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Spoilers - The Master's Secret Quest


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"The Master's Secret" is the quest at the end of the revanite line on Dromund Kaas. I'm having trouble deciding how to end it.



All I'm wondering is does it really matter if you turn in the Revanite master woman to Sandor or lie to him? Does the storyline with the Revanite cult pick up again later on? I'm trying to choose all darkside options on this character, but I don't want to mess up the story later over this. Besides protecting the Revanites doesn't really seem light side to me.


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Did the same quest, but my decision was purely based on...turning the girl in gives me dark side points. OK i'll do that then:P.


Yeah that was my first instinct. I just don't want to turn her in, then find out twenty levels later that all the Revanites hate me for it.

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It sounds like the outcome is similar either way then.



I just turned the woman in. I got a mail with a bunch of credits saying they were interrogating her, and the Revanites would all be wiped out soon. Oddly I got the title too even though I betrayed them.


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