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Force absoprtion/deflection


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If you are not refering to the game..


Any trained force user can deflect any force attack...


however after reading a few books it all depends on how much TRUST one has in the force...


If they have somehow feel fear or anything but the FORCE flowing through evey fiber of their body they are the ones to get fried...


Contests against two force users the winner will ALWAYS be the one who understands it better...


The force wants an empty vessel to operate once your will comes into play the force steps into the background.


you would think a Sith will do what he wants.. Well the Sith who truly WIN are the ones who follow their visions and only do the Forces will...


Once the Force sees that you are a fully willing participant of its desire only then it invests in you.


Read Decieved good book it helped me alot.


in the game its not possible.

Edited by Zantul
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