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My impressions of Swtor PvP


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I would like to start out by saying that I am a level 50 mercenary on Darth Malak and I have been playing since release. Since then, I've achieved the pvp title of battlemaster; I have done 550k dmg in a single warzone and I've done 650k healing in a single warzone.


The best part about SWTOR pvp is the fact that it is, by far, the most skill-based system I've ever encountered in any MMO. There are mercenaries in identical gear who get, quite literally, half the damage and healing that I get per warzone. I have seen two similarly geared Powertechs enter a warzone and by the end of the match there is a 300k damage difference between them (and the same is true for sorcs, marauders, etc).


Skill is by far the most important variable and for this reason I am very optimistic about SWTOR's future (at least when it comes to pvp). That being said, there are of course a few issues with the game:


Operatives are underpowered, Powertechs do too much dmg, Sorcs have too much utility, Juggernauts don't do enough dmg, there are too many stuns/cc's and resolve is a disaster. I am confident that Bioware will handle all such issues in the future. They have already demonstrated a certain degree of competency with the announcement of rated warzones, introduction of a new warzone, dual specc, etc (though I disagree with their drastic nerf of operatives).


These are my impressions and I'd like to hear yours (pvp only please).

Edited by Nonnolol
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My impression is there`s a stupid amount of slows, stuns, snares, and knockbacks that could never have been intended the way they are as they`re used in PvP and it needs to be fixed, it`s one thing for a class to be based around stuns like rogues in WoW, it`s one thing to have dispels so available they can be, it`s another thing to have almost every single class, having one or more of the above and some classes, without any.


Skill is by far the most important variable and for this reason I am very optimistic about SWTOR's future (at least when it comes to pvp). That being said, there are of course a few issues with the game:



there are very few classes where skill is relevant or obvious in this game.

Edited by babiegirlla
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My impression is there`s a stupid amount of slows, stuns, snares, and knockbacks that could never have been intended the way they are as they`re used in PvP and it needs to be fixed, it`s one thing for a class to be based around stuns like rogues in WoW, it`s one thing to have dispels so available they can be, it`s another thing to have almost every single class, having one or more of the above and some classes, without any.

^In case anyone missed it the first time.

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My impressions -


Minigame grind

Gear focus

CC galore


Also... charts don't always tell the full story. The guy who capped 3 doors, and defended one door solo, was more valuable and possibly more 'skilled' than the guy who simply did 500k damage.

Edited by Jebi
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You're making the age old mistake of equating damage (or healing) done with skill.


Perhaps the player scoring less damage / healing was actually trying to play the warzone as intended - capping a door, defending a turret, getting in position to recieve a ball pass etc etc.


And if you just want to talk about damage and healing, was it effective? Anyone can get high numbers if they try, especially classes with access to good aoe. But is it effective damage? And so on.


Skill comes in many different shapes and sizes and is not just about epeen numbers.

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U didn't even mention troopers.........


grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round, knockback, grav round, grav round, grav round, fire, grav round, grav round, heal, heal, heal, grav round, knockback, grav round........





If they mix in a knockback I respond with a grapple (or a jet charge if off cooldown) to interrupt the following grav round and close the gap again.

Edited by Jestunhi
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U didn't even mention troopers.........


grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round, knockback, grav round, grav round, grav round, fire, grav round, grav round, heal, heal, heal, grav round, knockback, grav round........


You know that interrupt that every class has? ya...use it

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Try playing a usless sniper in pvp. No cc's, one single stun if they are in melee range, if they are in melee range your done. They have one knockback which isn't even an intsant, you have to set up to use it. You leg shot someone running at you and by the time it hits they are within 30 meters anyways. Snipers do literally have zero 1v1 ability. I'ver tried all specs, hybrid specs and they just dont' have any 1v1, at all, period. It is no fun, its just a grind. Valor lvl 55 and I'm quiting pvp. I wanted the battle master gear for the mods but it isn't worth it. 1v1 with anyone equals loss. Unless its another sniper that also has no cc's and one single escape. Don't even get me on self healing abilites, zero again. Every other class has a self helaing ability or 'leeche' snipers have zero, go go med pacs! Can't say how many times I have done a leg shot at a jedi/warrior as they are running at me to keep them at bay but by the time it hits they are in leap range and I'm done. It just isn't fun running around looking for other fights to get in on, a 1v1 fight would be nice, ****, if it was at least close I'd be happy. I'll get tossed in the air by a consular, use my escape only to then be stunned and take whatever abuse they decide to do. I have zero recourse, one cc break and not even one legit stun. Only reason people dont' talk people about snipers is because they are not a factor in any pvp match up, they're a joke. I know whenver I join a game I'm a liability, on the same note when I see we have several sith warriors I know we have a good chance of winning... that has to tell you something...
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You're making the age old mistake of equating damage (or healing) done with skill.



Anyone can defend a turret or watch a door but only a few seem to be able to do more than 400k dmg a game and/or 500k healing a game. I'm able to carry games with my healing and I know powertechs/sorcs/marauders that can carry games with their dmg.


U didn't even mention troopers.........


grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round, knockback, grav round, grav round, grav round, fire, grav round, grav round, heal, heal, heal, grav round, knockback, grav round........


That's because arsenal specced mercs/troopers are crap and do no dmg/are easily interrupted/los'd.

Edited by Nonnolol
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SNIPERS works in TOR just like in real life. You dont want to be seen much and dealing high dmg from distance and once you are focus targeted you are dead.


Sniper on good position doesnt make much noise or effect that would lure some sentinel to kill him but while that sentinel is rubbing someone sniper is taking one shot and and another and suddenly sentinel is dead not even knowing that 50% of his HP was "stolen" by sniper he wasnt even noticing.

Edited by johnyangelo
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My impressions -


Minigame grind

Gear focus

CC galore


Also... charts don't always tell the full story. The guy who capped 3 doors, and defended one door solo, was more valuable and possibly more 'skilled' than the guy who did 500k damage.


THIS. I see people in warzones getting mvp votes because they racked up high amounts of damage and KB's while contributing literally nothing to the match in hand. I have solo bombed all three doors in Voidstar and defused 2 bombs, I did not get 1 mvp vote.


As for my impressions:


Repetitive Warzone Grind

Way too much CC

Bugs/Exploits/glitches galor


My account un-subbed, my valor rank 65 shadow can go out the airlock lol

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My first impression of SWTOR pvp was from the summer show videos of Huttball:


- Looked like fun

- Players didn't die in three hits

- Strategy seemed to matter

- CC was not a known issue

- All classes looked fairly balanced


My impression of SWTOR pvp at 50 and Battlemaster:


- Stun, damage, stun, damage, knockback, damage, death

- Waaaaay too much CC. It's absolutely ridiculous.

- Three shots are common. Or at the very least, one class can get so much of an advantage while the other class is stunlocked that the remainder of the battle is already determined.

- I say it takes no skill. This game is about GvG (Gear vs. Gear)

- The same old warzones over and over and over

- Ilum is a complete joke. BW should be ashamed that they released such a poorly performing zone.


I'll be unsubbed if the March patch doesn't make a massive improvement in pvp.

Edited by Delphis
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This thread should be deleted -




The only information you provided was that you did "X," amount of dmg and/or healing, over this other equally geared person.




When did dmg and overall healing become a standpoint for who is better at PvP? Did you capture the ball and score (or pass and help team to score) while doing this dmg?

Did you help guard one of two doors in a Void Star? Did you help defend the turrets in Alderan?


A lone person doing zero dmg can be the ONE factor in the cause of your team winning a match just because that person chose to actually play the STRAT of the specific PvP.


You should think before you post.


Also one reason I have a hard time PvPing consistently is because of people who are likeminded with you, and dont help with the Actual game they just sit back and DPS. Your Range for Gods sake, you dont even have to tab target once your target dies you can just keep going with your rotation as long as people are in range. Which makes your statement even less informational.



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This thread should be deleted -




The only information you provided was that you did "X," amount of dmg and/or healing, over this other equally geared person.



I'm not making an argument or presenting a case. I'm expressing my impression of the game and asking for opinions.



When did dmg and overall healing become a standpoint for who is better at PvP?



Since the very beginning. As I said before, anyone can guard a turret (i'm doing it right now) or watch a door, but only a relatively small percentage know their class well enough to put out serious damage and healing. Additionally, try carrying a ball when a well played marauder or powertech obliterate you; conversely, try killing a ball carrier when a merc easily out-heals your crap damage.


The bad players always have an aversion to objective measures of actual performance. They always try to complicate things with "other measures" that are "hard to quantify" even though they're so easily accomplished (hey I stopped the guy from defusing the bomb by attacking him once!).

Edited by Nonnolol
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I have to say that the PvP in SWTOR is the most frustrating PvP I have ever experienced. It is not based on skill, but how many CCs you can throttle the opponent with.


There are too many CCs in this game and this prevents it from having anything to do with skill. When u render your opponent helpless and can kill them without compunction, that is not skill, I am sorry to say.


I know I'm not the best PvPer but I am dedicated and rarely give up, even though we are being slammed.


Since most every pvp match is randomly thrown together, there is very little teamwork. I'm not saying there aren't groups of 4 that come together and queue for the warzone, but even so, 4 people do not make a warzone group. So there are lots of random people coming together and everyone has their own agenda on what to do. And generally that means leaving if there is ANY indication the side they are on is going to lose.


The person who said they didn't get a single MVP vote when they did all the bombs etc, I think that is because no one KNOWs who did that. There are plenty of announcements about who is doing a lot of kills and who has died, but when achievements are made like that, it can be a mystery who exactly did it. There are lots of people who do strategize and take care of the objectives, but there is no acknowledgement for that. Someone who talks about how they had so much damage/healing doesn't really mean that they worked with the other people to achieve a goal. We end up giving mvp votes to our guildies in the WZ with us as a result.


For instance, in Huttball, sometimes it was the person who passed the ball to the right person at the right time that actually won the score, and not really the person who ran across the endline. And there were plenty of people guarding and interfering along the way as well.


I am also stunned at how many warzones we lose. For instance, I am on the empire side and I played nothing but warzones all day today. I did not have one win. Not a single one. Even the law of averages is broken with this. And most of the time in Huttball we are fighting our own people. I had to stop playing today because it was making my nerves too raw.


Rather than rally together and start doing anything organized, people complain, insult, and the quit the warzones... leaving things unbalanced and when the new people come in they have no idea where to start. I wish I had the answer for it, but I don't. I don't think the PvP system allows for anything to change in regard to that either.


I also wonder when I finally do get all my gear and such, and I figure out the way to rotate my skills to achieve the end result I want, what then? Endless warzones... going to Ilum for gatehopping pvp ... back to endless warzones... I haven't heard or seen any indication that there will be anything more added to the PvP of this game than more of the same. Open pvp areas without a property to own and sieges set up to determine the owner, PvP becomes directionless.

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