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GET RID OF VOTE KICKING IN RANKED; it's been abused way more than not


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Get rid of vote kicking. Ops leaders are tyrants and will kick players at the end of a match because they don't like them, they don't want them playing an honest game, or they are scapegoating them, or throw the match early [and say the kicked player threw so they don't get in trouble] seen it over a hundred times - IT'S DISGUSTING! GJ PVP RANKED TEAM, YOU THREW A WHOLE SEASON TO TYRANICAL KIDDIES :mad: Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Get rid of vote kicking. Ops leaders are tyrants and will kick players at the end of a match because they don't like them, they don't want them playing an honest game, or they are scapegoating them, or throw the match early [and say the kicked player threw so they don't get in trouble] seen it over a hundred times - it's disgusting. GJ PVP RANKED TEAM, YOU THREW A WHOLE SEASON TO TYRANICAL KIDDIES :mad:


OMG, YES! Get rid of vote kicking AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. This is the biggest issue in the past season. It NEVER used to be this way. I was fully geared throughout the early seasons with newer players getting into ranked: we never sh*tted all over them, UNLIKE the spoiled, tyrannical bullies today. Ranked has become a breeding ground for CYBER BULLYING. Thanks, ranked team.

Edited by Willjb
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OMG, YES! Get rid of vote kicking AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. This is the biggest issue in the past season. It NEVER used to be this way. I was fully geared throughout the early seasons with newer players getting into ranked: we never sh*tted all over them, UNLIKE the spoiled, tyrannical bullies today. Ranked has become a breeding ground for CYBER BULLYING. Thanks, ranked team.


Try using a different writing style if you're going to post using separate accounts, lol.



(Seriously, tyrannical? That's not a dead giveaway, lol.)

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Try using a different writing style if you're going to post using separate accounts, lol.



(Seriously, tyrannical? That's not a dead giveaway, lol.)


Mmmmhhhhmmmmm. Been here since beta sweetie and posting since that time, try a different red herring (one not so lame and unoriginal). But of course that's to be expected with immature pvp trolls looking to divert and undermine the major issues, as if that wasn't obvious, "shark". I called a spade a spade, deal with it. You give the power to kick to kids, BW, and this is what happens.

Edited by Willjb
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try a different red herring (one not so lame and unoriginal).


It's sadly transparent actually.


Also, what server are you playing ranked on? I rarely see vote kick getting abused on Star Forge, though it does sometimes happen. The vast majority of vote kicks only happen when the other players determine that someone is throwing the game. If you are getting kicked routinely, I am totally confident in saying that it is almost certainly your own fault.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Some people enjoy operating multiple forum puppets I won't judge you for it. If you have any others available, feel free to comment WITH THEM, TOO!


FWIW, I support your concern of this exploit and it SHOULD BE ADDRESSED! Until then, the tyrannical bullies will have one more tool in their bag to manipulate and RUIN ranked PVP.

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Try using a different writing style if you're going to post using separate accounts, lol.



(Seriously, tyrannical? That's not a dead giveaway, lol.)


You are why I never post >>> Pvp is hopeless and its forum is trash. Look at the OP's long track record and look at what you're doing, noob, and stop being a lying hypocrite. I can vouch for Fire and that you are full of you know what.

Cat got your tongue, sweety :p

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You are why I never post >>> Pvp is hopeless and its forum is trash. Look at the OP's long track record and look at what you're doing, noob, and stop being a lying hypocrite. I can vouch for Fire and that you are full of you know what.

Cat got your tongue, sweety :p


The OP is you, and your first post was a few days ago. You must have gotten your accounts mixed up :D because Willjb has posts dating back to 2012.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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You are why I never post >>> Pvp is hopeless and its forum is trash... look at what you're doing, noob, and stop being a lying hypocrite... I can vouch for Fire and that you are full of you know what.

Cat got your tongue, sweety :p


It's a good thing we have people like you around to elevate the quality of these forums.

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