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Best Star Wars villian.


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My personal vote would be for Darth Vader. (no big surprise) But honestly in person, a 7 foot man that wears black leather, almost all of him is mechanical, and has the voice of James Earl Jones would be quite intimidating.


yep no question about it. hands down darth vader. :D

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After Darth Vader I would say Sideous mainly because the man took over an entire galaxy pretty much by himself by deception and manipulation of people. And it was quite impressive that he hid himself from many of the Jedi right in front of their faces. That would be quite challenging in my opinion.
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Sidious... I admire his brilliant plan. Convincing the entire galaxy to hate Jedi and uniting them as an Empire and making everybody vote for you as chancellor without having a huge war.




Palpatine pulled the strings on all your villians and heros. 6 whole movies minus the last 10 minutes of episode 6 went according to his plan.



These two posts!

Sidious literally started a galactic-wide war in which he was the de facto leader of BOTH sides, using it to give himself ultimate power over the entire galaxy, eliminate all of his biggest enemies, and accomplish everything that he believed the galaxy needed. There's not a better villain in any other story in any genre or universe, IMO.



Thrawn is a good second best, though. The way he was written just made him ultra cool, and if it wasn't for the way that the rest of the Empire had treated the Noghri in the past, Thrawn probably would have won back the galaxy for the Empire and could have shut the Yuuzhan Vong invasion before it even got started.

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Luke Skywalker. Millions of Republic/Rebel lives lost because he was too stupid (like all classic melodrama villians) to see the way to swift and clean victory.


Vader, "Luke, come with me and we can rule the galaxy..."


So agree, go with dad, kill the Emperor there and then and turn Vader/Anakin back, and RID the galaxy of the bad guys MUCH quicker. But noooo, Luke has to play the "good guy", and million more suffer who wouldn't have otherwise. Pretty selfish (bad guy), no?

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