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Am i doing something wrong..


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Level 30 ruffian? Hmm, by the looks of it I would think that the level 24 passive (unfair advantage) should highlight/proc your ability brutal shots. Are you using blaster whip?


I also heard there is a preference setting to turn on and off these proc animations, but I haven't looked around in there yet. It should have been "on" by default. So my best guess is perhaps you're not using blaster whip or you accidentally turned them off.

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Hi there, yes using blaster whip that gives me brutal shots.. Also the highlight proc is on as its on my other toons..


Just wanted to get back to this for a second. I messed around and respeced ruffian on my 55 scoundrel... no highlighted procs for me either. So to answer your original question, no you're not doing anything wrong.


It does seem strange to me that unfair advantage doesn't trigger one of those new highlights when procing a free brutal shots.

Edited by Ridickilis
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