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Story timeline question


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I'd recommend doing Makeb at least once per side to be honest. Especially in the Imperial side, I won't go into any spoilers but Makeb plays a pretty big role for the Empire in that expansion and even though SOR doesn't reference that too often it's still good to play it at least once to get a feeling for what's been happening with the Empire since Ilum. However if you're not interested you can just do Forged Alliances then Shadow of Revan, and you can do Rise of the Hutt Cartel later if you so wish.
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I'd recommend doing Makeb at least once per side to be honest. Especially in the Imperial side, I won't go into any spoilers but Makeb plays a pretty big role for the Empire in that expansion and even though SOR doesn't reference that too often it's still good to play it at least once to get a feeling for what's been happening with the Empire since Ilum. However if you're not interested you can just do Forged Alliances then Shadow of Revan, and you can do Rise of the Hutt Cartel later if you so wish.

And don't forget Rise of the Emperor (Ziost) after Shadow of Revan. This part in particular is referenced *heavily* in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne.

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And don't forget Rise of the Emperor (Ziost) after Shadow of Revan. This part in particular is referenced *heavily* in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne.


Indeed. Although I usually count Ziost an epilogue to SOR, so to speak considering SOR's events. But yeah play Ziost before heading to KOTFE, it really helps set up stuff.

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What's being said here. There are some references to specific things about Makeb in SoR and one line early in KOTFE that calls back to it. If you play an Agent you are also given a title in the intro to Makeb that is used in SoR.


Having said that if you do it out of order or skip it, it's not going to influence much. It's worth playing through once or twice on each side, but I do skip it on some characters.


As the others have said, though, playing through all of SoR, from the prelude flashpoints through to the end of Ziost, is critical IMHO. Going into KOTFE doesn't make much sense without Ziost and SoR to set it up.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Ideally, I'd do:


1) Class Tutorial Planet, Esseles / Black-Talon, then Coruscant

2) Taris / Balmora, followed Nar-Shadaa

3) Tatooine before Alderaan

4) The Jedi Prisoner / Boarding Party

5) Balmora / Taris, Quesh, Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia, leaving Corellia Class missions for last

6) Finish class story, then Directive 7, followed by Illum

7) Black Hole and CZ-198

8) Section X and Oricon

9) HK-51, Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid missions

10) Makeb Expansion

11) Revan Expansion

12) Ziost

13) KotFE, then Star Fortresses and Eternal Championship

15) KotET, finishing up any Companion mission as they come along

16) Iokath and so forth

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My usual order is:


1. Class story starter world

2. Black Talon/Esseles

3. Class story, with most side and planetary missions

4. Ilum

5. Oricon

6. Makeb if I'm doing it

7. SoR Prelude

8. SoR

9. Ziost

10. Go back and do bonus series for all planets that have them (by now I am level 70 and can get Alliance Specialist crates for these, which go farther than the gear you get earlier)


12. Star Fortress mission(s)


14. Iokath

15. Traitor arc (Umbara, Copero, Nathema)


Section X and the other dailies are done after Ziost when I'm going back to clean up missed missions. I also don't bother with the events (rakghouls, etc.) until I am in KOTFE.

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