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All EC servers down. Again.

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But we need mega servers with everybody on one server it will solve all of our problems.


Because then we can all be unable to play the game at the same time! We can all be affected by the same technical issues simultaneously! That'll surely build a stable, supportive community who will unite together to keep this game afloat!



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I seem to be having some difficulties on Ebon Hawk, as well. In-game icons do not respond (can't travel to stronghold, can't quick-travel, etc.), I run into invisible walls...logging out stuck me in an endless loop of a loading screen. Eh, no big deal; been meaning to catch up on a few other things. Still, I hope this is fixed soon. :)


Edit: Aaaaaand I was ninja'd by Eric. :D Thanks for looking into this!

Edited by Jagaimee
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Hey folks,


The team is looking into what is up with the queue's on east coast servers. I will pass on info as I have it.




Just a guess here, but... probably the same thing that caused this exact same issue the last two times it happened? I'm not an IT professional though... :p

Edited by AscendingSky
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It is not just server ques. Email and even toon hoping is all out of wack as well!


Yeah... the queue let me in finally, but I wasn't able to see any of my pending mail or open my legacy bank.


PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The last time this happened, there was a rollback on the servers. Until the issue is fixed, even if you're able to stay in game you may not want to buy/sell/quest/change names/etc. You don't want to lose progress or money!

Edited by AscendingSky
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Just a guess here, but... probably the same thing that caused this exact same issue the last two times it happened? I'm not an IT professional though... :p


Hi, IT Professional here. Whilst it isn't impossible for 3 separate problems to cause the exact exact same symptoms 3 times in a row, you're more than likely correct, and the same problem has occurred 3 times.


I think the folks over at BioWare need to study up on how undertake a root cause analysis.

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Hey folks,


The team is looking into what is up with the queue's on east coast servers. I will pass on info as I have it.




Not only is there a que but while sitting in que where it tells me I have been placed in the head of que with a progress bar that say x number in que, I am watching that number go up and down. which can only mean that every person in que after me are getting put ahead of me!

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It's a technical problem, yes it's happened before but those of us who understand that technical things will break, will patiently wait for the queues to go away so we can get on to play. There's no need to use profanity and be threatening.


continue waiting lol!!!!


Hey folks,


We are going to be halting logins on all East Coast servers to work on resolving the issue. More info to come.



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