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Why Immolate has not yet been fixed ?


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A few months ago, I was playing my powertech pyro and i realize the "Immolate" skill had no sound. I though Bioware will fix this and I put my character aside.


I come back to the game recently and the bug is still here. Immolate has no sound at all, just a little "click" at the start but no fire sound or whatever.


The audio glitch about the grenade frag from the operative have been fix quickly, why the bounty hunter still have this annoying bug ?


Strangly, I didnt see anybody complaining about it on the internet. The bug don't seem to come from me, because my friends have it too.


Did I miss something ?


PS : It's not the only skill that have an audio glitch on the bounty hunter class. Tracer missile from mercenary has no sound too, as "heat blast" from the powertech discipline shield tech. I don't have any audio problem with all the other class, but the bounty hunter seem to be kinda bugged.

Edited by Elrizzt
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The new ability for shadows also doesn't make a sound (the assassin equivalent does), and while the sound of sage's force quake stopping after first tick was acknowledged as a bug, that never got fixed either.


Honestly, there's a lot of small bugs in the game that I believe would not be there if they actually played their own game like some of them claim they do, but regardless of the cause, I don't think there's any reason to believe this is going to change anymore.


Every now and then there's a nice little surprise in the patch notes of some ancient bug that they finally got, so perhaps some day..

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