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Season 12 title suggestions


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I know this is most likely not going to be used but it is for fun!!!

These can be subtitles as well as normal titles

Player Name,

, very unliked

Rarely outplayed

Very savvy

10 steps ahead

, 200 IQ

The dedicated

Heart of a winner

Has the high ground

Gives little hope

The hopeless

Full of tricks

The clever

Out of their element

The unfortunate

The fortunate

The improved

Should stop trying

Doesn’t give up

Notorious Q dodger

Slick cheaters

Not a nice person

Unsupportive players

Extremely envious of (player name)

The most hated (advanced class), {player name}

The tricky and witty

The unexpected victor

The underdog

Clearly is better

Ranked elitist

Veteran ranked player

Supreme knowledge of arenas

Leader of idiots

The unwelcomed

Fueled with hatred

Deceptive mastermind

Mastered the art

Crackerjack of tricks

Head honcho

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Player Name,


What a player

recognizably talented

Watch and Observe (Player Name)

Master of the (Advanced Class), Player Name


(Player Name), the Martyrdom

(Player Name) will end your suffering

(Player Name) Evades Mortification

The Divine (Adanced Class), Player Name

A Deity Amongst (Advanced Class {plural}, Player Name


Player Name. on a war path

Player Name, up in arms

Player Name, Prepared for war

General of War (Player Name)

Five-Star (Advanced Class), Player Name

PLayer Name, Five-Star (Advanced Class)


Player Name, a fiasco

Player Name, a disorderly devastation

Casualty of War, (Player Name)

Player Name, Cataclysm of Warzones

The Catastropic (Advanced Class), Player Name

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