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Is the BioChem Nerf Official?


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Developer Name : AmberGreen

Forum -> Thread Date / Time Public Test Server -> Game Update 1.1 - Additional Notes



Crafting Skills


Below, you’ll notice some changes to high-end Biochem and Cybertech crafted items that reduce their output. We understand that these changes may cause concern for Biochemists and Cybertechs, but we’ve made them in order to prevent a situation where any specific crafting skill becomes the objective “best choice” for players challenging endgame content or PvP. We only make this type of change after very careful consideration, and only to ensure a level and fun playing field for all players.



All mod type item modification schematics have been removed from the Artifice trainer. These schematics were invalid, and could not be used if purchased.



  • All Energized, Exotech, and Rakata adrenals and stims now require 400 Biochem for use.
  • The Exotech Medpac is now named “Exotech Med Unit.” Its overall healing has been reduced and is now in line with similar level medpacs, and it temporarily increases the maximum health of its targets. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.
  • The amount healed by Rakata Medpacs has been reduced. This item now additionally increases maximum health briefly. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.




  • Wynz-Tek grenades now require 400 Cybertech for use.
  • Wynz-Tek Grenades have had their damage reduced to bring them more in line with grenades of similar level.
  • The Wynz-Tek Firestorm grenade’s damage has been reduced to bring it in line with grenades of similar level. It now deals damage every 3 seconds over 12 seconds.

Edited by Velisael
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wish they would boost crafting instead of spending all their time fixing things that should have been spotted in the BETA! How many bad bugs, exploits, over powered items made it into launch? Just shows me that people just wanted to play TOR instead of actualy testing it.
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I agree... I just rolled a Sage and have BioChem to test it out.. and admit the consumables are way awesome... I won't be dropping the craft either... even with the nerf, the utility for BioChem still remains. Consumables that boost your stats will always be useful, PvE or PvP
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wish they would boost crafting instead of spending all their time fixing things that should have been spotted in the BETA! How many bad bugs, exploits, over powered items made it into launch? Just shows me that people just wanted to play TOR instead of actualy testing it.


But aren't playing the beta and testing the same thing?

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This isn't going to change anything. The other crafting skills are still crap compared to biochem, I wouldn't care if they did a 180 second delay. Crafting your own medical gear is at least 20x better than any of the other skills. Simply cause the cost of biochems/materials is so high at npc's.


As usual, bioware knee jerks it's way through a nerf that isn't good enough, and doesn't underly the real issue; the other crafting skills are junk..

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But aren't playing the beta and testing the same thing?



Slight difference. Yeah you ahve to play in order to test. But many issues werent reported, didnt have large discussions, and many people didnt even bother to write about issues, post on forums, take the surveys. So yeah ill stik with my original statement.

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They nerfed the Medipacks but left the Adrenals and Stims intact. The other crew skills still didn't get a buff and are still inferior to biochem and cybertech even once this patch hits (by a large margin).


In other words, 1.1 accomplished pretty much nothing in terms of balancing crew skills.

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wish they would boost crafting instead of spending all their time fixing things that should have been spotted in the BETA! How many bad bugs, exploits, over powered items made it into launch? Just shows me that people just wanted to play TOR instead of actualy testing it.


Wrong. I was in beta, and there are still bugs in game that were reported in beta. It just seems other stuff has taken priority.


I'm not saying there weren't people in beta playing just to play, because there were those players, but to group all of us in that category is not fair to the ones who spent most of their time trying to bug report and give feedback.


I was so burnt out on TOR, because I wasn't 'playing' TOR, but 'working' to make TOR better that I almost didn't buy it.

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how big is the nerf? like what are we talking about?


Not sure... they haven't announced specifics but the dev is quoted:


Too long? Not read? Many fine words "we nerf Biochemistry and Cybertech Endgame products" because they were so good that the players they have begun to be regarded as a mandatory requirement. Your choice of crafting skill should not be the deciding factor to determine whether you are allowed to participate in the endgame content, or it can be successful. We still believe that Cybertech Biochemistry and crew are very valuable skill, especially when you consider the amount of credits, the players make these craft skills on the GHN ... but they are no longer the "golden ticket" to enter the endgame content.


He also mentions that the BioChem packs may heal for too much at the end game... not sure about that since i'm not level 400 BioChem. I wonder if he is referring to the Rakata med pacs.

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Wrong. I was in beta, and there are still bugs in game that were reported in beta. It just seems other stuff has taken priority.


I'm not saying there weren't people in beta playing just to play, because there were those players, but to group all of us in that category is not fair to the ones who spent most of their time trying to bug report and give feedback.


I was so burnt out on TOR, because I wasn't 'playing' TOR, but 'working' to make TOR better that I almost didn't buy it.


Well i applaud you for this, many dont do this though, sadly.


Just sadens me to see crafting always put on the back burner and the only couple that actualy bring in decent money or value seem to get nerfed down into the dirt with the rest of them. Im a huge crafter person, i like the business aspect of mmo's. So when i heard of TOR new improved crafting system i jumped at it. Sadly i dont think the newer generation mmo's will ever come close to a good economy/market ever since everything is always loot based now.


One thing i loved about SWG before they went loot based and the economy collapsed in the game :/

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Slight difference. Yeah you ahve to play in order to test. But many issues werent reported, didnt have large discussions, and many people didnt even bother to write about issues, post on forums, take the surveys. So yeah ill stik with my original statement.


This happens when most of your beta testers look at beta test as a way to find all the shortcuts, instead of actual testing, which 95% of the beta players in this game did. Why do you think wow endgame content is downed so quickly, and has so many bugs and exploits associated with it. The end game guilds are doing all their head smashing during beta, finding bugs that help them beat encounters, and not reporting them.

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Wrong. I was in beta, and there are still bugs in game that were reported in beta. It just seems other stuff has taken priority.


I'm not saying there weren't people in beta playing just to play, because there were those players, but to group all of us in that category is not fair to the ones who spent most of their time trying to bug report and give feedback.


I was so burnt out on TOR, because I wasn't 'playing' TOR, but 'working' to make TOR better that I almost didn't buy it.


I was in the beta, I worked hard on it too. I reported bugs daily.


I even came to the forums posting ideas/suggestions on what mechanics that were not necessarily broken but we joust not working right -- mostly on itemization and crafting.


I too got burnt out in beta, more than a few times I logged into Amazon and hovered of the "Cancel Pre-Order" button.

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I was in the beta, I worked hard on it too. I reported bugs daily.


I even came to the forums posting ideas/suggestions on what mechanics that were not necessarily broken but we joust not working right -- mostly on itemization and crafting.


I too got burnt out in beta, more than a few times I logged into Amazon and hovered of the "Cancel Pre-Order" button.



I Participated in 2 beta's and reported exactly 0 bugs, why? Because I was not being paid too. If you employ free labor the results will be exactly as you paid for. just my IMHO.

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To those who will inevitably respond to me saying well I reported xxx or yyy as a bug, or op or whatever. Kudos to you, I did it as well, but sadly we were most likely in the minority. Beta, particularly open beta are used by people to find all the shortcuts, all the best quests, how to bypass a certain thing to give them an advantage. I have seen it far to many times in many mmo's. The "best" find all the shortcuts and use them, stating that well its in the game code and well since I can do it, it's fine. Then it gets patched a couple of days later, but the damage is done, that person already has their advantage.
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Oh good god direct translation without a care for grammer...




Sad to see this happening besides. A nerf is rarely a true fix.


Sorry! LOL I do not speak or read German, so I blame Google... maybe we can submit a bug fix to them :p

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Exactly the wrong changes. Short-sighted to the point that I can only assume they are more concerned with placating forum parrots since first month subscription time is coming up.


Wrong. The Rakata med packs are grossly overpowered vs the consumable ones. Being able to pop back half of your health, plus the credit savings from things being reuseable, pretty much made Biochem required for PvP and serious end game PvE.


Whether or not it's too much of a nerf depends on how much they were nerfed. Too much, and they've made all crafting pointless. Just right, and you still have a situation where Biochem is the only useful crew skill, but it's not disgustingly broken, and people don't feel TOO bad for not having it.

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Oh, it's still there. Just in translated form now:




All Energized, Exotech, and Rakata adrenals and stims now require 400 Biochem for use.

The Exotech Medpac is now named “Exotech Med Unit.” Its overall healing has been reduced and is now in line with similar level medpacs, and it temporarily increases the maximum health of its targets. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.

The amount healed by Rakata Medpacs has been reduced. This item now additionally increases maximum health briefly. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.




Wynz-Tek grenades now require 400 Cybertech for use.

Wynz-Tek Grenades have had their damage reduced to bring them more in line with grenades of similar level.

The Wynz-Tek Firestorm grenade’s damage has been reduced to bring it in line with grenades of similar level. It now deals damage every 3 seconds over 12 seconds.


As I said before, this largely changes nothing.

Edited by Exertim
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