have killed any or all of us. They didn’t.” An alarm sounded and both women flattened to the wall as at least a dozen Sitolon ran by on the ceiling utterly ignoring the two humans, running towards whatever had caused the alarm. Istara smirked. “Good girl, Sharlina, just don’t overdo it.”


“Did you plan this?” Jina asked incredulously. “No one could have anticipated all this… mess…”


“No, I didn’t plan anything.” Istara replied as the continued. It was very odd being so short again. “We had contingency plans for all kinds of things. Including if the Sitolon turned on us.” Istara felt Jina’s hot stare on the back of her head and she shrugged. “I lived among Sith, Jina. Paranoia is a survival skill. Sharlina will try and keep them occupied for as long as possible without actually killing any. You say she killed the medics?”


“I don’t know…” Jina paused and shook her head. “No, now that you say it, no she didn’t. She disabled them, arms and legs cut off, but she didn’t kill…Dang…She was using her lightsabers, so the wounds cauterized. She is fast… ”


“If there is one thing, Sharlina is very good at, it’s pretending to be angry.” Istara grimaced. “She actually is, most of the time, but rarely shows it. She fakes it well enough to scare Sith Lords however. The one time you do not ever want to face her is when she is cold. Angry is okay, she may hurt you, but likely not kill you. Cold? She will kill you and enjoy it. Foe, friend, neutral…She will kill anything that moves when she gets like that. Even children…” Istara’s face was stricken now. “She will hate herself for that, after, but she will do it.”


“I don’t understand…” Jina protested. “What the hell are they doing? Why lock you up? Why put your mind in a crystal?”


“I really don’t know, Jina.” Istara said as she continued towards the medical ward. “I just hope they didn’t move the crystal too far from where Mira was. I doubt they would have… Aw kriff…” She said as a large mechanical form appeared in the near distance. Agnosa’s form was slumped as she looked at the two women. Istara and Jina both tensed, but no alarms happened, no other bugs moved to ambush them.


“I warned her. She didn’t listen.” Agnosa’s voice was soft, tired. “I am sorry… I am so, so sorry…” She held out a small brown crystal. “I managed to get Mira. But they knew, somehow. They are looking for me. You have to get out of here. Now.”


“And we should trust you, why?” Istara asked coldly. “After all the half truths?”


“I have lied to you, Istara, Jina…” The mechanical bug slumped. “I lied to everyone, even Firdlump. He never knew who I really was. They forgot, all of my people forgot, but I never did.” The sorrow in the bug’s words came clearly to Istara even without the Force, it stunned her. “I never forgot who I was, or what I had done. Many of my memories are fragmented after so long, but I never forgot my crime, or the need to fix what I could. They thought I was dead, I wasn’t. The story I told to you, when we met Istara, was a lie. This was to be my punishment, self imposed. To live forever with the knowledge of what I did.”


“Jina?” Istara asked softly.


“She means it…” Jina mused quietly. “What did you lie about?”


“Take the crystal with Mira and go. You can use the one you have to remove Istara from Mira’s body and put Mira back in. They are easy to use. Once you are done with them, and the minds are back where they belong, destroy them. They are dirty, nasty. I am sorry, tell all of your compatriots I will make it right if I can.” Agnosa held out the small crystal and it flew to Jina’s hand. “You can tell its Mira, can’t you, Jina Darkstorm?”


“Yes, it is.” Jina mused as she put it in a pouch. “Why do this?”


“My penance.” The bug said quietly. “The bags you packed are in a storage room off the main corridor to the main hall, Istara. Your Seven armor and weapons are there as well. They were not dumb enough to put the gear near prisoners.” Agnosa turned away, her posture dejected. “Get Sharlina and go! Now. You don’t have lot of time before they realize that I looped the vids in this area.”


“Who were you, Agnosa?” Istara asked quietly. “Really?”


“A stupid little larva who had far too many people who told her she was special. A fool who believed in her own invincibility. An idiot who did not understand responsibility or duty, only arrogance and selfishness. Until it was far too late to stop what she had done…” Agnosa did not turn back. “All they could do was pick up the pieces. I started this, Istara. I had hoped to end it, but it was not to be. You must.”


“You… Started…” Istara froze in place. “You were the queen who…”


“I was the young queen who used the nanites to try and conquer others of my people who disagreed with me.” Agnosa agreed quietly. “When I was finally defeated, I was entombed with them. They thought I had died. I wanted that. I knew, even then, that what I had done was unforgiveable. I made sure I was doomed to remain alive, aware and immobile throughout eternity. A fitting punishment for one who had done what I did. Who had killed her people, destroyed everything on her own world. When he breached the doors to the vault, Firdlump freed me only to enslave me moments later. You must stop him, Istara. You must.” The pain in the old queen’s voice was palpable.


“How long…” Jina’s voice was horrified. “You were buried alive and aware for how long…?”


“About twenty five thousand of your years. Not nearly long enough to pay for my crimes.” Agnosa replied. “For the billions I murdered for my own selfishness and idiocy. You need to go. Now.”


“Wait… What is Firdlump doing?” Istara asked softly.


“Something truly monstrous.” Agnosa replied in a sick tone. “I tried to slow him, stop him but I couldn’t. He took partial control of the nanite swarms, but not total. The machines will not obey someone not of the people. The old codes for the nanites are on this pad. I jotted them down as I remembered them.” She held it out and Jina pulled it to her with the Force. “He has changed the codes, but likely as a basis they will help. He is trying to breed a new controller for the nanites, if he does, there will be no stopping them. I took control, I was that controller originally, but over the millennia I managed to break their control over me and mine over them. When he took me, I was useless to him. What I know is on that pad. I hoped to use it, but maybe you can. You have to stop him…” The ancient bug stopped and then spoke sharply. “Go! Go now! She knows!”


“Agnosa! What are you doing?” Came a sharp voice from down the corridor. Ecien came striding towards the trio, her four blades at the ready. “Oh no… Jina? Mira? No… Istara…” The bug slumped and her voice held regret and pity. “I am sorry… it’s for the best…Just relax and we will make it painless. You will enjoy the rest. It’s all right...”


No it’s not! “ Agnosa screamed, a sound of pain, loss and regret. “You fools have no idea what you are doing! What you have done! You would stop the Seven before they can even start? Morons! You play directly into his hands! He plays you like puppets!” Everything stopped as four blades snapped into being in the healer’s mechanical hands. “Istara, Jina! Go! Now! For the Seven!” With that wild cry, she charged the silver skinned bug whose posture was disbelieving.


“Agnosa!” Jina would have gone to Agnosa’s assistance, but Istara put hand on the Jedi’s arm and shook her head. The two women started off at a lope as the silver skinned bug was pushed back, blades clanging defensively as Agnosa, far from the gentle healer she had portrayed, fought with all the power of a berserker, trying to buy the two women time to escape.


“Agnosa? What the hell?” They heard Ecien exclaim as they ran. Agnosa’s reply was lost as a security bulkhead closed right behind them. The two women ran on.

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They ran through corridors, turning into maintenance shafts, and then back into corridors as they tried to make for the areas they knew. They had both explored the homeship a bit and they knew the maintenance shafts fairly well, even if the shafts WERE designed for beings who could run on any surface. They ran into another just ahead of yet another security lockdown bulkhead. Istara was getting angry. Her legs were quite a bit shorter than she thought they were. Of course these were not her legs, they were Mira’s and Mira was only nine, if in great shape for a nine year old. She jumped and did not quite make the distance. She felt strong hands grab her in midair and she was riding in Jina’s arms.


“Sorry for the discourtesy, Istara…” Jina said quietly. “But it’s faster this way.”


“No problem.” Istara said, trying to accustom herself to the ride. “Needs must when the rancor drives after all. How long can you do this?”Jina scoffed but Istara was not mollified. “I am serious, Jina. You just had your leg regenerated above the knee. You are not at 100%.”


“I know, but I am good. You are… I mean, Mira is light…” Jina shook her head as she ran at Force speeds. “Sheesh this is weird…”


“Try it from this side, Jina.” Istara said in a quiet and sad tone. “There is the door to a room off the main corridor…” She pointed towards a wall.


“You sure?” Jina asked as she slowed down. The wall looked exactly the same as any other. “Not that I don’t trust you or anything… but…” Instead of answering, Istara rolled out of Jina’s arms as the Jedi stopped, she hit the wall in a complicated sequence and it opened. Jina sighed in exasperation. “Silly me…” She paused. “Did Agnosa say our gear was in here?”


“She said a room off the main corridor…” Istara stared at the pile of stuff that included her sword and armor. “But… She didn’t say which. This is a little too convenient. Does that pile look just dropped to you?”


“No.” Jina said quietly, her lightsabers in hand. The armor and sword were posed to show to anyone entering from the back of the room. “Did anyone see you find this door?”


“Not that I saw…” Istara said quietly. “But then again, I kind of trusted them at that point.” She blew out a breath. “Silly me. We need that gear to get away, and after. And I am not leaving without my sword.”


“They knew that.” Jina mused, scrutinizing the pile of bags and gear. “Definitely a trap, but for who? Me, or Sharlina?”


“I wonder…” Istara said with a slight grin. “Is it possible they did not expect Mira to be mobile?”


“You know Ecien will have reported you.” Jina paused as Istara moved to enter. “Hey!”


“Leader’s prerogative, Jina. Right now, I am the least capable being on our side. The most expendable.” Istara did not resist as Jina grabbed the arm closest to her. “Jina… Think…”


“I can’t let you do that, Istara… I mean…” The Jedi was almost in tears. “I know you are Istara, but you look like Mira and…Hey!” She exclaimed as Istara twisted out of her grip and darted into the room. Jina froze as the girl entered the room and nothing seemed to happen.


“Stay there, Jina. I am going to pass you the bags, and then we can get… Aw kriff…” Istara froze as the door to the main corridor opened but then smiled as a blood splattered form in a patient gown came in. Sharlina was grinning sourly.


“Took you both long enough.” Sharlina’s face was smeared with blood and her lightsabers deactivated. “I moved the stuff in here to get away from the trap they were setting. Let’s get the hell out of here. Is that Istara or Mira?”


“Istara, for now…” Istara replied. “We have Mira’s crystal too, but now is not the time to shift back. Exit strategy?”


“Michelle.” Sharlina said quietly and Istara nodded soberly.


“Do I want to know?” Jina asked carefully. “Michelle is cool, but has the finesse of a bull rancor with a toothache at times.”


“Pot meet kettle.” Istara chuckled at Jina’s expression. “Basically, we get to the closest airlock and signal her.


“We spacewalk to a starfighter?” Jina asked incredulously. “And then what?”


“Not a starfighter.” Sharlina corrected as she struggled into her armor. “If she got my signal, she will have brought Will’s gunship.”


“And if she didn’t…?” Jina asked in shock. “What then? And I highly doubt they make spacesuits in Mira’s size.”


“If she didn’t, we improvise. They have rescue bubbles and emergency suits that are one size fits all.” Istara replied, passing bags to the Jedi. “Hurry. We have to get out of here. She paused as Sharlina belted on her sword and sighed. “That just looks so wrong to see…me… doing that… Let’s go.” The three of them ran back into the maintenance tunnel and towards their chosen egress point.


<Twenty minutes later>


What do you mean they are gone?” Majistrona, queen of this hive of Sitolon, had not thought that this day could get so bad.


“An airlock in section seven reported manual activation, my queen…” The lowly tech was scared, no question. He had never seen his queen so upset. Of course, he had never actually been in his queen’s audience chamber either. Most drones did not, even the sentient ones. “By the time the security team arrived, it had been cycled. Two human spacesuits and a rescue bubble were missing.”


"Spacesuits." Majistrona stared at the drone for a moment and then turned to a console. “Sensors, report. What ships are or were in the area?”


”My queen…” A reply came from the tech on duty. “A small Republic ship came within five hundred meters. It had clearance. It left and jumped to hyperspace two minutes ago.”


“What clearance…?” Majistrona had never really understood the human expression ‘a sinking feeling’ but now she did. “Who was it?” The tech obviously did not want to answer, but did.


“It was registered to the Stormhawk, pilot was listed a Quuck U. Feeny.”


A delighted laugh came from nearby and Majsitrona turned to see a broken droid being carried in by her daughter Ecien. Agnosa was laughing. “Quuck U. Feeny…Dang Michelle has style…” A cry of almost pain came from the machine as Ecien shook it hard, the head bouncing inside the transparent bulb that kept the ancient queen alive.


“Ecien… Stop…” Majistrona’s voice was sad. “Do you have any idea what you have done, Agnosa?”


“Yes.”Agnosa replied, her vocoder hissing with static as it sparked. Ecien had been force to disassemble the droid thoroughly to get Agnosa to stop fighting. “I do know what I did. Saved us all. Queeny. I just saved us all.”


“Helm, track the Stormhawk. They will go there.” Majistrona sighed as she looked at the broken droid. “Why Agnosa? You only delay us, nothing more.”


“Because I know what you don’t. They can succeed where we failed. I trust those ‘poor deluded humans’ as you call them.” Agnosa replied softly. “The Seven are rising, and you cannot stop them now. They will not trust you now. They will do what they must.” Now Agnosa’s voice was soft. “Just as you will. Idiots always do, as I know too well…”


“Take her to Medical, get her patched up, a new droid with a restraining bolt this time. We need to see if we can salvage this.” Majistrona sighed as she sank back on her haunches. She stiffened as Agnosa laughed again. “What?” She asked sourly.


“So proud, so strong… So dense…Idiots…” Ecien picked up the destroyed droid and carried it from the chamber. After a moment, the drones left as well, leaving Majistrona alone, but only for a moment.


“I warned you…” The spirit form of Jainine Korr appeared beside Majistrona. “I warned you that interfering was a mistake. And using the Jedi of all people…You incited this, just like I warned you. It was all I could do not to laugh when Kaosis Andal accused me of doing the same thing…”


“What other choice did we have?” Majistrona slumped in place, her posture and voice sad.


“I dunno…” Jainine scowled. “You could have told them the truth.”


“That all of them are going to die?” Majistrona asked incredulously, her posture and voice horrified. “What kind of truth is that?”


“The hard kind. The true kind.” Jainine answered, her face sad. “But if there is anything those people know, it is sacrifice…” She bowed her head. “Now things will happen as they must. I will be around…”


She winked out leaving the huge Sitolon queen to sit, alone and sad.

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((And we thought things were getting better. Why can't anyone ever learn. Betraying these people is a BAD idea... Comments or suggestions always appreciated. Flames will get to clean up the mess that Sharlina left behind her.))
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