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Exactly how many people work on SWTOR right now, and what are their roles ?


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I think the tittle pretty much sums it up. With such a recycle "event", one must ask.

Are really SWTOR dev resources stretched so thin, that this is all you can come up with ?


Yeah, it's pretty scary that they are making enough money to be 3/4 on these revenue lists with the content output cadence we see.


They are either wasting money like crazy or someone is getting rich.

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According to the "Meet the Team" on that link, there's only one guy at BW Austin. Everyone else pictured is in Edmonton. I guess that would explain a lot. :-P


Notice how not one of them self-identifies as working on TOR, and everything their blurbs say is pure corporate boilerplate (seriously, what normal person would talk like that off-the-cuff about their job? It just doesn't happen, OK)?


This is telling, I think...


Just as an aside:


I notice that there is a level-designer position open in Austin for which they're soliciting applicants. I wonder what happened to the last one, assuming they might have been working on TOR?




I guess "mobs spawn 80m behind you + unavoidable stealth-proof scripted stuns-as-time-sink" might not have gone over as well as we thought?



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I have no idea how many or what their roles are, but there's no way they're putting out the monthly KOTFE content alone without employees in the double digits. That stuff is way harder than it looks.


Game design is similar to filmmaking in that way. There are all these special roles that you'd never think are necessary, until you're on a film set. Some multi-hat-wearing can be done, but it only goes so far when you're on a tight development schedule.

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