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Shae Vizla


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You guys should really add Shae Vizla to KOTFE. She is in most of the movie trailers and...



Would love to see this. Having a mando companion would be cool.


I suspect if they give us a Mandalorian companion chances are that Torian or Akaavi are the most likely to fill that role with Shae being a distant, but welcome, third. I really hope the Mandalorians start playing a bigger part in these stories.

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I personally think Shae is the best Mandalorian we can get. She has participated in the Sacking Of Coruscant, taking over Alderaan, and probably more. What kind of sorry Mando would she be if she missed the action in KOTFE c;



as she explains in SOR, she's not really intreasted in fighting in wars anymore, individuals battles with worthy opponents she'll look into but warfighting, well.. theres no honor in it as far as she's concerned. it's all large scale fighting against faceless opponents

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