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3.0 Tanks


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Lets hope they dont delete this one:





10/8/15: revised to correct for using incorrect uptime for shrouded crusader relic. removed b-mod math.

4/14/15: updated to include the returned boss. the N/A bug for best relic should be fixed. now refering to spike as sigma.

4/12/15: new bmods link. all numbers updated

fixed a huge bug where i was missing a "1 - " for squish calcs. for example, kinetic weapon used to be: kw_squish(d,s,a)= (0*d+[(1-d)*(1-s)+(1-d)*s*(1-a)]*(dr_k+dr_w+dr)) , but should have been kw_squish(d,s,a)= (0*d+[(1-d)*(1-s)+(1-d)*s*(1-a)]*(1-(dr_k+dr_w+dr)))

now using a swing timer of 0.8333 seconds and a kineticx bulwark regression specific to that timer. new regression is absorb= (-13.901*p^2 + 19.443*p- 0.9247)/100 .

spike is now set to the square root of the previous version of spike. spike is now calculated with squish values independent of shield, defense and resistance, which are taken into account in the probability portion of the spike calculation.

paid closer attention when determining best relics. due to the way in which stats are optimized, only the relic which was reported as being the best was being calculated for, but changing the rating could make one relic better than another.

3/24/15: added lettered mod numbers. trade 162 mitigation for 288 endurance. i now have 2 tables and 2 spreadsheets to keep the separated.

3/23/15c: added spike calculations. basically a weighted variance. does not take relic procs into account.

3/23/15b: updated for new bulwark math. added boss dps required to make 2nd highest proc relic better than warding relic. Added base squish (includes static defense from relics).

3/23/15: new bulwark math regression: T is timer, p is shield chance


note that bulwark math does not include dynamic relic contributions.


updated math for reactive warding contribution. optimal stats/relics determined by damage taken, rather than squish directly.

fixed some bugs:

fixed: Absorb&shield from shield offhand counted twice for jugg and pt.

updated for updated damage profiles.

updated for 1928 shield upper bound.

updated for defense from stim (added to defense minimum and pool)

3/22/15a: fixed typo pertaining to reactive warding relic (thanks namesaretough)...

received updated damage profiles (thanks Methoxa).





These are suggested defense, (d), shield (s) and absorb (a) ratings for full revenite gear.

boss_damage*squish - self _heals*heal_buff - heals_received*healer_buff*heal_buff - self_bubble - relic bubble = damage taken. Squish is the fraction of damage taken, so the lower the better. I have assumed 6,000 dps for these calcs.


Just copy the coded sections and paste into notepad or excel (and delimit for spaces). it will look alot better. or just download the spreadsheet.


I optimized the stats for the relics which provide best mitigation. Relic shorthand used:

D: Fortunate Redoubt (defense)

A: Shield Amplification (absorb)

S: Shrouded Crusader (shield and absorb)

W: Reactive Warding (bubble)


reactive warding relic best if boss dps < relic_bubble/((squish_with_relic - squish_without_relic)*cooldown). I have =ward in the tables that shows what the boss dps has to be to make the 2nd best relic for that fight better than the reactive warding relic.


Please find my errors.


Need to sort out which abilities get multiplicative dr buff.

Need to sort out b mods and endruance stuff. i need pre mitigation damage for each boss, and the fight length. also want a spike matters term between 0 and 10 for each boss. and a post mitigation spike of interest, and an amount of health your healers would like you to have after such a hit. (x factor, spike, buffer values to optimize with)

need to find absorb minimum for some spike calcs.

Using excel solver... i try to use different seeds if i see funny data




sin		Malfar	Squad	Undrlrk	Cmndrs	Retrnd	Sparky 	Bulo 	Torque 	Mstr	Cortani
d	1567	185	997	605	185	185	823	1142	185	185
s	1200	1928	1574	1676	1901	1901	1558	1496	1928	1928
a	1236	1890	1432	1722	1917	1917	1622	1366	1890	1890
base	0.43128	0.2641	0.2234	0.2825	0.3977	0.3471	0.2764	0.3376	0.3464	0.4328
D	0.42892	0.2603	0.2188	0.2780	0.3945	0.3431	0.2720	0.3343	0.3434	0.4305
A	0.42919	0.2590	0.2186	0.2785	0.3945	0.3436	0.2725	0.3341	0.3422	0.4298
S	0.43000	0.2610	0.2206	0.2800	0.3957	0.3449	0.2739	0.3356	0.3438	0.4309
=ward	18459	10117	8402	9802	12324	10898	10032	11406	12899	16332
sigma	0.29622	0.2110	0.2062	0.2446	0.2720	0.2634	0.2461	0.2753	0.2528	0.2684

jugg		Malfar	Squad	Undrlrk	Cmndrs	Retrnd	Sparky 	Bulo 	Torque 	Mstr	Cortani
d	2005	505	1644	1564	1146	1139	1663	1707	417	560
s	1200	1868	1200	1200	1527	1422	1200	1200	1915	1839
a	798	1630	1159	1239	1330	1442	1140	1096	1671	1605
base	0.43968	0.2621	0.2262	0.2852	0.4009	0.3498	0.2799	0.3423	0.3457	0.4350
D	0.43758	0.2584	0.2223	0.2819	0.3985	0.3467	0.2765	0.3394	0.3427	0.4328
A	0.43778	0.2581	0.2227	0.2822	0.3983	0.3470	0.2769	0.3397	0.3425	0.4326
S	0.43862	0.2597	0.2240	0.2832	0.3993	0.3480	0.2780	0.3407	0.3437	0.4336
=ward	20209	10367	11147	12774	15863	14169	12556	14710	12760	17106
sigma	0.290040055	0.1888	0.2054	0.2426	0.2619	0.2568	0.2443	0.2711	0.2339	0.2522

pt		Malfar	Squad	Undrlrk	Cmndrs	Retrnd	Sparky 	Bulo 	Torque 	Mstr	Cortani
d	1352	185	915	776	458	557	948	819	185	185
s	1495	1928	1836	1910	1928	1928	1818	1778	1928	1928
a	1157	1890	1252	1317	1617	1518	1237	1406	1890	1890
base	0.45885	0.2318	0.2107	0.2755	0.4010	0.3438	0.2723	0.3441	0.3299	0.4362
D	0.45668	0.2285	0.2066	0.2719	0.3985	0.3408	0.2687	0.3408	0.3273	0.4342
A	0.45687	0.2281	0.2064	0.2717	0.3983	0.3406	0.2684	0.3411	0.3268	0.4340
S	0.45756	0.2291	0.2081	0.2732	0.3992	0.3418	0.2700	0.3421	0.3277	0.4346
=ward	19544	11698	9534	10694	15407	12937	10794	13055	14912	18886
sigma	0.305009542	0.1904	0.1776	0.2378	0.2847	0.2705	0.2386	0.2787	0.2587	0.2849


For an average of the 9 bosses posted, using b-mods will increase damage taken by:

sin: 0.0032*dps

jugg: 0.0025*dps

pt: 0.0026*dps



Assumptions and math



no cooldowns, just perfect execution. using new set bonuses

assuming 75% bland melee/ranged kinetic/energy damage.

Pool of 4003 from 1200 shield and 90*12+81*10 defense/absorb, and 52 defense from each relic and 81 defense from stim. Jugg ear of 171 defense taken into account for minimum defense. for b-mods, subtract 162 from defense/absorb pool, and add 288 endurance.


heavy armor: 4*758+1212*3

light armor: 4*401+3*642



defense d, absorb a, shield s, (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779094)

fraction m/r+k/e kw (w for weapon), fraction f/tr+k/e kf, fraction m/r i/e ew, fraction f/t +i/e ef,

fraction named fn, fraction bland fb,

damage reduction of k/e dr_k, damage reduction of i/e dr_e, damage reduction of m/r dr_w, damage reduction of f/t dr_f, overall damage reduction dr

rdd is dynamic relic buff to defense rating, rda is dynamic relic buff to absorb rating, rds is dynamic relic buff to shield rating. rsd is static relic buff to defense

parentheses without a * means a function of. like f(x,a,b)=a*x+b


kw_squish(d,s,a)= (0*d+[(1-d)*(1-s)+(1-d)*s*(1-a)]*(1-(dr_k+dr_w+dr)))





squish(d,s,a)= kw*(fn*kw_squish(d)+fb*kw_squish(d+0.1)) + ew*ew_squish + kf*kf_squish + ef*ef_squish

def_relic_squish=6/22*squish(d+rdd+rsd,s,a) + ((22-6)/22)*squish(d+rsd,s,a)

two relics: 6/22*6/22*both_on+6/22*16/22*one_on+6/22*16/22*other_on+16/22*16/22*both_off

similar for other relics.


sigma= sqrt(sum(probability[ij]*(squish[ij] - squish)^2)

where i runs over kw_named, kw_bland, kf and ef (i thought there was ew damage, but i guess not)

and j runs over defended, resisted, shielded and full hit. note that squish[ij] differs from the squish previously calculated as it is independent of defense, shield and resistance. see the spreadsheet for more detail.





m/r dr:

0.05 slow time active


i/e dr:

0.10 willpower buff passive

0.10 technique mastery passive

0.02 old 4 set


overall dr:

0.02 elusiveness passive tree

0.02 mental fortitude passive tree

0.04 harnessed shadows active utility

0.0114 new 4 set passive

0.02 old 4 set passive



0.01 companion passive

0.02 mental fortitude passive tree

0.03 shadows training passive

0.05 aim buff passive



0.03 shadow shelter passive utility

0.01 companion passive


armor scalar

0.2 elusivness passive

1.3 stance passive



0.02 shadow sight passive tree



0.05 psych passive tree

0.04 double saber tactics passive tree

0.02 shadow sight passive tree

0.05 being a consular passive



0.15 kinetic ward active

0.05 shield passive

0.15 stance passive

0.05 old 2 set



A(bulwark) active

0.04 shadowsight passive

0.20 shield passive


Bulwark math with set bonus. swing timer T, effective absorb contribution A.


> m(T):=floor((23)/(T)):

> with(SumTools);

> p(d,s,r,kw,kf,fb,fn):=1/(kw+kf)*(kf*s*(1-r)+kw*s*(fb*(1-(d+0.1))+fn*(1-d))):

> E(n,p):=Summation(piecewise(i<9,(n!)/(i!*(n-i)!)*p^(i)*(1-p)^(n-i)*i,i<18,(n!)/(i!*(n-i)!)*p^(i)*(1-p)^(n-i)*8,18<=i,0),i=1..n):

> P(m,p):=piecewise(m>=18,(m!)/(18!*(m-18)!)*p^(18)*(1-p)^(m-18),0):

> A(T,p):=piecewise(m(T)<18, 1/(m(T))*Summation(E(n,p),n=1..m(T)), Summation((Summation(E(n,p),n=1..18+i)*P(18+i,p))/(18+i),i=0..m(T)-18)+ ((1- Summation(P(n,p),n=18..m(T)))* Summation(E(n,p),n=1..m(T)))/(m(T))):





f/t dr:

0.05 guardian slash active


i/e dr:

0.05 inner peace passive tree

0.10 willpower buff passive


overall dr:

0.03 warding strike active

0.06 stance passive

0.0075 new 2 set (.02 * 4/12) active



0.01 companion passive

0.05 aim buff passive



0.01 companion passive


self heals: active

1 * BonusHealing + 0.05 * 14520

setting to 1600 every 12 seconds

replace with 1.2*(BonusHealing + 0.05 * 14520) if using old 4 piece


armor scalar:

0.15 exp protector passive tree

0.60 stance passive



0.05 dust storm active

0.05 blade barricade (riposte) active

0.03 stance passive

0.03 single saber mastery passive



0.04 shield specialist passive tree

0.05 shield passive

0.15 stance passive



0.03 warding power active

0.20 shield passive





m/r dr:

0.05 combust active


f/t dr:

0.05 firestorm active


i/e dr:

0.10 willpower buff passive


overall dr:

0.02 power armor passive tree

0.02 ion screen passive (stance)

0.05 stance passive

0.0083 new 2 set (0.02*5/12) active



0.01 companion passive

0.05 aim buff passive



0.01 companion passive


self heals:

20% health every 90 seconds from shield cannon

2.5% health every aoe, 3 sec cooldown, passive - conditional


armor scalar:

0.15 power armor passive tree

0.60 stance passive



0.02 old 4 set passive



0.04 deflective plating passive tree

0.02 old 4 set passive



0.02 shield vents passive tree

0.03 shield enhancers passive tree

0.05 shield passive

0.15 stance passive



0.1475 heat screen and heat blast active

0.04 alblative upgrade passive tree

0.20 shield passive


heat screen: 3% for 6 seconds after heat blast

heat blast: during heat blast: (25+0)*1.5+(25+1)*1.5+(25+2)*1.5*1+(25+3)1.5

taking time averaged for both gives (3*6+25*1.5+26*1.5+27*1.5+28*1.5)*(1/12) = 14.75% absorb.



Damage weight info used:


Malfar	Squad	Undrlrk	Cmndrs	Retrnd	Sparky 	Bulo 	Torque 	Mstr	Cortani
m/r+k/e	0.526	0.515	0.832	0.704	0.4341	0.5366	0.744	0.646	0.404	0.319
m/r+i/e	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
f/t+k/e	0	0.485	0.168	0.181	0.23	0.2314	0.141	0.104	0.409	0.287
f/t+i/e	0.474	0	0	0.115	0.3359	0.232	0.115	0.25	0.187	0.394


link to spreadsheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_oeO3cuqFbwWjhWYklyeGtTYzA/view?usp=sharing

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so with 3.0 there are now damage reductions for all damage types and attack types. i am assuming they are summed, but i can imagine that overall is multiplied after the sums of the specific types. for example:


i have 5% m/r damage reduction, 6% k/e damage reduction, lets say 20% k/e damage reduction due to armor, and 10% overall damasge reduction.


for a m/r + k/e hit would squish look like [0*d+(1-d)*s*(1-a)+(1-d)*(1-s)]*[1-(0.05+(0.06+0.2))]*(1-0.1)

or [0*d+(1-d)*s*(1-a)+(1-d)*(1-s)]*[1-(0.10+0.05+0.06+0.2)]


or they could all be multiplicative... [0*d+(1-d)*s*(1-a)+(1-d)*(1-s)]*[(1-0.05)*(1-0.06-0.02)*(1-0.1)]


i seem to remember that debuffs that provide overall damage reduction were multiplied after everything from the tree.

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i seem to remember that debuffs that provide overall damage reduction were multiplied after everything from the tree.


They are, however active abilites like crushing blow armour buff is additive.


m/r+k/e m/r+i/e f/t+k/e f/t+i/e

Malaphar 0.526 0 0 0.474

Swd Squd 0.515 0 0.485 0


Sparky 0.722 0 0 0.278

Bulo 0.744 0 0.141 0.115

Torque 0.646 0 0.104 0.25

Mstr/Blstr 0.542 0 0.299 0.159


Those are close to my numbers. However you seem to have wrong values for Sparky. His shoulder Throw and his throw back are ft/ke. In my old values i assumed it would be f/T+i/e.


New Values :


#1 Sparky : M/R+K/E : 54.24%

F/T+K/E : 23.14%

F/T+I/E : 23,2%



DEF 0.2362 0.2679 0.2226 0.2305 0.2383 0.2573

ABS 0.2370 0.2658 0.2229 0.2306 0.2383 0.2567

SHD 0.2364 0.2655 0.2227 0.2303 0.2381 0.2564


Interesting to see that the Juggernaut is the tank receiving the most dmg especially in fights with a high F/T+K/E amount while his def CD's are not effective against that kind of dmg except for invincible and in some rare cases saber reflect.



In case you need dmg values of the bosses for HM :



#1 Sparky : M/R+K/E : 54.24%

F/T+K/E : 23.14%

F/T+I/E : 23,2%


#2 Bulo : M/R+K/E: 74,4%

F/T+K/E: 14,1%

F/T+I/E: 11,5%


#3 Torque : M/R+K/E: 65,6%

F/T+K/E: 10,4%

F/T+I/E: 25%


#4 Master/Blaster : M/R+K/E : 40,4%

F/T+K/E : 40,9%

F/T+I/E : 18,7%


#5 Coratanni < Cora + Ruugar>

M/R+K/E : 31,9%

F/T+K/E : 28,7%

F/T+I/E : 39,4%





#1 Malaphar : M/R+K/E: 52,6%

F/T+K/E: 0%

F/T+I/E: 47.4%


#2 Sword Squadron : M/R+K/E: 51,5%

F/T+K/E: 48,5%

F/T+I/E: 0%


#3 Underlurker : M/R+K/E: 83,2%

F/T+K/E: 16,8%

F/T+I/E: 0%


#4 Commanders : M/R+K/E: 70,4%

F/T+K/E: 18,1%

F/T+I/E: 11,5%


#5 The Returned : M/R+K/E:


F/T+I/E :



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Two comments that have little to do with stat weights:

Unless I'm blind there's no way to reach some of those shield values. The upper cap for shield in 198s should be 1928.



The reactive warding relic is Best in Slot (BiS) if Boss_dps > 3000 in all cases, in most cases the number is between 1800 and 2500.

I think you mean "less than".


I haven't looked through the details, those are just two things that jumped out at me.

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thanks, i will update the numbers for new boss damage profiles, and set it up so shield cant be more than 1928. i also have to add defense minimum from the fortitude stim. (edit:updated)


so would all of the buffs from overall dr be outside the sum and multiplied then?



overall dr:

0.02 elusiveness passive tree

0.02 mental fortitude passive tree

0.04 harnessed shadows active utility

0.0114 new 4 set passive

0.02 old 4 set passive



overall dr:

0.03 warding strike active

0.06 stance passive

0.0075 new 2 set (.02 * 4/12) active




overall dr:

0.02 power armor passive tree

0.02 ion screen passive (stance)

0.05 stance passive

0.0083 new 2 set (0.02*5/12) active

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for doing the math for us again dipstik :)


I downloaded the spreadsheet for unlettered mods and noticed some cells (on the shadow/jugg/pt tabs) can be modified with my own dsa ratings.

Do these cells need to be modified with my own numbers?

I also noticed the Endruance and Armor cell, however the Armor cell contains a formula and I'm afraid I'll ruin the spreadsheet if I put in my own armor rating (if the field is for the armor rating ofcourse).


When I change the endurance (4448), armor (rating?) (11111), defense (1492), shield (1042) and absorb (743) values for my jugg I get an error in cell F20 on the jugg tab. The error is #N/B. I'm using Excel 2013.

When I change the values to the jugg numbers (2005/1200/798) you use for malfar on the bosses tab I also get the same error.

When I change the same numbers for my shadow and sin I do not get that error.



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when you are changing stuff, dont use E13:F22 block. thats just a summary block. the cell you are talking about does get weird sometimes, i think its when 2 relic combos are really close or something. you can just look at the highlighted relic combo to get that info, A17:A23 will light up, the cell next to it will tell you the best relic combo.


if you are entering armor rating, you will want to figure out the pre-buff number to put in there

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So my Juggernaut has base stat 3803 separated for defence 1640, shield 1175 and absorb 988. I read in other KBN thread that ideal would be 1191, 1287 and 1322 for base stat 3800. Clearly I have too much defence now and I should go for more shield and absorb. Am I a bad tank if I don't have ideal stats?


What I did, I bought some absorb and shield mods and enhancements for balancing my stats. This lowered my base stats so I had thoughts it cant be right. I replaced my all defence augments with absorb augments but im not event close to ideal.


Does anyone has to say for this?

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Just re-read your number man, good stuff. Going to use some of it in my next project. Writing something that factors in tank cooldowns, going to take a while.


good luck! ive gotten 10% of the way on that trip a few times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah. Thanks.

Mine is mainly based in here's the number of hits in the fight, here's how many of each Type of hit there is, and here's the stats that can be used to counter that type.

The one I'm working on for cooldowns is weighted on the side of how much they hit for, but they are about to nerf the ops so everything is going to change. :(

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  • 5 months later...

first pass at 4.0 numbers, with a bunch of missing info. the squish numbers are going to be off due to not having the armor rating figured out. very little difference between high melee/ranged and high force/tech stat distributions. this assumes unlettered purple 44 gear with sturdiness/immunity numbers.


sin Malfar Squad Undrlrk Cmndrs Retrnd Sparky Bulo Torque Mstr Cortani

d 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915

s 1374 1374 1364 1366 1371 1369 1364 1363 1374 1374

a 1328 1328 1338 1336 1331 1333 1338 1339 1328 1328

base 0.4421 0.2803 0.2159 0.2775 0.4007 0.3478 0.2693 0.3310 0.3608 0.4421

D 0.4412 0.2789 0.2136 0.2756 0.3996 0.3463 0.2673 0.3292 0.3597 0.4412

A 0.4396 0.2762 0.2128 0.2746 0.3983 0.3451 0.2666 0.3288 0.3574 0.4396

S 0.4398 0.2766 0.2130 0.2749 0.3985 0.3453 0.2668 0.3289 0.3576 0.4398


=ward 26966 16200 21325 23251 27265 24512 24306 29287 19656 26966

sigma 0.2744 0.2360 0.2223 0.2605 0.2835 0.2788 0.2597 0.2858 0.2651 0.2744



jugg Malfar Squad Undrlrk Cmndrs Retrnd Sparky Bulo Torque Mstr Cortani

d 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915

s 1408 1408 1329 1329 1408 1408 1329 1329 1408 1408

a 1294 1294 1373 1373 1294 1294 1373 1373 1294 1294

base 0.4372 0.2665 0.2179 0.2785 0.3988 0.3460 0.2724 0.3357 0.3502 0.4372

D 0.4363 0.2649 0.2154 0.2765 0.3976 0.3444 0.2702 0.3338 0.3491 0.4363

A 0.4355 0.2636 0.2156 0.2765 0.3971 0.3440 0.2705 0.3340 0.3479 0.4355

S 0.4355 0.2637 0.2156 0.2765 0.3972 0.3441 0.2705 0.3340 0.3480 0.4355


=ward 23403 14089 17292 19050 23052 20510 19659 23541 17152 23403

sigma 0.2597 0.2105 0.2146 0.2515 0.2709 0.2667 0.2527 0.2789 0.2465 0.2597





pt Malfar Squad Undrlrk Cmndrs Retrnd Sparky Bulo Torque Mstr Cortani

d 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915

s 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609

a 1093 1093 1093 1093 1093 1093 1093 1093 1093 1093

base 0.3462 0.2465 0.2071 0.2737 0.4048 0.3462 0.2688 0.3405 0.3428 0.4447

D 0.3449 0.2453 0.2051 0.2721 0.4037 0.3449 0.2670 0.3390 0.3419 0.4439

A 0.3438 0.2430 0.2042 0.2711 0.4026 0.3438 0.2662 0.3384 0.3400 0.4426

S 0.3439 0.2432 0.2043 0.2712 0.4027 0.3439 0.2663 0.3385 0.3401 0.4427


=ward 16797 11705 13933 15406 18951 16797 15826 18911 14267 19426

sigma 0.2775 0.2016 0.1929 0.2492 0.2885 0.2775 0.2494 0.2870 0.2601 0.2830

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  • 2 weeks later...

here are my assumptions going into 4.0


no cooldowns, just perfect execution. using new set bonuses

assuming 75% bland melee/ranged kinetic/energy damage.

Pool of 4003 from 1200 shield and 90*12+81*10 defense/absorb, and 52 defense from each relic and 81 defense from stim. Jugg ear of 171 defense taken into account for minimum defense. for b-mods, subtract 162 from defense/absorb pool, and add 288 endurance.


heavy armor: 4*758+1212*3

light armor: 4*401+3*642



defense d, absorb a, shield s, (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779094)

fraction m/r+k/e kw (w for weapon), fraction f/tr+k/e kf, fraction m/r i/e ew, fraction f/t +i/e ef,

fraction named fn, fraction bland fb,

damage reduction of k/e dr_k, damage reduction of i/e dr_e, damage reduction of m/r dr_w, damage reduction of f/t dr_f, overall damage reduction dr

rdd is dynamic relic buff to defense rating, rda is dynamic relic buff to absorb rating, rds is dynamic relic buff to shield rating. rsd is static relic buff to defense

parentheses without a * means a function of. like f(x,a,b)=a*x+b


kw_squish(d,s,a)= (0*d+[(1-d)*(1-s)+(1-d)*s*(1-a)]*(1-(dr_k+dr_w+dr)))





squish(d,s,a)= kw*(fn*kw_squish(d)+fb*kw_squish(d+0.1)) + ew*ew_squish + kf*kf_squish + ef*ef_squish

def_relic_squish=6/22*squish(d+rdd+rsd,s,a) + ((22-6)/22)*squish(d+rsd,s,a)

two relics: 6/22*6/22*both_on+6/22*16/22*one_on+6/22*16/22*other_on+16/22*16/22*both_off

similar for other relics.


sigma= sqrt(sum(probability[ij]*(squish[ij] - squish)^2)

where i runs over kw_named, kw_bland, kf and ef (i thought there was ew damage, but i guess not)

and j runs over defended, resisted, shielded and full hit. note that squish[ij] differs from the squish previously calculated as it is independent of defense, shield and resistance. see the spreadsheet for more detail.





m/r dr:

0.05 slow time active


i/e dr:

0.10 willpower buff passive

0.10 technique mastery passive

0.02 old 4 set


overall dr:

0.02 elusiveness passive tree

0.02 mental fortitude passive tree

0.04 harnessed shadows active utility

0.0114 new 4 set passive

0.02 old 4 set passive



0.01 companion passive

0.02 mental fortitude passive tree

0.03 shadows training passive

0.05 aim buff passive



0.03 shadow shelter passive utility

0.01 companion passive


armor scalar

0.2 elusivness passive

1.3 stance passive



0.02 shadow sight passive tree



0.05 psych passive tree

0.04 double saber tactics passive tree

0.02 shadow sight passive tree

0.05 being a consular passive



0.18 kinetic ward active 3% more in 4.0

0.05 shield passive

0.15 stance passive

0.05 old 2 set



A(bulwark) active

0.04 shadowsight passive

0.20 shield passive


Bulwark math with set bonus. swing timer T, effective absorb contribution A.


> m(T):=floor((23)/(T)):

> with(SumTools);

> p(d,s,r,kw,kf,fb,fn):=1/(kw+kf)*(kf*s*(1-r)+kw*s*(fb*(1-(d+0.1))+fn*(1-d))):

> E(n,p):=Summation(piecewise(i<11,(n!)/(i!*(n-i)!)*p^(i)*(1-p)^(n-i)*i,i<20,(n!)/(i!*(n-i)!)*p^(i)*(1-p)^(n-i)*10,20<=i,0),i=1..n):

> P(m,p):=piecewise(m>=20,(m!)/(20!*(m-20)!)*p^(20)*(1-p)^(m-20),0):

> A(T,p):=piecewise(m(T)<20,1/(m(T))*Summation(E(n,p),n=1..m(T)),Summation((Summation(E(n,p),n=1..20+i)* P(20+i,p))/(20+i),i=0..m(T)-20)+((1- Summation(P(n,p),n=20..m(T)))*Summation(E(n,p),n=1..m(T)))/(m(T))):


this assumes 23 second ward duration, 20 charges, 10 stacks of bulwark.


i get the following table, which gives me the regression absorb% = 4.87 + 10.6*prob - 4.43*swing_time

prob time time

p 1.035 0.85

0.35 4.003 4.793

0.355 4.058 4.856

0.36 4.112 4.915

0.365 4.167 4.975

0.37 4.221 5.034

0.375 4.275 5.09

0.38 4.33 5.149

0.385 4.383 5.205

0.39 4.436 5.261

0.395 4.489 5.313

0.4 4.542 5.369

0.405 4.595 5.422

0.41 4.645 5.474

0.415 4.7 5.526

0.42 4.75 5.575

0.425 4.8 5.628

0.43 4.85 5.682

0.435 4.9 5.728

0.44 4.95 5.778

0.445 5 5.824

0.45 5.05 5.872




f/t dr:

0.05 guardian slash active


i/e dr:

0.05 inner peace passive tree

0.10 willpower buff passive


overall dr:

0.03 warding strike active

0.06 stance passive

0.0075 new 2 set (.02 * 4/12) active



0.01 companion passive

0.05 aim buff passive



0.01 companion passive


self heals: active

1 * BonusHealing + 0.05 * 14520

setting to 1600 every 12 seconds

replace with 1.2*(BonusHealing + 0.05 * 14520) if using old 4 piece


armor scalar:

0.15 exp protector passive tree

0.60 stance passive



0.05 dust storm active

0.05 blade barricade (riposte) active

0.03 stance passive

0.03 single saber mastery passive

2% per tick of ravage, lasts for 6 seconds in 4.0. ataking 2 ticks at timer=0 and last tick at 2.7 sec we get

(4*(2.7-0)+6*(8.7-2.7)+0*(18-8.7))/18=2.6% defense



0.04 shield specialist passive tree

0.05 shield passive

0.15 stance passive



0.03 warding power active

0.20 shield passive





m/r dr:

0.05 combust active


f/t dr:

0.05 firestorm active


i/e dr:

0.10 willpower buff passive


overall dr:

0.02 power armor passive tree

0.02 ion screen passive (stance)

0.05 stance passive

0.0083 new 2 set (0.02*5/12) active



0.01 companion passive

0.05 aim buff passive



0.01 companion passive


self heals:

20% health every 90 seconds from shield cannon

2.5% health every aoe, 3 sec cooldown, passive - conditional


armor scalar:

0.15 power armor passive tree

0.60 stance passive



0.02 old 4 set passive



0.04 deflective plating passive tree

0.02 old 4 set passive



0.02 shield vents passive tree

0.03 shield enhancers passive tree

0.05 shield passive

0.15 stance passive



0.1475 heat screen and heat blast active

0.04 alblative upgrade passive tree

0.20 shield passive


heat screen: 3% +5% for 6 seconds after heat blast. 5% for 4.0

heat blast: during heat blast: (25+0)*1.5+(25+1)*1.5+(25+2)*1.5*1+(25+3)1.5

taking time averaged for both gives ((3+5)*6+25*1.5+26*1.5+27*1.5+28*1.5)*(1/12) = 17.25% absorb.

Edited by dipstik
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and here are numbers assuming 4.0 changes at 6 piece set bonuses (and immunity type numbers)... please check my work. the pt nubers not changing makes me think i did something wrong, but they change if i set the stat pool to a higher value.


sin Malfar Squad Undrlrk Cmndrs Retrnd Sparky Bulo Torque Mstr Cortani

d 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915

s 1363 1364 1338 1341 1353 1349 1338 1336 1366 1363

a 1339 1338 1364 1361 1349 1353 1364 1366 1336 1339

base 0.4369 0.2716 0.2095 0.2717 0.3957 0.3422 0.2638 0.3264 0.3536 0.4369

D 0.4360 0.2703 0.2073 0.2698 0.3945 0.3408 0.2618 0.3247 0.3525 0.4360

A 0.4343 0.2674 0.2063 0.2687 0.3932 0.3394 0.2610 0.3241 0.3500 0.4343

S 0.4345 0.2677 0.2066 0.2690 0.3934 0.3396 0.2612 0.3243 0.3503 0.4345


=ward 26045 15645 20645 22506 26367 23713 23532 28357 18978 26045

sigma 0.2758 0.2320 0.2180 0.2585 0.2841 0.2784 0.2577 0.2854 0.2646 0.2758



jugg Malfar Squad Undrlrk Cmndrs Retrnd Sparky Bulo Torque Mstr Cortani

d 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915

s 1408 1408 1329 1329 1408 1408 1329 1329 1408 1408

a 1294 1294 1373 1373 1294 1294 1373 1373 1294 1294

base 0.4340 0.2613 0.2095 0.2715 0.3945 0.3407 0.2650 0.3292 0.3462 0.4340

D 0.4331 0.2598 0.2071 0.2694 0.3932 0.3391 0.2628 0.3273 0.3450 0.4331

A 0.4323 0.2585 0.2074 0.2696 0.3928 0.3387 0.2631 0.3276 0.3439 0.4323

S 0.4324 0.2586 0.2074 0.2695 0.3929 0.3388 0.2631 0.3276 0.3440 0.4324


=ward 23878 14367 17979 19754 23684 21130 20453 24531 17475 23878

sigma 0.2627 0.2124 0.2151 0.2537 0.2741 0.2697 0.2547 0.2819 0.2491 0.2627





pt Malfar Squad Undrlrk Cmndrs Retrnd Sparky Bulo Torque Mstr Cortani

d 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915

s 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640

a 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062

base 0.4422 0.2424 0.2036 0.2706 0.4022 0.3433 0.2657 0.3379 0.3394 0.4422

D 0.4415 0.2412 0.2017 0.2689 0.4012 0.3420 0.2640 0.3364 0.3385 0.4415

A 0.4401 0.2388 0.2006 0.2679 0.4000 0.3408 0.2631 0.3357 0.3365 0.4401

S 0.4402 0.2390 0.2008 0.2680 0.4001 0.3409 0.2632 0.3359 0.3367 0.4402


=ward 19027 11464 13647 15089 18561 16452 15501 18522 13973 19027

sigma 0.2853 0.2029 0.1932 0.2502 0.2905 0.2792 0.2503 0.2883 0.2622 0.2853




link to spreadsheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_oeO3cuqFbweUd2YUJZLWoyZzg/view?usp=sharing

Edited by dipstik
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and here are numbers assuming 4.0 changes at 6 piece set bonuses (and immunity type numbers)... please check my work. the pt nubers not changing makes me think i did something wrong, but they change if i set the stat pool to a higher value.


The defense minima on the new gear virtually eliminates gear customization, since there are relatively few effects which have a significant impact on the relative value of shield and absorb (due to the way that they trade off against each other). So it doesn't surprise me that the numbers are fairly constant.


It is worth noting that my (very preliminary!) work produces slightly different results for shadows (lowMR followed by highMR):


{{defense -> 2931, shield -> 1207, absorb -> 1495},

{defense -> 2931, shield -> 1202, absorb -> 1500}}


These results don't take into account the new Kinetic Ward or the extra Kinetic Bulwark stacks, which obviously has an impact on things.


EDIT Actually, an even bigger omission from my calculations is the fact that I'm using unlettered mods for both stat budget and defense min. There's literally no question that B mods will be BiS by a mile, so I need to make that adjustment.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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The defense minima on the new gear virtually eliminates gear customization, since there are relatively few effects which have a significant impact on the relative value of shield and absorb (due to the way that they trade off against each other). So it doesn't surprise me that the numbers are fairly constant.


It is worth noting that my (very preliminary!) work produces slightly different results for shadows (lowMR followed by highMR):


{{defense -> 2931, shield -> 1207, absorb -> 1495},

{defense -> 2931, shield -> 1202, absorb -> 1500}}


These results don't take into account the new Kinetic Ward or the extra Kinetic Bulwark stacks, which obviously has an impact on things.


EDIT Actually, an even bigger omission from my calculations is the fact that I'm using unlettered mods for both stat budget and defense min. There's literally no question that B mods will be BiS by a mile, so I need to make that adjustment.


i will end up making two tables again, for lettered and unlettered. my guess is that trading 400 defense for 4500 health is probably worth it after you hit 2500 defense stat.

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