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Critical amplifiers


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When a "Critical X" amplifier gives you, for instance, +8 to Armormech, what exactly does this mean? Is this a flat rate percentage increase? Did I get an 8% boost to comp crit? Or is it added to some baseline crit number I can't find?


Edited by KaleTogras
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if they ever fix crewskill crit amps

then go to the vendor on the fleet next to the level10mod-enhancement-etc vendor

he sells some clothes with mods, buy a full inventory of it for nearly nothing and sell those with crap amps back


Another alternative is to craft lowbie mods as they have amplifiers- though which ever alternative is chosen, I'd do it now before they make changes to remove any way to obtain amplifiers without spending millions gambling on re-rolls.


In fact, I'd say it is much more likely they 'fix' the ability to obtain amplifiers outside their million credit gamble system than they actually fix the amplifiers.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Made some biochem stims last night, full set of +10 biochem mods (+90 total) 8 lvl 50 companions, and got 1 crit. got onto the forums to see what people had to say and find out i wasted way to many creds getting all may crafters geared. thanks alot devs always enjoy getting f*cked by your lack of quality control in this game. Edited by Loracks
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  • 2 weeks later...

The possibly cheapest option to get those amplifiers (in case they ever fix them) is what I did when I thought they would work:


Simply use the ones that are already purple or yellow without rolling from random drops and send them to the correct alt. Then make some "crafting gear" that you put on only for crafting.


I figured from the tracked crit rates that they obviously do nothing (or very little).

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