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Lines that could've changed Star Wars forever...


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This is your father's lightsaber, sorry it's BoP to him since he is still alive.


It's over Anakin. I have the high ground!

You're right, we will meet again when I have the advantage.


I can't it's impossible.

Failed you have. Done training you am I.


He told me you killed my father.

Yes I did.


Vader release him!

*chokes Tarkin*


Where is Padme? Is she alive?

Yes, Obi-wan took her so that she could give birth to your twins.



What are some lines that you think could change the Star Wars universe differently?

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"Uncle Owen, this droid has a bad motivator!"

"We have a spare in the garage."


"Together we will rule the galaxy as father and son!"

"Yes father!"


"I am the Senate!"

"Your right, you are. That is why we brought this warrant for your arrest as well as the rest of the Jedi Order."


"No Luke, I, am your father. Search your feelings, you know it to be true..."

"Why should I believe you? You just cut off my hand..."


"You want this... Don't you?"

"No, not really."


"What is thy bidding, my master?"

"I want you dead so that your son can take your place."




These are all "meh" but then again, I am not exactly trying to find good ones right now due to leveling...so much leveling!!!

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This is your father's lightsaber, sorry it's BoP to him since he is still alive.


Actually it would be Bound to Legacy. Anakin had it, then Luke, then Mara...;)


But for changes I would like to see:


"Always two there are. No more, no less. Ever since Darth Bane destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness at the Sixth Battle of Ruusan and tricked us into thinking the Sith were extinct, all so he could train Darth Zannah who would kill him twenty years later and take his place, furthering the Sith Line into the present day. Also he wore orbalisk armor and didn't look like the Balrog."


"I can't leave you, I have to save you!"

"You already have Luke, You were right. Tell your sister... you were right about me. Oh and btw watch out for Grand Admiral Thrawn, if anyone can still pull out a win for the Empire it's that guy. Byeeee"

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"We can pay you 2,000 now, and the rest when we reach Alderaan"

"Nah, find another ship"


"These are not the droids you're looking for"

"But they are..."


"I have you now"

*actually kills Luke*


"It's an older code sir but it checks out, should I let them pass?"

"No, seize the ship and kill all aboard just in case."


*Death Star Explodes*


My offerings, neat idea.

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Watto: How are you going to pay for all this?

Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries.

Watto: Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here. I need something more real.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else...

[waves hand]

Qui-Gon Jinn: But credits will do fine.

Watto: Fine, you cheap ****.

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Obi-Wan : Send me to kill the Emporer, I can't kill Anakin, he's like my brother!


Yoda: Strong enough to kill him you are not.


Obi-Wan : Well, if he's that tough, why don't I just go give you a hand? I mean, it will take me a couple of days to fly halfway across the galaxy.....and we can fly over to the Senate in five minutes....working together he wouldn't last two minutes against the both of us.....then we both head to Mustafar! We can fight them two on one, easily win both battles, and this whole coup will be over before it starts!


Yoda : Too much sense that makes! Squander we will, our unbeatable tactical advantage!


Obi-Wan : But, Master Yoda, Mace Windu was almost as powerful as you, and he couldn't beat the Emporer with three powerful Jedi Masters helping him....


Yoda : (suffering from an EXTREME case of short man syndrome) Judge me by my SIZE do you?


Obi-Wan : Well, no, but it seems like an awful risk to fight him alone....and I'm already right here.....


Yoda : TALL ENOUGH I am! I Need your help I DO NOT!!!!

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Obi-Wan : Send me to kill the Emporer, I can't kill Anakin, he's like my brother!


Yoda: Strong enough to kill him you are not.


Obi-Wan : Well, if he's that tough, why don't I just go give you a hand? I mean, it will take me a couple of days to fly halfway across the galaxy.....and we can fly over to the Senate in five minutes....working together he wouldn't last two minutes against the both of us.....then we both head to Mustafar! We can fight them two on one, easily win both battles, and this whole coup will be over before it starts!


Yoda : Too much sense that makes! Squander we will, our unbeatable tactical advantage!


Obi-Wan : But, Master Yoda, Mace Windu was almost as powerful as you, and he couldn't beat the Emporer with three powerful Jedi Masters helping him....


Yoda : (suffering from an EXTREME case of short man syndrome) Judge me by my SIZE do you?


Obi-Wan : Well, no, but it seems like an awful risk to fight him alone....and I'm already right here.....


Yoda : TALL ENOUGH I am! I Need your help I DO NOT!!!!

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