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Force Storm / Force Quake needs a little balancing


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Hello, everyone.


I've been a Sage main for years now, went through all the ups and downs with the class, really. And honestly, I'm fine with them being one of (if not the) worst DPS class currently.

What I don't get is why is Force Storm / Force Quake still doing so little damage compared the Gunslinger's and Commando's AoE spammable. I get it, Force Storm / Force Quake used to be the single best ability in the game, but it was completly over-nerfed, and remains to be so. Couldn't we get it's 6 seconds duration back, along with a low % damage increase of each tick? It's not like that will bump the class into one of the hardest hitting classes or anything, it would just help with trash clearing.

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For what it's worth, as a mostly new player, I find it slightly annoying that shadows can DoT spread any time they like, using their no-cooldown PBAOE, but sages can only do it on a 15s cooldown AOE.


If storm / quake also DoT spread maybe that would bring its damage in line with other classes?


I'd say it's more like Force storm/Force quake is more like your AOE filler. For lightning/Tk you are going to get more damage out of chain lightning/tk wave, for balance/madness you are going to get more out of your dot spread with force in balance/death field.


If you swing that way.


I've tried telekinetics and for both single target and aoe damage, it dwarfs anything else in the sage / sorc's arsenal.


But personally I loathe it. Even though it's much, much, much weaker, I'd rather stick with quake and do.

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In 6.0 Aoe rotation on tk will be using elemental convention tactical reducing force quake use even more - it sucks anyways - force quake that is - because you have to stand still while using it so you will only use it for a split second to get the proc now anyways.
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