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I just want to know why the only males we can romance are Theran and Iresso?


Theran already has a girlfriend (hologram or not) and I think he's sleazy (he'll cheat on Holiday in a heartbeat..and does, if he's given a chance).


I don't have much interest in Iresso.


The only male in our companion list I find intriguing is Zenith. Anyone heard why he wasn't made romanceable? I read somewhere that he might've been for Beta (but don't know if this is true). I know some websites have him listed as romanceable, but I have heard that this isn't so.


Since I can't have Zenith, I'll just stay a celibate Jedi. *shrug*


Anyone else irritated about our choices for romance?

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Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with Theran hitting on my Sage, either. I nixed that right away and didn't care if his feeling were hurt or I lost affection from him.


He's always calling out Holiday's name when we are in fights. I can imagine him calling out her name during a candlelight dinner. How romantic.


Anyway, he reminds me of a lounge lizard. My Jedi Sage is a fine upstanding young lady and wouldn't even think of starting a romance with this sleaze ball.


He's a good healer, though. :p

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Doc on the Jedi Sent is just as bad. A real loser that guy is. I don't mind not having the same sex romance but I also see no reason it couldn't have been there. It's purely flavor anyways and if you're a Lightside Jedi it's not as if you can act on it so...
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Why can't you act on it as a light side Jedi? Sure you can. I'm 10000 Light Side, don't have a single dark side decision yet, and I romanced Iresso just to see what would happen.


You know what happened to my light side jedi? Nothing. Not a single dark side choice was made, or light side points lost. That's because the Jedi code doesn't call for celibacy, and there are Jedi with children. They're just not supposed to be so caught up in their relationship with another that they ignore their duties, or in the case of a particular pair on Tython, physically threaten or try to bribe others. If you've reached that point, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship.


And oohhh how I wish Zenith were romanceable. Even so, as you get to know him better through his story line he comes to trust you deeply, and it's obviously not something he gives lightly. So it's not quite as good as a romancing, but I'll take it.

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Here is something wrong with the consular romanceables over every other classes.


1. For Females i did not know they got theran and i always thought he was with holiday.

2. For males you dont get nadia until your 40's. She is also our only jedi companion. The inquisitors get there 2'nd force using companion by the time we get nadia.


Seems a little unfair for us since we are the class who get our romanceable the latest in the game.

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since most people don't get Nadia till 43+ you got about 7 levels to "romance" her, Most classes get there love interest by the mid twenties. Giving you enough time to properly romance someone. Nadia's extreme late game appearance makes her romance seemed rushed and kinda awkward. Then again that does happen in real world relationships, not saying it doesn't but at the same time i believe most people are at least in the case of a game, more interested in the journey (the romancing and finding out about each other) then the actual end (marriage)
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You get Nadia as full companion quite late, level 40+ but she is a bubble after that, especially if you use her a lot. For my full light side male character was easy as pancakes.


But in reality Nadia character makes sense the way it is..... If you know the story that is.

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Lol, the fact we get a healing companion so early on is more than enough to make up for it. By the time you get Talos Drellik, you are mid Hoth.

Speaking of healer companions, I was astounded that the Bounty Hunter companion, Mako, who joins you at about level 8, is a healer from the start, and a pretty good one too. I was thinking of going healer with my BH, instead I made her a Powertech with a view to being a tank, mostly because Mako was there from the start.


About Nadia: I've noticed that the "affection gain quantum" seems related to how late in the game you get the companion. Qyzen, who's been with us since level 8ish, gets 15 affection for most dialogue choices he likes, or 30 if it's a very special one. With Nadia, practically all "Good" choices give 102 affection, so you end up getting through those affection quests at an insanely fast pace.


Tharan's is 21 and Iresso's is 55, I've not done much with Zenith since I find his paranoid personality and his abilities to have little synergy -- so currently I'm mostly focussing on Iresso with a view to improving his performance on crew missions.


(I also find it quite odd that, given that Consulars are supposed to be good diplomats (and a lot of our dialogue choices show a tendancy toward conversation over combat), the only companion we get who gets any sort of bonus to Diplomacy is Nadia, with a whopping +2, compared to the Smuggler's Risha who has +15).

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I rejected Nadia. "No time fo luv, docta Jones!"


Seriously though, I was hoping for more teacher/student story, but instead, her storyline just... died. Then again, since I hit 50, all I've been doing is PvP. Maybe grinding her affection to max might open more story?



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