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2.0 Fail or Success? You be the judge.


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I'm going to see if the previous expansion is truly worth all the trouble being caused now. I just want to get an idea from the people. Even if you don't agree with what i'm saying, I still value your opinion.




1. New missions. New content. Things to do! Places to explore, people to talk to, new romances, and quests that actually require you to think. Scaling of a group is very interesting and makes for some of the questing actually challenging.


2. New abilities. As a marauder don't you just love throwing your sabers and watch them go all over the screen? Guardians are going crazy reflecting things back to people, and my sin enjoys being the "magic" now you see me, now you don't class.


3. Traveling places seems to be such smoother. The transition from planet to planet, speeder locations has made getting around easier instead of a pain.


4. Every class for PvP is viable for ranked WZ's/Operations. I remember a time when people wouldn't take a merc/commando anything into a ranked WZ. I can remember when people said taking a dps operative for a raid is borderline insanity. I feel like with whatever class I take, I can do whatever spec I'm playing, and do my part to help with with whatever it is i'm doing.




1. Nice to see I can take off all my gear in a WZ and still put up the highest numbers. Why are level 50's even bolstered? Once you hit 49 you should no longer be bolstered. Just the way I see it. When I hit 55, why do I still see naked people putting up top numbers in everything? What was wrong with bolster pre 2.0? Why is an issue that was on the pts still not resolved? PvP Broken.


2. Immense Lag. It may just be me, but on Makeb, and just Makeb, enemies didn't load for people, they crashed to desktop, or the screen just froze. Oh well, you play through it. No worries.


3. I thought 162 gear was needed for the new operation S & V? Apparently not if I'm seeing guilds getting to the last boss in DG gear. And why does the gear all seem like crap? Why didn't you just boost the main stats/secondary stats instead of boosting endurance so much that my sin has 28k as a dps. That doesn't make any sense. Upgrading gear isn't that hard, just fix the numbers so that people do more damage than with the previous gear. I may be missing something, but that's what I see. If you want to talk to the guild Lethal Dose 50 on Jedi Covenant, they take housecalls.


4. When some of these problems were seen on the live game, why were the servers not brought down for a fix? Why are you letting people run wild in WZ's with absolutely no gear on? Why is some level 35 assassin hitting a tank in WH gear for 9k? Why is my inquisitor forced to wear a dress AGAIN?


5. See #1 for cons. PVP BROKED.


6. Some of the people feel like Bioware/EA don't listen. They care all about their money and not the consumer. Is this really what a company that loves money want? People spend thousands on the cartel packs to get what they want, and still you spit in their face? You people care nothing about what the customers say. When people start putting **** in general discussions I bet it even won't get removed because none of you actually read this.

Also would like to add : http://www.dorkly.com/article/51363/eas-reponse-to-being-named-the-worst-company-in-america. That's how you respond to criticism? You call us nerds for playing video games? I'm pretty sure some of us are on sports teams and have lives besides these games. Extremely insulting. You think people have done worse than you guys? You steal from people basically, you don't listen to them at all, that's pretty bad when the consumers that keep your company running are trying to help you guys succeed. The only reason people buy games from this company to address the last part, does anybody else sell sports game that barely change from year to year? Nope. Does anybody else make a star wars MMO? No. But other companies make other MMO's. I hate using WoW for reference because I disliked the game. But when I went to customer support for an issue I had, they were extremely helpful and responded quickly. I put in a ticked and it gets answered in 2 weeks. Very smooth. Other companies may be bad, but you guys pointing the finger at others acting like you didn't do anything wrong and insulting the customers that pay for your products....interesting.



I know the last part was a bit of a rant, but it really is true. I mean, do they even care about us? If they don't, why are we still playing? Just waiting for the next game to come out? This is my last month probably subbing, i'm not sure yet, but I was interested to see what other had to say.


You be the judge.

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Stats going through the floor after you go from lvl 50 to 51...


Look if you want to balance stuff in PVP fine, but PVE is not PVP...


That happens in EVERY MMO THAT EVER HAD AN EXPANSION EVER. Its is a necessity, not a choice. Otherwise you would have ridiculous things like 90% defense and 150% crit at lvl 60 or whatever.


Also as for the OP: I say success. I would have liked more things, like NEW FPS instead of recycled ones, but for $10 it is more than worth the money.

Edited by Icebergy
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The new content seems to be well done, though there really isn't a lot of new content as much of what passes for new in the expansion is simply recycled stuff.


PVP seems borked, mostly due to the whacky bolster formulas.


PVE has seven new bosses and the rest is recycled stuff, and is highly throttled by caps.


Short term will probably be seen as a success, however there are hidden land mines I see that may create a fair amount of negative backlash in the mid term.


The biggest ones I see are all the caps and throttles that have been added that seem to serve no purpose other than to make the game a lot more grindy and delay the consumption of the very little content that has been added.


I see this reflected in the ridiculous weekly comm caps, the extremely low to non-existent yields in gathering / mission skills, and the reduced chance to RE mid tier stuff for schematic with no ability to gain needed mats through RE.


I foresee a lot of PVE players burning through the small amount of content, and with the weekly caps coupled with the bordom of running mostly the same stuff we've had for a year over and over, elect to log in less and less, thus creating the same declining population problem seen shortly after launch.


I also foresee the same thing happening with PVP players, especially if bolster stays the way it is as there will be little incentive to grind for gear when naked seems to be all you need. Not to mention PVP will no longer be an avenue for farming gear to RE for mats to craft end-game items.

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the realitry is 95% of the forum posters are just cry babies and QQers. They complain because something they liked got changed. ALL the classes now play better then they did before, balance (in PvE) is better then ever before.


The only issue is the pvP bolster issue which will get fixed... Right now think of it this way. PvP is really PvP right now, everyone has the same stats so it is player vs player. not gear vs gear. After all PvP should be about the player not the gear.



2.0 brought many great changes to the game. If you are QQing about them you were never good nor will you ever be good at any MMO you simply were playing something that was imbalanced any lost your i win button.

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Success. Also, a warm hello to Lethal Dose 50 from Is This Real Life. I like throwing down with you guys.


It goes without saying that Makeb was enjoyable. Great NPC dialogue, awesome cinematics, great story, fun quests, and a sensible quest hub system. One change that I didn't see in any patch notes that I greatly appreciated though was the updated skyboxes for each of the older planets. Nar Shaddaa in particular looks a lot better than it did, and even Hoth has some pretty mountains in the distance I'm pretty sure were lacking before. It may just be me, but it seems like the mouth movement of NPCs syncs up better with the voice acting now too.


As for things I don't like? The overwhelming Makeb traffic makes that place a lag festival, and the seeker droid quest summons all my deepest hatred of the HK part grinding. I also shot myself in the foot by reaching 55 too quickly, so getting in to hard mode FPs or pvp groups is tough. I've heard a lot of complaints about pvp after the patch, but I haven't had a chance to see it for myself yet because of the lack of eligible 55s.


The other thing is hard mode FPs - There are a couple new boss mechanics, which is cool, but man the bonus bosses are boring. Gil from Mando Raiders in particular is a bang-head-on-desk encounter that feels like a long boring slog.

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* New content

* They gave high levels a reason to re-visit some of the earlier planets

* Makeb looks great




* I really hate the stat changes, to the point that it's putting me off playing the game. I don't care about having to "grind" (it's in reality not much of a grind) new gear again, it's having to once again micro manage I have a problem with. I really hate micro management. They could have nerfed abilties instead of completely changing crit etc but they decided to do the latter , which rendered all gear useless and forces us to re-start on zero.


*Introduction of accuracy for sorcs/sages. Just horrible. It makes no sense that I have more bonus damage on my DG set than I have a few parts in on my lvl 55 set, all because I now have to waste mods on a new stat.


* PVP is a total cluster****. I don't die much and I in 9/10 games I'm topping the chart, this hasnt changed, but the approach to the result has. Tippy toeing around the map in fear that someone sees and nukes you isnt my idea of fun.


*Class balance is even more off and those who argue the opposite are cluless. Sure, more classes can put out a lot of hurt but that doesnt matter when the AC/spec isnt working in a PvP enviroment in the first place. The AC'es that do work were buffed too so nothing changed for the weak while the strong got stronger.


*While new content is a good thing a lot of that content is either horrible boring or recycled material. There are zones on Makeb I'll never visit again unless they put an event with some really nice rewards there. It's not my idea of fun to fight a mob of 10 or a group with an elite every 5 ft. ......and that's just getting to the fight.


*Mission log while still says that you are capped at 25 if you pick up individual missions. I can't do dailies while carrying around both the progression missions (vehicles and world bosses) and weekly/daily FP/Ops missions, meaning that I can't be in GF. I have to do the dailies and then head back to a mission terminal and pick up the daily/weekly missions AND THEN queue in GF ...while standing around.


* The lag is terrible on makeb and in warzones. Some warzones have been more or less unplayable.


*Comms caps. It makes no sense to me that they're telling us to play less.As a 55 it would have been convenient to use classic comms on gear for companions. But no, every day I've been throwing them in the can instead because of a cap. I get that they're trying to prevent people who are stuck at 50 from getting a full set the first day but how about thinking outside the box and...oh I don't know....lifting the cap at 55?


Total: 2/10


The only thing that possibly could prevent me from quitting is if the guild I just joined turns out to be good and the PvE we do somehow makes me ignore all the other flaws. Having to rely on a group every time I'm on is not really the way i want to play the game though.

Edited by MidichIorian
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There is a conversation with a droid when turning in the first Heroic on Makeb, and every single time I have done it 93 times now) there is HORRIBLE slowdown/frame rate drop during the scene, and then afterwards for my game stays that way until I leave that upper area with taxi. I'd say Makeb needs some refining for better performance in some areas. The same thing happened after I crash landed and fixed the part of the ship.


PVP is broken. I had problems with it being unbalanced before, but now it's utterly unplayable. I realize its a known bug, but had to mention it.


The quests on Makeb are just more of the same grind kill things. Could Bioware not have added some puzzles and other such things to make it FUN and not boring? In fact, I left Makeb after the first heroic to go start doing the Droid and Binocular quests...and THOSE are actually fun.....


Comms Cap. WAY too low. It's going to take an ETERNITY to gear even one toon now. This is REALLY disconcerting. It really puts me off even trying to gear.




Droid and Binocular Quest. Having fun with them. They aren't the same old boring kill things at point A and point B, do bonus, go to point C and kill boss quest stuff I am tired and bored of. It's really tired. I think Bioware could do better and be more creative to make it FUN....and that's what these new quests did. I am having fun again. .


Achievement system. I've got almost 70% of Drommund Kaas already. However, they could have added a way to be able to tell exactly which Datacrons you are missing and it not just saying 5/10. A list of all of them and their names and what they do (+4 Endurance etc) instead of just a partially full line with percentage done.


Skill Tree overhaul and new skills. Enjoying how hard my Sorc is hitting. It's ridiculous and I love it. Also like the new Healing Missile you get as Merc and the Exfiltrate as Op can be used as a speed boost if you want.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Also would like to add : http://www.dorkly.com/article/51363/eas-reponse-to-being-named-the-worst-company-in-america. That's how you respond to criticism? You call us nerds for playing video games?


You realize that wasn't a real response in that article, right? It was a joke based on the real response.


The real response can be read here: http://www.ea.com/news/we-can-do-better

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I like the crisp look of the npc's and how each class starts off a little different. I liked both stories.


For me this huge planet, does not feel huge, the plateau's you travel to feel cramped and over crowed with npc's, the sky travel does not offer you any look at the planet below just black screen to black screen, kind of a bummer, my sub expires in 21 days nothing here to keep me beyond that, but for 10 bucks I never expected it to be much but I do feel it is worth playing. This is my opinion for me and how I see it.. Not a win or fail it is just what it is.. :)

Edited by kevlarto
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