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Same server, different locations?


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alright, i'm joining to play with someone else, maybe even a couple of people. the issue is that we might not all be in the same location geographically. i'm on the east coast of the US, and someone else might be on the west coast, or even on the other side of the planet. is there any way that we can all get into the same place, or is this just going to be a major bummer and disappointment man?
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Just join the same server. Two professions start on each of the starting worlds - the two Jedi types start together, the two Sith types start together, the Trooper and Smuggler start together, and Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent start together. After the starter planet at level 10, all Empire characters go to the same planet (Dromund Kaas), and all Republic characters go to the same planet (cannot remember which, but not Dromund Kaas).


So, same server is a good start. Same side will get you together after a few hours' play. Same profession group will get you together immediately.

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