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Continue at level 33 or restart?


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Hey all, so when I was playing SWTOR last year I started a Sith Marauder. I remember really enjoying the story and playing as a Dark Side Sith. I finished Act 1 and made it to Taris, and then I had to stop playing.


Now I am back into SWTOR, just finished a playthrough as a Jedi Knight, and am eager to jump back into the Sith side of things. I remember bits and pieces of the storyline and I suppose I could look up a summary of the story, but is it worth it to restart my Sith Warrior from scratch? Now that the Epic Story boost is active, it probably wouldn't take too long to get back to level 33. What do you think?

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Would have no question in my mind about starting over. It won't take long as you say.


Even if 12x wasn't active I would start over. Can't just resume a story I've been long away from and have it be the same. The pull and pacing would be off. The immersion. The magic.

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Would have no question in my mind about starting over. It won't take long as you say.


Even if 12x wasn't active I would start over. Can't just resume a story I've been long away from and have it be the same. The pull and pacing would be off. The immersion. The magic.



I stopped playing my Jedi Knight for about a year at around a similar level (maybe one planet further along at most), and I went ahead and just restarted once I decided to pick it up again. It worked out fine even without the XP boost, and I think it was the right choice hands down.

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With a sub Id suggest restarting. I had a jedi guardian. level 25. I leveled him to 40 and felt i wanted a more dps based jedi sentinel and now ive gotten him to 56 - made it to 50 in right over 11 hours played. now im going back and doing loose ends. Finishing class quest and planets so i can do dailys and what not.


To be honest I'll probally still level the guardian but I made the right choice I love my sent. Now that pesty crafting and stuff i gotta do..O_O


But all in all. its fun.

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I will go with the restart as well. I unsubbed ages ago and the Knight did not appeal to me upon return. I started a new Knight and went different paths with the story choices and it helped a lot. Now to find some decent robes for her...anything like Obi-Wan wore in the first trilogy would be great. Any ideas? Edited by NeuroniaSW
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