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AC Respec

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Sell Advanced Class respecs in the market or write new storyline for the advanced classes. It's really not fun that I had to play the same story twice so that I can have a Shadow Tank or a Sage Healer. If these are REALLY so different that a respec is out of the question, then write some new story for it. I don't want to sit through the same story again just to try a different class. AC respec solves this obvious shortcoming in the story line. It's an easy patch job for Bio, rather than writing an entirely new story line for 8 advanced classes and it doesn't give players any advantage over other players. - This is obviously boring for players to have to watch the same story line again and again. Adding additional story line (maybe even for purchase) or offering a purchasable respec would improve overall game play and especially improve replay-ability.
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ACs are different... Who wants to try an Op with a know-nothing Guardian that just switched from Sentinel as their tank?


Stories cost money. Those voice actors don't work for free, and you would have to have a writing team working on 8 new stories.


I don't fault the interest... I long ago expressed hope that they would come up with new stories for different ACs, even if they had to sell them like an expansion.


But is the market there? Would enough people pay the cost to make it worthwhile?


They could try to add extras into the package to try and help sales, but these extras cost money, too, so the more they add, the riskier the proposition.

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The AC respec has been suggested many times before and there's definitely a lot of interest in it. I do not think it will happen due to what it may require on the backend of things or they would have done it already. I agree the extra purchased main line content would be nice but the above post is correct about it being a big deal with the voice acting and such. It required something as big a deal as the expansion which does have a tidbit (1 or 2 missions) of the new class material to add that type of content. I think the risk is gauging how it would cost and how much content to produce to make it a worthwhile purchase is a factor. So, the likelihood of them doing that is iffy as well. Edited by tweetlek
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I disagree. AC's are not different in regard to Ops. For exampl: What if I have 2 level 57 characters and I've run ZERO ops with either of them. I don't see the difference between this and if I were to respec one of them. Either way you're running with someone who has no experience with their class. An AC respec doesn't add to that. It just saves veteran players 20 hours of story quests that they've already done. You don't need 20 hours of questlines to learn a class. You need a few good Ops runs, and that means whether I can respec or not, you're still stuck running with a newbie regardless.


ACs are different... Who wants to try an Op with a know-nothing Guardian that just switched from Sentinel as their tank?


Stories cost money. Those voice actors don't work for free, and you would have to have a writing team working on 8 new stories.


I don't fault the interest... I long ago expressed hope that they would come up with new stories for different ACs, even if they had to sell them like an expansion.


But is the market there? Would enough people pay the cost to make it worthwhile?


They could try to add extras into the package to try and help sales, but these extras cost money, too, so the more they add, the riskier the proposition.

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While I would love more story lines to be added in, I don't think it's needed to keep leveling fresh. If you want one of each advance class you can switch up the alignment, gender and species to get variety. Many of us make alts just to see the variations in the stories. Plus it is very quick and easy to get alts up to 60 right now.
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ACs are different... Who wants to try an Op with a know-nothing Guardian that just switched from Sentinel as their tank?


Don't be silly, that would not be any different than a Guardian who leveled as a DPS and never once put a shield in their off hand. You'd get exactly the same result, they probably wouldn't even have taunt on their quickbar nor know what it is.


You either know how to tank, or you don't.

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