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This staggered release is not fair at all.


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Lets all think logically here for a second..


What bioware is doing is complete unfair, and discrimination.


Think about it..


If you ordered first day, you get in first, get the first choice on names/servers.


How is it fair that someone who spent the same amount of money as you, a day later gets in a day later?


How is that fair to someone who ordered a day later and spent 100$ more than you and doesn't get to play?


To be honest. It is not.


I think the staggered release is stupid... and unfair.


People who pre-ordered the game day one, could put only a dollar on the game.. and get to play.. and never play again and essentially get the game for free (for a week) before anyone else gets the chance to play? when people who have paid in full a day later don't get in?


I am in favor of having it open the 20th.. and that is it. Despite when you pre-ordered.


Or make it completely random. Day oners and yesterdayers get the same chance.


-just saying.

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It is fair...some people are treating this as an entitlement. You paid for the game, the game releases 20th December whatever bioware want to do between now and then is their choice.


So in short, shut up because this is a privillage not something to be expected.

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Lets all think logically here for a second..


What bioware is doing is complete unfair, and discrimination.


Think about it..


If you ordered first day, you get in first, get the first choice on names/servers.


How is it fair that someone who spent the same amount of money as you, a day later gets in a day later?


How is that fair to someone who ordered a day later and spent 100$ more than you and doesn't get to play?


To be honest. It is not.


I think the staggered release is stupid... and unfair.


People who pre-ordered the game day one, could put only a dollar on the game.. and get to play.. and never play again and essentially get the game for free (for a week) before anyone else gets the chance to play? when people who have paid in full a day later don't get in?


I am in favor of having it open the 20th.. and that is it. Despite when you pre-ordered.


Or make it completely random. Day oners and yesterdayers get the same chance.


-just saying.


This is why companies don't do staggered releases. but Bioware isn't an MMO company.

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It was announced when pre-orders where accepted. It's clearly written when you pre-order.


I.e: when you ordered your copy, regardless of when it was, you knew what you were getting yourself into. This is as fair as it can be.


* You know everything when you sign up for it.

* It's on a first-come-first-serve basis.

* They have not changed the rules along the way (apart from going from 5 to 7 days).


It cannot be any more fair than that.

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