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That email


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I received an email from a certain scientist on corellia after I had him arrested. I just *love* the writing! Thought I'd share:




Title: Thanks for nothing


I've been ordered by the Republic to send you this message. As if being branded a traitor and thrown in jail weren't bad enough, now they have me in some sort of reform program. I'm supposed to thank you for allowing me to get help.


So, thank you. Thank you for destroying my life's work and ruining my career. Here's one of my creations, confiscated from the ruins of my lab and redistributed to the front lines by court order. I hope it blows up in your face!


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It sounds like something Theran Cedrax would say but I don't remember getting a letter from him except for when I saved him and he offered a free tour around the Meridian Complex if I ever was on Corellia visiting.
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  • 2 weeks later...
At the end of the Onslaught Story, if you're a Pub toon working as a saboteur for the Imps, and you help destroy the Meridian Complex, Tharan Cedrax sends you a holo-mail chewing you out for ruining his chance to win the Silver Quasar award for excellence in science. ROFL.
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