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Bonus Quests


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I know about completing bonus quests to earn extra exp for killing mobs but when I was playing a Bounty Hunter today, I lost the quest.



Can anyone list the ways you can lose bonus quests?


I know it may be trival to some people but i enjoy completing every quest and it would irritate me somewhat to lose a quest that can never be reacquired.

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You mean the bonus stages you get while completing a regular quest? The only way to "lose" those is to not finish them before you turn in the quest it's a part of. You MUST complete the bonus stages before turning in the main quest, or you lose the opportunity to get the extra XP.
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You're not missing any storyline. The bonuses are just killing enemies or clicking objects in the game world.


MOST of the time if there's a special enemy to fight, they're just hanging around that same area if you're really dying to beat them down. (In a few cases you have to do something to summon the 'final stage' elite, and if you turned in the main quest prematurely you can't fight them.)

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Well there is one way to loose it.


Usually it involves triggering a conversation thats part of the main quest. ON a general note always complete bonus quests before triggering the next stage in a quest. This can be hard sometimes as some conversations are triggered by proximity.

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