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Optimal Stats For All 24 Disciplines, KOTFE Edition


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Optimal Stats for all 24 Disciplines to Maximize Average DPS, DtPS or HPS in PVE

Bant the Fat and Pink

Co-GM of Psy-Ops on The Harbinger

Patch 5.0.1a

Warning: No longer being Updated.



The goal is to find the set of Character Stats that would yield the best expected DPS/HPS/DtPS for any given Stat budget. To accomplish this, a method was utilized to accurately and repeatedly calculate the expected DPS/HPS/DtPS for each of the 24 Disciplines on a time averaged basis. With this method it becomes possible to iterate through all of the stat combinations in order to find the stat combination that would yield the best result. This approach focuses on PVE single target, Operations Target dummy encounters for the DPS, Average Boss Damage Profile for Tanks and a 3 target approach for Healers.


Previous Changes:



Update: 12/31/2016

  • Final Update.
  • Juggernauts - Rage: Fixed Rotation to use less Chilling Screams to make rotation have no delays. Replaced Ravage entirely with Chilling Scream.


Update: 12/02/2016

  • 5.0 Update (see Patch notes and realize that that was just a brief overview)

Non-Game Patch Related Changes and bug fixes 8/10/2016:

  • Changed to new spreadsheet copy for 5.0.
  • Many Behind the scene updates, changes and comments.
  • Warning: will be fully unsubscribed by the end of 2016 which means no new updates and no responding to comments. Comments will be responded to on the google docs, regardless.



Update: 8/10/2016

  • Examined New Eternal Relics. (Not worth using).

Non-Game Patch Related Changes and bug fixes 8/10/2016:

  • Methodology Change: Now using probabilistic method to incorporate relics and critical hits for the final DPS/HPS output. This does not materially change the Average DPS/HPS or gear choice, but it now allows for the the Calculation of Standard Error. See Standard Error Section for Details
  • Standard Error now included with all DPS/HPS outputs. See Standard Error Section for Details and Restrictions.
  • Added ability to easily examine different Relic combinations.
  • Juggernauts - Immortal: Fixed Force Scream Usage to match Cooldown.
  • Assassin - Deception: Reclassified Discharge as a multiplier of x3 instead of 3 separate hits.
  • Mercenary - Bodyguard: Fixed multiple issues with the rotation with regards to Emergency Scan cooldown, Healing Scan Cooldown and maximizing progressive scans and supercharge usages.
  • Mercenary - Arsenal: Fixed Alacrity boost from Vent Heat.
  • Powertech - Advanced Prototype: Reclassified Energy Burst as a multiplier of x4 instead of 4 separate hits.
  • Sniper - Engineering: Fixed Orbital Strike to correctly ignore Armor.
  • Sniper - Engineering: Adjusted Filler Ratio with Corrosive Dart to better match energy recovery.
  • Sniper - Virulence: Added in Missing Ticks to Corrosive Mine, each of the three bombs now tick 3 times.
  • Sniper - Virulence: Reduced Takedown usage under Weakening Blast, being replaced by Lethal Shot.
  • Operative - Concealment: Added in Stim Boost Tactical Advantage usage, reduced Corrosive Dart usage for energy balance.
  • Operative - Lethality: Fixed Stealth and Stim Boost usage in Lethality Rotation with respect to Tactical Advantage.



Update: 6/1/2016


  • Updated to include the changes to Corruption || Seer from patch 4.5 (Rotation and Coefficients)
  • All Disciplines have been recalculated for 4.5

Non-Game Patch Related Changes and bug fixes 6/1/2016:

  • Marauder - Annihilation: Fixed issues with Swift Demise, redistributed Berserk,and 2 set bonus. (thanks Ryuku-sama)
  • Marauder - Fury: Fixed APM count, fixed error on Raging Burst critical multiplier, fixed execute issue , redistributed 2 set bonus. (thanks Ryuku-sama)
  • Juggernaut - Vengeance: Modified Rotation. (thanks GrandlordMenace)
  • Juggernaut - Rage: Fixed issues with Retaliation ability type, redistributed Heightened Power and 2 set bonus. (thanks Ryuku-sama)
  • Sorcerer - Madness: Fixed error made with Disintegration. (thanks Ryuku-sama)
  • Tanks: Fixed error in DtPS calculation that applied the Internal/Elemental damage reduction buff from healers twice.
  • Tanks: Fixed pointer error that may have imported some incorrect defensive stats.




Update: 2/9/2016



  • Added in the Changes to Relic stat distribution (Critical and Shield)
  • Changed default stim usage to Polybiotic from Anodyne.
  • Added the ability to use a third stim type: Proficient. This stim gives Accuracy and Critical.
  • Created Separate categories for Mastery Stim and Accuracy Stim to allow for player preferences
  • Allowed for Optimizer to pick the “best” stim for the dps chart. Stim is forced for the gear breakdown for clarity.
  • Added additional verbiage to reflect the new changes
  • All Disciplines have been recalculated for 4.1

Non-Patch Related Changes 2/9/2016:

  • Marauder - Annihilation: Added Force Scream into the rotation.
  • Marauder - Annihilation: Changed Berserk usage rate to better match fury generation
  • Marauder - Annihilation: Tweaked the Assault to Vicious Slash Ratio to better match the estimated Rage generation and the introduction of Force Scream into the rotation.
  • Marauder - Carnage: Changed rotation to Devastating Blast Focused (g_mk rotation)
  • Marauder - Carnage: Tied set bonus buffs to individual abilities rather than time averaged because the rotation and use of berserk create a situation where the set bonuses will always be active during certain moves.
  • Marauder - Fury: Fixed input error for the critical bonus damage of force abilities
  • Sorcerer - Lightning: Fixed error made with Chaos Nexus that applied the effect with forked lightning and forked darkness instead of only forked lightning.
  • Sorcerer - Lightning: Tweaked rotation usage rates to reflect actual usage rates rather than the previously calculated estimated priority delay.
  • Tanks - Use Power Relic as the default alternate relic (replacing Mastery Relic) when gearing for higher endurance.
  • Tanks - Arbitrarily changed the pre-mitigation dtps to 6000 and the boss hit rate to 1s.
  • Code Change - Fixed the way I handle relics to give the correct stats based on the relic type rather than predetermined values
  • Code Change - Allowed for minimum levels of tertiary stats to allow for items that give only a single stat type (eg relics and stims)
  • Code Change - Allowed for the choice of multiple stim types (Accuracy Stim) and optimization across all of them.
  • Output Change - Stim Type is always displayed to avoid confusion




Update: 12/8/2015



  • 4.0.3 Changes (See official patch notes for full list)
  • Due to the 4.0.3 Ability cost changes for Assassins | Shadows, the ratio between Saber Strikes and Thrash / Double Strike / Voltaic Slash / Clairvoyant Strike has been adjusted for Deception | Infiltration and Hatred | Serenity.
  • Corrosive Grenade | Shrap Bomb is now correctly classified as an AOE dot
  • Added the Force/Tech Resistance granted by Ravage | Blade Dance in addition to the defense bonuses
  • stacks of Wrath | Presence of Mind now correctly grant the 25% value from the tooltip instead of the reduced 20% from 3.0 value.
  • Redetermined a steady state rotation for Madness | Balance that uses all abilities except force leech | exactly on cooldown and uses as many clipped Force Lightnings | Telekinetic Throws as possible to replace Lightning Strikes | Disturbances (Thanks IkarusXY for bringing it to my attention and to Ceazare for confirming)
  • Fixed Bug in my code for the Increased Health Tank option that accidentally included defense from on a DPS relic. (Thanks SchnellesWiesel)
  • Fixed Cluster Bomb | Contingency Charge to benefit from the Auto-Crits granted by Laze Target | Smuggler’s Luck.
  • Found unsolved Issue with Orbital Strike | XS Freighter Flyby doing double my predicted damage in game. Temporary fix added to match in game numbers
  • All Disciplines have been recalculated for 4.0.3




Update: 11/2/2015



  • Added enhancement count to output upon popular request. Reminder: Enhancement = Implant = Earpiece.
  • Enhancement, Augment and Crystal count consolidated to single letters for space reasons
  • Modified Tank output to also include increased HP options via B mods and a single DPS relic
  • Armor rating changed from my 35% (8831) estimate to the actual target dummy value of 39.87% (10874). (thanks Ceazare)
  • Tanks had the wrong power value listed. This has been fixed and now has been replaced with Endurance. (thanks Gaspodia)
  • Because of the large number of requests for having more than 110%, Accuracy has now been forced to use a value greater than or equal to 681.
  • Virulence rotation changed (thanks TACeMossie)
  • All Disciplines have been recalculated based on the new armor rating and with the new Accuracy requirement. This changes most of the augment distribution and all of the dps rankings.




Update: 10/27/2015



  • Initial Post, Patch 4.0.0
  • Original 3.0 post removed due to Moderator decisions. This post will try to avoid having that occur again.











In 4.0, Knights of the Fallen Empire arrived and with the focus on story comes with a whole host of behind the scenes changes that affect the gearing meta. There are many new tiers of gear, a level increase of 5 levels, new passives for every discipline, stat consolidations, changes to existing Stats of Critical and Accuracy and the introduction of Super Crit.

5.0 brought RNG gearing. I am not a fan of it, but my enthusiasm for SWTOR has been dropping for a while.

The method I used to find the optimal gearing was to build a mathematical model that incorporated as many variables as I could find that defines the combat in Star Wars The Old Republic. This mathematical model was used to test various gear combinations and the result that had the highest average DPS was returned as the optimal value.


”All models are wrong but some are useful.”

- George Box, Statistician


I am not infallible and all dps, hps and dtps numbers here should therefore be taken with a grain of salt because of this. I do try to continuously learn and improve so the numbers in this post will change with new information and corrections.

Another reminder is that it is next to impossible to spot any differences between specs that are within ~100-200 rating of the optimal setup, so don’t feel forced to take exactly these numbers. Most of the time, the model’s results for the different stat setups are within a few dps of the top result. Use your own judgement to match your playstyle..



5.0 Gearing Changes:



In 5.0, all tiers of gear are obtained from Galactic Command Lockboxes. Each lockbox contains random items that may or may not be useful. On top of this, there are different ilvls of gear that can be obtained based on your command Rank. Gear is no longer obtained in operations and the entire system seems to be designed to be the anithesis of the Legacy system. Grinding a single character is the only way to reach heigher tiers of gear with no way to obtain gear for multiple alternate characters. Even when Rank 300 (max) Galactic Command is reached, it is extremely likely for a character to not have a complete set of their top tier gear.

My distaste for RNG gearing aside, I will be including the optimal stats for all of the non-blue and non-green gear obtained from the Galactic command boxes. The remaining Gear is either Artifact (Purple) or Legendary (yellow). Each Tier of Galactic command has access to different gear. I will use gear from the following tiers:

  • Tier 1 (GC 1-89) Artifact: Eternal Commander MK-3 (ilvl 230)
  • Tier 2 (GC 90-179) Artifact: Eternal Commander MK-13 (ilvl 234)
  • Tier 2 (GC 90-179) Artifact: Eternal Commander MK-15 (ilvl 236)
  • Tier 2 (GC 180-300) Artifact: Iokath MK-3 (ilvl 240)
  • Tier 2 (GC 180-300) Artifact: Iokath MK-5 (ilvl 242)


I also find it irritating that gearing in 5.0 completely abandons the gearing ilvl convention that SWTOR had up til this point where each ilvl was 4 above the previous ilvl. Not mention changing the meaning of the MK-# system that they put in place where the BIS slot gear was always MK-1.

I can’t fully express how much I dislike these changes to the gearing system.





4.0 Stat Changes:



  • Stat Consolidation

Willpower, Strength, Aim and Cunning were all combined into a single stat: Mastery. Mastery behaves the same as the previous main stats and benefits from all of the datacrons (Legacy based now). The biggest change from this is the removal of an offstat that would allow for slightly higher crit values due to differing main stat diminishing returns curves. This always was a minor boost and is counterbalanced by the additional datacrons.

The Secondary slot that previously held Power, Critical, Absorb and Defense has been consolidated to only hold Power and Defense. Both Critical and Absorb have been moved the the tertiary stat slot. The net effect of this is that all secondary slots in the gear can only be Power or Defense.

Surge has been removed from the game and its previous effect has been added to Critical.

These changes removes a lot of the customization options gearwise from the game. Enhancements (and implants and earpieces) and augments are now the only sources of choice. This reduces the number of unique combinations a much lower level.





  • Accuracy

Two changes have been made to Accuracy.

The first change is that all basic attacks that previously had a 10% accuracy penalty now no longer have an accuracy penalty and now behave in the same way as every other move.

The second is that the curve has been slightly adjusted so less accuracy is needed to reach the goal of 110%. The new goal at level 70 is 737.


  • Critical

Critical is now in the tertiary stat slot and now affects both critical chance and critical multiplier. The curves have been adjusted for both and are exactly the same. This new curve allows for more points to be put in than before and thus keeping its usefulness even with very high values.





  • Super Crit!

Super Crit is an addition that finally makes Critical Chance matter even for classes that use Autocrits. What Super Crit does is increase the Critical Multiplier for any move that has greater than 100% chance to crit. This bonus is based on Critical chance. This is not a straight addition of the two numbers, instead it is multiplicative increase.

The bonus is: [Critical Multiplier] * Max(100%, [Critical Chance %] + [100% Autocrit] )

This change makes critical chance always useful and buffs any class that has autocrits (including the 6 set for most dps)







Stat determination:

Started off by establishing the total Stat Pools from the gear and then fetch the individual discipline data.

Accuracy Value = closest value to 684 (+9%) Accuracy that is more than 679 (+8.95%)

The Accuracy Budget is set as the closest value. (see here for combination choices)

This sets the number of enhancements (Implants = Earpiece = Enhancements) and augments available.



The following are contained within nested loops:

  • 0 - K Critical Enhancements ( K = 10 - # of Accuracy Enhancements used)
  • 0 - N Critical Augments ( N = 14 - # of Accuracy Augments )
  • 0 - P Alacrity Augments ( P = 14 - # of Accuracy Augments used - # of Critical Augments used)
  • 0 - 2 Critical Crystals
  • Mastery Stim or Accuracy Stim


This let me cycle through all stat combinations because of the following: (I default to using Mastery Augments and Crystals because mathematically they are slightly better than Power Augments and Crystals)

  • Mastery = Mastery Stat Pool + 1.05 * ( Augment Value * Remaining Augments + 41 * ( 2 - # of Critical Crystals ) )
  • Power = Power Stat Pool
  • Accuracy = # of Accuracy Enhancements + # of Accuracy Augments
  • Critical = # of Critical Enhancements + # of Critical Augments + # of Critical Crystals
  • Alacrity = # of Alacrity Enhancements + # of Alacrity Augments



Tanks use similar calculation with Defense replacing Power, Shield replacing Critical and Absorb replacing Alacrity.

For each Stat combination, DPS, HPS or DtPS is calculated and the maximum value is returned as the optimal stat distribution.





DPS and HPS Calculation:



[DPS] = 1 / ( 0.7 / [Normal DPS] + 0.3 / [Execute DPS] )

[Normal DPS] = sum of all individual [Abilities DPS]

[Execute DPS] = sum of all individual [Abilities DPS] when sub 30%



[Ability DPS] =

( ( [Avg Mainhand Weapon Damage] x [1 + AmountModifierPercent] + [bonus Damage/Force/Tech/Heal] x [Coefficient] + [Avg StandardHealthPercent]*[base_DMG or Base_Heal] ) x [Accuracy %] + [Avg offhand Weapon Damage] x [1 + AmountModifierPercent] x [Offhand Accuracy] )

x ( 1 + [Ability Bonus Damage] + [Ability Active Damage] + [Debuff for F/T/M/R] + [Debuff for I/E])

x ( 1 + [Ability Damage Multipliers] )

x ( 1 + [Debuff for AOE] )

x ( 1 + [Execute Bonus Damage] )

x ( [# of Hits] )

x ( 1 + ( ( [Crit %] + [Ability Crit % bonus] ) + [Autocrit Proc Rate] / [Time Averaged Usage] ) x ( [Crit Bonus Damage] + [Ability Crit Damage Bonus] ) )

x ( 1 - 1 / ( 1 + ( ( 800 + 240 * [Level] ) / ( [Target Armor] x ( 1 - [Armor Debuff] ) x ( 1 - [Armor Penetration] ) ) ) ) )

x ( 1 + [Alacrity %] + [Average Alacrity % bonus] ) / [Time Averaged Usage]



Character Sheet Formulas can be found here: (Thanks Dipstik)






DtPS Calculation:



All I did was attempt to implement the known calculations for Tanks from KeyBoardNinja and Dipstik and credit should go to them.

(Also If you really care about Mitigation, you shouldn’t be listening to be and instead go look at their work)



[DtPS] = [Mitigation] x ( [Premittigation DtPS] x [Reduce Incoming Damage] - [Absorb Shield Per Second] )



Note: Mitigation is run once with relic, once without and the result is the relic uptime weighted average between the two.



= [MRKE %] x ( 1 - [M/R Debuff] ) x (1 - ( [Defense Chance] - [basic Attack %] x 0.1 - [Debuff Accuracy] ) ) x (1 - [shield Chance] x [Absorb %] ) x ( 1 - [Damage Reduction] )

+ [FTKE %] x (1 - [Debuff Force/Tech] ) x ( 1 - [Resist] ) x (1 - [shield Chance] x [Absorb %] ) x ( 1 - [Damage Reduction] )

+ [FTIE %] x ( 1 - [Debuff Force/Tech] ) x ( 1 - [Resist] ) x ( 1 - [internal Damage Reduction] )



[Absorb %] is calculated based on [shield], [Defense], [Ability activation rate] and the bosses damage profile. This is calculated each time to find the Dark Ward | Kinetic Ward absorb contribution and for the Heat Blast | Energy Blast contribution. See here for the code I am using for Dark Ward | Kinetic Ward.


Currently Juggernauts have an artificially higher mitigation because I assume that their absorb sheilds generated from Force Scream don’t overwrite better shields and are used up on cooldown. This lower premittigation dtps makes the absorb shield look better than it actually is (flat value vs percentage).


Tank Relic Ranking: (based on Mitigation)

  1. Reactive Warding
  2. Shrouded Crusader
  3. Shield Amplification
  4. Fortunate Redoubt
  5. Serendipitous Assault (*used for Health, can also use crafted relics)



KBN Stats: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=804989

Dipstik Stats: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=842859





Optimization Assumptions:



To solve for the optimal stats many assumptions had to be made. The following is a list of all of the assumptions that I can remember making.

  • Please remember that these results are from a mathematical model, not a simulation or a parse.
  • All DPS are attacking the Operations Target Dummy who have an arbitrarily large but finite amount of health. This is done to allow time averages to be valid because of the extreme time length.
  • Operations Target Dummy has an initial damage reduction goal of 40.50% and has its Armor value set from that and the Character Level (Estimated 11980 at level 70).
  • All Debuffs are applied to the target at all times. These debuffs act like player debuffs not the behavior of the target dummy debuffs
  • All classes have Utilities chosen that would maximize their damage or would be taken under normal conditions.
  • Healers are healing 3 targets that are taking constant, consistent damage.
  • No overhealing occurs nor does any target need more than any other
  • Healing targets have all healer buffs applied.
  • Tanks are constantly being hit by damage that exactly matches the input profile.
  • Tanks have all 3 healer buffs applied.
  • Tanks have all 3 damage debuffs applied to incomming damage
  • This damage profile allows the calculation of the shield rate which is the trigger for Dark Ward | Kinetic Ward and Heat Blast | Energy Blast
  • Current Damage profile is the Average Damage Profile. Other damage profiles are available based on community research.
  • No tank DCDs are used unless they are rotational or have a short cooldown. (example: Dark Ward and Force Speed)
  • Mitigation is time averaged. Total Reduction % is the output for tanks.
  • All Class (Legacy) Buffs are active and show up in the outputs. (5% Mastery, 5% Crit Chance, 5% Endurance, 5% Bonus Damages)
  • There is no Server-Client lag.
  • Alacrity works as Advertised.
  • DPS and Healers use Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault relics.
  • Focused Retribution’s 20s ICD is reduced by Alacrity. Serendipitous Assault’s ICD is NOT reduced by Alacrity.
  • Tanks by default use Reactive Warding and Shield Amplification.
  • Tanks that use a DPS relic replace the Shield Amplification with a Serendipitous Assault Relic.
  • There is no 5.0 use of B-mods due to availability. If they exist, they can replace the default Mods with minimal loss of average mitigation
  • Top Tier Stims are active.
  • Tanks use Fortitude Stims. Healers use Versatile Stims. DPS can use either Versatile or Proficient Stims.
  • NO adrenals are used.
  • When optimizing for an Item level, ALL Armorings/Mods/Enhancements etc. are of that item level.
  • All Disciplines use the current 6 set bonus.
  • The DPS two piece set bonus is set have a 50% uptime. This is because of program limitations that require buffs to be quantized before Alacrity is calculated.
  • Mastery Augments are the default augment choice to be compared against when determining optimal augments. Mastery was chosen above Power because it provides a tiny (less than 0.01%) amount more dps.
  • Accuracy stat goal is now 737 which adds 9% to accuracy yielding 110% Accuracy. Since exactly 737 is hard to reach using discrete augments and enhancements, the accuracy used was the combination of gear that combined to the closest value that was still greater than 715 (+8.83%).
  • All stated combinations are possible to reach only using Best in Slot gear from that Tier.
  • All DPS and Healers use Unlettered Lethal Mods and Versatile Armorings.
  • All Tanks use Resistive Armorings and Warding Mods.
  • All Disciplines use the low Endurance Enhancements.
  • All valid equipment combinations are iterated through during the testing process by use of the DPS calculation.
  • All aspects of the DPS calculation are based off of time averages for both ability usage and for buff uptime.
  • Proc Rate limited effects are assumed to trigger at exactly the mathematical average expected proc rate.
  • Ability Usage is time averaged based off of rotations and cooldowns.
  • Every class has at least one ability they will use as a filler in order to never waste a GCD, this ability has a time averaged usage of the remaining time.
  • Ability Usage is separated into Normal Usage and Execute Usage.
  • Damage Bonuses are additive, this means that any Bonus Damage and Buff based Damage Bonuses are added together.
  • Some abilities have damage multipliers that are not additive. This is used to handle dot/debuff stacking.
  • AOE 10% debuff is multiplicative, all other debuffs are additive.
  • Execute damage bonuses are multiplicative.
  • Alacrity bonuses are time averaged to equally apply at all times to all abilities for a small amount.
  • All Alacrity is assumed to be invariant so that it cannot misalign ICDs and CDs. (Variable Alacrity causes misalignment, static Alacrity bonuses should not cause misalignment).
  • The number of hits for each ability is based on the base number of hits and then modified by the usage of other abilities and for healers, the number of targets. (For example in Virulence | Dirty Fighting, each usage of Cull | Wounding Shot adds 4 additional ticks to each of the dots)
  • Abilities that refresh dots cause the dots to stop and then begin again from the beginning of the dot. To simulate this, refreshed dots have a single tick and a short usage rate based on the tick rate and the refresh rate.
  • All offensive and energy regen cooldowns are used on cooldown to try and maximize DPS.
  • Energy/Force/Heat Regen is assumed to be at the maximum rate at all times. This was done as part of my sanity checking steps for evaluating a rotation. This is not used in the calculation steps, only for checking rotations.
  • The sum of Energy/Force/Heat costs divided by the time averaged usage of all abilities should be 0 or less after all resource regeneration abilities are applied. For Crit based regen, the Crit rate is assumed to be 30%, which is on the conservative side for the current values of Critical.
  • All Disciplines are trying to maximize their output by using energy cooldowns ASAP.
  • The sum of the ability usages per second must be equal to 1 ability per GCD (abilities that are longer than a GCD use more than 1 GCD).
  • Standard Health Percent Min and Max are averaged for determining ability damage.
  • Weapon damage Min and Max are averaged for determining ability damage.
  • Multihit abilities with differing hit values such as Ravage | Blade Dance have their coefficients averaged out across the number of hits.
  • Autocrit effects are time averaged by dividing the CD of the autocrit effect by the ability usage rate.
  • Super Crit! is averaged in by modifying the Critical Damage calculation.
  • Average ability Damage is determined by combining normal damage with the Crit chance with the Super Crit Chance. [Normal damage]*(1 + ( [Crit Chance%] + [Autocrit CD] / [usage] ) * [Critical Multiplier%] )]
  • Individual ability DPS is determined by finding the average expected damage per ability activation and dividing this result by the Alacrity modified usage rate.
  • The sum of all ability DPS is the total DPS output of the Discipline.
  • APM is calculated as the sum of ability activations divided by their usage rate. This only counts rotational critical abilities and not defensive cooldowns or fluff abilities.
  • Calculations are done using the Imperial Disciplines and classes.
  • Republic Classes yield near identical results. Minor differences only occur when comparing dual wielding versus single weapon mirrors.
  • It can be assumed that I forgot some or most of the assumptions.





Gearing Sources:



These are the sources for all of the stats that are shown including all of the class buffs and Anodyne Stims.




  • 9* x Armoring (Hilt = Barrel = Armoring) (*Tanks use alternate version)
  • 9 x Unlettered Mod
  • 7 x Enhancement
  • 2 x Implant
  • 1 x Earpiece
  • 2* x Relic *(DPS and Healers only)
  • 14* x Augments (*DPS and Healers only)
  • 1* x Fortitude Stim (*Tank only)
  • 2* x Indestructible Crystal (*Tank only)
  • 1 x Base Endurance + Datacrons
  • x [1.05 + N] (Class Legacy Buff) + (Discipline Buff, e.g. Assassins)




  • 9* x Armoring (Hilt = Barrel = Armoring) (*Tanks use alternate)
  • 9 x Unlettered Mod
  • 2 x Implant
  • 1 x Earpiece
  • 2* x Relic (*Tank only)
  • 1* x Polybiotic Versatile Stim (*DPS and Healers only)
  • 1 x Base Mastery
  • 1 x Datacrons
  • x [1.05] (Class Legacy Buff)



Power / Defense (“Secondary”)

  • 9 x Unlettered Mod
  • 7 x Enhancement
  • 2 x Implant
  • 1 x Earpiece
  • 2 x Relic
  • 1 x Versatile and Fortitude Stims
  • 14* x Augments (*Tanks, Power only)



Alacrity / Critical / Accuracy / Absorb / Shield (“Tertiary”)

  • 7 x Enhancement
  • 2 x Implant
  • 1 x Earpiece
  • 2 x Relic (*Critical or Shield only)
  • 1 x Proficient Stim (*DPS only, Critical only)
  • 1 x Proficient Stim (*DPS only, Accuracy only)



Multiple Categories

  • 2* x [41] Critical, Mastery or Power Crystal (*DPS and Healers only)
  • 14 x Augments for any Stat





Standard Error:



The Standard Error included is based on determining the standard deviation for each individual ability’s DPS and combining it with the number of expected hits on a 1.5M HP target.



This method is only applied after the optimized gear level is found due to the fact that generating the number of results takes a large number of computations and doesn’t modify the average.



The method used to determine Standard Error only accounts for the following Sources of error:

  • Relic Uptime (No Relic | Relic A | Relic B | Relics A+B)
  • Critical Hits (Doesn’t Crit | Normal Critical Hit | Autocrit)
  • Damage Spread (Uses Weapon Min and Max, Standard Health Min and Max: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, & 100%)
  • Execute Damage vs Non-Execute Damage (70%/30% split on HP, time split based on separate DPS values)
  • Offhand Hit and Main Hand Hit (Calculated separately)

However, this method continues to average all bonuses not stated above and assumes they don’t have any spread (this is due to limitations in my current spreadsheet implementation). Also, the relics themselves are given discrete probability values for their active duration rather than including them twice as a source of error. This further reduces the accuracy of the standard error given.



Because these are the only sources used, the following Classes have an even larger damage spread than what is listed due to additional RNG sources:

  • Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman - Critical Hits provide Resources and therefore Rotation changes based on RNG. In addition, Dots have a chance to provide resources and therefore Rotation changes based on RNG.
  • Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat - Ataru Form provides an additional source of RNG.
  • Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration - Surging Charge Procs directly affect the rotation and thus are a source of Additional RNG
  • Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics - Forked Lightning and Forked Darkness Procs add additional RNG and affects the rotation in regards to Polarity Shift..
  • Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting - Energy Regen is based on Critical Hits and therefore Rotation changes drastically based on RNG. In addition, there is additional sources of RNG for double Ticks on the two dots.
  • Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian - Energy Regen is based on Critical Hits and therefore Rotation changes based on RNG. In addition, there is additional sources of RNG for double Ticks on the two dots.



The method used does the following steps:

  1. Generates Expected Damage for each Ability based on the Sources [D_n]
  2. Generates Probability that that amount of Damage for each Ability based on the Sources [P_n]
  3. Find the Average Damage for each Ability [Average = sum(D_n*P_n) ]
  4. Find the Standard Deviation for each Ability [sD_hit = sqrt( sum(P_n * ( Average - D_n )^2 ) ) ]
  5. Find the Standard Deviation for each Ability’s DPS [sD = SD_hit / ( Usage ) ]
  6. Find the Number of hits for each Ability [Hits = ( # of hits per use ) * ( HP/DPS ) / (Usage)]
  7. Find the Standard Error for Individual Ability [sE = SD / sqrt(Hits) ]
  8. Find the Standard Error for the Discipline [Total SE = sqrt( sum( ( SE )^2 ) ) ]





This Standard Error should give a damage range that 95% of the results of a perfect rotation will fall within if all other factors are held equal (i.e. all of the assumptions that were given in the assumption section except in regards to damage averages)





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Iokath MK-5, Tier 3: Legendary (242 ilvl)

Optimal Stats:



Gear legend: E = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece; A = Augment; C = Crystal; Stim = Stim


Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

9626+-256 DPS @ 54.4 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6493 Mastery | 3694 Power

1760 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1532 Alacrity (4xE, 7xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

9453+-269 DPS @ 60 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6637 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3694 Power

1792 Critical (4xE, 7xA, 1xC) | 1363 Alacrity (5xE, 3xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

9152+-316 DPS @ 49.5 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6493 Mastery | 3694 Power

1787 Critical (2xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1505 Alacrity (7xE) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

75.25% Reduction | 7379 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6714 Mastery | 910 Power

3793 Defense | 1894 Shield (2xE, 14xA) | 1720 Absorb (8xE)


Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

9339+-334 DPS @ 46.9 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6493 Mastery | 3694 Power

1760 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1532 Alacrity (4xE, 7xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

9179+-439 DPS @ 49 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6493 Mastery | 3694 Power

1806 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1486 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

79.35% Reduction | 7731 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6714 Mastery | 910 Power

3793 Defense | 1821 Shield (3xE, 11xA) | 1793 Absorb (7xE, 3xA)


Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

9459+-525 DPS @ 49.7 APM | 8439 Endurance | 6536 Mastery (1xC) | 3694 Power

1742 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 1xC) | 1509 Alacrity (3xE, 9xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

8973+-312 DPS @ 46.8 APM | 8439 Endurance | 6536 Mastery (1xC) | 3694 Power

1719 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 1xC) | 1532 Alacrity (4xE, 7xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

16279+-539 HPS @ 43 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6745 Mastery (Stim) | 3793 Power

1876 Critical (6xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1820 Alacrity (4xE, 10xA) | 0 Accuracy


Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics

8692+-273 DPS @ 50.4 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6637 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3694 Power

1792 Critical (4xE, 7xA, 1xC) | 1363 Alacrity (5xE, 3xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

8870+-241 DPS @ 44.3 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6594 Mastery (1xA) | 3694 Power

1691 Critical (2xE, 10xA, 2xC) | 1505 Alacrity (7xE) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

14401+-694 HPS @ 44.5 APM | 8439 Endurance | 6745 Mastery (Stim) | 3793 Power

1999 Critical (3xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1697 Alacrity (7xE, 2xA) | 0 Accuracy


Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

9359+-466 DPS @ 42 APM | 8439 Endurance | 6594 Mastery (1xA) | 3694 Power

1760 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1436 Alacrity (4xE, 6xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

9698+-373 DPS @ 43.6 APM | 8439 Endurance | 6579 Mastery (2xC) | 3694 Power

1724 Critical (7xE) | 1486 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist

73.42% Reduction | 7379 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6714 Mastery | 910 Power

3793 Defense | 2201 Shield (7xE, 6xA) | 1413 Absorb (3xE, 8xA)


Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

9013+-455 DPS @ 51.3 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6579 Mastery (2xC) | 3694 Power

1724 Critical (7xE) | 1486 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

8896+-345 DPS @ 49.3 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6493 Mastery | 3694 Power

1783 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1509 Alacrity (3xE, 9xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

8796+-416 DPS @ 48.5 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6536 Mastery (1xC) | 3694 Power

1765 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1486 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

9709+-243 DPS @ 40.2 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6493 Mastery | 3694 Power

1760 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1532 Alacrity (4xE, 7xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

9748+-144 DPS @ 37.7 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6536 Mastery (1xC) | 3694 Power

1719 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 1xC) | 1532 Alacrity (4xE, 7xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

20277+-750 HPS @ 41.4 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6745 Mastery (Stim) | 3793 Power

1949 Critical (5xE, 7xA, 2xC) | 1747 Alacrity (5xE, 7xA) | 0 Accuracy


Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

9461+-475 DPS @ 49.4 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6536 Mastery (1xC) | 3694 Power

1765 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1486 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

10016+-290 DPS @ 50 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6536 Mastery (1xC) | 3694 Power

1765 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1486 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 743 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)




DPS Ranking:



DPS Ranking for Iokath MK-5, Tier 3: Legendary (242 ilvl)


Rank - DPS+-StdDev - vs Average (9303) DPS --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 10016+-290 - +7.67% --- Operative-Lethality || Scoundrel-Ruffian

02 - 9748+-144 - +4.79% --- Sniper-Virulence || Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

03 - 9722+-243 - +4.50% --- Sniper-Engineering || Gunslinger-Saboteur

04 - 9698+-373 - +4.25% --- Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance || Commando-Assault Specialist

05 - 9626+-256 - +3.47% --- Marauder-Annihilation || Sentinel-Watchman

06 - 9461+-475 - +1.70% --- Operative-Concealment || Scoundrel-Scrapper

07 - 9459+-525 - +1.68% --- Assassin-Deception || Shadow-Infiltration

08 - 9453+-269 - +1.61% --- Marauder-Carnage || Sentinel-Combat

09 - 9359+-466 - +0.61% --- Mercenary-Arsenal || Commando-Gunnery

10 - 9339+-334 - +0.39% --- Juggernaut-Vengeance || Guardian-Vigilance

11 - 9179+-439 - -1.33% --- Juggernaut-Rage || Guardian-Focus

12 - 9152+-316 - -1.62% --- Marauder-Fury || Sentinel-Concentration

13 - 9013+-455 - -3.12% --- Powertech-Advanced Prototype || Vanguard-Tactics

14 - 8973+-312 - -3.55% --- Assassin-Hatred || Shadow-Serenity

15 - 8896+-345 - -4.37% --- Powertech-Pyrotech || Vanguard-Plasmatech

16 - 8870+-241 - -4.65% --- Sorcerer-Madness || Sage-Balance

17 - 8796+-416 - -5.45% --- Sniper-Marksman || Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

18 - 8692+-273 - -6.57% --- Sorcerer-Lightning || Sage-Telekinetics




Average DPS: 9303

Max - Min DPS: 1324

DPS Range: 9354 +- 662


Average Damage Error: 343

Max - Min Error: 381

Error Range: 335 +- 191


Average Critical: 1756

Max - Min Critical: 115

Critical Range: 1749 +- 58


Average Alacrity: 1487

Max - Min Alacrity: 169

Alacrity Range: 1448 +- 85




Healers vs Number of Targets:



Note: this is all estimation based on a preset rotation / priority list. Stats shown reflects 3 Target Optimal Stats.


Healers in Iokath MK-5, Tier 3: Legendary (242 ilvl)


Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

43 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6745 Mastery (Stim) | 3793 Power

1876 Critical (6xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1820 Alacrity (4xE, 10xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 11592+-384 HPS

2 Targets: 14575+-466 HPS

3 Targets: 16279+-539 HPS

4 Targets: 17202+-468 HPS

8 Targets: 21346+-572 HPS


Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

44.5 APM | 8439 Endurance | 6745 Mastery (Stim) | 3793 Power

1999 Critical (3xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1697 Alacrity (7xE, 2xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 10948+-717 HPS

2 Targets: 12960+-701 HPS

3 Targets: 14401+-694 HPS

4 Targets: 15546+-722 HPS

8 Targets: 17479+-764 HPS


Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

41.4 APM | 8205 Endurance | 6745 Mastery (Stim) | 3793 Power

1949 Critical (5xE, 7xA, 2xC) | 1747 Alacrity (5xE, 7xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 12584+-715 HPS

2 Targets: 15553+-790 HPS

3 Targets: 20277+-750 HPS

4 Targets: 24969+-829 HPS

8 Targets: 31144+-596 HPS




Tanks vs Damage Profiles:



Note: Optimal Gearing may shift slightly based on incoming damage profile.


Tank Ranking in Iokath MK-5, Tier 3: Legendary (242 ilvl)


Average Damage Profile: 50% MRKE / 35% FTKE / 15% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2399) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2065 DtPS (79.35% Reduction) - +13.93% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2475 DtPS (75.25% Reduction) - -3.15% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2658 DtPS (73.42% Reduction) - -10.78% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



High M/R Damage Profile: 70% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 10% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (1978) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 1718 DtPS (82.82% Reduction) - +13.17% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 1996 DtPS (80.04% Reduction) - -0.9% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2221 DtPS (77.79% Reduction) - -12.27% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R, High I/E Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 50% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (3881) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 3146 DtPS (68.54% Reduction) - +18.95% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 4025 DtPS (59.75% Reduction) - -3.71% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 4473 DtPS (55.27% Reduction) - -15.25% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 50% FTKE / 20% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2823) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2411 DtPS (75.89% Reduction) - +14.6% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2954 DtPS (70.46% Reduction) - -4.63% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3105 DtPS (68.95% Reduction) - -9.96% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



AOE Fight Damage Profile: 40% MRKE / 30% FTKE / 30% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 100% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2886) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2037 DtPS (79.63% Reduction) - +29.4% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3161 DtPS (68.39% Reduction) - -9.53% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3459 DtPS (65.41% Reduction) - -19.88% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist




Accuracy Options:



Note: Accuracy of 100% is reached at 737 Accuracy at Level 70.


Accuracy Options for Iokath MK-5, Tier 3: Legendary (242 ilvl)

  • 645 (-91) = 3 Enhancements & 0 Augments
  • 647 (-89) = 1 Enhancements & 2 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 670 (-66) = 2 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 672 (-64) = 0 Enhancements & 7 Augments
  • 695 (-41) = 1 Enhancements & 5 Augments
  • 718 (-18) = 2 Enhancements & 3 Augments
  • 720 (-16) = 0 Enhancements & 5 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 741 (5) = 3 Enhancements & 1 Augments
  • 743 (7) = 1 Enhancements & 3 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 766 (30) = 2 Enhancements & 1 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 768 (32) = 0 Enhancements & 8 Augments
  • 791 (55) = 1 Enhancements & 6 Augments
  • 814 (78) = 2 Enhancements & 4 Augments
  • 816 (80) = 0 Enhancements & 6 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 860 (124) = 4 Enhancements & 0 Augments
  • 885 (149) = 3 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim



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Iokath MK-3, Tier 3: Artifact (240 ilvl)

Optimal Stats:



Gear legend: E = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece; A = Augment; C = Crystal; Stim = Stim


Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

9246+-241 DPS @ 54.2 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6241 Mastery | 3506 Power

1717 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1479 Alacrity (3xE, 9xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

9082+-254 DPS @ 59.7 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6428 Mastery (1xA, 2xC) | 3506 Power

1744 Critical (7xE, 1xA) | 1274 Alacrity (2xE, 9xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

8790+-299 DPS @ 49.3 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6241 Mastery | 3506 Power

1761 Critical (2xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1435 Alacrity (7xE) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

74.91% Reduction | 7067 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6451 Mastery | 910 Power

3605 Defense | 1837 Shield (7xE, 3xA) | 1671 Absorb (3xE, 11xA)


Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

8972+-315 DPS @ 46.7 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6284 Mastery (1xC) | 3506 Power

1689 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1466 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

8816+-414 DPS @ 48.9 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6241 Mastery | 3506 Power

1761 Critical (2xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1435 Alacrity (7xE) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

79.1% Reduction | 7403 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6451 Mastery | 910 Power

3605 Defense | 1754 Shield (8xE) | 1754 Absorb (2xE, 14xA)


Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

9085+-496 DPS @ 49.4 APM | 8106 Endurance | 6327 Mastery (2xC) | 3506 Power

1679 Critical (2xE, 11xA) | 1435 Alacrity (7xE) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

8617+-294 DPS @ 46.7 APM | 8106 Endurance | 6327 Mastery (2xC) | 3506 Power

1648 Critical (7xE) | 1466 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

11266+-368 HPS @ 42.1 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6493 Mastery (Stim) | 3605 Power

1810 Critical (6xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1780 Alacrity (4xE, 10xA) | 0 Accuracy


Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics

8352+-258 DPS @ 50.3 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6385 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3506 Power

1746 Critical (4xE, 7xA, 1xC) | 1313 Alacrity (5xE, 3xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

8522+-228 DPS @ 44.1 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6385 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3506 Power

1637 Critical (3xE, 8xA, 1xC) | 1422 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

10633+-689 HPS @ 42.9 APM | 8106 Endurance | 6493 Mastery (Stim) | 3605 Power

1963 Critical (3xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1627 Alacrity (7xE, 2xA) | 0 Accuracy


Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

8987+-440 DPS @ 41.8 APM | 8106 Endurance | 6385 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3506 Power

1689 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1370 Alacrity (2xE, 10xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

9307+-352 DPS @ 43.5 APM | 8106 Endurance | 6342 Mastery (1xA) | 3506 Power

1678 Critical (3xE, 8xA, 2xC) | 1422 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist

73.12% Reduction | 7067 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6451 Mastery | 910 Power

3605 Defense | 2138 Shield (8xE, 4xA) | 1370 Absorb (2xE, 10xA)


Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

8654+-429 DPS @ 51.1 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6342 Mastery (1xA) | 3506 Power

1678 Critical (3xE, 8xA, 2xC) | 1422 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

8542+-326 DPS @ 49.1 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6284 Mastery (1xC) | 3506 Power

1720 Critical (2xE, 11xA, 1xC) | 1435 Alacrity (7xE) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

8449+-393 DPS @ 48.3 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6327 Mastery (2xC) | 3506 Power

1705 Critical (4xE, 7xA) | 1409 Alacrity (5xE, 4xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

9337+-229 DPS @ 40 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6284 Mastery (1xC) | 3506 Power

1689 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1466 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

9365+-136 DPS @ 37.6 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6327 Mastery (2xC) | 3506 Power

1648 Critical (7xE) | 1466 Alacrity (2xE, 11xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)



Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

12225+-687 HPS @ 43.7 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6493 Mastery (Stim) | 3605 Power

1919 Critical (7xE, 3xA, 2xC) | 1671 Alacrity (3xE, 11xA) | 0 Accuracy


Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

9088+-448 DPS @ 49.3 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6327 Mastery (2xC) | 3506 Power

1692 Critical (3xE, 9xA) | 1422 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)


Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

9622+-274 DPS @ 49.8 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6327 Mastery (2xC) | 3506 Power

1692 Critical (3xE, 9xA) | 1422 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 733 Accuracy (1xE, 3xA, Stim)




DPS Ranking:



DPS Ranking for Iokath MK-3, Tier 3: Artifact (240 ilvl)


Rank - DPS+-StdDev - vs Average (8935) DPS --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 9622+-274 - +7.68% --- Operative-Lethality || Scoundrel-Ruffian

02 - 9365+-136 - +4.81% --- Sniper-Virulence || Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

03 - 9337+-229 - +4.50% --- Sniper-Engineering || Gunslinger-Saboteur

04 - 9307+-352 - +4.16% --- Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance || Commando-Assault Specialist

05 - 9246+-241 - +3.48% --- Marauder-Annihilation || Sentinel-Watchman

06 - 9088+-448 - +1.71% --- Operative-Concealment || Scoundrel-Scrapper

07 - 9085+-496 - +1.68% --- Assassin-Deception || Shadow-Infiltration

08 - 9082+-254 - +1.64% --- Marauder-Carnage || Sentinel-Combat

09 - 8987+-440 - +0.58% --- Mercenary-Arsenal || Commando-Gunnery

10 - 8972+-315 - +0.41% --- Juggernaut-Vengeance || Guardian-Vigilance

11 - 8816+-414 - -1.34% --- Juggernaut-Rage || Guardian-Focus

12 - 8790+-299 - -1.62% --- Marauder-Fury || Sentinel-Concentration

13 - 8654+-429 - -3.14% --- Powertech-Advanced Prototype || Vanguard-Tactics

14 - 8617+-294 - -3.56% --- Assassin-Hatred || Shadow-Serenity

15 - 8542+-326 - -4.40% --- Powertech-Pyrotech || Vanguard-Plasmatech

16 - 8522+-228 - -4.62% --- Sorcerer-Madness || Sage-Balance

17 - 8449+-393 - -5.44% --- Sniper-Marksman || Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

18 - 8352+-258 - -6.53% --- Sorcerer-Lightning || Sage-Telekinetics




Average DPS: 8935

Max - Min DPS: 1270

DPS Range: 8987 +- 635


Average Damage Error: 323

Max - Min Error: 360

Error Range: 316 +- 180


Average Critical: 1699

Max - Min Critical: 124

Critical Range: 1699 +- 62


Average Alacrity: 1420

Max - Min Alacrity: 205

Alacrity Range: 1377 +- 103




Healers vs Number of Targets:



Note: this is all estimation based on a preset rotation / priority list. Stats shown reflects 3 Target Optimal Stats.


Healers in Iokath MK-3, Tier 3: Artifact (240 ilvl)


Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

42.9 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6493 Mastery (Stim) | 3605 Power

1823 Critical (7xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1767 Alacrity (3xE, 12xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 11266+-368 HPS

2 Targets: 14165+-447 HPS

3 Targets: 15820+-517 HPS

4 Targets: 16715+-449 HPS

8 Targets: 20740+-549 HPS


Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

44.4 APM | 8106 Endurance | 6493 Mastery (Stim) | 3605 Power

1963 Critical (3xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1627 Alacrity (7xE, 2xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 10633+-689 HPS

2 Targets: 12587+-674 HPS

3 Targets: 13987+-667 HPS

4 Targets: 15098+-693 HPS

8 Targets: 16975+-734 HPS


Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

41.3 APM | 7881 Endurance | 6493 Mastery (Stim) | 3605 Power

1893 Critical (5xE, 7xA, 2xC) | 1697 Alacrity (5xE, 7xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 12225+-687 HPS

2 Targets: 15111+-759 HPS

3 Targets: 19702+-721 HPS

4 Targets: 24261+-797 HPS

8 Targets: 30263+-574 HPS




Tanks vs Damage Profiles:



Note: Optimal Gearing may shift slightly based on incoming damage profile.


Tank Ranking in Iokath MK-3, Tier 3: Artifact (240 ilvl)


Average Damage Profile: 50% MRKE / 35% FTKE / 15% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2429) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2090 DtPS (79.1% Reduction) - +13.95% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2509 DtPS (74.91% Reduction) - -3.27% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2688 DtPS (73.12% Reduction) - -10.67% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



High M/R Damage Profile: 70% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 10% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2009) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 1744 DtPS (82.56% Reduction) - +13.22% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2031 DtPS (79.69% Reduction) - -1.08% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2253 DtPS (77.47% Reduction) - -12.14% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R, High I/E Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 50% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (3901) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 3160 DtPS (68.4% Reduction) - +18.99% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 4047 DtPS (59.53% Reduction) - -3.73% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 4496 DtPS (55.04% Reduction) - -15.26% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 50% FTKE / 20% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2852) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2436 DtPS (75.64% Reduction) - +14.6% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2986 DtPS (70.14% Reduction) - -4.72% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3134 DtPS (68.66% Reduction) - -9.88% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



AOE Fight Damage Profile: 40% MRKE / 30% FTKE / 30% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 100% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2909) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2054 DtPS (79.46% Reduction) - +29.4% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3189 DtPS (68.11% Reduction) - -9.63% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3484 DtPS (65.16% Reduction) - -19.77% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist




Accuracy Options:



Note: Accuracy of 100% is reached at 737 Accuracy at Level 70.


Accuracy Options for Iokath MK-3, Tier 3: Artifact (240 ilvl)

  • 650 (-86) = 2 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 672 (-64) = 0 Enhancements & 7 Augments
  • 685 (-51) = 1 Enhancements & 5 Augments
  • 698 (-38) = 2 Enhancements & 3 Augments
  • 711 (-25) = 3 Enhancements & 1 Augments
  • 720 (-16) = 0 Enhancements & 5 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 733 (-3) = 1 Enhancements & 3 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 746 (10) = 2 Enhancements & 1 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 768 (32) = 0 Enhancements & 8 Augments
  • 781 (45) = 1 Enhancements & 6 Augments
  • 794 (58) = 2 Enhancements & 4 Augments
  • 807 (71) = 3 Enhancements & 2 Augments
  • 816 (80) = 0 Enhancements & 6 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 820 (84) = 4 Enhancements & 0 Augments
  • 829 (93) = 1 Enhancements & 4 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 855 (119) = 3 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim



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Eternal Commander MK-15, Tier 2: Legendary (236 ilvl)

Optimal Stats:



Gear legend: E = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece; A = Augment; C = Crystal; Stim = Stim


Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

8954+-230 DPS @ 54 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6201 Mastery (2xC) | 3424 Power

1657 Critical (1xE, 13xA) | 1400 Alacrity (7xE) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

8793+-242 DPS @ 59.5 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6360 Mastery (2xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1706 Critical (2xE, 11xA, 1xC) | 1200 Alacrity (6xE) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

8513+-285 DPS @ 49.2 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6158 Mastery (1xC) | 3424 Power

1706 Critical (2xE, 11xA, 1xC) | 1392 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

74.59% Reduction | 6924 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6315 Mastery | 910 Power

3523 Defense | 1806 Shield (8xE, 1xA) | 1648 Absorb (2xE, 13xA)


Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

8689+-300 DPS @ 46.5 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6216 Mastery (1xA) | 3424 Power

1643 Critical (1xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1400 Alacrity (7xE) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

8536+-395 DPS @ 48.7 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6158 Mastery (1xC) | 3424 Power

1722 Critical (4xE, 7xA, 1xC) | 1376 Alacrity (4xE, 6xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

78.9% Reduction | 7253 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6315 Mastery | 910 Power

3523 Defense | 1710 Shield (8xE) | 1744 Absorb (2xE, 14xA)


Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

8799+-473 DPS @ 49.3 APM | 7962 Endurance | 6216 Mastery (1xA) | 3424 Power

1643 Critical (1xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1400 Alacrity (7xE) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

8342+-281 DPS @ 46.5 APM | 7962 Endurance | 6259 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1610 Critical (2xE, 10xA, 1xC) | 1392 Alacrity (6xE, 2xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

11019+-357 HPS @ 42 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6367 Mastery (Stim) | 3523 Power

1792 Critical (8xE, 2xC) | 1744 Alacrity (2xE, 14xA) | 0 Accuracy


Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics

8092+-246 DPS @ 50.1 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6317 Mastery (2xA) | 3424 Power

1691 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1256 Alacrity (1xE, 11xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

8256+-217 DPS @ 44 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6302 Mastery (1xA, 2xC) | 3424 Power

1593 Critical (5xE, 4xA) | 1368 Alacrity (3xE, 8xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

10398+-668 HPS @ 42.9 APM | 7962 Endurance | 6367 Mastery (Stim) | 3523 Power

1936 Critical (2xE, 14xA, 2xC) | 1600 Alacrity (8xE) | 0 Accuracy


Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

8703+-420 DPS @ 41.7 APM | 7962 Endurance | 6317 Mastery (2xA) | 3424 Power

1651 Critical (2xE, 10xA, 2xC) | 1296 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

9007+-336 DPS @ 43.3 APM | 7962 Endurance | 6259 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1634 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 1xC) | 1368 Alacrity (3xE, 8xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist

72.84% Reduction | 6924 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6315 Mastery | 910 Power

3523 Defense | 2102 Shield (9xE, 2xA) | 1352 Absorb (1xE, 12xA)


Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

8383+-409 DPS @ 51 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6259 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1626 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 1xC) | 1376 Alacrity (4xE, 6xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

8272+-311 DPS @ 48.9 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6216 Mastery (1xA) | 3424 Power

1667 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 2xC) | 1376 Alacrity (4xE, 6xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

8181+-374 DPS @ 48.1 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6259 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1650 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1352 Alacrity (1xE, 12xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

9043+-219 DPS @ 39.9 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6216 Mastery (1xA) | 3424 Power

1643 Critical (1xE, 12xA, 2xC) | 1400 Alacrity (7xE) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

9071+-129 DPS @ 37.4 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6259 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1602 Critical (1xE, 12xA, 1xC) | 1400 Alacrity (7xE) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)



Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

11956+-666 HPS @ 43.6 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6367 Mastery (Stim) | 3523 Power

1888 Critical (8xE, 1xA, 2xC) | 1648 Alacrity (2xE, 13xA) | 0 Accuracy


Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

8803+-428 DPS @ 49 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6259 Mastery (1xA, 1xC) | 3424 Power

1650 Critical (7xE, 1xC) | 1352 Alacrity (1xE, 12xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)


Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

9319+-261 DPS @ 49.7 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6216 Mastery (1xA) | 3424 Power

1667 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 2xC) | 1376 Alacrity (4xE, 6xA) | 736 Accuracy (2xE, 1xA, Stim)




DPS Ranking:



DPS Ranking for Eternal Commander MK-15, Tier 2: Legendary (236 ilvl)


Rank - DPS+-StdDev - vs Average (8653) DPS --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 9319+-261 - +7.70% --- Operative-Lethality || Scoundrel-Ruffian

02 - 9071+-129 - +4.83% --- Sniper-Virulence || Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

03 - 9043+-219 - +4.50% --- Sniper-Engineering || Gunslinger-Saboteur

04 - 9007+-336 - +4.09% --- Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance || Commando-Assault Specialist

05 - 8954+-230 - +3.47% --- Marauder-Annihilation || Sentinel-Watchman

06 - 8803+-428 - +1.73% --- Operative-Concealment || Scoundrel-Scrapper

07 - 8799+-473 - +1.69% --- Assassin-Deception || Shadow-Infiltration

08 - 8793+-242 - +1.62% --- Marauder-Carnage || Sentinel-Combat

09 - 8703+-420 - +0.57% --- Mercenary-Arsenal || Commando-Gunnery

10 - 8689+-300 - +0.42% --- Juggernaut-Vengeance || Guardian-Vigilance

11 - 8536+-395 - -1.35% --- Juggernaut-Rage || Guardian-Focus

12 - 8513+-285 - -1.62% --- Marauder-Fury || Sentinel-Concentration

13 - 8383+-409 - -3.12% --- Powertech-Advanced Prototype || Vanguard-Tactics

14 - 8342+-281 - -3.59% --- Assassin-Hatred || Shadow-Serenity

15 - 8272+-311 - -4.40% --- Powertech-Pyrotech || Vanguard-Plasmatech

16 - 8256+-217 - -4.59% --- Sorcerer-Madness || Sage-Balance

17 - 8181+-374 - -5.46% --- Sniper-Marksman || Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

18 - 8092+-246 - -6.48% --- Sorcerer-Lightning || Sage-Telekinetics




Average DPS: 8653

Max - Min DPS: 1227

DPS Range: 8706 +- 614


Average Damage Error: 309

Max - Min Error: 344

Error Range: 301 +- 172


Average Critical: 1653

Max - Min Critical: 129

Critical Range: 1658 +- 65


Average Alacrity: 1360

Max - Min Alacrity: 200

Alacrity Range: 1300 +- 100




Healers vs Number of Targets:



Note: this is all estimation based on a preset rotation / priority list. Stats shown reflects 3 Target Optimal Stats.


Healers in Eternal Commander MK-15, Tier 2: Legendary (236 ilvl)


Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

42.8 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6367 Mastery (Stim) | 3523 Power

1792 Critical (8xE, 2xC) | 1744 Alacrity (2xE, 14xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 11019+-357 HPS

2 Targets: 13854+-433 HPS

3 Targets: 15472+-500 HPS

4 Targets: 16347+-435 HPS

8 Targets: 20284+-532 HPS


Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

44.3 APM | 7962 Endurance | 6367 Mastery (Stim) | 3523 Power

1936 Critical (2xE, 14xA, 2xC) | 1600 Alacrity (8xE) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 10398+-668 HPS

2 Targets: 12308+-653 HPS

3 Targets: 13677+-646 HPS

4 Targets: 14764+-672 HPS

8 Targets: 16599+-711 HPS


Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

41.2 APM | 7741 Endurance | 6367 Mastery (Stim) | 3523 Power

1872 Critical (6xE, 5xA, 2xC) | 1664 Alacrity (4xE, 9xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 11956+-666 HPS

2 Targets: 14778+-736 HPS

3 Targets: 19270+-699 HPS

4 Targets: 23729+-773 HPS

8 Targets: 29600+-557 HPS




Tanks vs Damage Profiles:



Note: Optimal Gearing may shift slightly based on incoming damage profile.


Tank Ranking in Eternal Commander MK-15, Tier 2: Legendary (236 ilvl)


Average Damage Profile: 50% MRKE / 35% FTKE / 15% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2455) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2110 DtPS (78.9% Reduction) - +14.06% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2541 DtPS (74.59% Reduction) - -3.47% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2716 DtPS (72.84% Reduction) - -10.59% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



High M/R Damage Profile: 70% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 10% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2036) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 1764 DtPS (82.36% Reduction) - +13.36% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2063 DtPS (79.37% Reduction) - -1.33% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2280 DtPS (77.2% Reduction) - -12.03% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R, High I/E Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 50% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (3918) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 3172 DtPS (68.28% Reduction) - +19.04% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 4067 DtPS (59.33% Reduction) - -3.81% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 4515 DtPS (54.85% Reduction) - -15.23% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 50% FTKE / 20% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2878) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2456 DtPS (75.44% Reduction) - +14.68% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3019 DtPS (69.81% Reduction) - -4.87% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3161 DtPS (68.39% Reduction) - -9.81% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



AOE Fight Damage Profile: 40% MRKE / 30% FTKE / 30% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 100% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2930) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2067 DtPS (79.33% Reduction) - +29.45% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3217 DtPS (67.83% Reduction) - -9.77% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3507 DtPS (64.93% Reduction) - -19.68% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist




Accuracy Options:



Note: Accuracy of 100% is reached at 737 Accuracy at Level 70.


Accuracy Options for Eternal Commander MK-15, Tier 2: Legendary (236 ilvl)

  • 672 (-64) = 0 Enhancements & 7 Augments
  • 680 (-56) = 1 Enhancements & 5 Augments
  • 688 (-48) = 2 Enhancements & 3 Augments
  • 696 (-40) = 3 Enhancements & 1 Augments
  • 720 (-16) = 0 Enhancements & 5 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 728 (-8) = 1 Enhancements & 3 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 736 (0) = 2 Enhancements & 1 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 768 (32) = 0 Enhancements & 8 Augments
  • 776 (40) = 1 Enhancements & 6 Augments
  • 784 (48) = 2 Enhancements & 4 Augments
  • 792 (56) = 3 Enhancements & 2 Augments
  • 800 (64) = 4 Enhancements & 0 Augments
  • 816 (80) = 0 Enhancements & 6 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 824 (88) = 1 Enhancements & 4 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 832 (96) = 2 Enhancements & 2 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 840 (104) = 3 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim



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Eternal Commander MK-13, Tier 2: Artifact (234 ilvl)

Optimal Stats:



Gear legend: E = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece; A = Augment; C = Crystal; Stim = Stim


Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

8495+-212 DPS @ 53.1 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

8349+-224 DPS @ 59 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1614 Critical (6xE, 3xA, 2xC) | 1056 Alacrity (11xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

8075+-263 DPS @ 48.5 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

74.22% Reduction | 6634 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6065 Mastery | 910 Power

3337 Defense | 1732 Shield (2xE, 13xA) | 1616 Absorb (8xE, 1xA)


Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

8245+-275 DPS @ 46.1 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1434 Critical (13xA, 2xC) | 1236 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

8095+-365 DPS @ 48 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1530 Critical (14xA, 2xC) | 1140 Alacrity (6xE) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

78.63% Reduction | 6950 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6065 Mastery | 910 Power

3337 Defense | 1638 Shield (1xE, 14xA) | 1710 Absorb (9xE)


Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

8348+-437 DPS @ 48.8 APM | 7653 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1434 Critical (13xA, 2xC) | 1236 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

7913+-260 DPS @ 46 APM | 7653 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1434 Critical (13xA, 2xC) | 1236 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

14942+-474 HPS @ 42.8 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1720 Critical (1xE, 14xA, 2xC) | 1710 Alacrity (9xE) | 0 Accuracy


Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics

7685+-229 DPS @ 49.5 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1614 Critical (6xE, 3xA, 2xC) | 1056 Alacrity (11xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

7840+-201 DPS @ 43.6 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1434 Critical (13xA, 2xC) | 1236 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

13202+-615 HPS @ 44.1 APM | 7653 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1896 Critical (9xE, 2xC) | 1534 Alacrity (1xE, 14xA) | 0 Accuracy


Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

8257+-390 DPS @ 41.3 APM | 7653 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

8537+-312 DPS @ 42.8 APM | 7653 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist

72.52% Reduction | 6634 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 6065 Mastery | 910 Power

3337 Defense | 2100 Shield (10xE, 1xA) | 1248 Absorb (13xA)


Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

7955+-380 DPS @ 50.2 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

7847+-288 DPS @ 48.2 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

7762+-347 DPS @ 47.5 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

8579+-203 DPS @ 39.2 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

8610+-119 DPS @ 37.1 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1434 Critical (13xA, 2xC) | 1236 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)



Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

18609+-666 HPS @ 41.1 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1814 Critical (2xE, 13xA, 2xC) | 1616 Alacrity (8xE, 1xA) | 0 Accuracy


Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

8354+-397 DPS @ 48.4 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)


Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

8844+-242 DPS @ 49 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1518 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 760 Accuracy (4xE)




DPS Ranking:



DPS Ranking for Eternal Commander MK-13, Tier 2: Artifact (234 ilvl)


Rank - DPS+-StdDev - vs Average (8211) DPS --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 8844+-242 - +7.72% --- Operative-Lethality || Scoundrel-Ruffian

02 - 8610+-119 - +4.87% --- Sniper-Virulence || Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

03 - 8579+-203 - +4.49% --- Sniper-Engineering || Gunslinger-Saboteur

04 - 8537+-312 - +3.97% --- Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance || Commando-Assault Specialist

05 - 8495+-212 - +3.47% --- Marauder-Annihilation || Sentinel-Watchman

06 - 8354+-397 - +1.75% --- Operative-Concealment || Scoundrel-Scrapper

07 - 8349+-224 - +1.69% --- Marauder-Carnage || Sentinel-Combat

08 - 8348+-437 - +1.68% --- Assassin-Deception || Shadow-Infiltration

09 - 8257+-390 - +0.56% --- Mercenary-Arsenal || Commando-Gunnery

10 - 8245+-275 - +0.42% --- Juggernaut-Vengeance || Guardian-Vigilance

11 - 8095+-365 - -1.41% --- Juggernaut-Rage || Guardian-Focus

12 - 8075+-263 - -1.65% --- Marauder-Fury || Sentinel-Concentration

13 - 7955+-380 - -3.12% --- Powertech-Advanced Prototype || Vanguard-Tactics

14 - 7913+-260 - -3.63% --- Assassin-Hatred || Shadow-Serenity

15 - 7847+-288 - -4.43% --- Powertech-Pyrotech || Vanguard-Plasmatech

16 - 7840+-201 - -4.52% --- Sorcerer-Madness || Sage-Balance

17 - 7762+-347 - -5.46% --- Sniper-Marksman || Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

18 - 7685+-229 - -6.40% --- Sorcerer-Lightning || Sage-Telekinetics




Average DPS: 8211

Max - Min DPS: 1159

DPS Range: 8265 +- 580


Average Damage Error: 286

Max - Min Error: 318

Error Range: 278 +- 159


Average Critical: 1506

Max - Min Critical: 180

Critical Range: 1524 +- 90


Average Alacrity: 1164

Max - Min Alacrity: 180

Alacrity Range: 1146 +- 90




Healers vs Number of Targets:



Note: this is all estimation based on a preset rotation / priority list. Stats shown reflects 3 Target Optimal Stats.


Healers in Eternal Commander MK-13, Tier 2: Artifact (234 ilvl)


Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

42.8 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1720 Critical (1xE, 14xA, 2xC) | 1710 Alacrity (9xE) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 10643+-339 HPS

2 Targets: 13380+-411 HPS

3 Targets: 14942+-474 HPS

4 Targets: 15785+-414 HPS

8 Targets: 19586+-506 HPS


Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

44.1 APM | 7653 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1896 Critical (9xE, 2xC) | 1534 Alacrity (1xE, 14xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 10037+-636 HPS

2 Targets: 11880+-622 HPS

3 Targets: 13202+-615 HPS

4 Targets: 14251+-640 HPS

8 Targets: 16022+-678 HPS


Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

41.1 APM | 7440 Endurance | 6128 Mastery (Stim) | 3337 Power

1814 Critical (2xE, 13xA, 2xC) | 1616 Alacrity (8xE, 1xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 11544+-633 HPS

2 Targets: 14270+-700 HPS

3 Targets: 18609+-666 HPS

4 Targets: 22916+-737 HPS

8 Targets: 28587+-532 HPS




Tanks vs Damage Profiles:



Note: Optimal Gearing may shift slightly based on incoming damage profile.


Tank Ranking in Eternal Commander MK-13, Tier 2: Artifact (234 ilvl)


Average Damage Profile: 50% MRKE / 35% FTKE / 15% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2488) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2137 DtPS (78.63% Reduction) - +14.1% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2578 DtPS (74.22% Reduction) - -3.62% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2748 DtPS (72.52% Reduction) - -10.48% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



High M/R Damage Profile: 70% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 10% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2071) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 1791 DtPS (82.09% Reduction) - +13.52% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2102 DtPS (78.98% Reduction) - -1.46% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2321 DtPS (76.79% Reduction) - -12.06% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R, High I/E Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 50% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (3940) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 3187 DtPS (68.13% Reduction) - +19.11% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 4095 DtPS (59.05% Reduction) - -3.92% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 4539 DtPS (54.61% Reduction) - -15.19% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 50% FTKE / 20% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2909) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2482 DtPS (75.18% Reduction) - +14.7% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3054 DtPS (69.46% Reduction) - -4.98% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3192 DtPS (68.08% Reduction) - -9.72% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



AOE Fight Damage Profile: 40% MRKE / 30% FTKE / 30% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 100% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2956) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2086 DtPS (79.14% Reduction) - +29.44% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3248 DtPS (67.52% Reduction) - -9.89% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3534 DtPS (64.66% Reduction) - -19.55% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist




Accuracy Options:



Note: Accuracy of 100% is reached at 737 Accuracy at Level 70.


Accuracy Options for Eternal Commander MK-13, Tier 2: Artifact (234 ilvl)

  • 666 (-70) = 3 Enhancements & 1 Augments
  • 668 (-68) = 2 Enhancements & 3 Augments
  • 670 (-66) = 1 Enhancements & 5 Augments
  • 672 (-64) = 0 Enhancements & 7 Augments
  • 716 (-20) = 2 Enhancements & 1 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 718 (-18) = 1 Enhancements & 3 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 720 (-16) = 0 Enhancements & 5 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 760 (24) = 4 Enhancements & 0 Augments
  • 762 (26) = 3 Enhancements & 2 Augments
  • 764 (28) = 2 Enhancements & 4 Augments
  • 766 (30) = 1 Enhancements & 6 Augments
  • 768 (32) = 0 Enhancements & 8 Augments
  • 810 (74) = 3 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 812 (76) = 2 Enhancements & 2 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 814 (78) = 1 Enhancements & 4 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 816 (80) = 0 Enhancements & 6 Augments & Accuracy Stim



Edited by Goblin_Lackey
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Eternal Commander MK-3, Tier 1: Artifact (230 ilvl)

Optimal Stats:



Gear legend: E = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece; A = Augment; C = Crystal; Stim = Stim


Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

8183+-201 DPS @ 53.1 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1458 Critical (6xE, 2xA, 2xC) | 1141 Alacrity (1xE, 10xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

8042+-212 DPS @ 58.9 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1554 Critical (6xE, 3xA, 2xC) | 1045 Alacrity (1xE, 9xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

7777+-250 DPS @ 48.3 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1480 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 2xC) | 1119 Alacrity (3xE, 6xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

73.8% Reduction | 6382 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 5830 Mastery | 910 Power

3183 Defense | 1697 Shield (3xE, 11xA) | 1555 Absorb (7xE, 3xA)


Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

7943+-262 DPS @ 45.8 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1447 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

7796+-346 DPS @ 47.8 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1502 Critical (2xE, 10xA, 2xC) | 1097 Alacrity (5xE, 2xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

78.33% Reduction | 6686 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 5830 Mastery | 910 Power

3183 Defense | 1623 Shield (1xE, 14xA) | 1629 Absorb (9xE)


Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

8041+-415 DPS @ 48.6 APM | 7372 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1447 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

7620+-246 DPS @ 45.9 APM | 7372 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1417 Critical (1xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1182 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

14546+-457 HPS @ 42.6 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1705 Critical (1xE, 14xA, 2xC) | 1629 Alacrity (9xE) | 0 Accuracy


Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics

7405+-216 DPS @ 49.5 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1543 Critical (7xE, 1xA, 2xC) | 1056 Alacrity (11xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

7553+-191 DPS @ 43.5 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1417 Critical (1xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1182 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

12844+-593 HPS @ 44 APM | 7372 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1853 Critical (5xE, 8xA, 2xC) | 1481 Alacrity (5xE, 6xA) | 0 Accuracy


Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

7950+-369 DPS @ 41.2 APM | 7372 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1480 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 2xC) | 1119 Alacrity (3xE, 6xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

8213+-295 DPS @ 42.8 APM | 7372 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1447 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist

72.14% Reduction | 6382 Endurance (2xC, Stim) | 5830 Mastery | 910 Power

3183 Defense | 2015 Shield (9xE, 3xA) | 1237 Absorb (1xE, 11xA)


Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

7660+-359 DPS @ 50.2 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1447 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

7556+-273 DPS @ 48.1 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1469 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1130 Alacrity (2xE, 8xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

7475+-329 DPS @ 47.4 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1469 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1130 Alacrity (2xE, 8xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

8263+-191 DPS @ 39.2 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1447 Critical (7xE, 2xC) | 1152 Alacrity (12xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

8294+-112 DPS @ 36.9 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1417 Critical (1xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1182 Alacrity (6xE, 1xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)



Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

18113+-642 HPS @ 41 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1779 Critical (3xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1555 Alacrity (7xE, 3xA) | 0 Accuracy


Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

8047+-376 DPS @ 48.4 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1469 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1130 Alacrity (2xE, 8xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)


Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

8520+-229 DPS @ 48.9 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1469 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 2xC) | 1130 Alacrity (2xE, 8xA) | 735 Accuracy (3xE, 2xA)




DPS Ranking:



DPS Ranking for Eternal Commander MK-3, Tier 1: Artifact (230 ilvl)


Rank - DPS+-StdDev - vs Average (7908) DPS --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 8520+-229 - +7.74% --- Operative-Lethality || Scoundrel-Ruffian

02 - 8294+-112 - +4.89% --- Sniper-Virulence || Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

03 - 8263+-191 - +4.50% --- Sniper-Engineering || Gunslinger-Saboteur

04 - 8213+-295 - +3.86% --- Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance || Commando-Assault Specialist

05 - 8183+-201 - +3.48% --- Marauder-Annihilation || Sentinel-Watchman

06 - 8047+-376 - +1.77% --- Operative-Concealment || Scoundrel-Scrapper

07 - 8042+-212 - +1.69% --- Marauder-Carnage || Sentinel-Combat

08 - 8041+-415 - +1.68% --- Assassin-Deception || Shadow-Infiltration

09 - 7950+-369 - +0.53% --- Mercenary-Arsenal || Commando-Gunnery

10 - 7943+-262 - +0.45% --- Juggernaut-Vengeance || Guardian-Vigilance

11 - 7796+-346 - -1.42% --- Juggernaut-Rage || Guardian-Focus

12 - 7777+-250 - -1.65% --- Marauder-Fury || Sentinel-Concentration

13 - 7660+-359 - -3.13% --- Powertech-Advanced Prototype || Vanguard-Tactics

14 - 7620+-246 - -3.64% --- Assassin-Hatred || Shadow-Serenity

15 - 7556+-273 - -4.45% --- Powertech-Pyrotech || Vanguard-Plasmatech

16 - 7553+-191 - -4.48% --- Sorcerer-Madness || Sage-Balance

17 - 7475+-329 - -5.47% --- Sniper-Marksman || Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

18 - 7405+-216 - -6.35% --- Sorcerer-Lightning || Sage-Telekinetics




Average DPS: 7908

Max - Min DPS: 1115

DPS Range: 7963 +- 557


Average Damage Error: 271

Max - Min Error: 303

Error Range: 264 +- 151


Average Critical: 1466

Max - Min Critical: 137

Critical Range: 1486 +- 69


Average Alacrity: 1134

Max - Min Alacrity: 137

Alacrity Range: 1114 +- 69




Healers vs Number of Targets:



Note: this is all estimation based on a preset rotation / priority list. Stats shown reflects 3 Target Optimal Stats.


Healers in Eternal Commander MK-3, Tier 1: Artifact (230 ilvl)


Sorcerer - Corruption || Sage - Seer

42.6 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1705 Critical (1xE, 14xA, 2xC) | 1629 Alacrity (9xE) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 10361+-327 HPS

2 Targets: 13025+-396 HPS

3 Targets: 14546+-457 HPS

4 Targets: 15366+-397 HPS

8 Targets: 19065+-486 HPS


Mercenary - Bodyguard || Commando - Combat Medic

44 APM | 7372 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1853 Critical (5xE, 8xA, 2xC) | 1481 Alacrity (5xE, 6xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 9765+-612 HPS

2 Targets: 11558+-599 HPS

3 Targets: 12844+-593 HPS

4 Targets: 13864+-616 HPS

8 Targets: 15588+-652 HPS


Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

41 APM | 7167 Endurance | 5901 Mastery (Stim) | 3183 Power

1779 Critical (3xE, 11xA, 2xC) | 1555 Alacrity (7xE, 3xA) | 0 Accuracy

1 Target: 11235+-611 HPS

2 Targets: 13888+-675 HPS

3 Targets: 18113+-642 HPS

4 Targets: 22306+-710 HPS

8 Targets: 27827+-513 HPS




Tanks vs Damage Profiles:



Note: Optimal Gearing may shift slightly based on incoming damage profile.


Tank Ranking in Eternal Commander MK-3, Tier 1: Artifact (230 ilvl)


Average Damage Profile: 50% MRKE / 35% FTKE / 15% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2524) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2167 DtPS (78.33% Reduction) - +14.16% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2620 DtPS (73.8% Reduction) - -3.79% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2786 DtPS (72.14% Reduction) - -10.38% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



High M/R Damage Profile: 70% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 10% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2108) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 1821 DtPS (81.79% Reduction) - +13.59% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 2145 DtPS (78.55% Reduction) - -1.74% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 2358 DtPS (76.42% Reduction) - -11.85% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R, High I/E Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 20% FTKE / 50% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (3964) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 3205 DtPS (67.95% Reduction) - +19.15% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 4124 DtPS (58.76% Reduction) - -4.03% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 4563 DtPS (54.37% Reduction) - -15.12% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



Low M/R Damage Profile: 30% MRKE / 50% FTKE / 20% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 50% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2945) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2511 DtPS (74.89% Reduction) - +14.74% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3095 DtPS (69.05% Reduction) - -5.1% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3229 DtPS (67.71% Reduction) - -9.64% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist



AOE Fight Damage Profile: 40% MRKE / 30% FTKE / 30% FTIE @ 10000 DtPS with 100% AOE

Rank - DtPS (% Total Reduction) - vs Average DtPS (2985) --- Imperial - Republic

01 - 2105 DtPS (78.95% Reduction) - +29.47% --- Assassin - Darkness || Shadow - Kinetic Combat

02 - 3284 DtPS (67.16% Reduction) - -10.02% --- Juggernaut - Immortal || Guardian - Defence

03 - 3565 DtPS (64.35% Reduction) - -19.45% --- Powertech - Shield Tech || Vanguard - Shield Specialist




Accuracy Options:



Note: Accuracy of 100% is reached at 737 Accuracy at Level 70.


Accuracy Options for Eternal Commander MK-3, Tier 1: Artifact (230 ilvl)

  • 650 (-86) = 2 Enhancements & 3 Augments
  • 661 (-75) = 1 Enhancements & 5 Augments
  • 672 (-64) = 0 Enhancements & 7 Augments
  • 698 (-38) = 2 Enhancements & 1 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 709 (-27) = 1 Enhancements & 3 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 720 (-16) = 0 Enhancements & 5 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 724 (-12) = 4 Enhancements & 0 Augments
  • 735 (-1) = 3 Enhancements & 2 Augments
  • 746 (10) = 2 Enhancements & 4 Augments
  • 757 (21) = 1 Enhancements & 6 Augments
  • 768 (32) = 0 Enhancements & 8 Augments
  • 783 (47) = 3 Enhancements & 0 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 794 (58) = 2 Enhancements & 2 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 805 (69) = 1 Enhancements & 4 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 816 (80) = 0 Enhancements & 6 Augments & Accuracy Stim
  • 831 (95) = 3 Enhancements & 3 Augments



Edited by Goblin_Lackey
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Additional References and Information


About the Author:



My name is Bant and I am a long time SWTOR player and forum lurker. I played SWTOR from early 2012 until the end of 2016. I’ve been a part of the Imperial guild, Psy-Ops, since its days on Drooga’s Pleasure Barge and now on the Harbinger after a few server merges. I raided constantly since 2013 in multiple raid groups. My main for 2 years was my Fat Pink Carnage Marauder named Bant with his two Bright Pink lightsabers. I was forced by needs of the raid group to switch to tanking during the Nightmare Dread Fortress era and I have been maining an Assassin tank named Fey’ara (also Pink, just not fat due to lack of large female options) since. I raided in 4.0 and killed all two of the apex Nightmare bosses in that Era. I stay subscribed in 5.0 long enough to post this. The changes made to the game made raiding and gearing unappealing and I have moved on to other games.

I read a bit too much and read almost every post made in all of the SWTOR class forums. As I said, long time lurker. I also keep up with the /r/swtor sub-reddit (lurking only). I’ve always enjoyed the Theorycrafting discussions and get annoyed when incorrect information is put forth as fact (anecdotal evidence I regard as most useless). Since 3.0, I’ve been working on trying to determine what is optimal and have gone through multiple iterations and versions of this. I’ve also been greatly helped by my guildmates who have provided feedback and proofreading for the information in this post. With 4.0 I kept my promise to keep updating this post. With 5.0 I am unsubscribing so this post will not be updated due to lack of interest and forum restrictions





Links to my work for this post:



Spreadsheet - Test bed and Spreadsheet that I used to generate all of the data contained within this post. It also has an attached javascript file that does most of the heavy lifting for the testing loops.


Code - Copy of the code from the attached javascript file


Post - Copy of this Post





Key References and People:




  • KeyboardNinja - Tank Theorycrafter, KBN is the foremost and most well known theorycrafter for the SWTOR community. His Ideal Tank Stats thread for maximizing mitigation for tanks is the go-to for all tanks. This work on finding the theoretical best stats along with being very clear on the methodology sets the standard for all others. In addition KBN will popup in many other places offering advice and information on many classes. He is very active on the PTS forums on analysing the latest class changes.
  • TACeMossie (Kwerty) - Vanguard/Powertech Theorycrafter, Kwerty started his focus on Vanguards and put together an excellent program to estimate the DPS and find the optimal gearing. His guides feature this result in the form of DPS curves that map the expected results for each stat distribution. This chart is the best example of what I was trying to accomplish since I just skipped the step of displaying the graph and instead choose the maximum point. After Vanguards, Kwerty has since branched out and has analyzed many of the other Disciplines in the game and can be found answering many questions in many threads.
  • Oofalong - Sentinel/Marauder Theorycrafter, Oofalong has put a lot of time and work into his Annihilation Marauder Spreadsheet. In the course of doing this he laid the foundations for calculating the average DPS for a single class based on gear and ability rotation. He has done most of the hard work on determining the way ability damage is calculated in SWTOR and has put together a good series of Articles on Dulfy.net on mechanics 101.
  • Aelanis - Shadow/Assassin Theorycrafter, Aelanis has been working with Kwerty on finding the best stat distribution for Assassins for a while now. The original thread on the theorycrafting assumptions was what triggered the start of my work and the desire to expand it and generalize it for all Disciplines.
  • Orderken - Healer Theorycrafter, Orderken has put together a spreadsheet for determining the healing output for each healer. His takes a different approach than mine, in that instead of being based on ability usages, he bases his on expected total healing percentages and then maximizes the total. This is likely a better method for healers due to their reactionary nature.
  • Dipstik - Tank Theorycrafter. Over the years Dipstick has put in much of the community work on Tank theorycrafting. He has done some of the first analysis on all tanks changes and is adept at the analysis required.






Individual Class notes:



Disciplines: Notes, Rotation, Assumptions and References

The rotation shown are the basic examples I used to help determine the average usage rate for each class. Some classes use priority lists instead. In many rotations, there are opportunities for fillers if energy permits. I noted the filler priority, but not the conditions for those fillers. The rotations are all in Imperial terms due to implicit bias. All Cooldowns are used when they come off of cooldown except when otherwise noted.


Marauder-Annihilation | Sentinel-Watchman

Annihilate > Force Rend (Deadly Saber) > Battering Assault > Dual Saber Throw > Rupture > Filler
Annihilate > Ravage > Filler > Force Rend (Deadly Saber) > Rupture > Filler
Annihilate > Filler > Battering Assault > Dual Saber Throw > Rupture > Force Rend (Deadly Saber)
Annihilate > Ravage > Filler > Filler > Rupture > Filler

Filler = Vicious Throw(0%/43%) / Vicious Slash (79%/36%) / Assault (21%)

Minor Rotation = 6 GCDs
Major Rotation = 24 GCDs

Comments: Filler choice is determined by Rage level from Critical hits

References: Oofalong, Ardarell_Solo


Marauder-Carnage | Sentinel-Combat

(Berserk) Battering Assault > Dual Saber Throw > (Ferocity) Ravage > Massacre > Devastating Blast > Massacre > Strike > Massacre
Battering Assault > Vicious Throw > (Ferocity) Devastating Blast > Gore > Massacre > Massacre > Massacre > Assault

Minor Rotation = 8 GCDs
Major Rotation = 24 GCDs


References:Bahadori (Hayete), g_mk, Beastfury


Marauder-Fury | Sentinel-Concentration

(Berserk) Raging Burst > Obliterate > Ravage > Furious Strike > Filler > Battering Assault
Raging Burst > Obliterate > Force Crush > Furious Strike > Force Scream > Filler >Filler

Filler = Vicious Throw (0%/50%) / Vicious Slash (100%/50%)

Major Rotation = 12 GCDs

Comments: 5.0 didn’t change the rotation, it just shortened it by 1 GCD

References: Oofalong


Juggernaut-Immortal | Guardian-Defence

Aegis Assault > Smash > Crushing Blow (Retaliation) > Filler > Filler > Filler > Force Scream (Retaliation) > Filler 
Aegis Assault > Ravage > Crushing Blow (Retaliation) > Filler > Filler > Smash > Force Scream (Retaliation) > Filler 
Aegis Assault > Filler > Crushing Blow (Retaliation) > Filler > Filler > Ravage > Force Scream (Retaliation) > Filler 

Filler = Vicious Throw (0%/20%) / Vicious Slash (20%/0%) / Assault (21%) / Saber Throw (7%) / Force Choke (6%) / Backhand (4%) / Chilling Scream (20%/20%)

Minor Rotation = 8 GCDs
Major Rotation = 24 GCDs

Comments: Tank Classes are handled differently and the dps rotation changes based on the resource proc bonuses of a boss hitting you.  The absorb shield from Force Scream | Blade Storm is included in the calculations

References: KeyboardNinja, Dipstik, Methoxa


Juggernaut-Vengeance | Guardian-Vigilance

Shatter > Vengeful Slam > Filler > Force Scream > Sundering Assault > Impale > Ravage > Vengeful Slam
Shatter > Force Scream > Filler  > Impale > Sundering Assault > Vengeful Slam > Ravage > Force Scream
Shatter > Impale > Filler > Vengeful Slam > Sundering Assault > Force Scream > Ravage > Impale

Filler = Chilling Scream (47%) / Hew (33%) / Saber Throw (20%)

Minor Rotation = 8 GCDs
Major Rotation = 24 GCDs

Comments: The new Utility Piercing Scream provides Chilling Scream with an AOE DoT that does more damage than Hew.

References:GrandlordMenance, VeSev


Juggernaut-Rage | Guardian-Focus

(Enrage) Raging Burst > Furious Strike > Obliterate > Filler > Sundering Assault > Force Crush
Raging Burst > Furious Strike > Obliterate > Retaliation > Force Scream > Chilling Scream

Filler = Retaliation (100%/0%) / Vicious Throw (0%/100%)
Major Rotation = 12 GCDs

Comments: The top passive for this discipline is almost completely useless due to the Rage positive nature of this rotation that has no opportunities to use more Rage intensive moves. No changes to the rotation, just a reduction in total time it takes to complete.  The new Utility Piercing Scream provides Chilling Scream with an AOE DoT that does more damage than Ravage. If fixed (or damage it deals it reduced by more than 30%), then replace with Ravage.



Assassin-Darkness | Shadow-Kinetic Combat

Shock > Filler > Wither > Filler > Shock > Filler > Depredating Volts > Depredating Volts*

Filler = Discharge (6%) / Thrash (0%) / Mault (16%/0%) / Assassinate (0%/16%) / Saber Strike (44%)

Major Rotation = 8 GCDs

Comments: Tank Classes are handled differently and the dps rotation changes based on the resource proc bonuses of a boss hitting you.  Time averaged Absorb is calculated based on the boss attack rate and attack type and the current defense and shield chances.  All rotations for tanks are for Energy Balanced DPS

References: KeyboardNinja, Aelanis, Dipstik, Methoxa


Assassin-Deception | Shadow-Infiltration

Discharge > Filler >(Phantom Stride) Discharge > Ball Lightning
Maul > Reaping Strike > Filler > Ball Lightning
Discharge > Filler > Filler > Ball Lightning
Maul > Filler > Filler > Ball Lightning
Discharge > Reaping Strike > Filler > Ball Lightning
Maul > Filler > Filler > Ball Lightning

Filler = Discharge (7%/7%) / Assassinate (11%/60%) / Maul (5%/5%) / Voltaic Slash (77%/29%)

Major Rotation =N/A

Comments: Deception can use the new utility Reapers Rush to allow Assassinate to be used with Phantom Stride. Assassinate combined with the cheap Reaping Strike and 100% Dark Embrace uptime lets Saber strike usage shrink to 0. Technically this is an unstable rotation because you are at the mercy of Surging Charge Stack generation.  Actual Rotation is a Priority List.

References: Aelanis, TACeMossie


Assassin-Hatred | Shadow-Serenity

Eradicate > Death Field > Creeping Terror > Filler > Discharge > Filler > Eradicate	> Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Death Field >
Eradicate > Filler > Creeping Terror > Filler > Discharge > Filler > Eradicate > Filler > Filler > Death Field > Filler > Filler >
Eradicate > Filler > Creeping Terror > Filler > Discharge > Filler > Eradicate > Death Field > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler >
Eradicate > Filler > Creeping Terror > Filler > Discharge > Death Field > Eradicate > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler >
Eradicate > Filler > Creeping Terror > Death Field > Discharge > Filler > Eradicate > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler >

Filler = Assassinate (18%/53%) / Leeching Strike (22%/18%) / Thrash (35%/6%) / Saber Strike (25%/24%)

Minor Rotation = 12 GCDs
Major Rotation = 60 GCDs

References: Aelanis, TACeMossie


Sorcerer-Corruption | Sage-Seer

Innervate > Innervate* > Consuming Darkness > Filler > Resurgence > Roaming Mend
Innervate > Innervate* > Consuming Darkness > Filler > Resurgence > Static Barrier

Filler = Consuming Darkness (25%) / Revivification (33%) / Static Barrier (0%) / Dark Infusion (17%) / Dark Heal (25%)

Minor Rotation = 5+GCDs
Major Rotation = 10+GCDs

Comments: Healers are Tough to determine when there is not a set rotation and they just respond to situations.  That is why Orderken’s models are nice because they work in the opposite direct from the way I am calculating.  He starts with the assumption that he knows the % of healing each ability will do and he works backwards to find the activation rate that matches those percentages.  Healers should be warned that the gearing assumes a static rotation that may not be representative of an actual fight.

References: Orderken


Sorcerer-Lightning | Sage-Telekinetics

Thundering Blast > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler

Filler = Crushing Darkness (10%) / Lightning Flash (10%) / Chain Lightning (17%) / Shock (10%) / Lightning Bolt (53%)

Minor Rotation = 7 GCDs
Major Rotation = 56 GCDs


References: Keyboardninja, DarthCognusSion


Sorcerer-Madness | Sage-Balance

Demolish > Affliction > Death Field > Clipped Force Lightning > Force Leech > Creeping Terror > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning
Demolish > Clipped Force Lightning > Death Field > Affliction > Clipped Force Lightning > Lightning Strike > Clipped Force Lightning > Creeping Terror > Clipped Force Lightning > Force Leech
Demolish > Clipped Force Lightning > Death Field > Clipped Force Lightning > Lightning Strike > Affliction > Clipped Force Lightning > Force Leech > Clipped Force Lightning > Creeping Terror
Demolish > Clipped Force Lightning > Death Field > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning > Affliction > Force Leech > Clipped Force Lightning
Demolish > Creeping Terror > Death Field > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning > Force Leech > Clipped Force Lightning > Affliction
Demolish > Clipped Force Lightning > Death Field > Creeping Terror > Full Force Lightning > Force Leech > Full Force Lightning > Full Force Lightning > Clipped Force Lightning

Clipped Force Lightning = clip at 1.5s

Minor Rotation =10 GCDs
Major Rotation = 60 GCDs




Mercenary-Bodyguard | Commando-Combat Medic

Healing Scan > Progressive Scan > Emergency Scan > Filler > Filler > Rapid Scan
Healing Scan > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Rapid Scan
Healing Scan > Progressive Scan > Emergency Scan > Filler > Filler > Rapid Scan
Healing Scan > Healing Scan > Healing Scan > Healing Scan > Filler > Filler > Filler

Filler = Kolto Missile (6%) / Kolto Shell (44%) / Kolto Shot (50%)

Minor Rotation = 6-8 GCDs 
Major Roation ~= 32 GCDs

Comments: Healers are tough to determine when there is not a set rotation and they just respond to situations.  That is why Orderken’s models are nice because they work in the opposite direct from the way I am calculating.  He starts with the assumption that he knows the % of healing each ability will do and he works backwards to find the activation rate that matches those percentages.  Healers should be warned that the gearing assumes a static rotation that may not be representative of an actual fight.

References: Orderken


Mercenary-Arsenal | Commando-Gunnery

Tracer Missile > Heartseeker Missile > Priming Shot > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* > Tracer Missile
Tracer Missile > Rail Shot > Tracer Missile > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* > Heartseeker Missile
Tracer Missile > Tracer Missile > Priming Shot > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* > Rail Shot
Tracer Missile > Filler > Tracer Missile > Heartseeker Missile > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* 
Tracer Missile > Filler > Priming Shot > Rail Shot > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts*
Tracer Missile > Heartseeker Missile > Filler > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* > Tracer Missile 
Tracer Missile > Rail Shot > Priming Shot > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* > Heartseeker Missile
Tracer Missile > Tracer Missile > Tracer Missile > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts* > Rail Shot
Tracer Missile > Filler > Priming Shot > Heartseeker Missile > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts*
Tracer Missile > Filler > Tracer Missile > Rail Shot > Blazing Bolts > Blazing Bolts*

Filler = Electronet (20%) / Tracer Missile (40%) / Rapid Shots (40%)

Minor Rotation = 6 GCDs
Major Rotation = 60 GCDs


References: Gyronamics


Mercenary-Innovative Ordinance | Commando-Assault Specialist

Thermal Detonator > Mag Shot > Power Shot > Mag Shot > Serrated Shot > Incendiary Missile > Filler > Unload > Unload*>  Filler

Filler = Electronet (8%) / Missile Blast (0%/50%) / Power Shot (42%/8%) / Rapid Shots (50%/33%)

Major Rotation = 10 GCDs

Comments: This assumes that the current alacrity bug that affects the IO | Assault rotation does not exist. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8568915

References: Gyronamics


Powertech-Shield Tech | Vanguard-Shield Specialist

Rocket Punch > Firestorm > Filler > Filler > Filler
Rocket Punch > Rail Shot > Filler > Filler > Filler

Filler = Jet Charge (8%) / Flame Burst (75%) / Rapid Shots (17%)

Minor Rotation = 5 GCDs
Major Rotation = 10 GCDs

Comments:Tank Classes are handled differently and the dps rotation changes based on the resource proc bonuses of a boss hitting you.  Time averaged Absorb is calculated based on the boss attack rate and attack type and the current defense and shield chances. Heat Blast is used on its effective cooldown.

References: KeyboardNinja, Dipstik, Methoxa


Powertech-Advanced Prototype | Vanguard-Tactics

Filler 1 > Filler 2 > Filler 3 > Filler 4

Filler 1 = Rocket Punch > Magnetic Blast
Filler 2 = Thermal Detonator > Energy Burst > Rail Shot  > Magnetic Blast > Rapid Shots
Filler 3 = Rocket Punch > Energy Burst > Rail Shot > Magnetic Blast > Rapid Shots
Filler 4 = Rail Shot > Thermal Detonator > Energy Burst > Magnetic Blast > Rapid Shots

Filler = Rocket Punch (17%) / Rail Shot (25%) / Thermal Detonator (10%) / Energy Burst (6%) / Magnetic Blast (30%) / Rapid Shots (12%)

Major Rotation = 4 GCDs


References: TACeMossie


Powertech-Pyrotech | Vanguard-Plasmatech

Scorch > Filler > Incendiary Missile > Filler > Searing Wave > Filler > Immolate > Filler > Rail Shot > Filler
Filler > Filler > Incendiary Missile > Filler > Searing Wave > Filler > Immolate > Filler > Rail Shot > Filler

Filler = Flaming Punch (30%) / Flame Burst (38%) / Rapid Shots (32%)

Minor Rotation = 10 GCDs
Major Rotation = 20 GCDs

Comments: Flaming Punch can now be used on Cooldown.

References: TACeMossie


Sniper-Marksman | Gunslinger-Sharpshooter

Penetrating Blasts > Penetrating Blasts* > Followthrough
(Sniper Volley) Penetrating Blasts > Penetrating Blasts* > Followthrough > Ambush > Followthrough > Corrosive Dart > Snipe > Snipe > Filler > Followthrough
Penetrating Blasts > Penetrating Blasts* > Followthrough > Ambush > Followthrough > Filler > Snipe > Snipe > Corrosive Dart > Followthrough
Penetrating Blasts > Penetrating Blasts* > Followthrough > Ambush > Followthrough > Filler > Snipe > Snipe > Filler > Followthrough

Filler = Snipe (50%/0%) / Rifle Shot (50%/38%) / Takedown (0%/63%)

Minor Rotation = 10+ GCDs
Major Rotation = 30+ GCDs


References: DieGhostDie, Frettz


Sniper-Engineering | Gunslinger-Saboteur

Series of Shots > Series of Shots* > EMP Discharge > Interrogation Probe > Filler > Plasma Probe
Series of Shots > Series of Shots* > Explosive Probe > Fragmentation Grenade > Filler > Plasma Probe

Filler = Orbital Strike (25%) / Corrosive Dart (40%) / Rifle Shot (35%)

Minor Rotation = 6 GCDs
Major Rotation = 12 GCDs


References: Camelpockets


Sniper-Virulence | Gunslinger-Dirty Fighting

Corrosive Dart > Corrosive Grenade > Takedown > Weakening Blast > Cull > Cull*
Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Cull > Cull*
Series of Shots > Series of Shots* > Takedown > Weakening Blast > Cull > Cull*
Corrosive Dart > Corrosive Grenade > Filler > Filler> Cull > Cull*
Series of Shots > Series of Shots* > Takedown > Weakening Blast > Cull > Cull*
Filler > Filler > Filler > Filler > Cull > Cull*

Filler = Lethal Shot (65%) / Corrosive Mine (Covered Escape) (20%) / Rifle Shot (15%)

Minor Rotation = 6 GCDs
Major Rotation = 36 GCDs

Comments: Filler is determined by the presence of Weakening Blast and available energy

References:TACeMossie, Yolo


Operative-Medicine | Scoundrel-Sawbones

Recuperative Nanotech > Filler > Kolto Wave > Kolto Wave* > Kolto Injection > Kolto Infusion > Filler > Filler
Recuperative Nanotech > Filler > Filler > Filler > Kolto Injection > Kolto Infusion > Kolto Wave > Kolto Wave*
Recuperative Nanotech > Filler > Filler > Filler > Kolto Injection > Kolto Infusion > Filler > Filler

Filler = Surgical Probe (79%) / Kolto Probe (0%) / Diagnostic Scan (21%)

Minor Rotation = 8+ GCDs
Major Rotation = 36+ GCDs

Comments: Healers are Tough to determine when there is not a set rotation and they just respond to situations.  That is why Orderken’s models are nice because they work in the opposite direction from the way I am calculating.  He starts with the assumption that he knows the % of healing each ability will do and he works backwards to find the activation rate that matches those percentages.  Healers should be warned that the gearing assumes a static rotation that is not representative of an actual fight. This rotation is only slightly valid for 3 targets.
The new utility for making Kolto Infusion Instant decreases the total healing of the move by ~7% but it front loads the healing

References: Orderken


Operative-Concealment | Scoundrel-Scrapper

Veiled Strike > Laceration > Backstab > Filler
Veiled Strike > Laceration > Laceration > Filler

Filler = Volatile Substance (33%) / Crippling Slice (33%) / Corrosive Dart (8%) / Laceration (25%) 
Minor Rotation = 4 GCDs
Major Rotation = 24 GCDs

Comments: The new passive allows for the complete elimination of Rifle shots due to increased number of Lacerates.



Operative-Lethality | Scoundrel-Ruffian

Toxic Blast > Corrosive Assault > Corrosive Assault > Filler
Shiv > Corrosive Assault > Corrosive Assault > Filler
Shiv > Corrosive Assault > Toxic Blast > Filler
Shiv > Corrosive Assault > Corrosive Assault > Filler
Shiv > Corrosive Assault > Corrosive Assault > Filler

Filler 2 = Lethal Strike (50%) / Corrosive Grenade (25%) / Corrosive Dart (25%)

Minor Rotation = 4 GCDs
Major Rotation = 20 GCDs

Comments: Cooldowns (Holotraverse, Stealth, Stim Boost) can be used to get additional Tactical Advantage every ~30s for a Corrosive Assaults. CD and CG are spaced apart to allow Lethal strike to be used on cooldown.




Edited by Goblin_Lackey
Update for 5.0
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You're doing great work. Now to go swallow my sadness as a Concealment Operative with no AOE and the second to worst single target DPS in the game.


Could be worse


RIP Pyro. Again.


Also remember that the armor values are not quite right (as said in OP), so specs without armor pen or high amounts of elemental damage are being artificially inflated (e.g. Tactics/AP) due to not enough armor - EDIT: This statement was me reading stuff incorrectly.


whats the cry mean in (Xxcry)?



Edited by TACeMossie
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Thank you for your marvelous work for starters.

So, since differences are negligible within ~100-200 rating points as stated above, every dps discipline has basically the same stat distribution? How convenient :rak_01:


Just one curiosity about lightning, are you taking into account the fact that Recklessness doesn't supercrit?


Edit: nvm, i saw on that awesome spreadsheet that you indeed have bonus crit added to Thundering Blast (cell B327). That's not working unfortunately in Live, so lightning is actually even lower than that, I don't know by how much, but still...

Edited by Kawabonga
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Note: Unlettered Mods and the Relics are Reactive Warding and Shield Amplification


Am I to read this correctly that the unlettered mods are better than the B-versions, even though they trade defensive stats at about a 2:1 ratio with Endurance?

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Am I to read this correctly that the unlettered mods are better than the B-versions, even though they trade defensive stats at about a 2:1 ratio with Endurance?


The numbers are geared towards minimizing damage taken, so endurance is treated as useless in this regard. In reality though, you'll probably want not only B-mods, but also Bulwark/Bastion enhancements so you can survive spike damage in some of the HM Fights (e.g. Tyrans, Raptus)

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Again, thx for post


Can i ask what does the * (Asterisk) mean in your rotations? And are the rotations fully executable? For example in the Mercanary IO rotation there are two Unloads following each other and afaik, Unload has 12sec CD, which means it's not repeatable.

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Again, thx for post


Can i ask what does the * (Asterisk) mean in your rotations? And are the rotations fully executable? For example in the Mercanary IO rotation there are two Unloads following each other and afaik, Unload has 12sec CD, which means it's not repeatable.


He is showing GCD by GCD what abilities are used. Since Unload (ignoring Alacrity) channels for 3s it spans 2 GCDs.

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Again, thx for post


Can i ask what does the * (Asterisk) mean in your rotations? And are the rotations fully executable? For example in the Mercanary IO rotation there are two Unloads following each other and afaik, Unload has 12sec CD, which means it's not repeatable.


It means that the ability is channeled/casted/whatever and takes up 2 GCDs.


For Example

Ravage > Ravage* 

indicates that Ravage will be taking up 2 GCDs, as opposed to something like

Battering Assault > Force Rend

where the > indicates a change in GCD.

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Rankings notwithstanding, the difference between the best DPS spec and worst DPS spec ain't all that bad. Of course, we'll see what happens when these specs go up against an actual boss with movement, swapping targets, and long range instead of a targeting dummy.
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Am I to read this correctly that the unlettered mods are better than the B-versions, even though they trade defensive stats at about a 2:1 ratio with Endurance?


There is actually a simple reason I used unlettered mods here:


There are no 224 b-mods.


Thus I went with the expediant display method and used the same basic inputs for all of the classes. I have levers to look into different (more hp) versions of tank gearing (b mods, dps relics, ect) but for clarity and consistency, I am using maximum mitigation for the moment.

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Amazing work!


I am still in process of gathering enough raiding data for 4.0 (and people are obviously far from BiS), but its gonna be interesting to see how these "potentional" mean DPS/DTPS values translate into real encounters.


Thanks for your effort!

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how about Relics for DPS/Heals? I've been comparing AP and crit Relic as a Sage Heal and the crit relic was slightly better. Is it possible to put the Hot-Relic into consideration? For commandos AP+Crit will probably be BIS because of their probes. But as a Sage or Scoundrel Heal...Crit+Hot Relic could be the way to go.

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