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The Ashtor'aa Chronicles: Tale of a SITH


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The small grey shuttle settled slowly onto the landing pad, its wings folding upwards to lay along the fuselage, as a stepped ramp descended from the rear. Red dust swirled around the shuttle, obscuring the doorway from view. A shadowy figure emerged from the cloud of dry dust and looked around at the scenery, or at least, what passed for scenery on the desert planet of Korriban. As the dust from the landing settled, An imperial officer, flanked by two of the elite red guard of the dark council, approached, and bowed low before the masked personage.


"Welcome to korriban, Darth Ashtor'aa Nox", he said nervously, frightened by the immense dark power emanating from the woman. It did not take a force-sensitive to sense the raw, cruel power in her, nay, swirling in the very air around her. "Shall I enform the dark council of your arrival, my lord?"


The Darth looked down at the little man in barely concealed contempt, "No. My arrival is too be kept secret, do you understand?",she intoned quietly, in a voice that was surprisingly both menacing, and sweet, at the same time. "Do you understand, officer?" , she repeated softly, as dark energy crackled menacingly at the fingertips of her purple gloves, shooting tiny sparks of blue electricty into the air. "Y-y-yes, my l-lord," he stammered, before turning, and literally running back to the small guardpost beside the landing pad.


The air beside Ashtor'aa swirled momentarily, diclosing a fearsome kaleesh warrior, clad in the feathered robes of a dark apprentice, and holding in his hand the hilt of a double-bladed lightsaber. "Master, I wish to accompany you" , he muttered in a solemn and dignified voice. "Return to the fleet, Xalek; what I do here I must do alone", she replied. "As you wish", was the answer; the air swirled once more, and the stealthy kaleesh was gone.


Darth Ashtor'aa, immortal member of the dark council, paced rapidly away from the landing pad, past the towering grey walls that surrounded the academy area, and out into the unprotected wilds of korriban. The guards on the wall watched her depart with some confusion, for not even the strongest sith could survive for long in the arid deserts, not to mention the beasts. the beasts of Korriban were no ordinary beasts, nay, they were twisted by the dark side, into monstositues that even the bravest warrior would fear.


Not heeding any of these little things, however, the sith, clad in lightly armored grey robes, with the large shoulder pauldrons that idientified a member of the dark council, strode stoicly onward into the desert, soon vanishing from the sight of the walls. Continuing, she made her way ever outward until the plain ended, and she found herself picking her way along a narrow cliff ledge.


She remembered her secret master's cryptic summons "Meet me at my place of meditation, on korriban. Come alone, your final lesson is about to begin.", was all the recorded holo-message had said. She wondered what it could mean. Long ago, she had accepted that her master was a man of few words, who loved to shroud hmself in mystery. She had never seen his face, , though they had fought side by side many a time. He had always been clad inthe most expensive armored robes, and always wore a mask. he rarley spoke aloud, instead using the force to impart his thoughts to those he wished to communicate with.


Lost in her thoughts, she failed to sense the presense of another behind her. A crimson blade ignited out of thin air, and lunged forward. Sidestepping at the last moment, Ashtor'aa's own double bladed lightsaber ignited, and caught the mysterious crimson blade mere inches away from her masked face. Purple gound on red for an instance, then the mysterous blade withdrew. The air shimmered disclosing an assassin clad in similar robes to her own, but bright red. The attackers face was masked, but she recognized him nonetheless as an ally of her master's. They stared at eachother for a moment, silent. "Darth Electros, what a pleasant surprise", she snarled.


The other did not reply, he simply ignited the other end of his own double bladed saber, and charged, spinning his weapon so fast the dual blades beacame a mere red whir in the air. Waiting for the last possible moment, Ashtor'aa sent a shockwave of force towards him, bowling him off his feet. As he began to rise, he felt an invisible hand grip his throat, and lift him into the air. He struggled briefly, before the hand hurled him off the edge of the cliff, into the seemingly bottomless abyss below.


Ashtor'aa stared at his falling form. He had been her ally just days ago. What had caused him to turn on her? Her confusion was suddenly broken as the unmistakable sound of two more sabers was heard from the top of a large boulder behind her. Whirling, she brought up the dual violet blades of her own weapon, just in time to catch the blue and orange blades that would have cut her in half. The attacker, a heavily armored marauder, wasn't phased by this, however, and pressed his attack, rapidly forcing her towards the cliff ledge. He was stronger than her, this she could tell, as he forced her onto a constant defensive. Hr feinted towards her head and legs at the same time, forcing her to parry by bringing her saber to a vertical. At the last moment, his left saber swept aside, and up. She sidestepped, but too late, as the orange blade bit into her side. Gasping in pain, she crumpled too her knees.


The warrior raised his weapons for a killing blow, but Ashtor'aa called on the force to give her speed, and rolled out of the way. Cloaking herself in invisibilty, she leapt to the rock the attacker had come from. There, she seethed in the pain, using it to call up her anger, and hatred, as the dark forces swirled around her invisible form, the wound closed slowly, and energy flowed back into her body.


Keeping herself cloaked, she called out the warrior, who was violently sweeping the air around her with his dual sabers, trying in vain to find her, "Lord Derk, why? We were allies! We faced Revan together, we wiped the republic off the sands of tattoine side by side! Why do this!!"


"Come and face me, Coward!!", was the only reply, as, using her voice as a focal point, he leapt to her, and swung his blades for a decapitating blow. She flipped over his head, and sped to the brink of the cliff, keeping herself cloaked. Hand to hand, she was no match for his brute power. She had to deceive him somehow. Suddenly revealing herself, she grabbed him by the neck with the force, and pulled him too her. Blue lightning arced from her fingertips, enveloping, and freezing the marauder in agony. As his flesh began to cook on his bones, she drove her blade through his chest. Gasping, he crumpled, and slowly fell backwards into the abyss.


Panting, Ashtor'aa knelt, and meditated; "Peace is a lie, the is only passion!" As renewed strength flowed into her, she got to her feet, and continued the short distance to the lone stone pillar rising out of the abyss, its nearest edge a good fifty feet from the cliff where she stood. On this pillar knelt the figure of her true master, a secret master unknown in sith society, but immensly more powerful than anyone, jedi or sith, than she had ever faced. As she had remembred before, she had never seen his face, or heard his voice. His form had always been covered by the most

expensive robes and armor money could buy, and his favorite headwear had been a faceless white mask.


The figure before her, however, was clad only in the simple black, hooded robes of a lowly acolyte. Without turning, the persona said in a cultured voice deep with menace, that rank loud in the stillness of the desert around them,

"I have trained you well, apprentice. You are strong indeed in the dark side, but are you strong enough to face your final trial?"


Standing suddenly, he gripped her body with the force and pulled her through the air to the pillar on which he stood. Turning, he faced her. His upper face, eyes,and nose were covered by a bony, black half-mask with red, scaly eyes. His lower face, cheks and chin, were red, with black tattoos unmistakeable as those of a zabrack.


"You have obeyed my every command, young one," he whispered. " And it has brought you great power. To the point where you have become the most powerful sith in the KNOWN empire."


"What is the meaning of all this? Why send your dogs to kill me?"


He continued, ignoring her interruption, "Know me now as Darth Draxzim, Sith Lord, and holder of true power. I have trained you for this moment. Whether you progress to attain true power now, is up to you, and you alone. You must prove yourself my better, or you will die." He stepped back, as a simple hilt descended from inside his sleeve. Dual black-red blades ignited with a hiss. Purple lightning crackled along the blades.


Anger and hatred poured over Ashtor'aa, filling her with a great power that she had never felt before. Her own weapon sprung to life, dark energy swirling around the violet blades. The two circled, then the blades crossed, clashed briefly, then withdrew.


"How dare you attack me!", Ashtor'aa hissed shrilly. "I am Darth Nox, Member of the Dark Council, Slayer of Revan and Malgus, Usurper of Darth Thanaton, I am immortal, invincible!! You cannot hope to defeat me!!"

There was no answer, only silence from her master, as the two sith continued to circle the pillar, neither willing to make the first move. Each could sense the immense power of the other. Neither feared to lose, yet neither saw an opportunity to win. Red dust swirled up from the abyss, obscuring both from the view of any outsiders.........

Edited by taxidermis
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this is my first attempt at fan fiction. the story will continue depending on if you, the reader, wants it too. Warning, it will contain heavy sith inqusitor spoilers throughout, so will not be spoiler tagged. As planned right now, it will be a combination of the SI storyline, and certain rp events that my friends and i participated in, in-game

let me know whtat you think.

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While I would like to read it, the impenetrable wall of text, with no spacing, is a little difficult to decipher. Please take that criticism in the spirit it was offered, just trying to help you make it more readable.


Otherwise, we have few inquisitor stories here, and it would be most welcome.

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Act 0, The Beginning Of It All


The young woman, hardly more than a girl, skipped happily down the pathway, between walls of flowering bushes, and fruit trees. She hummed a tune in a gentle voice, stopping to pick a few flowers for a bouquet. It was the morning of another beautiful day in the gentle suburbs of corellia. Birds sang sweetly in the trees above, and all in all, it was a lovely picture.


"Ashtor'aa, where are you?", called a hearty male voice from the stone house on the east end of the garden.


"Coming, Father.", she called, running into the house, and giving her parent a giant hug. Mark Broshorr was a tall, plump, jolly looking fellow. Your typical Corellian business man. He hugged his 17 year-old daughter back, and led her to the breakfast table, where his wife was busily arranging pots of steamng hot food and platters of exotic fruits.


As the family sat down to eat, the idyllic morning was shattered by the sounds of blaster fire ripping through the air. An alarm shrilled wildly, as uniformed guards ran out of the house to take up defensive positions around the garden.


"Stay down!" , Mark yelled at his wife and daughter, as he dove for the drawer in which his two favorite blasters were kept. He never made it to the drawer, though, as suddenly, there was an explosion in the ceiling that sent chunks of debris flying through the room. One of these struck Mark in the back, sending him stunned, to the floor. A mountain of a man, clad in heavy battle armor, and bristling with weapons of every size and description, leapt through the hole in the ceiling, and placed his plated boot on Mark's head.


"You would do best to tell your men to surrender now," he growled quietly, "or my men will lose their temper. You see, when my men lose their temper, I cant control them. And I wouldnt want to know the things they would do to you lovely wife and daughter, there."


"Who are you, and what in the name of force do you want?"


The man, said nothing, only pointed again at Ashtor'aa and her mother.


"Fine, I give up. Just leave them alone.", Mark groaned quietly. As the shooting died down, and armored thugs poured into the house, the big one motioned toward the women. "Take em to Bragg'aa", he laughed, then kicked Mark, as the father tried weakly to protest.


"You've conned the hutt for the last time, buster!", one of the thugs said, as he aimed a blaster at Mark.


"Daddy!!!",screamed Ashtor'aa, as she was dragged away, draped over the shoulder of a bounty-hunter like some sack of grain. The last she saw of her father was his fearstricken face gazing up at the barrel of a blaster, before a doorway hid him from her view. A single shot sounded inside the house, and the fatherless girl fainted.


Three hours later, she awoke in a dark, cold cell. Before she could even register where she was, or what had happened, there was a horrible grating sound as the cell door opened, letting in a flood of blinding light. Rough hands grabbed her and dragged her out of the cell, into a brightly lit hall. Confused, and weak, Ashtor'aa let her self be half-carried, half-dragged, through the hall, into a large, open room with an open roof, filled with persons of all species and trades.


On one side, a scantily-clad twilek with a shock-collar on her slim neck danced around a large stage, admired by a swarm of gruff, and dirty thugs. On another side, a chevin representative stood behind a desk with a line of smugglers on the other side. But all this was nothing compared to the monstrosity reclining on a couch at the end of the room.


A giant slug, surrounded by slave girls, joking, and laughing obnoxiously with a huge bounty hunter, reclined lazily on a raised couch. A putrid smell emanated from him, and caused Ashtor'aa to gag, as she was deposited uncermoniously at the foot of the couch. The hutt looked at her briefly.


"What is this, Simeon?" he demanded of the bounty hunter, in a deep booming voice.


"Its that slimo Mark's Daughter, we killed him there, and his wife had an "accident" on the way here, but i figured this one would make a nice addition to your dance troupe", rasped the bounty hunter, motioning in the dirction of the twilek on the stage.


"Hmm, -Belch-, so she would. Guards get this one cleaned up and fitted for a uniform." replied the hutt, carelessly.


Ashtor'aa didnt hear any of the last part. When she saw the bounty hunter at the hutt's side, everything came flooding back to her. She remembered her father begging, remembered his look of terror, and the one shot thaat had caused her to faint with shock. As if from a great distance, she heard the man laughingly mention that her mother had had an "accident". For a split second she felt nothing but emptiness. Then sorrow hit, a deep, bottomless sadness that seemed to tear her very being apart. Anger filled her.


Growing from a spark of anger, into a literal hurricane of rage, and fury, fuelled by the pain that now wracked at her very soul, a primeval scream burst from her lips, as she suddenly leapt at the man who had murdered her parents. Before anyone could react, she had jerked a vibroknife from his utility belt and slit his throat. Whirling, she slashed at the Hutt, but missed.


Immediatley, she was surrounded by a swarm of angry guards, their weapons pointed directly at her. But their anger was no match for her deep, unreasoning, un-ending rage. She dropped the knife, and let loose a bloodcurdling scream. Something let go, deep inside her, forced its way up with the scream, and expanded in a terrific shockwave that sent the circle of guards flying, killing half of them. Turning to face the monster that had ordered her parents death, she pointed a shaking finger at him.


"You! You MURDERED my parents!", she shrieked at the now terrified Bragg'aa. The unbridled emotions ripping through her body seemed to gather at the fingertips of her outstretched, shaking hand.


"You!!", she shrieked again, as her hand began to tingle and heat up.


"YOU!!", she screamed one more time, as a torrent of blue lightning shot from her fingertips, and enveloped the Hutt in leaping tendrils of burning electricity. His bloated form seemed to bubble and boil, then it simply exploded into a ile of smoking ash.


Ashtor'aa gazed in shock at her hand, the pain, and rage temporarily forgotten, and replaced by a sense of, well, a sense of nothing really. She must be dreaming. Her parents couldn't be dead, there was no way she had just killed everyone in the room without using a weapon. Power like that only happened in dreams. She slapped herself, pinched her arm, frantically trying to wake up. Nothing. As the realization that this was no dream washed over her, she collapsed again on the floor, and sobbed.


"Mommy, Daddy!", she wept, curling herself into a ball, and trying in vain to hug the burning pain and loss out of her heart. "Why, why!", she cried, trying desparately, but in vain, to reason it all out. She held herself, and sobbed, great heaving sobs that wracked her very core. It grew dark, and rain began to pour through the open roof, and still she lay there, hugging herself, feeling the burning, hole in her heart where her family used to be, and knowing that it could never be repaired. The rain continued to pour in; thunder roared in the sky above, and Ashtor'aa wept herself to a troubled sleep.


She slept, and did not notice the one figure sitting quietly in a dark corner. As she fell asleep, the cloaked persona rose, clapped slowly, as if applauding a play of some sort. She lifted the cloak, revealing the uniform of a sith academy overseer. Two imperial operatives dropped out of the shadows, and stood at her side, gazing at the sleeping girl on the floor.


"Put her in the shuttle with the others. This one has great potential to impress Lord Zash, if properly trained", She ordered crisply. The agents merely nodded, lifted the sleeping form, and carried it out into the courtyard, where a small imperial shuttle sat. The doors opened, revealing a motley mix of occupants; a young, brown- haired girl, two hulking young men, obviously brothers, and, most notable, sitting as far from the others as possible, a pureblood sith in a light purple robe.


"Fhon, move over and sit with the others" ordered the overseer. He looked at her with fire in his red eyes.


"I am SITH! You do not order me around!"


"You are an acolyte. And if you ever hope to become sith, i suggest you learn you place!" replied the overseer, coldy, her hand at the lighsaber dangling at her hip. Fhon moved over, grumbling, to the smaller seats in which the others were sitting, leaving the bench he had occupied open. The agents laid Ashtor'aa's still sleeping form on it, and took their places in the cockpit. The engines hissed to life, and the small shuttle vanished into the stormy night sky...................

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I apologize for the dark backstory , but needed a plot that would set the scene for the whole story, from the beginning to the events in the first chapter. Please let me know what you think, so I know whether or not too continue.


As a side note. Feel free to say hi to my character in-game.

Ashtor'aa, lev 50 sith assassin , on the begeren colony server.

Edited by taxidermis
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Act 0, chapter 2. New beginnings


The hot sun beat down mercilessly on the reddish-brown sands of the arena. In the center of said arena, stood a lone figure, clad in loose, but stylish purple robes. A large hood draped of the persons head, obscuring his, or her, face from the view of the onlookers, a motley crowd of acolytes, overseers, soldiers, and, standing far aloof, two sith lords. As a mettallic screeching sound ripped through the stiflingly hot air, a metal grate in front of the solitary figure began to open. Out poured a swarm of horrendous, man sized worms, filling the still air with unnutterable sounds. They gathered in a mulling circle around the purple-clad acolyte, and paused. Then, one lunged forward, its giant circular jaws dripping with evil venom.


In a flash, a vibrosword appeared as if from no where, and impaled the screaming kor'slug through the skull. The figure threw back her hood, revealing a the fair countenance of a young girl, no more, perhaps, than seventeen, or eighteen years of age. There was a momentary pause on both sides. Ashtor'aa, sith acolyte, twirled the vibrosword expertly in the palm of her right hand, and held the blade in front of her, raised in a defensive salute. The swarm of kor'slugs charged. There was a brief blur of indistinct movement in the center of the arena, and suddenly, a swirling storm of lightning enveloped the confused mass.


The croud of onlookers stared, silent in shock, as the storm abated, revealing there to be once more, only one occupant in the arena, surrounded by little piles of ash. The other acolytes dispersed slowly, leaving Ashtor'aa alone with two overseers.

"I have taught her all that I know, this one will go far", proclaimed one of them, a frail looking old man, clad in the garb of a hermit.

"Shut up, Spindrall, your opinion means nothing. This one is a slave, and will die at the hands of her betters ere the trials are over! What Lord Zash sees in her, i do not know. You want an example of true sith material, look at Fhon. There is a REAL acolyte for you. And I would bet my life that he will be the end of her before many more days have elapsed!"


The hermit shrugged dismissively, and doddered away. The other overseer, Harkun by name, strode up to Ashtor'aa, and snarled at her. "Get out of here, slave! How you did that, I do not know, but you must have cheated somehow. You know your next trial. You will undoubtedly fail, and it will be my pleasure to rid you of your pitiful existence!"


"Oh please, lets not get all sentimental, now!", was the only reply, as the girl paced off into the distance, toward the distant tombs of the great sith lords entombed on korriban. The two sith lords who had silently watched the trial from the background simply looked at each other, and nodded, and disappeared in the direction of the academy entrance.


Acolyte Ashtor'aa meandered slowly down the wind swept path leading to the tombs, her mind lost in the memories of the past six months. After arriving on Korriban, she had quickly learnt that it was in her best interests to hide her painful past deep inside herself. The worst thing she could do was wake up crying in the night for her dead parents. The other acolytes merely saw this as a sign of weakness, and weak acolytes were killed daily in the cruel grey walls of the academy. So she learned to force the pain, loss, and anger deep into the recesses of her soul, so it would not show. Her instructors had seen this of course, and approved. They encouraged her, knowing that quelling the fire would only make it burn the hotter. They filled her head with visions of power, and freedom, while treating her as cruelly as they possibly could. She was taught the sith code, its meaning, and its deeper meanings. She learned how to channel her cruelly repressed emotions into fearsome, dark forces, that sometimes even startled her overseers.


These bursts of power had slowly gone to her head, and she began to believe that if she continued on her path, she could become the most powerful woman in the galaxy. This thought she grasped at, and held against the fire in her soul, until it became an all consuming passion that erased every shred of her former self. Gone was the happy, innocent girl of the corellian suburbs, replaced by a coldy beautiful statue of ice and stone. Giving herself fully to the power that the dark side of the force seemed to promise, she vowed that never, NEVER, would she allow herself to be hurt like that again.


She hated the whole universe with an intense hatred. No one had helped her when her parents were murdered, her home destroyed, she had vowed never to help anyone else. They hadnt been there for her, why should she lift a finger to help them. As her hatred had grown, so had her power, and to her, ultimate power seemed the only way to avoid repeat of the past. She would not allow herself to think of her parents, only the pain she had felt on realizing she was an orphan. And so, over a few short months, her power had grown by leaps and bounds, fuelled by a hatred, and concealed pain, that few could even imagine the depths of.


Surprisingly, she had made one friend during this time. A tall, muscular acolyte, training to be an apprentice to a dark warrior, had protected her several times in her first few troubled weeks, before she had learned to sheild her emotions. His boyish face, surrounded by thick brown hair, and a stubby beard, was always smiling, and cheerful, and Ashtor'aa had learned to trust him, and even cnsider him a friend. It was this acolyte who now interrupted her lonely walk along the dusty path.


"Hey beautiful, where ya goin?" was his cheerful greeting. Not bothering to wait for her answer, he continued, in a hushed tone. "Listen, we need to talk. I've watched you for six months now. And whether you like it or not, you've changed, and not for the better. Whatever your teachers are telling you, its turning you into a monster. Yesterday I saw you torturing a failed acolyte in the prisons, hardly more than a child. Would you have done that six months ago? I've given this some thought. You need to get out of here. I've arranged with a smuggler who's bringing in supplies to carry two extra peices of cargo out of here tonight. Thats you and me."


"Rya'an, that's crazy! Who cares if I become one of them! Isnt that what we are here for? Besides, theres no one who loves me, who can protect me. You saw the results of what happened to me, and you witnessed my vow to NEVER let it happen again. It nearly killed me, and you want to just have it happen all over again! As a sith, one day, no one will be able to touch me. No one will be able to repeat the past! I must have that power, no matter WHAT the cost!!" she replied, her voice cadencing to a near-mad shriek at the end.


He gazed at her sorrowfully, gently, "I love you; I can protect you. I know who you really are, and that person is dying slowly, replaced by just another cruel, bloodthirsty sith. If its power you want, there's a cult, loyal to the republic, that use the force just like we do, only they never commit the injustices I have witnessed here. They call themselves the Jedi. I plan to search them out, and ask them to train me. I'm sick of hurting people, sick of the cruelty, the sadism, here. When I was a child, I thought of the sith as heroes; when it was discovered that i was force-sensitive, and was sent here, i was giddy with delight. I had all these visions of helping people, saving lives, etc, etc, but it was all propaganda! I've had enough, and I want you to come with me, please."


She stared at him blankly. The thought that he loved her had never crossed her mind. It stirred something in her heart, but that stirring simply awoke the memories that she fought constantly to suppress, the ones that haunted her dreams every night. Quelling the feeling, therefore, she simply shook her head slowly, avoiding his searching gaze.


"At least think about it. I'll come to your room tonight, if you decide to go, i'll take you with me then.", he whispered, before leaning forward suddenly, and touching her forhead gently with his lips. And then he was gone.


Several hours later, as she returned to the academy bearing the ancient holocron she had been sent to find, two sith approached and blocked her path. She bowed low, and stepped aside, expecting them to continue on their way. They however, simply stood, and gazed at her, silently. She stared back, confused, until one of them spoke, in a ringing, authoratative tone. He was clad in a form fitting suit of heavy black armor, a respirator covered his mouth and chin, and a massive lightsaber hilt hung from his belt.

"Acolyte, we have been watching your progress with great interest. You are slated to become the apprentice of Lord Zash, are you not?"


"Yes, masters"


"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Dauragon, warrior of the first degree, and this is my compatriot, Lord Sodoso," he continued, motioning to the masked, silent figure beside him, who merely nodded. "We are tasked with finding acolytes of rare ability, and bringing them before our master. He will select one of you to be his apprentice, and will teach that one greater power than any sith has ever known."


Ashtor'aa thought carefully before replying. The words "Great Power" had caught her ears. "Who is this master?"


"His true identity is unknown to all but a select few. If you wish to partake in his trials, meet us tonight in the arena of your trial earlier today. Speak of this to no-one, or the consequence will be death. If you partake in the trials, and are chosen, you will be granted un-imaginable power, but if you fail, you will die. There can be no witnesses. None must know of this trial, or our master. so he has decreed. Come if you will." And with that, the two simply vanished into the air, which seemed to shimmer briefly, then returned to normal.


Returning to her chambers, Ashtor'aa's head was filled with confusion. "Un-imaginable power" vied with "I love you, and I will protect you". Her head filled with conflicting thoughts, she lay down on the simple mat in the center of the room, that served as a bed, and tried in vain to bring some order into her mind. Clearly, a choice lay before her, but which to choose?........

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Act 0, Chapter 3. A heavy choice


As the sun set over the red hills and deserts of Korriban, the occupants of the Sith academy retired to their respective chambers to rest. Taxed both physically and mentally, beyond what most could comprehend, they fell into a sleep that could be called a trance, it was so deep. In one chamber, however, a lone light shone dily from the crack beneath the steel doar, and the sound of pacing, rapid footsteps could be heard dimly echoing inside. Inside the said room, Ashtor'aa strode madly up and down, up and down, her mind filled with debate. The choice of a lifetime loomed before her, and the time to choose was nigh at hand.


On one hand, the promise of un-matchable power seemed closer than it had ever been before. She had sensed the aura of might emanating from the two mysterious strangers who had waylaid her earlier. It was undescribable, reeking of darkness so profound and deep that no light could survive therein. It promised, to her mind, the quickest route to that which she so desired. For six months, she passion and hatred of all life had grown, till it consumed all else, and she had thought she would stop at nothing to achieve her goal.


But now, new emotions, new feelings, were ripping through her, seeping through the darkness to her core. She remembered the soft light in Rya'an's eyes when he had had said so softly, "I love you, I will protect you" There had been a truth, a simplicity there, that none could deny. Part of Ashtor'aa wanted, nay screamed, to surrendur, let herself feel light again. Let herself be loved, and to be able to love someone else.


A knock sounded softly on her door, and it opened, revealling the rugged, kindly visage of Rya'an. He gazed at her affectionatley, and whispered, "Ready to go?"


She looked briefly at him, accidentally making eye contact, and was mesmerized by what she saw. Love, compassion, every good thing seemed to shine out of him, and burn a hole right to her heart. Mutely, she nodded, and let herself be led out of the chamber, out of the sinister grey academy, to a shuttle pad, where a small shipping vessel sat silently in the moonlight. As they approached, a small door opened, and Rya'an tossed his pack up, leapt up himself, and extended a hand to Ashtor'aa. She reached out and grasped it, as a surge of warmth and light seemed to jolt through her, and melt the ball of ice around her heart.


The emotions that she had locked up there, that had grown exponentially because of being stifled, poured through her frame, the weight of them forcing her to her knees. The pain and loss of her parents murder washed over her anew, and the rage, fury,and hatred seemed to tear her to her soul to shreds. She writhed on the ground in agony, sobs wracking her small body uncontrollably, as the freshly thawed heart experienced six months worth of emotions in mere seconds.


Suddenly, as it seemed to her she would die from the agony, a still, emotionless, yet ringing voice spoke in her thoughts, "Peace is a lie, there is only passion! She clung to the familiar words, strugling to focus soley on the hatred. "Through passion, I gain strength."the voice continued, never wavering, exuding an air of unutterable authority. "Through strength I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me.", the voice concluded, as Ashtor'aa rose to her feet, the emotions once more frozen inside her heart, the need to avoid that unbrearable agony redoubled in her mind.


This had all happened in a matter of seconds. As she rose, Rya'an leapt to the ground to assist her into the ship, concern lining his handsome face. She pulled herself from his grip, however, and gazed at him with fire in her eyes.

"How dare you! You saw what a mess I was when I arrived here, you knew it almost killed me. And yet you want me to have to live with that pain?! That is not an option! There is NOTHING good in this world! NOTHING!! No love, no joy, without consequences that are too horrible to think of! I hate you!". she screamed at him, her slim form shaking with passion.


"Ashtor'aa, my love!, what is this, what has come over you? You have to deal with the pain, or it will consume you! You must not let it contiue to eat at you. Its transforming you into a monster, cant you see?", cried Rya'an, desperatley, as the ships engines sprung to life. "Come with me, I'm begging you!"


There was no nanswer from the beautiful statue, who seemed deaf to his entreaties. He reached out a hand to grasp her arm, but was repelled by a powerful jolt of lightning that burned and bistered his hand. Leaping back in anguish, he stared at her.


"Leave my sight, and let me never see your face again, or it will be your death!", she hissed in a whisper that dripped with menace and hatred. He stared mutley at her, tears of sorrow running down his handsome cheeks.


Leave!!" she shreiked wildly.


The small ship started to lift into the air, preparing for its departure from the dark planet. Rya'an shook his head, and leapt to the boarding ramp. Turning, the last he saw of the woman he loved, was her striding purposefully out into the desert, her dark robes swirling about her. The door shut with a clang, and he saw her no more.,,,,,,,,,

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