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Red exhaust for Imps, please?


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EDIT: Sadishist provided proof that TIE Fighters have a small red glow in Holy Trilogy, plus a very solid link to the imperial type 3 scout model with an engine trail, have entirely changed my mind on this. Lets get red exhaust for Imps, and Reps can get a "-core" color, similar to the blue core Imps got when Reps gained purple. I am still staunchly opposed to blaster colors being handed out cross faction at all.


My original post:

I'm generally opposed to this. I like that certain trails are on one faction only. Play your pub more :p

Edited by Verain
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Red sabers are dark side. Red blasters are good guy exclusive, and that's in the holy trilogy.



Here's that good guy red engine glow, and giant bad guy green turbolasers:



Yeah, I'm not arguing about the blaster color. It's the exhaust color.


Rear view of TIE Fighter from Episode IV:



Rear view of Fury, Mark VI Supremacy, and Phantom in SWTOR:



See? Only blaster color should be used to differentiate, not exhaust color.

Edited by Sadishist
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Re PvP, red targeting reticles are much more obvious than exhaust or blaster color for identifying friend or foe. :D


Re canon, just a sincere and humble question: Do any of these "canon" suggestions actually get implemented, considering we still have so many gameplay and quality of life issues that have existed since launch?

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Hrm. That is a rather compelling argument. And the exhaust doesn't really effect targeting. I'd still prefer it be a different red that the pub slightly, but that would be easy.


I think I might be with you on the exhaust. But I will never budge on blasters!

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Op has a point. Red sabers and red blasters etc should all be imp, yet they are pub.


Many would also argue the the entire color scheme of the weaponry etc in this game is backward from movie lore.


Luke Skywalker had a green lightsaber, his xwing has red engine trails and shoots red lasers. Darth Vader has a red lightsaber and his TIE shoots green lasers.

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