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Things I would like to see at some point


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Let me say, I love the game thus far. I am having fun, enjoy all the classes (except smuggler/infiltator I don't care for the cover mechanic, but that is just me). I think overall the launch has been smooth. A great game can be destroyed by a bad launch (see Vanguar:Saga of Heroes) and this is not one of those. Are there bugs? Yes, but for me none have been game breaking.


These are some things I would like to see, not today or tomorrow, but at somepoint in the near future. They are listed in no particular order.


1-Some sort of armory type feature. I think it would be nice to see other players and their builds and gear. Not a big deal, but I just think it would be cool.


2-Some sort of LFG tool. It doesn't need to be like WoW. I would be fine with a system where you select what instance(s) you want, and what your role is, and others can view it and put together groups easily. Or even a LFG channel that is spread amongst all zones. Right now if someone is on the station, I can't see they are LFG if I am on say Taris or whatever. An system that teleports you to the instance isn't necessary like WoW where it can take 20 minutes to get to a dungeon. Imgaine getting from Stormwind to Dire Maul quicky? You can get to the station fairly fast from anywhere in SWTOR.


3-Some sort of damage meter. We can argue the need to have one for groups or not, but at least one for ourselves. I would like to be able to try different roations, specs, gear ect and compare my own DPS. Even if this DPS meter was in the form of traning dummies, they could create some sort of "test" you fight, several droids and the system gives you your DPS. It would take out the elitism of groups, while giving a person who wants the DPS feedback what they want.


4-Some sort of threat meter. As a tank, it is not too hard to tell if I have threat, if it is attacking me I have it. The problem is, as DPS I don't know if I am out damaging the threat the tank is generating. If I see my threat is going up, I know to switch targets, or hold back for a moment.



Just curious on other peoples thoughts, and what you might like to see.

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