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LF a red male togruta


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This week, I saw this incredible-looking male togruta while questing on Dromund Kaas. He had red skin and was wearing white armor with red detailing that looked a lot like the Callous Conqueror set (e.g., ornate pointed shoulder guards). I would be very interested in know what armor he was wearing since I do not think the Callous Conqueror set can be dyed entirely white.
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I tried to create a togruta similar to the one I saw, but the best I could do was use the Callous Conqueror set dyed red and black. When I previewed white dye options, there were still elements of the set that remained black. Additionally, I found that with body options 1 or 2 the lekku either clipped through the armor collar in the front or the back. Only when I selected body option 3 was there no clipping. However, I am not a fan of body option 3. It makes everything bigger (including the face), and the cloak on this set makes it look like my togruta has a caboose (see linked screen shots).


If the player of the togruta I saw reads this (or anyone else who knows of a similar "plate" armor set that will not clip), then please respond.



Edited by Econometrix
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