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Rebels are coming


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(Holds Breath and Crosses fingers)


Please don't be crap, please don't be crap.

Disney if you F this up so Help me I will defile that big ball at Epcot Center that SHOULD have been turned into a Deathstar ride by now!!!

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It didn't look bad, but I had to facepalm over the scene with the epicly stupid stormtrooper and the detonator on the wall. Did he go to the bathroom during Explosives 101?

I'd like to have high hopes, but some of the scenes in the trailer have me waiting and seeing first instead.


Beyond that though, did anyone notice that all the new lightsaber handles and how the ls blades are so thin? A friend pointed this out after seeing the inquisitors lightsaber looks like a rapiers' with the swept hilts and how all the new blades were so much smaller and thinner than the movies or the clone wars cartoon.

Edited by SlayerGopher
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