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Dexter and Criminal Minds


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I binged watched Dexter. Now binge watching Criminal Minds (Netflix only has first 12 seasons not 13-15).


I have a theory. Criminal Mindds' serial killer Frank Breitkopf (played by Keith Carradine) survived jumping in front of the train, changed his name to Frank Lundy (played by Keith Carradine) and joined the FBI. This explains A) why he never cought Dexter Morgan, he did not want to, B) why was "in love" with Deb Moragn, the serial killer's sister and C) how he knew there was a serial killer, he called "Trinity" existed when no one else did, he was a serial killer himself.


Dexter's adopted father also appears in an episode of Criminal Minds as a man who thought his son was possessed by the devil because he became an atheist addicted to drugs. Not their best plot.


Speaking of bad writing. An FBI agent shoots an unarmed suspect than plants her gun (the only gun we ever see her handle) in his dead hand and claims self defense. And we're supposed to believe neither the local police nor the FBI do a ballistic check to match the bullets in him to her gun.


A sheriff realizes her deputy is a serial killer. The deputy has his back to her. She has backed away and is in the process of drawing her gun. Shots ring out. but she's the found found dead, stabbed and mutilated. We're supposed to believe he could turn around and kill her before she shoots him in the back or that having him right in front of her with his back turned. she missed.. BTW he had a knife in his hand not his gun. So he would have had to drop the knife to pull his gun. She had plenty of time to kill him or run. Later same crazy deputy shoots unarmed men with a shotgun and other deputy does nothing to stop him but lets crazy deputy draw his pistol (after he emptied the pump shotgun) to shoot him too.


Police officer knows if he lowers his gun crazy man who only kills adults always leaves child witness alive, will shot him dead but lowers his gun anyway because crazy man pretends he will kills his daughter. In the end crazy man actually lets the girl go, but now she's an orphan. Girl just saw her father murdered and aunt raped and then murdered yet doesn't show any emotion in fact she's rational enough to trick him. Based on this shows portrayal of serial killers as traumatized children she should grow up to be a serial killer too.

Edited by RameiArashi
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An actual off topic post.


I binged watched Dexter. Now binge watching Criminal Minds (Netflix only has first 12 seasons not 13-15).


I have a theory. Criminal Mindds' serial killer Frank Breitkopf (played by Keith Carradine) survived jumping in front of the train, changed his name to Frank Lundy (played by Keith Carradine) and joined the FBI. This explains A) why he never cought Dexter Morgan, he did not want to, B) why was "in love" with Deb Moragn, the serial killer's sister and C) how he knew there was a serial killer, he called "Trinity" existed when no one else did, he was a serial killer himself.


That's a good theory. Do you have any theories that make the Dexter series finale remotely tolerable? To me Dexter is like True Blood: it was a great series for years with a great setup, great characters and plot....up until the last season [well, last couple seasons], when it went crazy and just gave up. Now they're both unwatchable.

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I think it ended with Dexter being Dexter. He always always believed his happy family life was a cover. Until the last season when he suddenly imagined for awhile that it could be real. When he lost Deb he went back to believing it was a fantasy. The irony is he actually cares about his son. So to save Harrison he abandoned him because he thinks being around him will lead to Harrison being caught up in his darkness and he doesn't want that. I never liked the Dexter takes a serial poisoner as his girlfriend plot.


They did leave an opening. Dexter is alive somewhere. They could theoretically bring the show back. I could imagine a story where Dexter is ironically caught, by his grown up son.

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Ahh... Criminal Minds. My post-CSI love. We had spent many evenings together, marvelling at the depravity of human existence :o. I remember earlier seasons never or rarely showed the "UnSub" (does anyone even uses this term in real life?) but later on, they would always show who the killer is in the very beginning, and the tension was mostly about catching them in time. That killed a lot of charm for me.


Police officer knows if he lowers his gun crazy man who only kills adults always leaves child witness alive, will shot him dead but lowers his gun anyway because crazy man pretends he will kills his daughter. In the end crazy man actually lets the girl go, but now she's an orphan. Girl just saw her father murdered and aunt raped and then murdered yet doesn't show any emotion in fact she's rational enough to trick him. Based on this shows portrayal of serial killers as traumatized children she should grow up to be a serial killer too.


It was the one with Tim Curry? The Grinch-looking SPAAACE! guy? That girl was utterly weird. Like she was playing some 5D chess. That was really stretching my disbelief.

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Yes, that's the one.


Later episode she runs away from foster family. But then the BAU finds her mother. So she's not an orphan after all. And the girl goes from despising her mother for leaving her and her father to smiling at her and wanting to live with her in less than a minute. After mother reminded her she used to read her bed time stories.

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And I was like: how effing convenient! No one even thought of looking for her mother right after the girl lost everything in the most horrible manner? Not the greatest option but probably better than placing her with total strangers on a temporary basis.


I dunno, maybe it really is that hard to find someone in America, unless the profilers are doing it themselves. Then again, it is a running theme in police procedurals that protagonists are doing everything themselves. I know that it is to cut down on cast and keep the plot contained but sometimes it gets ridiculous. I think only NCIS attempted to explain it somehow; I remember that mortician-dude (what's the word for the person who perfoms autopsies?) was taking some psychiatry exam and then started delivering psych evaluations. Still awkward, but wellllll...

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