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“Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons.” and the Organa legacy


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Hello everyone,


I am ofcourse referring to Princess Leia's quote in Episode IV, granted right before the planet was completely blown to pieces.


Apart from the fact it sometimes feels a bit weird (and the same time, awesoe) to me that I'm playing on this planet in ToR, knowing it will be removed for existence 3000 years later by the Empire.


I do raise questions to the Thul vs Organa rivalry and, depending on which side you play, either Thul or Organa emerges victorious.


How does this work anyway? Do these storylines play out side-by-side and, lore-wise, Organa will ultimately become victorious in the canon lore and Thul dies out?

How did the Organa legacy survive more than 3000 years to ultimately give birth to Bail Organa, and adopts Leia that we all know from the movies?

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There's an NPC on the republic side somewhere who says that he would rather see Alderaan blown to pieces than see it handed over to the Empire. I nearly choked on my coffee when I heard him say that.


Hah really? Must've missed that, nice reference tho.

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How did the Organa legacy survive more than 3000 years to ultimately give birth to Bail Organa, and adopts Leia that we all know from the movies?

Hm, what is strange here? Organa family is not the only one to survive this timespan: Dodonnas did it too, Fetts too (though debatable about bloodline, not name).


There's an NPC on the republic side somewhere who says that he would rather see Alderaan blown to pieces than see it handed over to the Empire. I nearly choked on my coffee when I heard him say that.

On the Imperial side, actually. He says that before you fight him this or that way.

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Hm, what is strange here? Organa family is not the only one to survive this timespan: Dodonnas did it too, Fetts too (though debatable about bloodline, not name).


It just puzzled me a little bit how a family, constantly under threat and facing dangers, could hold such a prominent political position for over 3000 years.

I know Star Wars is a "story", but imagine named Christ descendants, or Pharaos, Kahn's ( I did read recently that he is directly responsible for about a third of the population to this day, or something in that line... I forgot the details, yet nobody around is still named "Kahn" and labelled as direct descendant).

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It just puzzled me a little bit how a family, constantly under threat and facing dangers, could hold such a prominent political position for over 3000 years.

I know Star Wars is a "story", but imagine named Christ descendants, or Pharaos, Kahn's ( I did read recently that he is directly responsible for about a third of the population to this day, or something in that line... I forgot the details, yet nobody around is still named "Kahn" and labelled as direct descendant).

If you mean Genghiz Khan, then there cannot be any descendants with such a name - as "Khan" is not a name, but a title.

But again, it is not too surprising in Star Wars universe - there are lots of examples. These are the mild ones; if we take Warhammer 40k universe, for instance, there are families with history of ten millenia.

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If you mean Genghiz Khan, then there cannot be any descendants with such a name - as "Khan" is not a name, but a title.

But again, it is not too surprising in Star Wars universe - there are lots of examples. These are the mild ones; if we take Warhammer 40k universe, for instance, there are families with history of ten millenia.

A title may become a patronym. I have Knight as an example in my lineage. His proper patronym would have caused trouble for nothing, he was the natural child of the queen of England (her 5th) and the Earl of March (at least his 15th). Knighted by his brother, he simply went with Knight instead of Roger de Mortemer as his natural father.


Rather funny and mostly caricatural the way lineage is treated in the game. In a span of 300 years, one has thousands of ancestors and is more defined by the unions (thousands too). In a span of a thousand years, it's millions of ancestors, some repeating themselves.

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About Thul vs Organa: It could be that they`ll end their fightning adn forge new alliances, perhaps through marriages and other things? The reason why Leia says that Alderaan is peaceful could mean that after the long and bloody civil war they have founded a way to settle things peacefully through negotiations and voting, much like before Queen Silara and Gaul Panteer were murdered.
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There are different claims in the old Star Wars EU about exactly when Alderaan got rid of all its weapons. Some say it was at the start of Palpatine's Empire, others say it was up to a century before the movies. In any case, they supposedly packed all their weapons onto a huge starship and sent it to randomly jump around the galaxy until the sovereign of Alderaan recalled it.



Now, as for the various houses, there are centuries left for their fortunes to rise and fall. There's a Thul Jedi in the New Jedi Order books and it seems that House Thul left Alderaan before it was destroyed.

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The political instability on Alderaan during the SWTOR era is due to Alderaan no longer being an official member of the Republic, a succession crisis created by the reigning monarch having died without an heir, and Sith Empire interference by backing a formerly exiled house (House Thul) in a bid to seize the throne.


At some point after the events of SWTOR the Sith Empire gets destroyed by the Republic and Alderaan returns to Republic control. Presumably the removal of the Sith Empire and the return to the Republic provides the peace and stability that Alderaan is lacking in the game's era. Also, it is likely that Organa and other houses aligned with the Republic destroy or exile House Thul again. A new monarch probably gets crowned and ends the succession crisis.


Fast forward 3,000 years and Alderaan has been at peace for so long that is near completely demilitarized, compared to the SWTOR era.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Correct me if I am mistake but I think the Organas say that they haven't fought a war in generations.


Then during the Consular storyline you agree to postpone the peace summit and reconvene at a later date. That could been successful.


Finally you have the empire there that are igniting the war and without them there stoking the flames, peace is a real possibility.

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Hello everyone,


I am ofcourse referring to Princess Leia's quote in Episode IV, granted right before the planet was completely blown to pieces.


Apart from the fact it sometimes feels a bit weird (and the same time, awesoe) to me that I'm playing on this planet in ToR, knowing it will be removed for existence 3000 years later by the Empire.


I do raise questions to the Thul vs Organa rivalry and, depending on which side you play, either Thul or Organa emerges victorious.


How does this work anyway? Do these storylines play out side-by-side and, lore-wise, Organa will ultimately become victorious in the canon lore and Thul dies out?

How did the Organa legacy survive more than 3000 years to ultimately give birth to Bail Organa, and adopts Leia that we all know from the movies?


Funny if you think Alderaan had no weapons and no Military Capital Warships your in for a very RUDE and WIDE AWAKING! For instance did you know that in SWs TOR Game that Alderaan had an Star Forge Factory hidden somewhere in their own starsystem that all Bail Organa had to do is feed the important codes to Leia Organa if and when anything happened to him??!! They had their version of the Star Forge and had made a fleet of 5 Super Mega Dreadnaughts that would put the Executor Super Star Destroyer to shame. Leia Organa Solo herself mentions some of this information that her fosterfather says that Alderaan did have an standing automated Warfleet called, "Another Chance". If anyone has ever seen pictures of the Mega Super Dreadnaughts then they are in for quite a shock. It is mentioned in Star Wars Wookieepedia as an "ghost fleet" and Leia Organa Solo's "inheritance" shortly after Alderaan was destroyed. Some Smugglers told tales of an mysterious ghostfleet of 5 huge Mega Super Dreadnaughts appearing and dissappearing in the Alderaan debris fields, Han Solo himself mentioned tales he was told of the ghostfleet but he never quite believed the tales. But the codes activating the Super Mega 5 Dreadnaughts might be in the Coruscant Files for Leia Organa to discover if she wanted too. I met her ancestors and battlled the Star Forge Spacestation Jedi Master and the Robot Master that creates the Robots and can truthfully say you do not want to tick off Leia Organa's ancestors nor her......if she ever decides to find those codes and activate them the Super Mega Dreadnaughts of Alderaan would be something not to fight even in the New Republic Era if they ever got activated even then in the EU Era.


The Organa's and their supporters use this threat of their own Star Forge and 5 Mega Super Dreadnaughts to stave off the House Of Thul from fighting them. As far as I am aware such threats from the House Of Organa and their supporters were mentioned to have happened during the Clone Wars Era, it was also hinted at by The House Of Organa that this exactly is what happened, they packed up their weapons and loaded them on to 5 Super Mega Dreadnaughts and automated launched them with their own Alderaanian Star Forge into the Alderaanian Starsystem. I cannot site references other than what I have read but I think it would have been something like -1575 BBY when the threats were used so the Organas and their allies could have sidestepped using the Alderaanian StarForge and Mega Super Dreadnaughts of Another Chance Fleet.

Edited by Eric_Skynwalker
Adding more data to the information
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The political instability on Alderaan during the SWTOR era is due to Alderaan no longer being an official member of the Republic, a succession crisis created by the reigning monarch having died without an heir, and Sith Empire interference by backing a formerly exiled house (House Thul) in a bid to seize the throne.


At some point after the events of SWTOR the Sith Empire gets destroyed by the Republic and Alderaan returns to Republic control. Presumably the removal of the Sith Empire and the return to the Republic provides the peace and stability that Alderaan is lacking in the game's era. Also, it is likely that Organa and other houses aligned with the Republic destroy or exile House Thul again. A new monarch probably gets crowned and ends the succession crisis.


Fast forward 3,000 years and Alderaan has been at peace for so long that is near completely demilitarized, compared to the SWTOR era.


You forget Obi-Wan General Kenobi's love interest the Dutchess of Thul whom died during the last part of the Clone Wars when the Mandalorians put a contract out on her and destroyed her house guild.

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You forget Obi-Wan General Kenobi's love interest the Dutchess of Thul whom died during the last part of the Clone Wars when the Mandalorians put a contract out on her and destroyed her house guild.


If.....and only if Leia Organa had been captured by Darth Vader in SWs: A New Hope IV he torturing her not knowing that she was a very danger to the Death Star 1 and his entire fleet. What if she had found Bail Organa's Activation Codes to activate the Alderaanian StarForge and the Mega 5 Alderaanian Super Dreadnaughts when she stood before Grand Admiral Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader saying, "Yes Alderaan is Peaceful, we have no weapons.........THAT YOU CAN SEE, Tarkin but if you DESTROY ALDERAAN all I have to do is THINK a single thought and it will be YOU THAT will see to the Death Star's destruction!" Darth Lord Vader: "Little Princess do you think what you can imagine will save Alderaan if we fire the Super Lazer of this Death Star???" Grand Admiral Moff Tarkin: "Ahhhhh Vader becareful what you cause Princess Organa to wish for please! I think we need not have too many unwelcome surprises in our unique situation." Princess Leia Organa: (WHISPERING UNDER HER BREATH) "TOOOOOO LATE you Devilsuited FOOL!" (She thinks a single thought as from the depths of space suddenly the 5 super mega Alderaanian Dreadnaughts appear and engage both the Death Star 1 and Darth Vader's fleet.)

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You forget Obi-Wan General Kenobi's love interest the Dutchess of Thul whom died during the last part of the Clone Wars when the Mandalorians put a contract out on her and destroyed her house guild.

You probably mean Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, the leader of New Mandalorians, a more peaceful faction inside the Mandalorian society who want peace more than war. So Obi-Wan`s love interest was not a Thul :)

Edited by Rebamcfan
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Funny if you think Alderaan had no weapons and no Military Capital Warships your in for a very RUDE and WIDE AWAKING! For instance did you know that in SWs TOR Game that Alderaan had an Star Forge Factory hidden somewhere in their own starsystem that all Bail Organa had to do is feed the important codes to Leia Organa if and when anything happened to him??!! They had their version of the Star Forge and had made a fleet of 5 Super Mega Dreadnaughts that would put the Executor Super Star Destroyer to shame. Leia Organa Solo herself mentions some of this information that her fosterfather says that Alderaan did have an standing automated Warfleet called, "Another Chance". If anyone has ever seen pictures of the Mega Super Dreadnaughts then they are in for quite a shock. It is mentioned in Star Wars Wookieepedia as an "ghost fleet" and Leia Organa Solo's "inheritance" shortly after Alderaan was destroyed. Some Smugglers told tales of an mysterious ghostfleet of 5 huge Mega Super Dreadnaughts appearing and dissappearing in the Alderaan debris fields, Han Solo himself mentioned tales he was told of the ghostfleet but he never quite believed the tales. But the codes activating the Super Mega 5 Dreadnaughts might be in the Coruscant Files for Leia Organa to discover if she wanted too. I met her ancestors and battlled the Star Forge Spacestation Jedi Master and the Robot Master that creates the Robots and can truthfully say you do not want to tick off Leia Organa's ancestors nor her......if she ever decides to find those codes and activate them the Super Mega Dreadnaughts of Alderaan would be something not to fight even in the New Republic Era if they ever got activated even then in the EU Era.


The Organa's and their supporters use this threat of their own Star Forge and 5 Mega Super Dreadnaughts to stave off the House Of Thul from fighting them. As far as I am aware such threats from the House Of Organa and their supporters were mentioned to have happened during the Clone Wars Era, it was also hinted at by The House Of Organa that this exactly is what happened, they packed up their weapons and loaded them on to 5 Super Mega Dreadnaughts and automated launched them with their own Alderaanian Star Forge into the Alderaanian Starsystem. I cannot site references other than what I have read but I think it would have been something like -1575 BBY when the threats were used so the Organas and their allies could have sidestepped using the Alderaanian StarForge and Mega Super Dreadnaughts of Another Chance Fleet.


dude, stop, drugs are bad mkay?

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You probably mean Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, the leader of New Mandalorians, a more peaceful faction inside the Mandalorian society who want peace more than war. So Obi-Wan`s love interest was not a Thul :)


Some think she was not and Dutchess Satine Kryze is exactly whom I mean. Her Clan was an ally of the Clans that wanted peace and not the constant infighting for the Crown of Mandalore......SHE according to the information that I have been able to learn about on Wookieepedia was part of the "Guild" if you will, that would have stopped Death Watch and the True Mandalorians. BUT she was murdered and the members of her faction killed near the end of the Clone Wars. HER FAMILY was of the royal Bloodlines to vie to the throne of Mandalore so much so that her and her faction-guild-Clan or whatever you want to call it and drawing much attention to itself that it forced Mandalore Assassins to act to shut Dutchess Satine Kryze up for good and make Obi-Wan Kenobi grieve very bitterly and want Avengement to the crime of whom killed her. Yes.......The New Mandalorians, why would have they been considered such a serious THREAT to the other Mandalorian Factions if she and her New Mandalorians were not of Royal Bloodlines? No your right she was not but Satine Kryze did not have to be from the House of Thul to turn the applecart of Mandalore upside down and many other starsystems to Mandalore's cause, I also visited the First Vindicator Of Mandalore and got their attention too, no reason why they would not have listened to Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorians if it meant that it might end the thousands of years of bloodshed, would not Satine Kryze been an equal warrioress as much as anyone else?

Edited by Eric_Skynwalker
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HER FAMILY was of the royal Bloodlines to vie to the throne of Mandalore so much so that her and her faction-guild-Clan or whatever you want to call it and drawing much attention to itself that it forced Mandalore Assassins to act to shut Dutchess Satine Kryze up for good and make Obi-Wan Kenobi grieve very bitterly and want Avengement to the crime of whom killed her. Yes.......The New Mandalorians, why would have they been considered such a serious THREAT to the other Mandalorian Factions if she and her New Mandalorians were not of Royal Bloodlines?

Source, please. For example about the fact of "throne of Mandalore" and the fact that Mandalorians have ever taken royal blood into account. You do not need high origin to become respected among Mandalorians. You need only your own strength and prowess, nothing else. I would say that the very notion of "duke/duchess" on Mandalore contradicts clan culture.


would not Satine Kryze been an equal warrioress as much as anyone else?

Is that even a word?

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you mean Genghiz Khan, then there cannot be any descendants with such a name - as "Khan" is not a name, but a title.

But again, it is not too surprising in Star Wars universe - there are lots of examples. These are the mild ones; if we take Warhammer 40k universe, for instance, there are families with history of ten millenia.


Oddly enough, Analyst, I am a Genealogist that specializes in the Brewster Family Tree, I had a DNA Scrape done that makes my Brewster Family 1,900yrs old in real life. We hense my name Breheny was around at the time of King Arthur and yes indeed King Arthur was a real person because the Breheny Family and those of the MacFergussons were married into King Arthur though Gweniyivar or however you want to spell her name, she had a family and real cousins. My family hopped from Ireland to Scotland, to Northern England then to Southern England, then hopped to USA Colonies and actually founded Plymouth Mass in this 1900 yr period from about 500AD to 1755 when we were forced out of the USA to Nova Scotia, Canada. It is amazing that very few know the true origins of the real Brewster Family that I am the last descendant of.......we were cousins to the Royals that distanced themselves from us.

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Some think she was not and Dutchess Satine Kryze is exactly whom I mean. Her Clan was an ally of the Clans that wanted peace and not the constant infighting for the Crown of Mandalore......SHE according to the information that I have been able to learn about on Wookieepedia was part of the "Guild" if you will, that would have stopped Death Watch and the True Mandalorians. BUT she was murdered and the members of her faction killed near the end of the Clone Wars. HER FAMILY was of the royal Bloodlines to vie to the throne of Mandalore so much so that her and her faction-guild-Clan or whatever you want to call it and drawing much attention to itself that it forced Mandalore Assassins to act to shut Dutchess Satine Kryze up for good and make Obi-Wan Kenobi grieve very bitterly and want Avengement to the crime of whom killed her. Yes.......The New Mandalorians, why would have they been considered such a serious THREAT to the other Mandalorian Factions if she and her New Mandalorians were not of Royal Bloodlines? No your right she was not but Satine Kryze did not have to be from the House of Thul to turn the applecart of Mandalore upside down and many other starsystems to Mandalore's cause, I also visited the First Vindicator Of Mandalore and got their attention too, no reason why they would not have listened to Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorians if it meant that it might end the thousands of years of bloodshed, would not Satine Kryze been an equal warrioress as much as anyone else?

I just checked Satine Kryze`s page on Wookiepedia, both canon and legends articles, and there`s no mentioning that she might be a Thul noblewoman http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Satine_Kryze#Legacy

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A lot can happen in 3000 years. Maybe Alderaan's warring nobles eventually put aside their differences and learned to co-exist for the greater good. Maybe House Organa just happened to be primus inter pares, which is why they were able to secure Leia a place in the Senate. Or maybe it was House Organa's turn to represent the world after the House X's term ended.


Or whatever.


In terms of Organa-Thul, think of it in terms of the Habsburg-Hohenzollern struggle for leadership in Germany. Hohenzollern Prussia even won out and formed the German Empire, but the Habsburgs continued to stick around and even became allies. Perhaps the same can be said about Organa-Thul.

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