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Localization of the game in Russian | Локализация игры на русский язык.


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Their most popular comedian was joking "west ppl so duuuuumb, so duuuumb".

Also most popular about USA since xUSSR was "I live 10 years on Brighton Beach and those idiots still do not know russian".

That's the whole point, they never want learn something not Russian.


And yes, about Slavic - russian is hardly Slavic. Polish can understand 90% of Ukrainian, same for Belorus and others, but russian fits about 30% only. So native Russians when hear Polish/Ukrainian laugh that is some kind of "broken russian" which is not natural.


It was old Kyiv Rus (1000 years ago, prior Moscow even founded) they had some proto-Slavic language. Next they concurred territories of current Russia. Tribes who was there took new language how they understood it. I.e. bad. And till Lomonosow & Pushkin all russian nobles were using french/dutch just because it was no single lang. It was many of different bad understandings of proto-Slavic. Later that 2 guys somehow generalized language out of that many to rise sales as we could say today.


You're basing your complaints about Russians from what a Russian comedian says? Stopped reading right there as that tells me I can safely ignore whatever else you have to say.

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Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian have "similar" langs to rus (not true, but common opinion) and have same problems with English. So I would like to see one of that langs as well implemented.

Got where we going ?


And hate comes from the fact that only Russians always and everywhere ask preferences and always break own promises and obligations. If you didn't meet it yet - u're damn lucky.


What are You talking about? Almost all Slavic countries know Russian very well, it is common for them, I am repeatedly convinced of this. I see nothing wrong in addition to English and Russian to add, because it is clear to most Slavic countries. You are absolutely not reasonably offend the native speakers of Russian, which clearly shows Your complexes.

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You're basing your complaints about Russians from what a Russian comedian says? Stopped reading right there as that tells me I can safely ignore whatever else you have to say.


This character is clearly present any complexes and personal opinion on the basis of some isolated situations. Unfortunately, there are many, just do not pay attention.

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Right, sorry. Will never write complex conclusions or sentences to internet.

People cannot understand it and switch all to "complexes" usually.

I'm done with russian topic.


Russian language is quite common among the Slavic countries, and there are many. There is nothing wrong with pleasing the Russian audience with the localization of the game. After all, they also want to dive into the stunning plot of the game. Yes, unfortunately, raised the topic of only the Russian language, turning a blind eye to others, but if this topic exists, I think that it is worth listening to it. If the game is not completely abandoned by the developers, then maybe someday it will come to them.

But I do not understand how you can draw a conclusion about the Russian people, having only a single experience? It's stupid.

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  • 2 months later...
then I do not understand why Russians are worse than the French and the Germans? Or are they waiting for more Russian players? but the paradox of the players does not go because of the language barrier! I even saw a vote on one site, according to which most of them spoke in the spirit: I will play after localization!
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and yet the publisher of the game electonic arts as far as I know has its own localization department, which means that they do not need to look for a third-party localizer and in light of this I don’t understand why nothing is being done
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Face it, fully voicing in Russian may not be worth it to them. So there was a poll and some people said they would play if it was localized? How many people said that? A hundred? Five hundred? A thousand? Would they be subs? How long would they be subs? Would they actually spend money in the Cartel Market?


You know they have people whose job it is to figure out if it would be profitable for them to hire a few hundred voice actors who speak <insert language here> and voice every line in game (and everything in the future) ... and those people may very well have said, "No, there's not enough interest to justify the cost."


Personally I think they should localize the text and subtitles. That's still a fairly large undertaking and could take awhile.


Also, the devs do read the Suggestions forum. They just don't respond. Not immediately implementing every single suggestion on this forum doesn't mean they don't read.

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Face it, fully voicing in Russian may not be worth it to them. So there was a poll and some people said they would play if it was localized? How many people said that? A hundred? Five hundred? A thousand? Would they be subs? How long would they be subs? Would they actually spend money in the Cartel Market?


You know they have people whose job it is to figure out if it would be profitable for them to hire a few hundred voice actors who speak <insert language here> and voice every line in game (and everything in the future) ... and those people may very well have said, "No, there's not enough interest to justify the cost."


Personally I think they should localize the text and subtitles. That's still a fairly large undertaking and could take awhile.


Also, the devs do read the Suggestions forum. They just don't respond. Not immediately implementing every single suggestion on this forum doesn't mean they don't read.


it would be enough for many players to localize only the text part of the game, but as for the voice acting, they haven’t done it lately, as dubbing is really quite expensive

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There are about 300 000 000 Russian-speaking People in the World. Not only from Russia but wide outside from it. The subject is only subtitles for The Original Media. Not so expensive.

Are you trying to imply anything about the number of Russian-speaking people who would actually play? Sure, 300 million people speak the language, but what fraction of those 300 million would play SWTOR if it was available with Russian subtitles, but do not play now because those subtitles aren't there?


I don't know the answer to that, and you don't know the answer to that, but it's the only number that's actually important.


And you'd be surprised how much it would cost to get the subtitles translated or (in a few cases) rewritten. (Jokes must be rewritten to make linguistic and cultural sense in the target language.) There's something like a third of a million lines of written text, maybe more, that would need to be translated, in part because they would need to translate *all* the written text, not just the subtitles.


And then, because they added Russian-text support, they would have to hire support staff and in-game moderators capable of communicating in Russian, and so on.

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The publisher of the EA has a support department for Russian-speaking users, as well as a localization department, so personally I see no reason not to do localization into Russian. the same EA talked about the importance of the Russian market for them, but why they don’t do something to me that I absolutely don’t understand
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The publisher of the EA has a support department for Russian-speaking users, as well as a localization department, so personally I see no reason not to do localization into Russian. the same EA talked about the importance of the Russian market for them, but why they don’t do something to me that I absolutely don’t understand


Because perhaps to them it is not cost-effective when it comes to the context of SWTOR.

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  • 10 months later...

Разработчики игры откровенные русофобы. Что вы хотите? Чтобы они переводили свое детище? Они не будут. Да и слава богу)) У нас все донатят и нас много) Игра создана не для заработка я вас всех уверяю в этом) Те кто создают игру для заработка , Добавляют китайский язык.

Но самые отвратительные псы это наши. Те кто называют вторую страну в МИРЕ отсталой и недоразвитой. Вот это эталон вонючих лицемеров) Я прекрасно знаю 2 языка. Ну по крайней мере немецкий лучше Английского. И вот я вижу ГЛУПЫХ и надменных сявок , которые поддерживают отсутствие своего языка. Которые пищат о том что это нормально , а русские вообще не люди) Я в этой игре , когда вами тут ещё и не пахло. И не вам решать что и как делать . Вы грязь. Сервер дарт малгус имеет русских больше чем остальные вместе взятые. И если сервер держится на русскоязычных обществах , то разработчик обязан добавить хотя бы субтитры. Но этого не будет) Смеритесь. Кстати есть сторонние переводчики для прохождения сюжета , так что я не вижу проблемы...

З.Ы. Bioware Просто убога... Баги которым по 6-7 лет )) которые чинятся за пару дней) Им на своих игроков плевать , а вы просите перевода ахаха)) Если сейчас какая то сопля малолетняя откроет свой русофобский роток типа - ( не нравится - не играй) то вкинь мне тогда 150 тыч рублей за мой акк и пожалуйста , я свалю))


Я против перевода. Не потому что я как сявка не хочу видеть тут русских , не потому что я их боюсь... А потому что знаю насколько убоги сообщества на серверах.

Я не хочу что бы мои сограждане сталкивались с этими уродами без нации , которые видя русский в чате пишут что это язык Джавы и хихикают. Я ЗАМЕЧУ это пишут не пиндосы. Это наши выродки.

Так же замечу что русское сообщество самое опытное в этой игре. Это доказано и проверено. Рекорд флешпойтов , Мастер Опсы. И даже перс 1-75 . Все просто перестали играть из за отсутствия контента) Его нет. Смысла игры тоже) когда у всех уже по 6му кругу кап персонажей.... ДЕлать НеЧаГо...

Edited by Korasilius
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Кстати , умники) Хочу напомнить w0w и сервер который сделали для русскоязычных игроков) Не помните?)) А я вот помню. Участвовал знаете ли)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Я например вижу смысл делать перевод сие чуда, тем более уже есть приличные неоффициальные переводы, которые просто нужно подправить и их тогда можно будет вносить, и не обязательно делать привязку к серверу, нужна локализация субтитров и hud . Ни больше, ни меньше. А по поводу токсичного комьюнити можно сказать только то, что токсики есть везде и всегда, их сейчас и так предостаточно, так что это ничего не изменит.
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Разработчики игры <redacted>.


This is the english forums, if you actually want people to listen to you, and take you serious, you need to put it in englsih, where possible, because if you use google to translate that (the first couple of lines, from 'Разработчики ' to 'язык'), it comes across as racist, propaganda nonsense. I'm not saying it is, but if you use Google translate, that's how it seems. I'm not going to copy and paste it here, I've been in enough trouble lately as it is. lol

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