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The Alliance must disband...Now.


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Ok, hold your britches, everyone!


I kinda see the Alliance as Lord Hoth's army of Light, and the militarization of the Jedi. This was necessary to combat Lord Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness, and once the Battle of Ruusan was completed the Army of Light was disbanded when the Republic Drafted the Ruusan Reformation.


The Alliance was necessary to accommodate the Displaced Citizens of the Galaxy, and to outright Combat the Eternal Empire because both the Republic and Empire had signed treaties, and were being blockaded by the Eternal Fleet. Any acts of open aggression would have seen them obliterated under the might of the Eternal Fleet.


Now that the Eternal Empire has fallen, the Alliance has served it purpose. The Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor who I believe are the main protagonists of SWTOR would have rejoined their respective fractions. The Jedi have no desire to rule and the Inquisitor has always harbored hopes of ruling the Empire.


That being said, it is up to players to play their main character based no how they feel the story would have progressed canonically for that character.


The Saboteur Option doesn't make sense for Force users but it does for non-force users. Just in the same way that retaining the alliance is more ideal for non-force users than force users. Either way, the issue is not whether BW removes the Alliance altogether (cause keeping the alliance is just a variable story line) but how believable it makes the so-called "canon; story-line.

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again -- I love the Alliance

My BH will NOT go back to the Empire -- my agent will tell the Empire to shove it ..

and my JK is finished with the council -- couldn't even defend the Republic -- useless

I stay where I am for a reason, or several reasons

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again -- I love the Alliance

My BH will NOT go back to the Empire -- my agent will tell the Empire to shove it ..

and my JK is finished with the council -- couldn't even defend the Republic -- useless

I stay where I am for a reason, or several reasons


Well based on class story LS BH, and neutral Agent are no longer tied to the Empire at all. Same goes for Smuggler for all situation to the Republic.


The problem with the Alliance is, that the original reason of it's existence is no longer exist. Even worse they lost the Eternal fleet so they no longer capable to challenge the Republic, or the Empire. It would make sense, if half of the people would simply leave stating, that they won't fight against the Republic/Empire.


The real thing, that i miss is the true side change. I hate being a saboteur. It just doesn't feel right to be such traitor.

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The Alliance has to disband because it’s the only real logical COA for Star Wars. It’s always Good vs Evil for the main plot there is no centralized “gray” theme. All neutral or separate factions have been supporting roles at best. Spin offs exist, but they are the exception not the rule. Your gray story has to exist in your headcannon and in your roleplay which is another problem with the entire EE/EA storyline...it gives you “player choice” only to take it away from you by having to decide what the real outcome was. Fans of the KotR series know this much. You’re merely clinging on to false hope. All of your characters aren’t the hero on this story. Only one of them is and I suspect it’s the LS JK...as the character has pretty much pushed the plot since launch. 🤷*♂️


I’m ok with it. I never expected my trooper to be the lead character anyway, that’s just not the role for troopers in the SW universe and it’s not the role for any non-Force user to be honest. We have our moments in the lime light, but at the end of the day...we’re there to supplement the story.


So yeah, the Alliance needs to go. The story is pretty out of wack at the moment and there’s no truth to who’s who and what’s what because we don’t truly know who the Outlander is/was and what decisions they made LS or DS.

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I have the feeling -- REAL faction change ?

not gonna happen -- and would we really really want it anyway ?


my agent is not going back to being the "Yesman" / assassin of the empire --- not going back to it; BUT..

What can my agent possibly really DO in the SIS ? office job ? boring ... and besides, Theron would not even WANT her to go back to spying ...

Way too dangerous for her to go back to being a spy -- every BH in the galaxy would be after her ( not to mention loyal IAs )


So -- logically, can we have a true, real faction change ?


I am happy with the saboteur -- and the Alliance -- too much "water under the bridge" and I've spent way too much time and effort ( and "real" in game money) to let it go now


And for BHs -- how many times have people said they wished the BH could work for the Republic ?--

technically, they are their own bosses -- they work for the highest payer

so ... why do they even need a change ? just start having the Republic give them Imperial targets -- no one likes them anyway (lol j/k -- but maybe a grain of truth there )


And my JK -- she is a Jedi -- not a sith, and not becoming one

NO she doesn't want to switch sides or go back to the Republic -- the Republic was useless in the fight against Valkorian -- no I don't have ships anymore, true --

BUT they don't have me; the hero of the whole dang game lol

and I will NOT go back to being a pawn and subordinate to a worthless, weak Jedi council or to a disorganized childish dark council -- no, sorry --

better to stay independent ( and as for my smuggler, she feels the same way -

I'm a Commander now, not just a smuggler )

Edited by Tashia
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I have the feeling -- REAL faction change ?

not gonna happen -- and would we really really want it anyway ?


my agent is not going back to being the "Yesman" / assassin of the empire --- not going back to it; BUT..

What can my agent possibly really DO in the SIS ? office job ? boring ... and besides, Theron would not even WANT her to go back to spying ...

Way too dangerous for her to go back to being a spy -- every BH in the galaxy would be after her ( not to mention loyal IAs )


So -- logically, can we have a true, real faction change ?


I am happy with the saboteur -- and the Alliance -- too much "water under the bridge" and I've spent way too much time and effort ( and "real" in game money) to let it go now


And for BHs -- how many times have people said they wished the BH could work for the Republic ?--

technically, they are their own bosses -- they work for the highest payer

so ... why do they even need a change ? just start having the Republic give them Imperial targets -- no one likes them anyway (lol j/k -- but maybe a grain of truth there )


And my JK -- she is a Jedi -- not a sith, and not becoming one

NO she doesn't want to switch sides or go back to the Republic -- the Republic was useless in the fight against Valkorian -- no I don't have ships anymore, true --

BUT they don't have me; the hero of the whole dang game lol

and I will NOT go back to being a pawn and subordinate to a worthless, weak Jedi council or to a disorganized childish dark council -- no, sorry --

better to stay independent ( and as for my smuggler, she feels the same way -

I'm a Commander now, not just a smuggler )


Your JK doesn’t sound like a Jedi then...


That’s the problem with the Alliance. Jedi who want to remain Jedi wouldn’t carry on with the a Alliance shenanigans. Troopers wouldn’t be Republic Troopers anymore. So really the only class for the Republic faction that works to remain Alliance without totally ripping the reason for choosing the class in the first place is the Smuggler. Oh and if you really wanted to be a Scoundrel then that’s not really going to play out for a lay low type if you’re the “Commander” of the Alliance. It just kind of ruins the reason why people wanted to be the OG class imo. At least for Republic characters and in my mind Imperial characters too, though I know there are more arguments (valid ones) for Imps doing the whole Alliance Commander deal.

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Your JK doesn’t sound like a Jedi then...


That’s the problem with the Alliance. Jedi who want to remain Jedi wouldn’t carry on with the a Alliance shenanigans. Troopers wouldn’t be Republic Troopers anymore. So really the only class for the Republic faction that works to remain Alliance without totally ripping the reason for choosing the class in the first place is the Smuggler. Oh and if you really wanted to be a Scoundrel then that’s not really going to play out for a lay low type if you’re the “Commander” of the Alliance. It just kind of ruins the reason why people wanted to be the OG class imo. At least for Republic characters and in my mind Imperial characters too, though I know there are more arguments (valid ones) for Imps doing the whole Alliance Commander deal.


How's this for a reason for a Jedi to keep the Alliance:

My JC feels that, while still an ally to the Jedi, she herself is no longer truly a Jedi - she's been set upon a different path by Satele and Marr, one that she feels she needs to follow and explore as far as she possibly can. In addition, Odessen is a key strategic location in the galaxy due to being perfectly balanced in the Force, and thus needs a caretaker to protect it. After all, what happened to the only other perfectly balanced planet that's ever been encountered? Oh, right, Tenebrae ate it (Nathema), which was how he became so immensely powerful in the first place.


For these reasons, she chose to remain the Alliance Commander and hopes to reshape the Alliance appropriately to act as representatives for the Barsen'thor, a title that was never (and would never have been) stripped from her, as through KOTET/KOTFE, she lived up to it yet again - initially killing Valkorion (even though that proved a mistake, there's no way she could have known that beforehand), defeating Arcann, then Vaylin, and finally Valkorion once again. And let's not forget the superweapons of the traitor arc, as well.


Basically, she feels her responsibilities as Barsen'thor, the Galactic Warden, would be more readily performed by remaining where she is as the Alliance Commander.

Edited by VelvetSanity
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How's this for a reason for a Jedi to keep the Alliance:

My JC feels that, while still an ally to the Jedi, she herself is no longer truly a Jedi - she's been set upon a different path by Satele and Marr, one that she feels she needs to follow and explore as far as she possibly can. In addition, Odessen is a key strategic location in the galaxy due to being perfectly balanced in the Force, and thus needs a caretaker to protect it. After all, what happened to the only other perfectly balanced planet that's ever been encountered? Oh, right, Tenebrae ate it (Nathema), which was how he became so immensely powerful in the first place.


For these reasons, she chose to remain the Alliance Commander and hopes to reshape the Alliance appropriately to act as representatives for the Barsen'thor, a title that was never (and would never have been) stripped from her, as through KOTET/KOTFE, she lived up to it yet again - initially killing Valkorion (even though that proved a mistake, there's no way she could have known that beforehand), defeating Arcann, then Vaylin, and finally Valkorion once again. And let's not forget the superweapons of the traitor arc, as well.


Basically, she feels her responsibilities as Barsen'thor, the Galactic Warden, would be more readily performed by remaining where she is as the Alliance Commander.


It’s fine logic for the story, but it doesn’t really restore the character to being a member of the Jedi Order and being a part of the traditional Star Wars story. It’s just about the initial class feeling. After the KotFE/KotET none of the characters feel like they’re the character we wanted to play at launch...now you’re stuck being this “Outlander”. I didn’t want to be an Outlander. I wanted to belong to the Republic, the Jedi, the Sith, the Empire...

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I hand I will NOT go back to being a pawn and subordinate to a worthless, weak Jedi council or to a disorganized childish dark council -- no, sorry --

better to stay independent ( and as for my smuggler, she feels the same way -

I'm a Commander now, not just a smuggler )


What if you don't have a choice?


The Alliance were made to defeat Zakuul. After that it's perfectly reasonable, if half of it's members leave to return their original faction.


You lost the Eternal Fleet.


So at this point. Republic, and Empire could crush you like a bug. Your personal power is worthless, if they bomb your little base to dust, and destroy all your ships. You would be left alone to die with your alliance. Now of course your faction might come to the rescue, but they wouldn't expect it to do it freely. Even if you offically refuse to join. You still become their pawn.


If they intend to keep the Alliance together, then 2 things needed.

1. A new cause. A goal to follow, and put people behind it. And it can't be some charity organization working to help the weak.

2. POWER. Your commander must find a way to become a force to be reckon with. A superweapon, or a fleet.


The former can be done with a single speech where you choose a new cause, and might alter future storyline accordingly.

As much as i hate the place Iokath seems the most reasonable place to seek something like this. Unless we pull out a new super secret, and super powerful space station like the Foundry, and Starforge was. Also Iokath is already under alliance control. At least with the "superweapon" gone. There was no reason for the Imperials, and Republic to stick around for long.

Edited by irrevelant
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  • 4 weeks later...
Thank you. I too get sick and tired of these people telling me how I should play because they think I should like the empire (or republic). I wish people would quit trying to make my choices for me. I frankly don't care what their opinion is regarding the alliance. You don't like it fine, but there are some that do so for those of us that do, do me a favor and let us make our own choices.


Yup this post is making me facepalm ( OP post) I love the alliance I mean my agent kept it even though he is loyal to the empire ( I say empire and not sith as he believes the power structure needs to be changed) due to having his own faction and free will to fight the fights he chooses to. The alliance is an amazing addition to the game and disbanding it can cause big problems as it would give an excuse for companions not to be around any more. I mean I do hope they do this if you choose a side however like Pub patriots will leave and you might have to fight them or kill them later down the line as a consequence. I really wanna know how this crap is going to play out as a sab. Right now my Inquistor is my sab and lana and theron both know about it as they're his BFF'S

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I Agree to disagree with most of your post. To each its own I guess... most people before me have said exactly what I was thinking to post on my disagreement so Ill spare you the wall text a "little", BUT:


I will mention however, that sadly no matter what direction SWTOR story team takes us... (Faction wars or Alliance etc...) when they took out class story identity to unify it in one story... it DID impact the story of the game greatly and not entirely in a positive way. (Not that I blame the team with the uncertainty that's hovering over the game future, or how much limitations they might have to push content out)


"The Playable character or Avatar is the Lens for which the player experience the SWTOR content"


By not following the starting class successful identity formula or at the very least added more strongly felt variation on the main story to identify our character role in this universe of SW Legends... it robe most or some of the player base its personal attachment, identity and/or agency...damaging the immersion greatly (by eliminating all that identity we gain in the previous class/faction stories), not to mention the game lost most of its replay value once your done with the class/faction stories. (Kinda hoping they add a Chapter section on the old content too, I love to replay my unique class story) Not gonna even get started how weird and off the story arc before the Alliance feels if your not a force user... :rolleyes:


So I kinda see where your at with how you feel about it, even if I disagree with most of you mention. Keeping my fingers cross for the up-coming new story arc... But I got a good feeling about what SWTOR have cooking up for us... Everything (The Alliance Role, the Factions, Zakuul, Iokath...) feels like its coming together finally... (IMO) ;)

Edited by Zehal
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  • 3 weeks later...

The day the force the alliance to disband is the day i stop playing this game, i spent way too many hours grinding rank 20 influence with almost all of the alliance specialist on multiple characters so if it would ever be forcefully stripped from me i would be very heated. Giving us a choice whether to disband it or not was the perfect move they can make and they handled it well especially with some of those offers you get for rejoining.


The majority of my characters are going to stay independent but i will have 1 from each side rejoin just to see where the story goes and to see what happens to oddessen.


my sith warrior was mainly light side and did at first want to help jaesa with reshaping the empire because he didn't like many things about it and was way more merciful than any sith but after building the alliance he decided that he was no longer sith and felt more free there.


My bounty hunter is a saboteur who i hope one day can actually fight for/with the republic (come on devs that line you threw in onslaught "when can i openly fight for the republic" and the whole "not yet thing" was such a dam tease"

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