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New Returning Player Seeks Semi-Casual Helpful guild


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Hello all,


I am a returning player from the days of old that played for about 4 months and lost interests in the game for other so called greener pastures but shamefully I made a mistake and am glad to be back because this game looks to have alot of content now plus space missions which is one of the things I was really looking forward to. Here are my credentials:


Timezone: US EST (But don't mind playing on WC servers).

MMO History: EQ, WH online, DDO, Rift, WoW, Lotro. I have bounced back and forth over the years quite a bit so I have experience raiding along with the etiquette to do endgame in a mature manner.

Age: 38 Married with 3 kids, fulltime job.


What I am primarily looking for is an active casual leveling/endgame guild with decent amount of players online so I can group up or to socialize and ask questions etc. Whether the guild is raiding or pvp is not really important but I am mostly a pve guy but I will be doing space pvp since I never done it before. I like to duo with guildies or form groups for content but I also like to solo quite often as well. (Pretty flexible)


I would like to raid and do harder stuff but I am a family man and I can't play for 8 hours+ like I used to be able to. On my only 2 days off I play quite a bit 8 hours plus but I gotta plan for it. Other days I am usually on for 2 to 3 hours late night EST and some in the morning before work, usually 2 hours.


At this point in time since returning I am very confused on what to do and where to go in game since I played last. The whole cartel market is new to me and all the gear thats available. Generally if your a guild that likes to help new people and get them on their way and don't mind an apprentice then I would be eternally greatful. You will find that I am a loyal gamer.


Current character is lvl 11 Sniper named Dreadblood. Thank you for reading:cool:

Edited by LordSinfury
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I am kind of in the same situation as the poster above. I have come back to SWTOR after playing other MMOs. I currently have a level 50 Pyro PowerTech. I have a lot of MMO experience/raiding in other games (EQ, DAOC, Rift, LOTRO, WAR, etc) but not in this one. I have been wanting to get into the group content, but not really wanting to PUG.


I am looking for a larger, laid back, social guild with loose commitment requirements. I don't mind signing up for group runs in advance, but I can't commit to consistent nights each and every week. I have headphones and a mic and can D/L whatever (Vent, TS, Mumble, etc). I am still in a guild from my previous time in SWTOR, but I am the only member and I am only in it for the exp bonus.


I am Texas. 36 with a full time job and a fiance.


Hope the OP doesn't mind my piggy-backing on his thread.

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<Reported> is always recruiting and we have a lot of helpful members that can help answer your questions. We're in the process of forming a third raid team and have a few open positions if you are interested in raiding. We are a pretty large guild with members on throughout the day.


Please check out our website in my signature. If you have any questions, please feel free to in game message Basheire.

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Delusions of Grandeur




Yes, we are quite delusional indeed! We are a laid back, PvE, PvP and RP guild. While some like to progress, others are quite casual in play ( how the guild was founded ), we just try to be a place for all to enjoy themselves. In short, We have fun.. period.

We currently run three progression teams and are looking to add to that. We will run RWZ, and world PvP if there seems to be some fun somehwere. We also have our Sith Guild open for recruitment for those of you who like to explore their darker or more "passionate" side. Whether you are a well established player, a brand new player looking to learn the ropes, or anywhere in-between, we would love to have you join us.


Please go to http://www.wehavedelusionsofgrandeur.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=5 and fill out the application. Feel free to do a /who on Delusions of Grandeur anytime and hit us up in game.


We look forward to meeting you~



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