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Musco: What will happen to pvp bracket lvls in 6.0?


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This is something no one has asked and it hasn’t been volunteered by the devs.


What will happen to the lowbie brackets when 6.0 is released? Have you guys even thought about it yet or is it still being discussed?


1. Will the lowest bracket be made 10-45 and the mid bracket 46-74 Or will there be a 3rd bracket added?

2. Will lowbie and Mids be combined and everyone gets lvl 74 abilities while in the pre75 bracket (best solution IMO)?

3. Will all brackets, lowbies, Mids and lvl 75 be merged into one and everyone gets lvl 75 abilities while in pvp?


Number two would be the best option because I think it would put more people together who are trying to lvl up in pvp. It would also lvl the playing field with gear and abilities in the lower brackets.

This would be a win-win for lowbie pvp and pvp in general as more people are likely to play it before reaching lvl 75 end game pvp.

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