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Inspiration for a Story: What Race/Class combo feels iconic to you?


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Wanted some opinions on what Race/Class combo gives you that iconic Star Wars feel to it. :D


I have a lot of free time in my life currently and one of my hobbies is writing stories. After viewing all the class story lines I want to create a Fan Fiction, so to speak. The story line will be on the 4 Empire classes (Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Warrior, and Inquisitor). The Class stories will remain intact as much as possible but in between will be moments where the Heroes interact and occasionally involve themselves in each others objectives. This includes events such as how they met, their conflicting/similar views, etc. Here is an example in script form though it's just a rough idea in my head for now:



At this point the Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent have already met and they bump into each other as they both travel to fulfill their objectives inside Lord Grathan's Estate on Dromund Kaas. However, it seems like Lord Grathan already has some company...


Bounty Hunter: You know, I expected that this Grathan guy's estate would be more... well guarded maybe? There's corpses everywhere!


Kaliyo: Aww... What's the matter hotshot? Feeling late to the party?


Mako: Ugh, do you smell that? It reeks of burnt flesh. What's going on?


[Agent examines some fresh bodies on the ground. It's clear that they're Lord Grathan's personal guards.]


Agent: The bodies may be fresh but the injuries from their severed limbs aren't bleeding out. Only weapons with an intense amount of concentrated heat could do this.


Mako: Lightsaber wounds.


Bounty Hunter: So what are we dealing with here? Grathan's going insane and killing his own men?


Agent: It is possible, but highly unlikely. He wouldn't have the motive to do this; Imperial Troopers are still trying to break through the front lines--this would only weaken his position.


Mako: Hey, come here! Look at the lightsaber wounds on these men--it's totally different! And it looks like this one over here died from blaster fire. And..... what? No this just doesn't make sense. It's like his.. his lower half has been eaten!


Kaliyo: Great, looks like we've got some serious freak show on our hands.


Bounty Hunter: So it's a cannibal. Exotic. I'm all excited now actually. Wanna meet this guy--seems interesting.


Kaliyo: You're sick, you know that? I like it. Looks like there's more to you than I thought Hunter. Maybe we should... get to know each other better?


Bounty Hunter: What did you have in mind?


Agent: Enough. We're dealing with a group here. We both have missions to complete and, as much as I hate that I may be jeopardizing the confidentiality of mine, I think it's best if we remain as a group for now. However, once we're inside we split up. Is that clear, Hunter?


Bounty Hunter: Yeah, yeah. I wouldn't want to upset you and have myself become a target of your Imperial Intelligence anyways. Let's go, I have a client that's waiting for me back at the city.






I hope you liked that example. That is a possible direction I could take with the story but it could change. However, before I create the story I want to flesh out the character backgrounds. I'd like to hear from the community what feels iconic to them. An example of this would be:


Jedi Knight

Race: Human

Advanced Class: Sentinel


And anything else you can think of.


I'll pick the ones I like the best for the 4 Empire classes. :D

Edited by Wreckquiem
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I find there to be plenty of levels when it comes to a character that I can think of a few 'icons' for each class depending on certain backgrounds, motives, and what have you.


Like the warrior for example, probably the two most iconic species would be the Human and the Pureblood. A Pureblood draws his pride on his bloodline and built in genetic superiority. A Human draws his pride on a certain purity and potential. A Pureblood can tell you why they are and were better than you. A Human can tell you why they are or will be better than you. For class there is a choice between two totally dominant, totally implacable forces. The tempered tyrant (Juggernaut) and the tireless tempest (Marauder). So for the two icons i call on these:


Warrior->Sith Pureblood->Juggernaut

Warrior->Human-> Marauder


For the inquisitor you have the storyline of rising above your past as a slave. While Imperials enslave the more alien species, humans possessing such a population and diversity makes them no less likely candidates, and also offers the most plausibility for some hidden greatness in their past lineage. Also, when you think of selfishness and a lust for power, human tends to pop up in my mind. And with a lust for power comes the delving into ancient lores and secrets that is the purview of the sorcerer. However, if you want someone reserved, utterly secretive in their methods and intentions, you want a being of darkness, someone chastised for their entire existence by their fellows, through their species and their background. Then I get these two:





For the bounty hunter, you have someone outside the traditional Imperial society, but forced to work with them, for them, due to circumstance, convenience, or pure credits. With the bounty hunter, the icons tend to be either the outlandishly alien(the monstrous and the beast-like), or the simple human doing what they can with what they got. Once again drawing on the ideal of diversity and potential, the human seems the most iconic choice for the hunter, a professional driven by a uniqueness that lies from within rather than without. For class, there is the idea of someone who is utterly dedicated to their craft, to success, and the ability to throw everything they can at something to accomplish their goal. Therefore the icon I come up with is:


Bounty Hunter->Human->Mercenary


For the Agent, you have someone utterly seeded in Imperial society, probably more so than their Force-sensitive allies. They must toe the line between Sith and Imperial superiors. There are two choices one can make for the Agent. The 'face', and the 'weapon'. The' face' is as in the open as much as they are hidden, in the light and the shadow, but never truly seen in either. The 'face' is personable. Knows how to properly weave truth and lies whether to their enemies, or to their Sith superiors. The 'weapon' is a blank slate, trained to the utmost degree. Unwavering, uncompromising, utterly deadly. For the 'face', one would assume a human would have the easiest time integrating and adapting to the pitfall that reside within progressing within Imperial society as a non-Force-sensitive. For a little more pizzazz, the 'face' could be a cyborg, a human with subtle cybernetic enhancements. No metallic jaws or exposed wires, but a set of instruments to help him succeed like ocular or auditory enhancements. This provides the scenario of the Empire not only owning them and their identity, but also a hefty investment in the tech that currently resides in them. For the 'weapon', we have someone cold, distant, silent. No need for excess pleasantries. Someone who receives a mission, executes his target, and returns for another. A prime candidate could be a Chiss, someone who has not yet gained the trust of their peers, but possesses such a martial skill that he has more than established their worth. So that gives us these two icons:





In the end you can mix and match the icons presented. You can go with the all-human makeup, forcing each person's individuality present itself through mean more than skin color and the presence of organic head adornments. or you can have a group of aliens with the bounty hunter being the odd one out, fitting given their relative place in the Empire.


So I guess make sense of a lot of rambling, I offer my two opinionated groups of icons.


Human Marauder, Human Sorcerer, Human Mercenary, Human/Cyborg Operative.

Pureblood Juggernaut, Zabrak Assassin, Human Mercenary, Chiss Sniper.


And then there's the republic icons and things like gender, but I've already probably written too much. :D

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I think I have to almost completely agree with Osetto, except Sith Sorcerers could be Pureblood, Bounty Hunters and Sith Warrior could be Rattataki. Also, class storylines are there for entertainment purposes, not entirely canonical requirement for characters. One example is my Sith Inquisitor for my first fanfic Dreams of Korriban was a Twi'lek Lethan, who could use both the skills of a Sorcerer and the lightsaber and stealth of an Assassin. No lore character should be infinitely powerful however. His lightsaber technique wasn't up to par with an assassin, and if he used the force too much in massive bursts of power, he was liable to faint for a few hours to recover.


For Republic characters, see as follows.


Jedi Consular->Twi'lek->Sage

Jedi Consular->Mirilian->Shadow


Jedi Knight->Human->Guardian

Jedi Knight->Miraluka->Sentinel







This is just my opinion, and I'm not actually looking at the race/class combinations at the moment, feel free to comment or object.

Edited by Kuronan
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Well I went with an all human/cyborg Legacy of force users on my PVP server. All 8 Advanced classes. So on my RP Server I went with the following:


Jedi Shadow Twi'lek Male (Kinetic Combat) DS 3 Body Type 2


Sith Sorceror Rattataki Female (Corruption) Neutral Body Type 1


Jedi Guardian Miraluka Female (Focus) LS 5 Body Type 3


Sith Marauder Sith Pureblood Male (Annihilation) DS 5 Body Type 3


Republic Commando Cyborg Male (Combat Medic) LS 2 Body Type 4


Bounty Hunter Power Tech Zabrak Female (Shield Tech) LS 1 Body Type 2


Smuggler Scoundrel Mirialan Male (Dirty Fighting) Neutral Body Type 1


Imperial Agent Sniper Chiss Female (Marksmanship) DS 1 Body Type 1

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