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Lord Adraas Roleplayers!


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Hey! I'm not really sure if I'm in the right spot, I kind of saw RP and decided I'd try it out. Don't troll me for it please. :>


Anyways onto the point! I was curious if anyone knew of any Republic RP guilds that have been recruiting? Or perhaps just a group of RPers that wouldn't mind adopting a semi-skilled Trooper RPer. I have the grammar and stuff, but I don't know.. Lore isn't my strong suite. :<


I've been fiddling around on the Republic fleet with RP and met some pretty neat people. I was just looking to take it a bit further and make it a little more long term with an outfit.

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Check the guild forums here as Lord Adraas has plenty of representation in that area. Another place to check is swtor-rp.com which also has a lot of representation for the server. If you are into military style rp with your trooper there is the guild 7th Republic Infantry Battalion, post found here:




I really don't know about the reputation of the guilds at this point to give personal recommendations yet. Still fiddling around trying to decide what class/character/server I wish to devote my time too so I'm bouncing around like a freaking rabbit.

Edited by Zhauric
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