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Katha Niar's thread of respect


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Imperial Makeb story easily was and still is the best thing that can provide SWTOR - KotFEET looks just dead, synthetic, plastic in a comparison: a good camera work, the music, animations... Yet still it can't deliver that level of a strong and intriguing story with actually believable characters, delievered by a humble little expansion about a humble little planet in backyards.


And it was the first time for me when this game struck a chord. And struck very deeply.


As I've surely already recommended myself, I'm a loyal Imperial to the end. But it started as just "weeee stupid jedi i'm evil!! glory to the empire, our long waited revenge is finally here!" - that kind of cringe, it was, like, the end of 2012, I was in my puberty back then, lol. I was a bit careless of a loyalist, so to speak. "The Empire is the strongest, we'll crush those pathetic pubs like dogs and bugs, woo-hoo, bing-bing 1up". I didn't care about my people that much, neither about the price of war.


Until Katha Niar died in my arms.


And that was the first time I was really mad about dying of a virtual character in a Star Wars game. Blindly mad. I was hating Hutts, Cartel and Myself especially, because I was sloppy, I was slow, that was my fault too, my people died because of me, because I've failed as a Sith and a person. Pathetic excuse for a Dark Council member who can't do even this simple thing right, to save a couple of lives of good people who, out of all useless and cowardly bastards around them, deserved life and happiness more than anyone, more than me.


The only thing I really wanted back then was to drown all this *********** planet in radiation, blood and fire with all its thrice damned inhabitants - and even this wouldn't be enough, I knew it then and I still feel it now. Because even if i would have slaughtered a thousands and millions, it still wouldn't have returned me my soldiers and brothers. And this angers me even more. I can't do anything.


Katha Niar, who led one of the most difficult missions in the Sith Empire history and who've sacrificed her life to see it through to the end. In her last moments the only thing she regretted was not career, ambitions, potential - just that she would never see her Dromund Kaas again. The simple, kind and sincere wish of a simple person who just wanted to make her life count for the good of her motherland. She never complained, she never cried, she didn't blame me or anyone else. She was full of love for our dark and gloomy capital world, and full of pride for the things we've accomplished.


Every time I want to reconsider my loyalties, when I'm in doubts, when I'm confused about future and my place in it - the only thing I need is to remember Katha Niar and her closing eyes, so my will and determination become adamant. I promised her back then that I will protect our Sith Empire to the last dying breath, so her noble sacrifice wouldn't be in a vain.


That's the real reason I'm so butthurt about seriously playing the Pub side or about them as such. I just can't make myself. I'm already emotionally attached to this people, Imperials, tightly. It's a bond. I'm with Imps, Pubs are my enemies. As well as Hutts - I swear, the next Hutt I'll see will be butchered by pieces to make a good anathomy material.

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After Makeb, on Rishi, was the first time I've radically chosen the Empire over my personal ambitions.

When I was presented with a dilemma: to put my fleet on weak spots of the frontline, to help the Navy, or to drive my ships into Unknown Regions in a search for machines that'll possibly make me immortal. I've chosen to help the Navy.

I don't need immortality in the world where I couldn't keep my promise to a dying woman and where is no Empire at all. I would rather bring my every zap of lightning to make all of our enemies pay for every single drop of blood of our people! I AM powerful, I'm not a "commander", I'm DARTH NOX, and I for sure don't need armies or specops groups to make our enemies tremble with fear and hold them as long as long as necessary no matter how many of 'em.


I haven't forgot about my Sith ways and values, but with the great power comes great responsibility - now I understand that. Only rare Sith have such power and will, as I do, to be able to make a difference just by themselves. So it is MY responsibility to be a protector of all Imperials in the darkest times of sorrow and despair.


For Katha Niar. FOR THE EMPIRE!

Edited by TGaP_Andrey
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Until Katha Niar died in my arms.


And that was the first time I was really mad about dying of a virtual character in a Star Wars game. Blindly mad. I was hating Hutts, Cartel and Myself especially, because I was sloppy, I was slow, that was my fault too, my people died because of me, because I've failed as a Sith and a person. Pathetic excuse for a Dark Council member who can't do even this simple thing right, to save a couple of lives of good people who, out of all useless and cowardly bastards around them, deserved life and happiness more than anyone, more than me.


She doesn't die in your arms, she leans up against one the decorations wrapped around a support beam in the meeting chamber. She mentions she can't feel her hands, it was an honor and it would of been nice to see DK one last time and then she falls on the ground, dead. But she did give you alternatives to the Hutt negotiation despite her looming death not long after.


Your character was out completing the mission no one else can handle, a Hutt strike team got through Imperial security on the mining drill and kidnapped her. The Hutt always had this eventuality planned and considering its indifference when you meet it, and as far as a typical hutt is concerned fearing for its life? This hutt had no such fear and even fought you, so it didn't care if you were dark council or not, Niar was done for either way.


You did what you needed to, so did the hutt.


I will say this for Niar, she was good at giving you support when you needed it, and despite being a filing clerk for a few years, she certainly knew her way around administration pretty well despite her own lack of proper respect owed to a Sith Lord.

Edited by Celise
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You are entitled to your own opinion, I think in terms of storytelling KOTFE and KOTET are much better than the previous expansions.


But Katha Niar did he job pretty well, as did the rest of the team, I personally never found her very interesting but as Celise mentioned for someone who was merely a Minister of Logistics she performed very very well.

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