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Help for better performance in PVP


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Hello boys,

One query I have a sentinel with gear 248 and augmentes 236, critical: 42%, alacrity 15.5%, accuracy 100% and the rest in power,

I like to play PVP, it's more, it's what I do the most, sometimes the game works out very well and other times it's disastrous. What I've noticed is losing very frequently against other cents or maraus especially against other conce and combat, I hurt them but they do more harm than me, what problem do they see? What should I focus on in order to give a better game? How should the busrt be? Rotation? Use of skills? Or what suggestion do they give me in their experience in PVP.


Thank you very much for your attention.



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I recommend reading these guides first:






After reading the guides the only thing that will help you is practice...


Sorry, but there is no other way around it. You have to play a lot of PVP to be good and most of the time you compete against players who are in the " business" for many years.


Also, what's your ping ? If you have ping troubles and lag/fps drops, marauder won't be the class for you as it requires fast reactions.


Are you keybinded ? If not, you have to minimize the amount of clicking as much as possible... your main abilties and defenses should all be key binded to let's say 80-90%.

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