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Is this a thing now?


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As far as I know, the mechanic of the Kolto Stations in Flashpoints giving a large 'spike' heal to the character that activates them and then only a smaller Heal-Over-Time to other characters in the group has been around a while. It's merely one that, sadly, many players are unfamiliar with; especially since in Story Mode, they don't play much part compared to companions set to Heal, so when players get to Veteran Mode they make mistakes simply from lack of knowledge.
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So what's the modus operandi supposed to be?


I was already dead so I saw everything. Dude had around 5% and was still running to kolto. Uncertain if he could even reach it. Someone else was already there and clicked the kolto. Then he got mad :confused:


We should just hope the aggro-ed party didn't skip leg day when the shiny kolto is right next to us?

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As was said, the Koltos give a large healing spike to the player that uses them and a lesser Heal over Time (HoT) to the rest of the group. This means that the player who needs the health should use the kolto. This includes Tanks and Healers**.


It is really bad to have someone running around trying to be a 'healer' by clicking on koltos. This usually results in there being none available when it's really needed.


Do not click the kolto for someone else unless they really don't seem to be going for it. There's been many occasions when I've been under attack, and on my way to the kolto and someone has clicked it just before I got there. The resultant HoT was not enough to overcome the incoming damage, and I died.


Another minor point - the koltos give quite a boost to the 'clicker' and it's a waste to use one too soon. You should be down to about 25% health before you use one. Don't be one of those players who clicks a kolto every time they're down by 10% or so.


** In veteran mode the tank (if there even is one) doesn't need to worry about breaking agro to go to a kolto.

However, sometimes the bosses 'hit box' can overlap the kolto and it makes it hard for the tank, or anyone in melee range to click the kolto. In that case, it is best if someone else clicks it.

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There's no harm in hitting koltos for someone who's at 50% or higher. However, if they're lower, then they'll probly want to hit it themselves. But the problem with players who are against you hitting it for them is they often die before they hit it.


I've been doing hammer station since 6.0 launched and in the first month I began supporting party members this way. It's true that sometimes people hit the koltos at the same time or within seconds of each other so there's none left when the need for another heal arises but that's why I hit them at 50% or higher. Most people aren't going for it at that much health . I rather have my tank do some tanking then running to koltos--or any strong dps with threat running around rather than doing their rotation.

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