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Before I make the plunge


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So i've been talking to alot of JC people across diff forums. I have decided to transfer my entire account to another server. JC is probably going to be it. Before I pull the trigger on this I just want some confirmation on a few things


A.) healthy levels of guilds participating in ranked and Regs

B.) Less than 10 min queue times for Regs

C.) Multiple PvP guilds that organize events and general PvP fun times ( instead of lots of guilds with a few pvp players who have to cross guild team up to queue)

D.) Healthy economy, and PvE


I have been a player since Beta and never have done a single Raid. Always PvP'd. Would like to try that out at some point.


So if anyone could help me with those things, that would be great. I created a lowbie and played around for a little bit and things looked cool. but i'm going to transfer my entire legacy of toons over, and thats a big deal for me. Since i have many many things, and many many toons.



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I can't confirm PvP events, I have been in one to get the "Scare Bear" title that took place on February 27th, but I can confirm that we hold GSF events.


There is a PvE community. It's no worse off than any of the other servers really, all the PvE communities are dying, but it's not difficult to get into story mode content. Progression/Raid teams are another story.


The guild I'm in, Secforce, queues for unranked a lot and we have some good pub-side PvP'ers, actually. I don't know about ranked, I've heard that if you tell people you're queuing for it then they will queue.


And yeah, PvP times vary, slow during the morning US EST, but the queue times drop way under 10 minutes for PvP. GSF queue can be under 10 minutes at times too, depending on how many are queued, etc.


~ Eudoxia

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I can't confirm PvP events, I have been in one to get the "Scare Bear" title that took place on February 27th, but I can confirm that we hold GSF events.


There is a PvE community. It's no worse off than any of the other servers really, all the PvE communities are dying, but it's not difficult to get into story mode content. Progression/Raid teams are another story.


The guild I'm in, Secforce, queues for unranked a lot and we have some good pub-side PvP'ers, actually. I don't know about ranked, I've heard that if you tell people you're queuing for it then they will queue.


And yeah, PvP times vary, slow during the morning US EST, but the queue times drop way under 10 minutes for PvP. GSF queue can be under 10 minutes at times too, depending on how many are queued, etc.


~ Eudoxia


GSF huh? Didn't know people actually still did that lol. Thats pretty cool

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