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Battleworn engineers set bugged again


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I have searched through the forums and it appears this was a bug quite a while ago, many years. It would appear the bug in question has come up again. When you place dyes within the chest piece and unify colours it is not applying the correct dye to the rest of the armour. It would appear that the berserker armour set has this effect too.


im not sure if the 2 armour sets are conflicting or something in the database has tried to combine them and its gone squirly or what. In my preview window for my char it looks perfect so the game knows what it should look like, but my char ingame has what can only be suggested as a completely different dye applied to the rest of the armour. The armour does change but not to the same dye as the chest.


Picture below to show what i mean.


Edited by Shingara
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