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upgrade tier question


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ok, this I am sure is a dumb question but....


I just started playing the galactic starfighter, and I see all the components have an upgrade path which is greyed out. The tooltip says the previous tier has to be upgraded.....but I don't see a previous upgrade tier.





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When you pick a component on the left (say, Rapid Fire Lasers), you'll have a panel open on the right. The TOP tier of that is your first talent point (for a blaster like Rapid Fire Lasers, that will cost 1000 ship req).


Once you have unlocked that, you can unlock the one underneath (this will cost 2500 ship req).



Some tips:


1)- Please don't upgrade Rapid Fire Lasers.

2)- DO NOT spend fleet req for ship upgrades. If you click on, say, Ion Cannon, when you have only 500 ship req and 3000 fleet req, it will ask you to spend 1500 of your fleet req to unlock it. DO NOT DO THIS. Not until you have unlocked all the ships and at LEAST all the good crewmembers.



If you are still unclear, ask again with more info.

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ok, this I am sure is a dumb question but....


I just started playing the galactic starfighter, and I see all the components have an upgrade path which is greyed out. The tooltip says the previous tier has to be upgraded.....but I don't see a previous upgrade tier.






Maybe you're trying to upgrade the Heavy Laser in the first primary weapon slot of your Star Guard / Rycer. You already have a Heavy Laser in the second slot and the two slots are not allowed to be the same.


You are also not allowed to upgrade while in the queue.


What server are you on?

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