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Explain what happened with the other heroes?


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well my own Head cannon for it is my heroes have been helping each other out since Makeb imperials and republic being separate until Rishi and Yavin.


For fallen empire ill say my inquisitors the main one for it even if he's not my main



My Smuggler 's luck finally run out on Ziost when Vitiate did his thing to the planet

Same with my Agent he kinda got zapped as well he was doing more recon on the planets surface for the team and he couldn't get out in time.

Bounty Hunters still out there somewhere but now she's got even more clients and she didn't care much for empire as long as she was getting pain last time.

My Trooper went out fighting during the invasion.

Meanwhile The Counsuler, Wrath, and Knight all kinda of exploded with the ship


That's just my own head canon for it all, though if the codex says they vanished during the invasion then thats cool

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I am probably hoping for the impossible. That your other classes become minor roles in each other's story.


I am with you on this idea. Think of the possibilities if the story line was wrapped by the actions of each of your classes within your legacy.


That would entice me bring them all into KotFE, currently it seems that each class will be the same (but slightly) different story.

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In my official "head canon" I'd say this happened:


My Sith Warrior is my main dude in Zakuul dealing with Valkorion possession sickness, with the Jedi Knight helping him out in an uneasy alliance. They're like Riggs and Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon.


Smuggler got the f*ck outta dodge and is on a beach somewhere getting drunk with Risha


Agent doesn't care about this expansion and retired to Hoth to become a... painter


Bounty Hunter is a free agent. Yay, no more politics


Trooper died from boredom


Sith Inquisitor is in a cave getting high on his own evil or something



Consular never existed lol

Edited by Atma
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My Smuggler hit Zakuul first, via Eeny-Meeny, so I guess the others:


IA's enjoying the breakdown of Imperial power structure, and is basically Archer, partying on Intelligence funds.

BH is still out there, blasting marks.

Warrior's hanging around his Stronghold, trying to figure out if he's still the Emperor's Wrath or not. Slowly turning into Baras, if he doesn't find something to do.

The Inquisitor bailed on everything, and is running the Nar Shaddaa cult personally.

Trooper, and her squad-members who didn't go AWOL, are officially shut down. Further information classified.

The JK and Kira retired from the Jedi business, to spend their days having fun.

Finally, my poor JC snapped from dealing with the Rift Alliance's constant moaning on the ship and is currently in a health retreat on Voss.

Edited by Palar
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For whichever one I'm playing - the others:

the agent went back to the Chiss ascendency right before Dromund Kaas was blockaded.

the smuggler is living the life of a pirate on Rishi

the warrior ran off to datooine where they she is going to found the family that will eventually be the ancestors of Darth Maul

the trooper was KIA, after saving as many fellow troopers and civilians as possible

the BH is still fighting Zakuu somewhere along with the rest of the Mandalore

the consulor and the knight have fled together with the other Jedi and are trying to find a way to help save the galaxy

the inquisitor tried to swallow one too many force ghosts and got defeated by the spirit of Exar Kun on Yavin 4

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I guess that they will choose some cannon way. Basing on trailers, official screenshots etc. I assume that officialy Hero of Tython will be The Outlander and for some point it feels right, as his story was the most "needed". The world would live without Nox or Empire's Wrath, but what about a guy who "killed" (more like dematerialised) The Emperor himself? And in fact what he did directly pushed events to Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor.
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I guess that they will choose some cannon way. Basing on trailers, official screenshots etc. I assume that officialy Hero of Tython will be The Outlander and for some point it feels right, as his story was the most "needed". The world would live without Nox or Empire's Wrath, but what about a guy who "killed" (more like dematerialised) The Emperor himself? And in fact what he did directly pushed events to Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor.


He/she certainly seems one of the more "important" characters, seeing that every other class at some point starts hearing about what the Hero did on Dromund Kaas.


However, I'd really like to see how all the stories weave in with each other. Like:


Consular was sent as a council representative (or the last of the council) when Satele heard of the alliance forming.


Agent was naturally enlisted by Lana, as the alliance needs good agents.


Trooper...eh...he led havoc squad, and they all broke up; either he died or was frozen in carbonate, too, and was rescued by Lana/Theron at some point.


Wrath was also on Marr's ship, just never fought alongside Hero. Marr was busy telling both of them what to do. Was actually there when Valky started asking everyone to kneel, but the Knight has memory loss about that due to carbonite sickness (probably because they hadn't really met for long and there were other more important matters for the Knight to be mentally aware of). Eventually wound up rescued by Lana, who knew his importance to the alliance and his connection to Valky.


Nox felt Marr's death, began talking with Lana, but then rushed to help defend Korriban with the rest of the Dark Council. Was saved from death by a ghost or his ancestor or something, unknown to his crew/apprentices. Finally found by the agent or Lana or Theron as they searched for clues on Korriban that might lead to a weakness in Zakuul's armies.


And the BH, someone else can figure that out, lol.

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SW is the one best fit to be the hero here as he is the only one and the only one that the emperor bothered to like as he was the only one that the emperor among all other classes said he will kill him last. Also he was the one who handpicked him to be the wrath.
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My Sith Warrior is my main dude in Zakuul dealing with Valkorion possession sickness, with the Jedi Knight helping him out in an uneasy alliance. They're like Riggs and Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon.


I would give all of my money for this movie. Hero of Tython is too old for this sh*t

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According to codex entries and various dialogue, the only thing we know for sure is that they disappeared, and the circumstances behind some of them. The Inquisitor was with the rest of the Dark Council when they fought and lost to Zakuul, the Knight was fighting on the front lines to protect the core worlds, the Trooper disappeared on the edges of Wild Space.


My personal headcanons:


Warrior: Smart enough to surrender with the rest of the Sith, so she didn't die in battle; she did, however, disagree with Acina's ascendance, and felt as though she'd have been a better choice. Before she could move to dethrone her, Acina--for once--was a step ahead and had the Wrath locked up--not killed, she was too useful--but locked up until she could be "converted".


Inquisitor: "Died" in the Dark Council battle, was eventually resurrected by the Force Ghosts. Heavily injured, weak, and in the midst of what was now enemy territory, he managed to slink off and steal a shuttle, which he directed to Rishi in order to follow up on that "immortality" thing.


Agent: Was hired by Lana find information on my canon Outlander--my Knight's--location. He infiltrated Zakuul and spent three or four years undercover before being ousted. He managed to call Lana and send her the intel before his transmission was cut, and when she tried to call him back she only got static.


Hunter: Off with the rest of the Mandalorians, doing what Mandalorians do.


Consular: Slipped off to Sarkhai with Nadia to hide for a couple of years. May or may not have brought a certain holocron with him.


Smuggler: Tried to bargain with Arcann, offering an alliance with her criminal empire in exchange for not getting subjugated like the Republic and Empire. He promptly told her he didn't do alliances, leading to a mini-war between them as they fought for control her underworld empire; eventually she gave up, gathered her remaining resources, and hightailed it, going under the radar.


Trooper: Was sent on a special mission to try and locate the Zakuul homeworld, a few weeks after the invasion. One of his probes found it and sent the location back to him, which he sent back to the Republic (Lana somehow got a hold of it, being Lana); unfortunately the signals transmitted led the Eternal Empire to him, and he vanished after coming into conflict with their fleet.


That said, I would love it if the other classes played even a minor role in the expansion.

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