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[Bug][Minor] Quest "The Master Stratagem" Agent Stronghold Teleport


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A simple minor bug I wish to report as a result of Stronghold teleportation. After completing middle quests after the Agent Chapter 1 quest, you are given the quest "The Master Stratagem". If you use your Nar Shaddaa Stronghold to teleport to Nar Shaddaa, the quest does not recognize that you have actually traveled to Nar Shaddaa no matter where you go. You must board your ship and "leave" the planet on your ship and then go to the planet again before the quest understands that you have gone to Nar Shaddaa and lets you use the ships intercom to continue the quest. Given that you have to use your ships intercom in "Nar Shaddaa" space, the error is not entirely unexpected. Perhaps not even a bug, just more clarification on quest text is needed to not confuse people.


As I said, a minor bug but one I figured Bioware should be aware of given the release of Strongholds.




Edited by Ezenthor
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