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Musics to listen while update is in progress 5.10 (got bored?)


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If you didnt already, bookmark these on to your Internet Explorer, or if you at work listen with headphones or something

right click on to video, loop, or if you using crap browser like Chrome, right click twice and choose "loop" for auto replay


(you will cry alot, listen at your own risk)


(live action)


Bookmark them to access at anytime, since website will go down as well with the game so you can't click them here.

Firefox bookmark keyboard key CONTROL+D (kids claim as CTRL)


Relaxing/stressful/depressing keywords below


Disney destroyed star wars

world will go corrupt when john williams dies

John williams are better than hans zimmer

I feel so bad for Anakin he reached to a point of no return

join dark side we have cookies

presequals have the best music!!!

The ımperial march darth vader picture alone have better story than The last jedi

when math teachers says you have homework to do

when Windows 10 wants to update your computer without your permission

when wasp flies in to your car

Master Jedi, there is too many of them, what are we going to do

Are you going to kill me Master Jedi

I love star wars so much than my wife

lets kill some younglings

George lucas means everything to me

a dog turd have better story than The force awakens

*********** CGI everywhere


Edited by ShieldProtection
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