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Vet flashpoints


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Hello all, new player here.


Everything I've read about flashpoints is that they are tuned to be super easy. Like complete with 4 DPS easy. Well the last 3 or 4 I've done have just been terrible. I'm a sorc healer and I get grouped with 3 other dps that just proceed to die on trash pull after trash pull, muchless able to get to a boss. This is the very first vet falshpoints, black talon and hammer station.


Am I just that bad of a healer or whats going on?

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Yes, vet FP's are tuned to be able to be completed by pretty much any four players, but that does not mean that those players do not have to play smart. If they are ignoring kill order, not healing between fights, not being smart about pulls then it does not matter that it is a vet mode. It sounds like you have just had some bad groups.
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It could be that you're making some mistakes, or are slow on the reflexes. It could be that you've just had an unfortunate string of bad groups.


One thing about healing is that while it's a very reactionary game, there's also a predictive element to it that you just have to kind of feel out and learn for yourself. Don't sweat it. The game recently was added to Steam and it's likely you've been grouping with a lot of other new players who are also still learning their roles. Players who are not experienced with MMOs may still be figuring out their roles in groups. They may not understand that they need to heal between pulls, figure out an order to focus kill mobs, or utilize their CC abilities. I wouldn't worry too much about it honestly.

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Everything I've read about flashpoints is that they are tuned to be super easy. Like complete with 4 DPS easy.

No, they're not tuned to be super easy, but they are tuned to be able to be done with any group. This primarily means that the bosses are tuned down and/or lose some fight mechanics (relative to Master mode) so a tank is not 'required', and kolto (healing) stations are placed around boss fights so a healer is not 'required'.


But you still need to learn what to do and how to play your class to be really successful, and Vet FPs can be a way to do that.


Healing in a Vet FP can be hard if you have 3 squishy DPS to care for, especially if they don't use their own defensive skills, or step out of 'stupid', or use the koltos**.


** Note: Koltos give the biggest and fastest health boost to the player that uses them. It's best therefore, that the player who needs the health be the one to use it. However, often times players don't know this and expect the healer to use the koltos.

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